Monday, January 13, 2020

Should I Start A YouTube Channel...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been trying to decide if opening a YouTube Channel is for me??

What are the benefits?
Would I enjoy having to create a video clip for it?
I guess I could just experiment and see where it goes!
I did not even realize blogger had a place to do this on my blog!

Well, welcome to a new decade...
Do you have any suggestions or comments!

The quality of this video is not good at all;
But once again, I would be entering a new learning curve!

I have to ask myself if this is a good way to use my time;
And will this reach more people?
Also, Maybe I should just use Blogger and not bother with YouTube!
I could sure use some feedback!
Thanks so much!

I guess everything is really trial and error,
It is how we learn and overcome the things we do not know how to do!

Grace, Grace...
Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Roxy, I enjoyed your video and hearing your voice. I like the idea of you doing vlog but only as time permit. I hope you continue to write here but I still think you should consider putting your thoughts in book form.😊

  2. Personally, I don't have time to sit and listen to videos. I scan through my emails and if one catches my eye, I'll hop over to read an entire post (if it's not too long!). I'm also trying to decrease social media time this year. But you have a pretty substantial following here and would probably get good interaction on Youtube. Just not from me. Sorry! Still love to see what wisdom you post on your blog though. Much love, my friend~

  3. 2020 seems a good time for you to try this new idea. If you don't care for it, you can always stop, so I say give it a try. I watched your video and it made it seem like a friendly visit with you. I prefer reading blogs and books and likely won't watch your videos in future. See you here in blogland.

  4. I'm the opposite of the one who doesn't watch videos... Because I'm always caring for children are home and listening to YouTube is so enjoyable and convenient and easier than focusing and reading. I love you Roxy!

  5. No one has to watch a video if there is nothing going on and the speaker is just talking. It can be listened to while washing dishes.

  6. I prefer the written blog format.
    Videos take too much time, IMHO.

  7. I would love it if you did videos! I listen while I do my housework and it's so nice to have encouragement and some advice while I get it done. I put my headphones on put my phone in my apron pocket and my work gets done and I feel like someone kept me company and I learned something! So please make videos!! Long videos like Lydia would be wonderful! God Bless.

  8. I absolutely love your video sharing. I hope that you continue. I would watch and listen to each video twice! You and Lydia Sherman are kindred spirits i think:-) Go for it; i'm sure that you will find a good loyal following on Youtube. I hope that you have a day to cherish. God Bless. (from isabella)

  9. You did so very well, Roxy. I enjoy your blog and now I have heard your voice!

  10. Oh Roxy....I am thrilled to see you "in person"! what a great idea! You shared so many wonderful thoughts and ideas on your video. I am excited to meet up with you soon! I will email my number.

  11. Variety is such a welcome to any blog!
    Your YouTube, was so much fun to see and hear you. So much more personal in this non-personal world.
    Great job!

  12. Roxy, you are a natural! It is so wonderful to hear your lovely voice and and put life behind still pictures of you. There is no way I could ever sit in front of a video camera and look and sound so proficient. I say go for it, girl! And I will watch whenever I see a new post up! Awesome!

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  15. You are a total natural! Great!

  16. Lovely! If you stay in one place and don’t move around and show us a lot of things I would listen while doing housework regularly. I enjoy Lydia’s channel and it would be nice to hear even more words of encouragement and wisdom. Thank you

  17. Roxy, I enjoyed your video very much, you really are a natural with the camera! I agree with you, we have to accommodate technology as it moves forward and make it work for us, I wish you well in this new endeavor of yours and I look forward to more videos!Blessings to you!!

  18. I like that you move around and let us be part of your homemaking....we can just listen if too busy to watch😊...just thought

  19. I think you did a wonderful job with your first video. Keep going - you have a nice voice and a pleasant demeanor, and I love your viewpoint and attitude about homekeeping.

    One question. You mention Pixabay. Do you have to pay to use their photos? Do you contribute your photos to use on their website?



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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