Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mother and Child And Set Apart...

~I love this picture it makes me happy every time I look at it~

 It reminds me of what is really important...
 The life of each and every child, Has a God given purpose and plan and destiny
Prepared before the foundation of the world;

The word of the Lord says 
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

Now just think about this for a minute (the nations) is our own back yard.
 So each of us and all of our children and our grandchildren, have this same call.
 The children of God are set apart...

The purpose: to speak life and truth, pray for hearing ears, then to obey what He has asked of you.

Now, I want to say that this lovely picture was a gift to me, from my friend Pam
 And she is a talented artist.
 This is only one of her many God given talents!! Thanks Pam


  1. So encouraging Roxy,
    love you dearly and miss you terribly :(

    And wow and I didn't know that was mom's painting!
    She is so so talented and I wish I got some of that in my blood lol!

    ~ Marie

  2. Roxy, what a sweet blessing to me that you posted this picture... I had forgotten all about it until you showed it to me the other day. I also just love the scripture application that you put with it. Had such a wonderful time baking at your house the other day. Looking forward to the next sewing day.
    Much love,


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