Saturday, September 12, 2015

Why The Little Things Matter...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Little Things

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much
And whosoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.
Luke 16:10

It is in the little things that make life precious and sweet!

Tiny is huge when it is looked upon as a portion as onto the Lord...

Itsy Bitsy is a joy when it is appreciated...

What do you do with the little portions of time and energy you are given?
What do you use the monies that are given you each week?
What do you do with your spare moments in your day?

I love little kisses
I love the little buttons on baby clothing
I love little muffins
I love the little notes that come in the mail
I love little notebooks
I love bookmarks
I love little tiny roses
I love soft voices and giggles in the night

May I give the little things as much attention as the big things in my life!

Can I be faithful in the portion that has been given to me?

Will I love my Husband above myself?
Will I grow old with grace and beauty?
Will I esteem others above myself?
Will I be a true friend to those ladies God has given me?
Will I give honor where honor is due?
Will I be honest in my daily dealings?

"May I not fudge on the truth
May, I not allow a slip of my tongue
May, I not neglect good habits
May, I not have covetness in my heart towards anyone"

These are all little things in themselves;
But in the Lords eyes, they are what show Him that we can be trusted!

It's in the small matters of everyday life that the true witness
Of Christ in us is lived out!

When I think that this little blog does not matter;
I am reminded that it is for His glory!

Little words of wisdom can help change the course of ones thinking!
Little changes can bring restoration back into a marriage.
Little changes can change your life in a big way...


  1. Oh Roxy, your "little blog" blesses me "big time"! I'm sorry I don't comment but your blog is one of the first I turn to for spiritual refreshment. I too love the little things and I often tell my Precious Husband how it doesn't take much to make me happy :-) Thank your for your faithfulness in blogland ministry.

  2. Mrs. Roxy, I love the way you see the world. As a very flawed young wife and fledgling Christian (I've only been back in the church for a few years after an awful rebellion), I appreciate your words. I am seeing the error of my former life and been wondering how to spend these quiet evenings. Seems that the Lord wants me to return to the little things I enjoyed as a youth in the faith, before the world and its glamour grabbed me. I may not be doing big exciting things out in the world, but I want to do lots of good little things for God. Blessings to you for this helpful and encouraging post.

  3. Thanks Roxy, for reminding us of the little things, they do matter. I will look for those "little things" today in my life to acknowledge and give thanks for and use as a guide to make improvements on!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. Dear Roxy,

    I always it only takes one thing to change everything. It really does.

    Your words were so powerful and far-reaching today. You're right about the blogging, too. When you want to just quit, you realize that for even one reader, it's worth it. Huge difference is made by one "small" voice.

    Letters Unfolded

  5. This little blog of yours has made a big impact on my life, Roxy....and on the lives of my daughter, and her daughters....your faithfulness and prayer have played a big part in their spiritual well-being. I thank God for you, dear one.
    Love you.

  6. Hi Roxy, yes how important are the little things in life. Your post reminds us how the little things make up the bigger picture that the Lord sees in our hearts. Thank you for sharing and always inspiring my friend.
    Love your sweet pink pic!!
    Blessings, cm

  7. What a sweet post Roxy. Yes, the little things are the big things if you ask me! If we are always looking at the big picture and don't take time to discover the little things we will certainly miss out!

  8. So very true Roxy! I love this post! Little things and changes do make a difference in life. I often's the little things. I truly mean that. Sounds like you do as well! Hugs to you my sweet friend!

  9. Roxy,
    I have learned that the little things in life are indeed the big things in life! I so appreciate the little things and try not to ever take them for granted! Lovely post and I love the pink covered jars! So pretty!

  10. When you put it in that perspective, it is the little things that make something special (I was thinking of the little details on clothing or celebrations etc) it's what makes things stand out. So easily applied to our day to day for sure. You always make me think Roxy, always blessed by your little space here

  11. Roxy, your blog really does matter! God brought you into my life for encouragement, reflection, understanding and so much more!! You my dear sister are a wonderful teacher and role model. I agree, the jars are wonderful. That's another thing, you are a lovely writer and I always enjoy the pictures.

  12. True words here, my dear Roxy! I do love all kinds of little things too and sometimes the thing that takes the least amount of effort on our a smile for instance...can change the whole day for someone else or even ourselves! Great post!

  13. Amen! I think in today's world people think big is better. I always think of the verse where God cares for the little sparrow. If he cares for such a little bird, He certainly notices the little things in our lives. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I enjoy reading your inspiration more than a little bit.
    Blessings to you!

  15. Well said! I will have to say I just love your pink stash of stuff!

  16. Beautifully said, sweet friend. I am always so blessed and encouraged by you, Roxy - thank you for being such a lovely light!

    And thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Love to you!

  17. Yes, small things do matter. Your bog post has given me much to think about and somethings to change. Thank you Roxy, you are a blessing.


  18. Good morning Roxy, I have FEATURED this today on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  19. What a lovely post - thank you so much for sharing these important words with us.
    I found your little place here while visiting at the Art of Home-Making Mondays blog hop.

  20. Good Morning Rox, I have had a lovely time scrolling through your posts this morning and catching up on a few that I have missed, as I am enjoying a moment of peace before my day gets too busy. I had to stop and leave my comment here, because I loved this post… it is a "little" bit of perfect. Thanks for the lovely chat last night, and the delightful company with my coffee here this morning. Have a wonderful day.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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