Saturday, October 11, 2014

Barns And Their Beauty...

Barn, Country, Rustic, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Barns and their haunting beauty...

They stand in majestic stature.

No matter their age or how they have withstood the years.
They are beautiful...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Some barns stand in solitude in a field all alone...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

They have stood so long, that their last coat of red paint
has faded to a rustic color...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Some have windows, with the glass panes long ago broken out and missing...

Tin Roof, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

The rust has set in on the tin roofs...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

A gray barn seems to say "I am different and I am Okay"

This barn has been kept in prime condition,
It has had many face lifts in its many years!

Lonely and unattended...

Proud and tall and on its original rock foundation.
"A firm foundation"

Even to the setting sun
You are beautiful...

Barns are as American as apple pie and freedom...

A green barn seems out of place, but it was quaint!
Country and stylish...

"A working barn"

Large and lovely she was a grand barn in her day...

Barns were part of the livelihood for the American frontier and families...

A barn is a home to these little ones...

This barn is on a big incline;
It was probably hard in the winter snows and ice...

A side of a barn...

This barn was over 100 years old!
Just better with age...

Which way is the wind blowing?

How many hands have touched this barn door handle?

Good fences and boundaries keep us safe...

"Fields of gold and amber waves"
The breadbasket...

The harvest is gathered and placed in the waiting barns...

May this be a blessing to all who get to see the amazing
 Heritage we have in this country
"May God bless America"
From sea to shining sea...

Feel free to forward this post... 


  1. I love old barns. Wonder what the draw to them are, maybe because they are a link to the past when life seems to have been more calm and simple or just childhood memories1 Anyway I love them and your post! Thanks for sharing the memories of these grand barns.

  2. Wow! those photographs are beautiful Roxy.
    I love old barns and rarely pass on without taking a picture.
    One of the reasons I fell in love with our place here in Alabama was the old barn on the property.
    It had fallen into disrepair and the carpenter suggested we tear it down and start over, but I couldn't do it.
    Instead we redid the foundation, and replaced the rotted barnwood.
    I could have modernized it, but I chose not to. I keep my tractor and large tools down there. I often go and hang my legs out of the hayloft and think about the world and what not :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful photographs. I love old barns as well.

  4. What beautiful photos! I always thought it would be fun to play in the loft of a barn.

  5. What wonderful old barns! I really love them. I was just telling someone that our old barns were taken down about 20 years ago. They had stood since 1850. Too sad! xo Diana

  6. Oh, I love each of these creative art pieces.
    We don't see very many of these wonders in my neck of the woods.
    Thank you!

  7. Lovely photos of the barns and fields!

  8. I love old barns as well and the many purposes they serve. I saw some of the most beautiful ones in Amish country in Ohio. Loved all your photos ans your message today Roxy! Have a blessed weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  9. Well, you are quite the photographer my dear! These barn photos are just fabulous. I never saw a barn I didn't! Have a great Sunday, Roxy!

  10. It's interesting how Australia and the U.S. are different in some aspects and barns is one. We call them sheds and made of steel and never painted red! They are no way as pretty as your barn but still very practical. This is such a lovely collection of beauitful barns.

    Have a wonderful day :))

  11. I love barns and your photos are fabulous! The first one with the wheat in the foreground is breathtaking! We have an abandoned and lonely barn just North of our back yard. I love seeing it, but now there is talk of it being torn down and a subdivision put in. I will be so sad to see it go. Like your said, part of our American heritage!

  12. Happy Sunday!

    I just love old barn pictures. They are truly amazing and if you could just imagine what lies in those old walls and the stories they could share.

    Amazing beauty!


  13. Lovely photographs Roxie... and even lovelier commentary....

  14. Just wonderful pictures Rox. I love old barns too. It is hard to resist them. Great job. I 'm so glad you took all of these when you were on your trip.
    Love and Blessings,

  15. I adore this post! Just think, the barns were often much more grand than the homes!


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