All Of Our Days Can Be The Good Old Days...
Once again I sit here in the early morning and think of what
Cold days can be expected in the month of December!
I love that it gets dark early so we must come in and relax and
Enjoy those long winter nights!
Our generation is a GO generation...
Always busy, always looking at their phone.
Do you ever just stop and ask yourself this question
"Why do you do what you do?"
I do not mind being busy for a season!
I just wanted to encourage each of you today with a few thoughts!
This first one may sound harsh, but I believe it merits at least
To be mentioned!
If you have a friendship that is completely one sided
(You do all the calling, You put all the effort into it)
Emotional, and supporting of them, and there is
NO reciprocation!
Then may I suggest letting it start to fade;
Ask God is this one you should continue to invest in?
(Because there are some people we all have in our lives that it is going to be this way)
But there are some relationships that just need to go by the wayside.
~You should be investing in your Husband and Family~
But God Knows we all need a good friend!
Being wise and spending your time in investing in healthy relationships!
And we can be kind to all, but realistically we only have so much energy
But when God gives you and a kindred spirit friend; love her and honor her!
The reason we need to evaluate friendships;
Because a true friend is a treasure!
Impart into those friendships that will produce fruit!
Take some time and send a card or call those that are near and dear
To Your Heart...
Be open to new ones God may bring to you!!
Be willing to let go of the ones that are fading!!
God will always remove those that are not good for you;
(But you must ask Him to do that for you)
Allow God to manage who He wants in your life!
Try to make a few hours each month to fellowship with a friend!
A few good friends is better than being friends with everyone...
Writing a letter will always be worth your time;
(I have saved every written note sent to me in my adult life)
Remember, having an older woman in your life is very biblical!
Okay, bake a chocolate cake and serve your husband and family,
But save a piece for a dear friend and enjoy each others company.
Because a good friend is like chocolate
It is meant to be shared and enjoyed!

So VERY,very true, Roxy. I have had friendships that I have had to just let go. It is sad sometimes and almost painful to end a friendship with someone that you have loved as a friend but no longer connect with on some level. Great post, Roxy. xo Diana
ReplyDeleteIt's never easy to let a dear friendship fade, but sometimes it seems impossible to keep it alive. When we moved cross-country from Nebraska I tried in vain for years to keep friendships alive through notes and calls. I finally realized that that particular season in life was over and God had provided new friendships to nurture. Wise words today my friend
Oh Roxy, how nice to hear I'm not the only person in the world who enjoys the shorter days! I had to re-read to make sure I understand it right! This past July I had to let a friendship fade and it is painful. Thank you for this post. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteRoxy, you always have such wise words! I did just that this past year, let go of a friendship that I did all of the work. We had been friends for years, even owned a business together. But it was always I who was working at it. One day her, I, and another friend were together. She was quite rude to me. I came home and told my husband. He said, "Jann, you have a lot of friends and you don't need a friend like that." It hit me like a ton of books and I have let it fade away. Sad thing is she has totally cut her off from all of us. Sometimes I feel bad and worry that she has something going on in her life, but I am happy and she has not reached out to me. It was definitely time to let it go. I have found quite a few new friends this year as well. Loving my new friendships!
Thank you for sharing this today. It's been on my heart for awhile now. So very true that the Lord is the one who brings people into our lives and who also ushers them out. I don't think it's ever easy to say goodbye, but so very true that when it's time, it's time. I love your note on how to always make sure that we keep our priorities of meeting our families needs first. All in the right balance.
ReplyDeleteSo very very true...
ReplyDeleteI could not agree more. : )
And your cake looks delicious!
Wish we could share a piece...
Have a cozy day!
I learned a long time ago;
ReplyDelete"Some people pass through our lives for a reason, some for a season, others for a life time.".
I have had to let a few friendships go, too, and it has taught me to be very careful before I get close to someone. It is easier to begin slow than to get into a friendship quickly and then realize it's not a good one.
ReplyDeleteThat chocolate cake looks delicious! xo Deborah
Good thoughts, Roxy. I have one special friend, a friend of probably 40 years, and although we don't get together as often as we should or would like, it is a joy to spend time with her. She and I always encourage one another in the Lord, so very different than the 'friends' who simply drag you down and eat up your time. Getting out in the winter is not my favorite thing, so I should do more correspondence on paper.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post Roxy. I value my friendships! I feel so blessed and fortunate to have old, old friends and also, new blogging friends. People I have never met, but our paths have crossed and I have gotten to know them and their families. It is indeed a blessing of the human spirit...things that connect certanly has enriched my life. I so hope you are enjoying our Christmas season! What a lovely looking chocolate cake!
ReplyDeleteHello Dear Roxy. I thought I was strange for loving this time of year....sitting in the candle light...sometimes by myself. It gives me time to thank the Lord for the day, and sit in His peace, and enjoy His presence. In the summer, I am so busy working outside every moment of daylight...yes, I can talk to Him during gardening....but I lose my focus more while working.
ReplyDeleteYour words on friendships are wise. I feel I've let my blog go over the warm weather months, and unfortunately my communication with blogging friends, as well.
IG is easy...but not very good for communicating with my blog friends.
Great post!!
What a sweet blessing you are and I needed some comfort. I cannot even begin to share the heartache I have toward words that a family member shared with me about my dying father that crushed me. I will survive and hopefully bounce back after some grieving takes place.
ReplyDeleteRoxy, Tis true, some friendships need to fade. So true.
I had the rare treat of meeting a friend at Chik Fil A for an hour or so this week. What a joy!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being my blog friend and my older woman (not by much I'm sure).
Hugs to you!
Christmas Blessings,
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage