Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Make A Delicious Dumpling...


Homemade Dumplings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Ingredients Needed:
2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp salt
1 TBL. Baking Powder
2 TBL. Vegetable oil
1 egg, beaten
1 cup warm milk
Salt and pepper the tops of them after you drop them in the broth...

Add dry ingredients, mix well in a bowl
In a measuring glass warm your milk, then add your oil and the beaten egg!

Pour this into the dry ingredients, the dough will be a bit sticky.

Now, Drop a spoonful of the dumpling mixture into hot chicken broth;
Cover and steam for about 4 to 5 minutes. Do not allow it to be a roiling boil
 The tops will look cooked and a bit firm after cooking time.

Carefully remove dumplings with a slotted spoon onto a plate with paper towel, to drain extra liquid
Cover in a separate container from the soup or broth, as this allows you to keep them from getting soggy.  These taste yummy warmed up and topped with a bit of butter. Or place in a bowl and add your chicken soup stock with veggies!

 I like to eat them just by themselves!

These are very simple to make and require only a few ingredients!

This was my own version for making dumplings!

I have very fond memories of eating dumplings as a child,
Our Mother made them often for dinner.
It is a nice change from having potatoes or rice all the time!

But I finally came to the conclusion something was just missing from the
Flavor and texture of my Mothers dumplings;
So I did a bit of testing and found it needed more salt and an egg for richness!
The liquid needed to be thicker than broth or water, so I tried warm milk.
Warming the milk really did make a difference in the batter.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These dumplings only take about 5 minutes to cook;
Just have them at a light boil and cook with the lid on the pan!

So if anyone ever calls you Dumplen,
They my dear are giving you a compliment...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog, Dumplings

I promise you will love this easy, yummy comfort food!
They last for about 5 days covered in the refrigerator.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Amazing Strength And Know How Comes From Teaching And Learning...

Teaching one another, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why we need each other...

Some of you are great cooks and amazing bakers
Some of you are so funny and have the greatest sense of humor.
Some of you are so beautiful in your physical appearance.
Some of you are very strong with physical strength.
Some of you are so crafty.
Some of you can sing like a bird.

~No one is good at everything~
That is why we are in need of each other;
I may admire your special strong points, but they are not mine!

I have heard that we can develop gifts and traits at any age.
We must never stop experimenting at learning new things...

We are all called to teach and train one another in many arenas;
Older women teach the younger woman!
It does tell us that it encompasses how to love ones husband and children.
But God has also many things that develop a warm and loving home.
Like being a better cook, or baker of special treats.
(A Hubby Loves Good Food)

I was talking to a friend about reading a pattern instruction that teaches
You how to sew something or crochet an item.
I told her it required me to pray and ask God for help as I did not understand the How To!

We need help from Him!!
But we need each others expertise in so many other areas!

My friend told me well at lease think of all the new brain cells I was growing!
(I loved hearing that line in our conversation)

Now, this is a powerful truth dear ones;
We will only stop growing if we stop...

Growing each and every new season is real living!

Strength comes from Him
When we are weak, He is strong
When we do not know how to do something we ask a friend or find a class,
That teaches what we need to learn! God wants us to learn and grow!

And my challenge here for you is this!
What do you know that you can teach another?
What do you need to learn, that another could teach you or help you with it?

Lack of know how is no excuse...
Ignorance is not a disease!
It is what comes about when we as women are not teaching the next generation!

What is it that you have a good knowledge of that you could share with others?
This is what helping and teaching others really is about!
We must never stop learning and growing...
You are never too old or too young to learn something new!

Grow in spirit and truth and learn how to be the best
Homemaker you can be...

Maybe you could plan a class and invite some people over,
To share something that is a real blessing!
In these settings you grow in relationships and love
And we fulfill our biblical calling;

What skill do you know that you could teach another?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Is A Watchwoman...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Watchwoman And Roses...

One of my favorite scriptures or word picture that I just find
Fascinating for me comes from Proverbs 31:27

~She "watches" over the ways of her household~

As wives and mothers and homemakers, we are the "Watchwoman"
That is referred to in this scripture!

Glory to Glory Blog

There is a wall that surrounds your home and land and sphere of influence;

As we walk upon the tops of this wall that surrounds are loved ones,
We look out into the far distance, watching for prey that means to harm.

We keep our eyes close to the bottom of the wall for any danger trying
to scale the walls that surround our homes!

We need discernment to know what is trying to get close to our homes;
And even try to weasel its way into our sanctuaries.

I have had to keep watch for the things that bring harm!
We can so easily just allow so many things into our lives and relationships
that can destroy a foundation built on truth!
We can not become careless in this calling.

I hope you ladies lovingly keep watch daily for whatever might bring harm!

I feel that we need to keep very alert and appreciate this position;
This is where you can practice wisdom from above,
A woman can just have that special knowing when something or someone
Is just not right, it can be a feeling or a prompting.
God has given this to us ladies to keep guard and go with that intuition that
helps us to know when something is just off!

The word tells us to not lean unto our own understanding;
But there is a gifting given to us to know and sense danger!

I have read and heard so many stories over the years that only
Another woman or mother would understand;
{It goes like this, I just had this feeling}

We can be very special force ops in this activity
Yet, not look one bit militant
But rather lovely and modest and smell like a rose!

May the Lord revive and refresh us in this line of duty...
Never give the enemy of our homes and loved ones one bit of territory!

Stand your ground and keep watch;
For you, dear ones are a

Can you recall a time that you said;
{I just had this feeling}

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How To Start Making The Transition To Come Home...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

After a long day of guiding my Home;
I looked forward to a good night's sleep,
 But I could not turn off my brain.
 It wanted to cover everything I had done throughout the day.
So I started doing the mental list...
I find a sense of well done as I recall my day's work...

But then I realized that millions of women were doing the same thing,
All over the world
And also doing this very same thing since the beginning of time!

This position of Guiding our Homes is strong and backed by a higher authority;
We have been given the keys to this position!

There is an agenda in the world that has been at work for a very long time!

The battle of words and reasoning has tackled every angle;
Even Men have embraced the thinking that women belong in the work force!
Feminism has reached every culture and religion and race and gender...
We are told and taught that we must pull our own weight;
(Make Money)

Did I really mention the one word that hackles the hairs on the heads;
of those that have an ideal way of leading our nation?

It wasn't enough that in my formative years I was fed a daily dose of
Women Power
I am Women
I need no one to survive!

We walked in a new freedom and liberty;
(But this liberty has an undercurrent that has swept away so many maidens)

It seems at times that we are just a breath away from being suffocated from
An agenda that kills, steals and destroys.

I  will not be the one to throw a stone at a woman who works!
I also have had to work many years ago;
But I think there is a difference between choosing to be gone all day;
And leaving your children to be raised by a person being paid a wage.
Then a woman who must or will find herself on the streets...
That is where I see the difference, we must do what is best for our families!
If we get so mean spirited about things, we start to devour each other.

If you have the means to stay at home,
 Consider helping a woman that has still not been able to come Home yet!
 To encourage her and be an example to her!
 Sometimes it can be a long process to be able to return home and leave the work force.

I am saying this with as much love as a I can,
 Your worth and value
Does not come from the wages you bring home;
But rather what you impart to your Husband in being there for him.
Being present in the Home to encourage and train your children.
Managing the resources with a frugality that allows one to have comfort!

Being a Homemaker is truly a work of art;
A Masterpiece I tell you...

How To Make The Transition To Come Home

  • Find and ask a few women who would be willing to help you pray for
  • God's guidance and path to bring this about!

  • Inquire of the Lord's will and timing...

  • Start living right now as if you had only one income...

  • Learn how to be frugal and industrious in homemaking skills...

  • Learn from other women who have learned the art of homemaking;
  • (Canning, cooking, homemade gifts)

  • Tell Your Husband how much you love being home,
  • When you are not working!

  • Make being a homemaker your calling...
  • Ponder, Pray, Love

The forces and thinking and strongholds that have driven women away
From their homes is a strong force;
But you can overcome...
Do not give up!
For being HOME is a part of the ancient path...

Do You have any suggestions to help women that want to come Home?

Here is a very good post written about the ancient path
Click the link below

Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to Jazz Up A Plain Message Cork Board, And A Simple Dinner Idea...

Well, I finally bought myself a pre-made cork board,
I brought it home painted the sides a dark bronze color with a bit of metallic!
Then I bought a pretty metal flower for the top center to add a bit of color!
The color of the flower went well with my yellow, wild Mediterranean colors!

I placed this just under my calendar and I now have a little message area!

I was going to make up my own board, but after finding this one,
Already with the cork and a chalkboard!
Less work and all I needed was a small bottle of craft paint and a metal flower...
Ta- Daaa!

Okay, this is what I have been thinking about!
This is about the time of year when you get a bit weary with what to 
Prepare for dinner...

So if you want Chic and Easy for a Dinner idea;
It is so tasty and very satisfying!

Try Roasted vegetables in the oven;
Wash your choice of vegetables, then just slice them in the same size
Try using some
   Potatoes, regular and a sweet and some cauliflower,
Add those root veggies you like
Some squash like butternut, Brussel sprouts.
Check below for your suggestions to roast!

Drizzle with olive oil, add whole sprigs of rosemary herb,
Cover with some foil for a little while, 20 minutes or so,
Bake in a 350 degree oven till a fork goes into them and they are tender!

You can sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on them
 After they cook through completely and you are ready to serve them!

Sometimes we just need a small project that is affordable and yet is very useful!

Being able to jazz up something plain-jane can be fun!

May we all see our kitchens as a place to be a blessing and nutritious too!

What are some veggies that you think would work well in this 
Roasted Veggies Dinner?

Broccoli, Asparagus, Garlic cloves, Bell Pepper. Sweet Potatoes.
Parsnips, Carrots, Red Potatoes, Onion, Beets.
Baby Bella Mushrooms
Green Beans, Garlic Roasted Taters, Squash,

Thank you for your input Ladies!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Daily Is A Very Good Thing...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


When you think of that word, it really means daily
Every day
Not annual, But Daily

Our days can become very mechanical or filled with a routine that
We can loose the importance of the dailies!

Daily, really means fresh to me,
Even if I have done that same chore over a million times!

When we pray the Lords prayer,
We ask Him for our daily bread...
Do you think He is going to give you left overs from yesterday?
Every day is a new beginning;
Every evening is a time to stop and reflect
Repent and Replenish

We are called to guide our homes;
And to guide our lives...

I bet you washed a thousand loads of laundry!
I bet you have washed every pot and pan in your home hundreds of times!

"Just think"
If you make your bed every day it has been made
on an average 365 days last year.

And if you went to church every Sunday last year you went 52 times...

Does the fact that we do these things often, make them any
Less special?

All days are just different;
Some days you will need snow gear, some days rain gear...

But everyday we need our hearts in tune
Our spiritual armor on!

It is a very good word!

Daily Bible reading
Daily Chores
Daily Meals being prepared
Daily News

Thank God for the dailies...

Work while it is yet day!

This is what is happening around my Home;

Wrote out all my Valentines to mail today!
I gave two sweet little girls a crocheted heart.
I taught these same little girls the beginnings to learn to crochet!
I unpacked three huge boxes of more Fransician china...
I had to repack some of it to store for future use!
My Brother is so generous to me...

Planning my Valentine Lunch party!
Worked on crafts for the table as little gifts!

Do you enjoy making each day special?
Do you look forward to the comforting Dailes?
Do you enjoy the rhythm of the seasons and days?

Happy Valentines Day!
I appreciate each and every one of you dear ladies...
Will YOU be mine?

Friday, February 6, 2015

How To Have Real Beauty Rest...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Beauty Rest...

Is is imperative to have a Bedroom that has been created to bring about;
Peaceful Calming, Sleep and Good Loving...

If your Bedroom is messy, dirty, and cluttered;
You owe it to yourself and your Hubby to rectify it immediately!

As any room in your home it must have all the elements needed,
To provide a safe and clean environment for healthy sleep and;
Pillow Talk...

You must take a whole day or more time if needed to deep clean!
Dressers and closets, gone through and organized.
A place for every item!

Also good window treatment to keep the light from coming in;
This also helps keep the room warm in the winter,
And cool in the summer!

Nightstand needs a good lamp for reading in bed!
A candle or a non-wicked candle with batteries for abeyance.
(I prefer this soft lighting)
A box of tissues, and some nice hand lotion, nail file etc.
A neat stack of out treasured books... (Smile)

Tops of dressers need to be clean and not overloaded with stuff;

As this stuff collect dust and gives you a cluttered feeling!

But it is the Bed itself that is really important here;
Clean Sheets
Soft Fluffy comforter
Pretty Bedspread
Good quality pillows

I have seen the upkeep of homes, really not a top priority anymore;
But I urge you ladies to make your bedroom into a sanctuary...
You need to change those sheets every week!!
You need to dust and vacuum under your bed;
Sleeping with dust bunnies is not healthy.

Keep a couple bedspreads that you can change it a couple times a year.

Have at least two sets of sheets so you have a clean set always ready.

If you keep your bedroom clean and organized you will have;
A place to unwind and rest and love and re-connect!

Make a real effort to keep the Bedroom your Sanctuary...

Have you done something special to make your bedroom into
A place of Rest and Beauty?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Frugal Gift Idea Made From Lace Doilies...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Frugal Gifts

A Pretty Frugal Gift...

Here is a very frugal craft idea;
That makes a very sweet gift for you homemaker's!
These I have made for myself to place in my home.
I like to use them because they are so small and do not interfere with
My tabletops decor, or the use of the table.
I have placed a small lamp on them;
Draped them over a basket;
Placed a vintage bottle upon it!

Firstly, check out your fabric stores such as Joannes or any other;
Purchase a few of these small doilies, they come in small, medium or large.
The small ones run about $1.99
The price goes up with the larger sizes.
You can buy them in a few different colors;
For this project, may I suggest the white or cream color!

I did iron them to make them nice and flat;
(I love to iron)
My sister asked me why I iron everything?
I told her without missing a beat
~ was this~
Well, it's because some days it's the only thing I can control!
The wrinkles in my clothes;
Of course until I sit down (smile)

You can either glue on your little flowers or bows;
Or you can tack them on with needle and thread!
Some of the little flowers have a self stick glue,
But it does not hold for very long,
 So you will need to still use one of these two methods!

Evenly space out your little Rose buds or the bows; or even buttons!
I remember years ago when making ones with little pearls on them,
I actually used material and beaded a flower pattern onto the material.
It was a lot of work;
That is why this project is easy and frugal

I gave these as gifts to my girlfriends last year for Valentines Day
I think these would also make a lovely hostess gift to give!
Also for a Bridal shower;
They are a frugal gift with just a pinch of homemade added to them...

Use your own imagination and make a few up to have a quick gift on hand!

Sometimes even the smallest little touch can make a home seem special!
It really is the little things we do in our homes, that make them comfy!
Remember, each day to do something that says
~I Love You~

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How To Serve Meals That Are Lovely, Yet Frugal...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Frugal Meals, Inexpensive Meals

A Frugal Idea!

I must admit, one of my most favorite easy peasy meal is this--
A warm bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich,
Made either on sliced bread or a flour tortilla.

I think sometimes we just need something easy to prepare and to enjoy!
Even if it is just an easy frugal meal does not mean it can't
Be served in something pretty!

Being visual in serving a meal goes a very long way.
Sometimes just serving something light on a pretty platter or plate,
Is a secret key to not feeling cheated in what might be considered a frugal meal!

We all know how often we come across a pretty plate or bowl,
While on our treasure hunts, keep this in mind to find a few items,
To use for appeal and presentation of our frugal meal ideas.

If you could plan at least a few meals a week that were considered
(Very inexpensive to make) and then were able to save a bit of money.
You would learn to be very creative to keep the cost down, 
But the appeal and the presentation of it is desired!

A quiche made of eggs and a bit of veggies can be very satisfying
When served with a bit of bread!

A hearty bowl of soup made from things that were just a bit of this and that.
Served in a pretty mug can fill an empty tummy!

Can you buy a whole chicken and make three meals or more from it?
Well, If not you should learn quickly!

Can you take a few items and make a meal?
You could and should!

Do you eat out often?
May I remind you of the expense of this little convenience;
"Do not even mention the sodium and fat.

Think simple and real food items!
Serve with love and on some pretty dishes,
Say grace and enjoy...

Then serve a little bit of something sweet;
Maybe a small cookie,
 Or a little glass custard bowl filled with some pudding.
Try a  little square of some dark chocolate.

Being frugal is down right fashionable dear ladies;
It shows a great creativity on your part!
And speaks volumes to out Hubbies that we honor them
And their Hard work and the income they bring in!

We really need to ask ourselves a bit more often before a purchase,
Is this;" Is this a need or a want??"

Ask Yourself this question;
How many hours has my Husband had to work for me to purchase this item?

What are some of your frugal meal ideas?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is The Love Of The Truth Leading You...


Are You Purpose Driven? Or Led By The Spirit...

Our you being led by the Spirit
Or being driven by a purpose?

The love of the truth may compel us!
But we must be not self driven, but  led by the Spirit...

I see that our lives must be lived by faith;
So we might be able to say a faith-driven life, as long as
it is faith in Jesus Christ. As it is the Holy Spirit that helps me to obey God!
And to obey God's word...

I do not like all the messages out there that tell us we can have a purpose driven life!
Even the Israelites were not wandering for 40 years;
They were led by a cloud by day
And a fire by night!
They were not wandering in the sense that God was not in control!

We will see the destruction of our own intentions when they are not;
Coupled with the direction of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

The world has its own training ground to teach us to follow,
A man made  protocol will not work!
We are unique humans made in His image,
And He alone knows what we need and how much pressure to apply!
God has His own school of reform and teaching...
You will not find these truths sitting in Mega churches that tickle the ear!

Why, because it is a message that fits everyone...

I am sensing that once God gives you a word or leading;
Then you make the time to ponder and inquire!

Personal and intimate times with Him will bring about the changes needed!

Fellowship, Worship and Work...
We need all three!

I want to encourage you ladies to step up and into a deeper,
time of prayer for your husbands in this season!
We all know that they are our heads in our homes!
And when our husbands come under attack from stress or sickness or troubles,
From the enemy of our souls they need backup!
This is one of the most important jobs as a Help Mate...

Look at your Husband and just see the burdens that they carry!
Being led by the Spirit will bring you the ability when you must
Intercede for them!

Do you realize that we are called to be like Sara;
To not be fearful, but to stand in a battle stance for what it right!
Our Husbands must know deep down within their hearts we love and trust them!

Quit following the crowds;
Keep close to the truth and be a real Help mate to the one
You made a covenant with...

As we live day in and day out with our Hubbies,
We can sometimes take them for granted!

Humble yourself and gird yourself for battle and service!

She looks well to the ways of her household
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27

Be aware of who and what is leading you!
The Love of the truth will lead you into what is good and holy!

Many will walk down a road of destruction in their marriages this year!
Make your husband your priority, right after you submit to God!
He wants to use our marriages as an example to the world!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Being A Homemaker Is Not Enough...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Why do we think we need to constantly do more, be more, achieve more, more, more more?

In God we live and move and have our being Acts 17:28

One of the very first lies was where a lovely woman by the name of Eve,
Heard from a beguiled liar;
Be more
Have it all...
Think of yourself
Achieve and live for more...

But at the cost of who and what?
I am all for improving one's attitude and work ethic,
But we have us a problem, dear ones!
As we have so many girls that do not even have a clue as how to run a HOME!
The home is and always will be the center that holds things together!
It was God's idea for families to live together, work together!
The Home is where you are nourished in your mind and body!
We learn skills for everyday living.

Being trained to run a home will always be a huge benefit!
For kingdom purposes;
For health and safety
For love and growth

Even NSA
(National Security Agency)
Have to have a place where all their data are kept,
We need to keep our Homes with such diligence!

There are so many distractions in our world,
We have bought the lie of bigger and better and brighter!

Pray for our Homes and for the women who take their callings,
As to be as important as the NSA!

We need a revival of hearts!
But if we can see the welfare of what can come from a Home;
That is dedicated to God and truth, we can see the benefits,
In every area of society...

Be grateful that God has called you to manage just your Home
We are not called to be in everyone else business;
But to mange our own Homes!

Remind yourself daily of what your mission statement is until
You become quicker to make appropriate decisions as to how it will affect
Your home and family!

Make this a season of learning to manage your Home more wisely!
Be frugal and make a nice pot of homemade soup for dinner.
Do some mending on something that needs some tender care.
Make up some nice quick breads to have in the freezer.

Do not think that what you do in your home is not important!

I truly believe if we are diligent  in being homemakers;
And all we do all we do for His glory...
We will hear well done good and faithful servant!

To Serve;
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom.
Matthew 20:28

Now what is happening in my own little world;
Got out my juicer and some veggie juice to break up this nasty cold---
Made a pot of chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic!
Been working on those cute crocheted hot pads for my kitchen
(A pretty cheery yellow and white)
Wrote a letter to my Penpal!
Eating some Blach cherries that we got for a dollar a bag!
Missing my Grandchildren so much!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Home Living In The Evenings...

What are you doing in your evenings?

One thing that I think is so sad in our culture today is how we spend
our evenings!
 After long days of working and doing what needs to be done all day long.
Instead of winding down, we get more excited and over stimulated!

Video games
Suspenseful  shows
Rough housing

We have a culture where we have a motto for some cities;
Such as; where we never sleep!
365 days
Why do we have such a need for speed and adrenaline rush.
We were made for working and creating in the day.
But our nights were given to us to stop...
To unwind and to relax
If we are always in overdrive mode, we will become tired,
And we become burned out and find it hard to function.
We have trained ourselves and our children to never really shut off!

It is like everything is in a standby mode...
No rest for the weary...
Keep plodding on no matter how tired or exhausted you might feel!

Personally, I think God had a different plan for us in our evenings...
To stop and reflect and read or talk to our loved ones.
Maybe work on your projects that bring rest and comfort!
Quiet is what brings rest to weary, tired bodies!

We need to find some suggestions for ourselves and our families,
to help us to learn to wind down and relax.

Turning off the television
Family devotions
Reading a classic book as a family story time!
I would love to hear some suggestions from you!

I find myself crocheting a little each night
I also do a small devotion most evenings myself,
 I have it right next to my bed!
Having a card table up in an area with a puzzle on it and
Working on it in the evenings is very relaxing and good for the brain?

I hope you will consider this topic for your own lives!
Make your evenings a time to wind-down
Not wind up and over stimulate yourself!

Make a New start for this New Year...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Being A Home Keeper IN My Own Little World...

Being a Home Keeper, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

In My Own Little World...

The world can seem really big or very small at times.
It really all depends on where you are at in a season of your life!

We have all run into someone we knew when we were far from our homes.
And we may say to them wow, imagine running into you way out here!

Other times someone can be away on a trip and we think gosh;
they are so far away!

I am learning to really take care of the sphere of influence
 the Lord has given me! 

I may be able to send some money to a far away place to help with,
Feeding or taking care of someone in a third world country.
I can also help with a local community soup kitchen!

I realize the Lord has given me my lot;
My boarders to live and grow and to take care of!

I will be held accountable for my part of this world!

Making a home and keeping it up is a High Calling...
Really, please look at it from this perspective.
God wants are Homes to be filled with light and love and protection!

And if you are never HOME how can you establish this order?

The enemy has been given so much territory, because the
Of The Home are gone....

If you feel tired and worn out because you have been gone all day;
I suggest you look at your calendar and take a few things off the
~Places to be this month~
 and maybe forever...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Helping to clear the path for others to stay home!

My job feels like it might not be very important sometimes:
But after I look at what God has given me to do and say to another
Home Keeper;
He must think this calling is pretty important...
May I help this next generation find the path to staying HOME
Clearing our hearts and minds from worldly thinking
 that has become off kilter!

I realize some single Mothers have to work;
Some Women are asked to work from their Husbands;
I get it;
But when you are given a choice or when you're not working
You are still never home.

Help us make being a home maker a glorious calling.
Not one of drudgery.

Get your heart back in sync with the Father's heart!

May this be the sweetest month, of all;
Put on the spirit of meekness
(Controlled strength)
Create and bake love into everything!
May your home be welcoming to others!

Take every thought captive and do not allow the
Sorrows or ghost of Christmas past, rob you of this one!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday In The Country...


Just a few of my favorite things;
Waffles on a Saturday morning with my family!
My Hubby actually enjoys making these up for us.
I love them warm off the griddle and served with real butter an syrup.

I love a well browned fresh sausage patty with my eggs and waffle.
I think breakfast is the best meal of the day!
I also love Bacon...
My friend made me laugh years ago, they did not eat meat;
But I did have bacon all fried up to serve with the breakfast meal.
And she was eating some bacon and I asked all shocked,
I thought you didn't eat meat?
And she smiled and said
"Bacon is not meat!"
I still get a chuckle over that one...

In the evening it is so relaxing to sit with a skein of yarn,
And to work on a project on these cold nights.

Crocheting mostly, but did teach myself the basic knitting skills
last year. One of my Grandsons will be getting that camo one.

I just pulled my Mother in laws, directions for a Granny square,
Really, it is way easier than the one I have in my book.

Do any of you have one that is easy I could get a copy of?

Looking for a few easy craft ideas to make for gifts!

Here is one of my favorite fragrances

I really think 'White Shoulders' is  probably my Hubby's favorite;
And I think all the Grandchildren think it is what I smell like :o)

Well, we have wood to split today and a project to make.
This next week is my Birthday and Thanksgiving.

What are a few of your favorite things?

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