Friday, July 4, 2014

America Pure Country...

Living from glory to glory

These Boots are made for walking...

Walking and talking are two different things, So  many
people can talk the talk, it is the walking it out part that
is the hard part!

We all have to keep our heart and feet moving in the right direction!
This country and our freedom come from wisdom and brawn,
And our Constitution of America!

May our stars and stripes wave over this land always!

Walk in strength and stand for truth!
Do not take your freedom for granted!

God Bless America...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Watermelon and A 100 Year Old Barn...

Mouth-watering, cool and refreshing!
Seeds or seedless!
( I just read an article that seeds in the watermelon were better tasting)
But I also remember the saying that if I swallowed a seed;
That a watermelon would grow in my stomach...
Scare the daylights out of a kid!

Juicy and sweet...
Ice cold and yummy, at it says;

Getting your summertime picnic foods in abundance now!
What are the things that you love to eat and have for your Summerime
picnic's and get togethers?

I am so enjoying fresh watermelon and strawberries!
Eating light and fresh!

Recharging my batteries and looking for a fresh spark!
Feeling a bit stuck in a rut?

 sometimes it may requires a change of scenery
 and some fresh fruits and vegtables.
Is your sweet corn in your area knee high yet?

Here ia a 100 Year old Barn!

Longevity is a blessing from the Lord!
May you live and stand  in the foundations of truths that do not change!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Guest Blogger...

Just wanted to share my dear friend Stephanie with
You wonderful ladies!
I am so thankful to have a dear friend who will share a great post!
This is a sweet post and I know you will enjoy it!

Thank YOU...

Hello lovelies!
My name is Stephanie and I blog over at
The Enchanting Rose
My little place consists of crafts, sewing, recipes, hymns, tea cups, 
and sweet encouragement from the Bible.
It is such an honor to be posting on Roxy's blog today.
Roxy has been an instrument of wisdom to me 
and her blog posts have always taught and encouraged me .
Whether it's a lesson from God's Word or a delicious recipe I am always blessed.

Today I wanted to share with you a few family treasures
that belonged to my husband's side of the family.

My dear mother-in-law first gave me the cookbook and tea cup
for a house-warming gift when my darling hubby and I 
moved into our new home back in January.
She wrote me a letter with a little history about the items - 
they belonged to my husband's Gammie.

The heart hath its own memory, like the mind,
and in it are enshrined the precious keepsakes.
~ Unknown ~

Gammie had a Canadian friend, Alice, 
that would come to North Carolina to work at Piedmont Baptist College.
Alice was the dietitian, menu maker, and cook.
She would return to Canada in the Summer and return to Piedmont in the Fall.
Alice gave Gammie the tea cup and cookbook which was later passed down to my mother-in-law
and now my husband and I have it.
My dad's side of the family is Canadian and I lived there for several years
so I find it fascinating that I would inherit something from my husband's side of the family
that came from a dear Canadian woman.
Don't you love the way God works?

Now onto the lovely hand-stitched quilt. . .
Once again, my sweet mother-in-law gave me a special gift and it was this quilt. 
She gave it to my family on Mother's Day.

The Story. . . 

Gammie and her husband were married in 1948
and her mother which would be the grandmother of my mother-in-law 
asked a lady to make this quilt for Gammie as a wedding gift.
The quilt was never given to Gammie for her wedding. . .
You see, while this lady was working on the quilt top she had a stroke and was unable to finish.
The top remained in plastic wrapping in Gammie's dresser drawer for years
so in the mid-1980's my mother-in-law took the quilt top home to see if someone could finish it.
There was a lady in the church who took the quilt and finished it.
My mother-in-law sent the finished quilt to Gammie for Christmas - 
she was finally able to enjoy it after almost 40 years of keeping it tucked away in a dresser drawer.
Gammie, a lady I did not have the privilege of knowing, passed away in 1999.
I now have pieces of the past from this precious woman 
whom my husband lovingly calls 'Gammie.' 
Family is beautiful - may we never forget the stories of the past 
and may they forever be close to our hearts.

The past is just the beginning of a beginning.
~ H.G. Wells ~

Thank you, Roxy, for allowing me to be apart of your wonderful blog.
It was truly a pleasure being here today.
Hugs and blessings to all of you!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

What About Bob...

What About Bob...

I am going to ask you today a very unasked question?
When you find yourself in a room of relatives you have not seen,
In over 10 years, do you feel like maybe you're all alone or way different?
Do you feel like you're on the outside looking in?

Well, I am going to make a statement on this very feeling!
"They may be the ones on the outside looking in!"
There is a depth and worth of every life.

But I know that we have a Father in Heaven that looks down upon us all!
He sees you!

But what about Bob?
We all have a Bob in our families and our lives!
Did you ever see that movie;
"What About Bob"

Life is tough, and so many have overwhelming hurts and troubles.
We can find ourselves feeling like this is our last chance;
As long as we have breath and life we can  have a fulfilling life.
There are truths in God's Word that will give us the next step!

In the movie the shrink wrote a book called;
"Baby Steps"

Firstly, we need to move in the right direction.
And start taking Baby Steps toward our destiny and future!

Take the step in faith!

Remember, we may at times have felt like Bob,
On the outside looking in!
So maybe the next time we are with a group of people
Look around and think;
And ask yourself
What about Bob...

Friday, June 27, 2014

Black And White...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Life in black and white...
Is everything in life either black or white?

Is there a true North?
Does the sun always rise in the East,
And the sun sets in the West?

I am so thankful that some things never change!

Can we make a statement that is just so broad they encompass everything?

As a christian blogger, I have a forum;
What are so many blogger's and artist doing,
Creating a space and a place for them to express themselves.

Being kind and loving others is a command!
Fulfilling it is another ball game.

An expression of our beliefs and train of thoughts can be so diverse!
Do I have to be an original?

God made us in His image, we are not cookie cutter people.
Like little gingerbread men and women.

But there is a way to walk in!
Living and learning can be an art, may I find all the pieces of my puzzle!

I won't tell you what they are;
But I will say some people are making very wrong choices!
And I have learned even in my own life that there will be consequence to them.
Good and Bad...

Living in full color!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Keep That Cell Phone Out Of Your Bra...

In the days of cell phone use and how we always have it with us;
This post is another reminder of its potential DANGER!

Remember these phone booths?
Days passed and now we have strapped ourselves
 With high powered frequencies daily!

This gives a whole new meaning to being wired...
No wonder so many women's hair is standing straight up!!

As the technologies that are coming out and more data to support;
This claim of the dangers of carrying a cell phone in your BRA!
Or really anywhere close to your skin or body!

Sometimes we just need to stop doing these things that have
such a strong potential for harm. And so many women think that
Using and caring cell phones are safe.
If you want to see a new site with updated information,
Just click the link below.

Keep that cell phone out of your bra !

Use your cell phone wisely, ladies;
Use the speaker and do not hold it so close to your ear!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Keep Your Eyes Upon The Road...

Keep Your Eyes On The Road...

Things and people are moving way too fast!
Kicking down the cobble stones looking for fun and
Feeling groovy...

Learning to be quick can be a very good thing.
But how fast do you need to go?
Do you have the need for speed?

At times my thoughts can download so fast, they can get blurred.
I am not a machine or a car that has a brake and a gas pedal.
I am flesh and blood made in a way that requires
Rest and good nourishment!
And people around me who love me!
Books and pleasures that help refresh me!
Times of refreshing just don't happen, they need to be orchestrated!

Soaking is a good word to help give us a mental picture of 
what refreshment might look like.
 You have heard the saying that a picture is worth a
thousand words.
 And I think that can be very true.

Dear Ones we never know what is just down the road,
or just around the bend.
So may we keep our eyes upon the road and enjoy the drive.

Slow down your moving too fast, you gotta make your moments last.
Kicking down the cobble stones!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Once Upon A Time... A Real Life... Mine...

This is where you will find me most mornings...
I also need a bit more some afternoons;
The Word is like chocolate for me, it is rich and smooth!
It melts my heart and makes me satisfied deep down inside!

Here is;
My BFF...
She was my maid of honor on my renewal of my wedding vows!
She knows a lot about me and she still likes me.

Here is;
My Jewels, she is my long time friend!
My Oldest friend
Just kidding :o)
We always talk about Christ...

Here is;
My Boy Friend...
He asked me if I would marry him and I said NO Three times!
So glad he was persistent in pursuing me!
It was the same with Christ in my life...
Married 30 plus years
Sounds like a vitamin ad...

Here is;
This is my back yard view!
I have seen this view almost three decades and it never looks the same!
Constant and unmovable...

Here is;
Loyal Bronco Fans...
Go Broncos!!

Here is:
Waffles From Roxy's Cafe...
Fresh sausage too!

Here is:
My Mississippi Mud Dessert...
I may even share the recipe sometime!

Here is;
Here are my two most favorite perfumes!
White Shoulders and Giorgio...
My Birthday gift last year!

Here is:
Fresh bread and butter and eggs!
My staples in my kitchen...

Here is;
My Girls, Sweet Baby Chicks!
We have fresh eggs daily about a dozen a day.

I just wanted to give you a glimpse of my world and life!
I am a country girl and a lover of Jesus Christ...
I hope you follow my blog knowing that it is a real ministry for me,
To write and encourage you in your journey!

I struggle some days and I am shocked how fast the days go!
I had only one person mentor me while raising my family!
So I take my calling very seriously!

I am very funny, and enjoy a good laugh!
I love like there is no tomorrow!
I cry hard and deep for those things that move me!
My Husband and family our everything to me!

I just want you to know a bit of my heart!
We are not rich in some things;
But we are wealthy in what matters!

If you read or follow this blog, I want to tell you that I care deeply
about you and your walk in this life!

Thank You!
For reading this blog,
For leaving me comments.
For being a part of my life.

Enjoy your Summer; and romance your Hubby!
And allow the Lord to romance you...

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