Monday, March 15, 2010

He Hovers Over Us...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I the Holy Spirit hover and brood over you.
 I have sealed you for the day of redemption.
 I am your teacher. I am your comforter.
 Your faith worketh by love. For it is I who has shed love abroad in your heart.
 For I am the Holy Spirit.
This is a sweet word that the Lord has given me.

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Roxy that was so nice. It is the wee hours of the morning, I just finished feeding the baby and I wanted to pop over to your beautiful blog and be encouraged and I sure was! I loved visiting with you over the phone yesterday. I hope you were able to figure out how to add your site that you liked to your blogroll.

    Also I forgot to give you my address, although I couldn't have given it to yesterday while I was at the store, because I still don't know it! :P But I will be sure to call you soon with it :)

    Much love dear Roxy!

  2. Hey there!

    I wanted to stop by for a visit and thank you for visiting my blog and joining to follow!

    I love meeting new bloggin' sisters in the Lord and now following you! Blessed by your blog and love the word the Holy Spirit gave you!! Thank you for sharing!

    Sweet Blessings!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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