Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How To Make Your Own Beauty Facial Spray...

Facial Beauty Sprizer, Essential Oils, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Beauty Facial Spray 

Using a spray spritzer bottle you will add these ingredients; 
Start with some essential oils that are good for your skin 
Examples (Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary) 

Add a few drops of each of these essential oils to your spritzer bottle; (About 10 drops total or less) 
Add now 3-4 drops of an emollient oil, Examples: (Olive Oil, Almond Oil) 
Add 5 drops of Glycerin for an emulsifier 
Now fill the rest of the bottle with Witch Hazel 

Shake and spritz it lightly on your face for a refreshing and healing balm 
Can be used each Morning and Evening! 
I use mine after I apply my Foundation makeup, 
And even on a hot summer day, or on a cold day where my skin feels parched! 

Tip: Make it light on the oils, yet emollient and healing!

Tip: Close your eyes when applying!

Ingredients Needed 
 Spray Bottle 
 I Use a small bottle to assure it stays fresh 
Essential Oils 
Emollient oil 
Witch Hazel 

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog... Facial SpraySpray Bottle, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I hope you will try making your own Beauty Facial Spray
 You could even have a party;
Ask a few friends to come over and gather some supplies;
You could ask them to bring some of their favorite oils!
You can purchase these spray bottles on line and order some oils;
(I prefer Young Living Essential Oils)

I also make my own perfume blends with my oils and with a carrier oil;
I may do a post on that also!

As Always,  Loving and Living For His Glory...


  1. I have most of the ingredients. I will look for a nice spray bottle today. I have an after foundation spray, but this one sounds much nicer. Thanks!

  2. How fun! I am a Young Living distributor although not many know it. I do it so I can get my oils at wholesale.

  3. Thanks for sharing how to make your own facial spray Roxy. I love using a facial spray before I add moisturizer to my face. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  4. What a lovely idea! This would be a great homemade facial toner, and I have my own oils as well. I love finding new recipes using essential oils :)


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