Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sweeter Than Chocolate...

One thing we can count on this month is Chocolate!
I love the smell of chocolate,
I love the texture of it as it melts in your mouth.

They say that the dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants!
The new super health food!

No doubt there are some of you out there who do not even like chocolate;
Oh well, we still can be friends...

 There are four basic food groups
Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate
Chocolate Truffles.

As much as I love Chocolate, I have come to know that
We long for something to fill our empty voids at times.
Sometimes it is any kind of food or a sweet treat!
We have a need given to us by our creator,
And all the chocolate in the world will not fill it...

What we need is intimate.
We must be heard.
Our hearts must be safe.
Our longings must be met.

There is only one place I feel complete and full!
Sitting at my Savior's feet!

After I sit with Him awhile, I feel my strength and zeal return.
Our days and nights can drain your strength;
But He is the sweetest and living water!

I want to sit at His feet drink the cup from His hand
Lay back against Him and breath!
I want to feel His heart beat!

Give me, Jesus!

Thank You Lord for all the sweet blessings and favor;
 His words are sweeter and richer, than anything this world has to offer!


  1. So true Roxy....there is nothing sweeter than our Lord! Chocolate is a weakness of mine too though! Just had a bowl of chocolate ice cream while watching the Super Bowl...or listening to it while I catch up on my blog reading. Have a blessed week my friend...Vicky

  2. Oh, Roxy what a sweet analogy. We so need Jesus more than anything. We try to fill that void with so many things. Whether I like to admit it or not, that includes food. So thankful for His mercy and grace who loves me in spite of myself and draws me back. Thanks for this sweet post. We all need to be reminded. Your blog inspires me.

  3. Jesus is what we need, my dear Roxy.
    Thanks for blessing our hearts with these words. Blessings :-)

  4. Amen. I love your analogy. I also love chocolate but I find my hope in Christ.

  5. I love me some chocolate but I love my Jesus first and foremost! What a great post! You are a blessing to me :)

  6. Yes, give me Jesus. :) Blessings!

  7. Thank you Roxie. This is very special for m.

  8. A beautiful and true post, Roxy, but I wouldn't want to give up chocolate!


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