Showing posts with label Making Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Making Memories. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to Prepare Fresh Asparagus Spears Roasted...

Fresh Roasted Aspargus...
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Garlic-Roasted Asparagus

Asparagus recipes don't get any easier than this.
 Simply toss asparagus spears with sliced garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper,
 and roast until tender.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Snap off and discard woody bases from asparagus.
 Place asparagus and garlic in a 15x10x1-inch baking pan.
 Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat.
Add sliced fresh garlic for amazing flavor
Roast for 10 to 15 minutes or until asparagus is crisp-tender, stirring once halfway through roasting.
 Serve immediately!
 You can also sprinkle a little bit of cheese  like a Parmesan!

Makes: 6 servings
Prep: 15 mins
Roast: 10 mins 450°F

This is the very best way to cook your asparagus in my opinion,
 I find the garlic makes it just heavenly!

I remember as a child going out hunting for the fresh asparagus in our fields.
They were fresh and tender and we ate them with great gusto.
Melted butter on slightly cooked tender spears.
When the asparagus was ready to pick, Spring had truly come.

I have bought my 2lbs of fresh spears to prepare for this Sunday's feast...
Enjoy the bounty of each season.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I see this Snowman just standing along side the road carrying this sign!
So I pull over and he jumps in and say's
  Hello, Thanks for the ride!

I am shocked and I say; Well, I have never picked up a hitchhiker before!
Especially a snowman,
And I ask him
  Have you been standing on the road for very long?

He responses;
All winter long as soon as the first snow storm started!
People just will not stop to pick me up!
I just think so many people are really turned off by the cold...
But you can bet come August there going to be  be beee missing me!

Oh are you cold?
Would you like me to turn my heater up higher?
I will never make it to my Destination if you do that!
So, I ask him (You don't like the cold either)?
He says!!
So I tell him to look buddy, I am on my way to the airport!
I am flying south...
So as far as I can take you is there okay?

Going to visit my daughter !!!
Can you guess where??

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rose Petals In all its Glory...

How To Dry Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Today I want to share with you lovely ladies a special portion of my heart.
I am a vintage rose lover;
Roses and their amazing scent just make me happy!
I adore a rose scented perfume, and oils.
The fragrance of a rose makes me happy.
I also feel beautiful and uplifted;
Like a summer day.

I have a very old glass jar, with a sterling silver lid that belonged to
My Mother; It was always filled with Rose petals;
My Mother loved Roses also and she had a few colors that she was partial to!

Different colors of Roses had a different meaning,
Or symbolized something special, a secret message.
I will have a part two describing their different meanings.

Rose Petals In A Beautiful Glass Bowl, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Displaying your dried roses can be very pretty and a way to cherish their beauty,
 For a little bit longer!
 A pretty jar or vase filled with rose petals is such a pretty way to
Decorate a tabletop or mantel.
Rose petals just make you think of femininity.

Just think spring is coming very soon, and then we once again will be in,
The Rose flower season, and after reading about how lovely
Even rose petals can make a plain jar or tea cup look fancy.
We can plan ahead and learn how to dry them to have the brightest and
Best rose petals to use in decorating and making up a batch of potpourri!

Lavender And Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Rose Petals

Once you have a stash of rose petals, then you can mix them with so.
Many other wonderful flowers!

There are a few tricks to drying Rose petals to help them,
Keep their color and shape;
Check out this site HERE

Also, if you would like a very good tutorial on making a lovely
Potpourri check out this site Here 

I want to bless each and everyone of you amazing ladies;
Who desire to create a Home filled with Love and Beauty!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Leaving and getting away from our everyday routines are very good for us!
Sometimes you may not be able to go really far and travel to a distant place.
But you can almost always take a day trip somewhere!

Pack up and make a plan...
Arrange something special, put some thought into a little get away!

It is very important to do these little trips as they will keep you,
Happy and interested in living a life filled with sights and people,
With a bit of a change in your daily routine.

If you can splurge; spend a night in a hotel in another city!
Or call some friends or maybe a relative that live out of town,
And go visit them!

Or pack a beautiful picnic lunch, and go visit a free museum in your area.

My Hubby and I enjoy looking at little antique shops or a thrift store,
When we travel anywhere.

Sometimes we must just get inspired and get away, by just reading a good book!
We are told to think of the things, that are lovely...

Look about your heart and HOME and bring the spark of life;
Beauty and music and a lovely dinner, can help us feel
Loved and inspired no matter the seasons.

I believe it is the time to do a new thing;
Spring into thoughts of life and hope!

Make a plan and do something fun;
Go see a play in your city or town!
Go see an Art display!
Spend a day just dreaming and planning for something special for the future.
Sometimes just having something to look forward to can be quite uplifting!

Encourage yourself in the Lord...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Go Go Grandma

Go Grandma Go!
Okay here is the story behind this post!
A little ways back I was feeling tired and just worn out.
So, as I did some research on a few things,
I decided I might need some more Raw Foods.
I was trying to find a way to incorporate this with 
Maybe a drink option.

So these are the two products I started to use!

My oldest Grandson comes over and he is watching me
run around the house getting my morning housework
done, and getting things in order.

And he says to me
Where did you get all that energy?
I told Clayton what I was doing to give me energy.

And he suggested that we do a post on this Grandma!
As he thought it would be funny:)
So Clayton took the camera and started clicking the camera!
Taking pictures of me doing all my chores, 
with my super duper
Energy drink in my hand!

 Making our bed!

Cleaning up the kitchen!

Dusting the living-room!

Ironing my skirts!

I think maybe I might  just need to mix up a large glass 
Of my energy drink today!
Go Go Grandma!
All Photo's done by Clayton :)


Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving Blessings
I am thankful for so many things!
Being a child of the most high God
Having a Husband that loves the Lord!
And how he loves me.
Children that have blessed and honored me!
A home filled with love and peace!
Health in my spirit, soul and body
Being taught by the Holy Spirit
Girlfriends J
My Family
The Word
Don't forget to count your Blessings dear ones!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Decor

Decorating For Fall
This is my first time for taking all my other treasures
off my mantel and doing a theme for the Fall season.
I really enjoyed myself , while shopping for the decor!
My favorite item was the wooden blocks,
that spelled out Harvest!
I changed out the candles from the cream yellow
To a rustic orange color.
And I added a bouquet of Fall flowers to my vase.

I have this neat old looking metal basket,
that I just had to use for something.
So, I added my Fall corn and mini pumpkins in it!
It has been enjoyable to see the festive Fall colors.
It just brings a cozy atmosphere to the room!
We Girls are all about cozy and comfortable...
Happy Fall To All!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Sweet Girl

Happy 30th Birthday

Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday!

We are all having Birthdays every year!

I have learned to love Birthday's!
I know over the years we may have one that make us
Feel like a milestone has come, and gone :)
Smile and rejoice..
Grow in grace and wisdom...
Ask the Lord for clarity and vision.
For He has your day's numbered!

I have loved all the different stages,
Once I realized this is life.

So let's live and take JOY!!

I am having a Birthday next month!
Celebrate with a new song
Sing unto the LORD!

Asking the Lord for greater contentment and peace,
Is true wisdom!

Having the wisdom to be about His work.
Having a heart of obedience.
Being teachable always!

Love to all the Mommas. And Daughter's!
Sister's and Girlfriends!
We are helping and to mentor one another,
Through every Day and Season!


Monday, July 29, 2013

Rose Petals...

Vintage Glass Jar, Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Vintage Glass Jar

This glass jar is very old and has a sterling silver top on it.
Very pretty and is a precious treasure to me!
It belonged to my Mother.

It is on my mantel over our fireplace,
It has always been placed at a higher level,
So my grandchildren could not touch it.

Children love jars with lids,
And this jar was not a toy! 

It has been filled with rose petals, many times over the years.

Did you know that the rose stands for Christ and His Church?

Many things can become special to us, we do love are
Sweet treasures that have been handed down to us.
When my Mother was down sizing her home,
I asked her for this specific glass jar.
She looked at me and she said, you might as well take it now,
No sense in packing it away.
So this jar is filled with memories for me!

So here she is, pretty and filled with love;
Because Christ is love,
And the rose petals symbolize Him.

I have sometimes wondered if there is anything I have
That my own children or my grandchildren might want
 Some day that would be a special memory for them?

Remember, you are a sweet smelling aroma of Christ,
As your hard pressed in your life.
Yet, you can choose to praise Him in it all.

Praise is a choice!

Hello, I just wanted to share an updated post that I have done;
And it is done on this beautiful vintage glass jar.
That is filled once again with Rose Petals!
And how to dry Rose Petals;
And to make your own Potpourri!
You can find it HERE

Blessings Always,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Balancing Our Time...

Balancing Our Time...

We are all given 24 hours a day.
We all have 52 Sundays in a year.

God has given us season's a time to plant and a time to harvest.

I have found that time can slip away;
So, As a manager of this home, I must manage my time!
By making priorities for each day and season's.
I can have some control!
God will one day ask me to give an account of my time.

It is very important to have wisdom in what is important,
For yourself and family.

Your time with the Lord!!
Without this you will not have direction or peace.
A woman of God should have the demeanor of a gentle and quiet spirit.
We can only attain this by being in His presence.

Making a list of homemaking needs for the day:

For making a choice early in the morning for what you plan to serve for dinner.
(Very Important)

Get a load of laundry going as it helps to not have that
Feeling of laundry overload!!

I always like to tackle a room of my home and get it in order.

I even like to ask my hubby if he needs me to do anything or him today.
I have found over the years, it is usually only a phone call or to go to the bank for him.
And he always is so blessed that I have tried to take a small
burden off of him.

Take some time to enjoy this season of warm weather.
Find a good book to read!
Eat ice cream!!
Love Your Family
It is the only one you have!
God has intrusted this treasure to you.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Remember to make time for the most important things!
Living From Glory To Glory 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Advice From The Ocean

Bringing Your Life Into Sync With His Flow
I must say that the ocean has its own way,
 It comes in and it goes out again.
It does what it was created to do!
It does not need anyone to remind it to come in or to go out.
Yet, It does it with such purpose and grace.
It can be so powerful and rough.
The magnificent colors of blues and greens.
 There are times it is black as night and with gray and white caps that explode.
It seems it is out of control!
But it knows its boundaries;
It must recede,
God is in control!

 Advice from the Ocean
Everything has a lesson in it...
My treasure by the ocean,
My daughter and me!

May we live a life filled with love and laughter,
But know we sow in tears.
Sow in love and may faith make it grow.
Experience it all for joy comes in the morning.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just Call Me

Just Call Me!
How many times have you heard this as you were walking away from someone?
How many times have you said this to someone as you were leaving them?
Help me Lord to follow through!
Hello to all of my blogger friends, I have been on a lovely visit
With my daughter and her family in Florida.
It was really wonderful to see her home and her life there.
Our grandchildren are getting so big and smart.
My thought today is this;
We are living in different times, and most families have at
least a few of their children living in another state,
Or city, or another country.
Staying connected becomes a wee bit harder.
I have learned many matters of the heart with this!
God places us in our boundaries.
He places us where it is best and we will grow there,
If we will look at what He is doing!
Being connected is so important,
We are not called to be an island in the stream.
As I was on this trip, one thing was really prominent to me.
I was in many airports and restaurants and all over the place.
And it was the same thing I observed,
It was this;
Everyone was looking down!!
Gazing into cell phones, ipads and screens of many colors!
I heard in my spirit;
Look up for your redemption draws nigh.
When was the last time you put down these distractions?
And really looked into someones face.
Or really picked up the phone and had a good chat??
Just Call Me!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Animals Just Wanna Have Fun

 Just a swinging !
I can see for miles and miles !

I 'am telling you I see spots !

Making the time to have fun and enjoy all of God's creation!

We are given many reasons and seasons,
It is up to you to take pleasure in joy
right where you are!

We Mommas and Grandmas
And wives, need to let our hair down and have a good time.
We are not suppose to work all the time.
We must have a balance to keep our homes in order,
But also be able to make merry and laugh.

Take some time and make some memories,
Take some pictures and capture your adventures.

May the wind be always at your back!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Imparting Grace

 My Mother

My Grandson said, Grandma who is that?
I said  that is my mother honey.
Then I asked him, why, who does she look like?
He said you Grandma!

My Grand Mother's
Antique coffee pot.
And salt and pepper shakers.

My Mothers little pink rose jewelry box.
Happy Mothers Day!
Mothers are a treasure to keep close to our hearts.
Memories are precious so make as many sweet ones as you can.
May we love and impart grace ;
To all the special women,
 God has placed in our lives.
Give them honor!
Mothers are world changers,
We can even be a spiritual Mother to those whom
God might place in our lives.
Imparting Grace:
These will  be gifts of grace we impart in love to all those
We  are impacting each and every day.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If Piggies Could Talk

Sweet Cookie Memories
This sweet little piggy cookie jar is filled with much more than
just cookies!
If a cookie jar could talk, my what would it say?
What back again!
You said, you were gonna only eat one, you got two in your hand!
I prefer only homemade cookies, those store bought ones,
are so not real.
I remember when I was only fed real cookies!
(With real butter)
I have not seen a ginger snap in almost a decade,
and my mouth waters over a fresh molasses cookie.
My Momma piggy told me about those kinds...
The most nutritious cookie has always been the
Oatmeal cookie,
 I have seen the baker sneak in
raisins (I prefer golden raisins myself)
Now, the chocolate chip cookie is in a class all by it's self.
What could compete to a freshly baked warm out of the oven cookie!
Gooey, yummy chips ,melted to perfection!
They don't call me piggy for nothing.
I have been manning my post for close to 60 years.
I must admit the kitchen is in a bad state of affairs.
I have heard stories from my other relatives,
where not all piggies.
I saw a rooster once, filled with cookies (I say)!
Well anyways, We cookie jars need your help!
Bring real cookies back in the kitchen...
Boycott all the imposter's!
Down with the (not real ingredients)!
Hooray For The Real Cookie!
Make me proud to be a cookie pig again..
Piggies know all the secrets. 
Those cookies next to me are the imposters!!
Eat with caution, may cause side effects.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Hand Written Recipe Cards...

I was just thinking the other day how sweet and wonderful it is to go through your recipe folder or box, and find all the different hand written cards you have collected. They may be tucked away but they are very much alive with memories. They hold  very sweet and special memories of all the wonderful people who have given you hand written cards, and have given them to you. 
You now have an amazing collection of history and memories!

I have some that were written by my own Mother and given to me as a new bride and wife. And I have some from my Mother in law, who was so good to me. And it brings tears to my eyes when I see all of them at times.

Memories of love,  handed  down to those we share our treasured recipe's with!
May we never stop with the hand written recipe cards. When we are asked for a copy
of a special dish we have made ,take the time to hand write some of them.
 I also like to add  who it  originally came from on it.
Lets keep the memories alive with a lovely hand writted recipe card.
Blessings, Roxy

Write The Word...

Writing The Word, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Writing The Scriptures
I love to write and to journal!
 I have been keeping a journal most of my life.
 There is just a very comforting and fulfilling peace that I get when I journal.
It is like I pour out and record all the things that I felt,
or accomplished through a given day.
I am amazed on how it allows me to release and to meditate,
on what God is showing me.
One day, maybe it will be words to comfort and challenge my
Children or grandchildren.
It is my life story;
But it is HIS life living in me!
When God shows you something in His word or in a life lesson,
it is wise to write it down.
I have always written the scriptures that spoke to me in any
given day, as I read and studied them.
When I found this tool called;
The 17:18 Series
I was very interested in it, so I checked it out!
It is so very amazing because it allows you to write out the
Word in a lovely keepsake journal.
I recommend it to anyone who loves to write out the Scriptures!
Be a scribe of the Word!

You can order these books called Journibles on Google

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, January 21, 2013

Queen Of The Home

A Lovely Lady
This is one of my most favorite treasures.
I was given this plate as a young women, it belonged to my Grandmother.
This was in my Grandmothers china cabinet as long as I could remember.
I believe this is the very first encounter of a women of a sweet
demure countenance.
 A princess or a queen maybe?
I remember thinking, who is this pretty women, my imagination was sparked.
I always knew in my heart she was real.
Where did she live, in a palace so grand or a castle far away.
I think we as women have such a desire to create and surround ourselves
with beauty.
As I have lovingly taken such good care of this plate, I have wondered
as to if maybe one of my own grand daughters would
find an attraction as I once did?
Has our culture and days of longing for the princess ceased?
We are all Queens of our own homes!
And this why my dear ladies we long to surround ourselves
with beauty and charm.
We were born (princesses).
Blessings, Roxy


Monday, November 19, 2012

Pumpkin Pancakes...

Pumpkin pancakes on Living from glory to glory blog
Pumpkin Pancakes

These are just delicious!
You gotta try them.
They are so moist and flavorful!
Just use your own pancake mix recipe,
Add 1/2 tsp. Pumpkin pie spice.
Add 1/2 cup pumpkin puree.
They cook up light and fluffy.
Spread fresh butter on top, and
Pour on warm maple syrup.
Say grace and thank God,
for your food!
Eat and enjoy His wonderful bounty!
God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need,
you will abound in every
Good Work.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory to Glory

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Charming Wash Tubs

Wash Tubs
These wonderful charming wash tubs.
They speak of days gone by,
They were used for children's bath times many moons ago.
Women even used them to do laundry in with a wash board.
As a little girl my Grandmother would fill it with fresh
water every morning in the summer.  And we had our own
swimming pool!
Each one of my own grandchildren have
had the memories of a good time and summer fun
in their own tubs.
Making memories!
Take the time to have fun...
Spend time with those you love...
Sit at the Fathers feet, and thank the Lord above.
For time with your children is short, like a blink...
Days gone by, only memories!
Midlife crisis is that moment when you realize your children
and your clothes are about the same age.
Blessings, Roxy

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