Friday, March 6, 2015

How Comparison Is Wrong...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
The Source: The Tea Time Magazine


Now when you are out shopping, and you're in the fruit aisle,
And your comparing apples or oranges for their size and looks.
That is considered to be wise.
When we use our resources and manage things well.
Using coupons, finding the best deals, buying while on sale.

But to compare yourself to another person is very wrong!

Each person is on their own race and can be anywhere in the process.
Some are starting out, some are half-way.
Some have taken so many detours, they have lost their sense of direction.

We can use others to help us in making decisions, and even
Imitating someones cooking or decorating ideas.
This I believe is being encouraged by another and responding by
imataining their ideas.
Or, you may be a person that you do not want anyone to copy your ideas!
But I find it a great compliment when someone likes what I have done.

God tells us in His word to imitate Paul or copy James;
Trying to make good choices in any arena of life is a good thing.

I love it when one of you ladies Blogs inspire me!
You make me laugh and giggle,
Your crafts and recipes have helped me to create beautiful things!
I have felt challenged and invigorated to try something new.

I have read words of wisdom that required a change of direction.
Some Blogs have taught me to hold steady!

I have seen posts of an artist that I did not even know who existed.

I have read posts and some comments that encouraged me when I was weary!
A comment or an Email can fan a flame dear ones!
The Bible is filled with encouragement;
You say you never need to be encouraged...

I think that the gift of encouragement is one of the very best and most needed;
in our world and lives and families. And in our walk with Christ!

Do not compare yourself with people!
But line yourself up with God's word...

A wise woman once told me;
Try to stay humble in God's sight
Walk in Love
Stay true to myself
And be faithful to God!

I will tell you this one thing;
If you will encourage another, and help them stay the course;
It will go well with you...

I ask tough things of others, I speak truths that are uncomfortable;
I call you up to a higher calling...

Is your blog a beacon of light?
Do you leave comments to help and encourage another?
Do you stay the course?

I do not care if someone thinks I am a bit fruity (A Fruit Loop)
I just want to bear fruit...

Please make this a rime to encourage someone today;
Make this a year to bring the gift of promotion to others;
Lift them up in prayer
Encourage them with words
We are bloggers and using a social media for good!
Nothing wasted, nothing lost!

We are all the same; and we are all unique...
A special treasure

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How To Start Making The Transition To Come Home...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

After a long day of guiding my Home;
I looked forward to a good night's sleep,
 But I could not turn off my brain.
 It wanted to cover everything I had done throughout the day.
So I started doing the mental list...
I find a sense of well done as I recall my day's work...

But then I realized that millions of women were doing the same thing,
All over the world
And also doing this very same thing since the beginning of time!

This position of Guiding our Homes is strong and backed by a higher authority;
We have been given the keys to this position!

There is an agenda in the world that has been at work for a very long time!

The battle of words and reasoning has tackled every angle;
Even Men have embraced the thinking that women belong in the work force!
Feminism has reached every culture and religion and race and gender...
We are told and taught that we must pull our own weight;
(Make Money)

Did I really mention the one word that hackles the hairs on the heads;
of those that have an ideal way of leading our nation?

It wasn't enough that in my formative years I was fed a daily dose of
Women Power
I am Women
I need no one to survive!

We walked in a new freedom and liberty;
(But this liberty has an undercurrent that has swept away so many maidens)

It seems at times that we are just a breath away from being suffocated from
An agenda that kills, steals and destroys.

I  will not be the one to throw a stone at a woman who works!
I also have had to work many years ago;
But I think there is a difference between choosing to be gone all day;
And leaving your children to be raised by a person being paid a wage.
Then a woman who must or will find herself on the streets...
That is where I see the difference, we must do what is best for our families!
If we get so mean spirited about things, we start to devour each other.

If you have the means to stay at home,
 Consider helping a woman that has still not been able to come Home yet!
 To encourage her and be an example to her!
 Sometimes it can be a long process to be able to return home and leave the work force.

I am saying this with as much love as a I can,
 Your worth and value
Does not come from the wages you bring home;
But rather what you impart to your Husband in being there for him.
Being present in the Home to encourage and train your children.
Managing the resources with a frugality that allows one to have comfort!

Being a Homemaker is truly a work of art;
A Masterpiece I tell you...

How To Make The Transition To Come Home

  • Find and ask a few women who would be willing to help you pray for
  • God's guidance and path to bring this about!

  • Inquire of the Lord's will and timing...

  • Start living right now as if you had only one income...

  • Learn how to be frugal and industrious in homemaking skills...

  • Learn from other women who have learned the art of homemaking;
  • (Canning, cooking, homemade gifts)

  • Tell Your Husband how much you love being home,
  • When you are not working!

  • Make being a homemaker your calling...
  • Ponder, Pray, Love

The forces and thinking and strongholds that have driven women away
From their homes is a strong force;
But you can overcome...
Do not give up!
For being HOME is a part of the ancient path...

Do You have any suggestions to help women that want to come Home?

Here is a very good post written about the ancient path
Click the link below

Monday, March 2, 2015

Expectancy In All My Days...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog


I have always loved that word;
It just reminds me of something wonderful to come!

Always be in a state of expectancy and see that you leave room for God
To come in as He likes- Oswald Chambers

No matter how well we plan our days, we must always keep an expectant
 Adventurous side to kick in as the Holy Spirit leads.
Up front and ready...
We can encounter many people in any given day;
We have been even advised that we could even be entertaining angels!

Women of valor and virtue are not caught off guard!
Our hearts have been trained to move and overcome when situations arise.
 And believe me they will!
I think these are the very things that show Godly composure and goodwill.
If you find yourself always on the edge of being angry, or inconvenienced;
You just might miss the moment...

And even if at times you feel that your life is mundane;
I can assure you a wonderful surprise just might be around the corner!
But we must understand what living in a way that has the presence of expectancy
in everyday living!

It might not be something world moving; but something small and sweet,
put there just for you!
We miss the small things way too easy, as we are always looking
for the huge.

That my friend is what the word Expectancy means to me!

A casual encounter can have a life changing impact when God is at work!
I want to keep my heart in a place that responds quickly;
Sometimes we can miss an opportunity by not being prepared in advance.
We must be ready in season...

Even what we consider to be a problem is just another place where
God moves in unexpected ways...
He is never late and always on time...

When your plans are interrupted;
Take a deep breath on giving yourself time to think before you respond...

Keep in mind, we might not have control over situations, but
You do have control of how you respond!

So may I ask you this?
Are you living with an expectancy that allows God to give you situations;
That can allow you to grow and be used in a situation that brings
Glory to God...

Just a note to also say God works in our daily routines;
He uses all things!

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, February 27, 2015

How to Know If You Have A Teachable Spirit...

Precious Little Vintage Girl Picture, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
This Lovely Victorian Little Girl Hangs In My Pink Craft Room
It was mine as A Little Girl...

What is Precious to you?

We use the word love so much for everything in our conversations 
and in our vocabulary. We love our new furniture, and we love our dogs,
We even love our children, and we love our husbands.

What kind of love is this?
Do we love everything the same?

We need to re-think in proportions of attention and affections!

But when do we look at something God has given us, and look upon it
As Precious And We Love It?

I personally do not want to feel the same about everything!
There are people that just rank a bit higher...
Who is number #1
As this should be the first one in line;
Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

And I hope you see the value in having your Husband number #2
But, hopefully that is a given in your life.

But I have been looking at something else that we must LOVE;

I was studying a scripture this last week;
May I share it with you?

I need to ask a question firstly
Are You Stupid?

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1

I was taught as a young lady from my older brother this word of wisdom;
If you cannot take constructive criticism, then you will never be wise.

When was the last time someone (anyone) was trying to correct you;
And you really listened and told them thank you!
And really implemented it in your life?

We can all be stupid...
~By not loving instruction~
Or, we can realize that we are not Miss Smarty Pants
You do not know everything...

We need to know the wisdom from above;
We need each other to train and give wise counsel to us!

I have heard the expression;
I know, I know...
Really, do you?

I think as Mothers, we would be so glad to know that our children were
Gleaning our words of wisdom that we share daily.

I think our Husbands would fall over if we responded to them after they told us
How to do something, with thanks honey, you're so smart!

How about when your Pastor reads a scripture and the Holy Spirit
Shows You the error of your thinking; and you quickly repent!

It seems to me that it is pretty easy to distinguish if
You're stupid!
Do You love instruction?

Or do you know everything?
Shall we all call You Miss Smarty Pants?

If we are not teachable, we will perish in many ways
We must have a teachable spirit...

He who hates correction is stupid...

So the next time someone has a suggestion or a different way
Just stop and listen;
You just might learn something new!

Just for the record, I do remember my sister calling me;
Miss Smarty Pants;
I thought it was a compliment LOL

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How To Tea-Stain Or Dye Lace And Linens Naturally...

Tea Staining And Dye Fabrics, Living From Glory to Glory...

How To Make White Lace Or Fabric Look Vintage

When creating a project that needs a more antique or vintage look
The appearance will require something that looks like it was from
another era of beauty and style.

With just a very simple step that can make anything look very vintage!

This is called Tea Staining;

This can be done on white lace that needs to look vintage.
I have successfully done this on lace many times!

I have also done this with muslin material-
Tea Staining works very well on fabrics that are all natural 
Such as wool, cotton and linen.

~How a tea stain works to create a vintage or an old fashion appeal~

Sometimes a trim or a border for a project needs a vintage look
Any fabric that is light in color and needs a boost of vintage appeal, might just need
A bit of help from this (Tea Staining Process)

Heres How To Make This Simple Tea Stain

Boil your water
Add about 7 to 10 black tea bags to a large bowl or small basin tub
Add boiling water
Steep for 15-20 minutes
Place your lace or small linen into the bowl
Use a slotted spoon or tongs to move around your lace.

Living From Glory To Glry Blog

Watch and see how it will transform an item that looks brand new
to a vintage old fashion hue:
If you love an antique quality, you can take something new and create something
that is a one of a kind design. Isn't that what it is all about!

I have made Victorian looking rag dolls by tea staining my muslin material
Before I ripped the material into strips to make the dolls.

I have also used Tea Staining to rescue doilies that were ruined by a stain.

I have used Tea Stained lace for craft ideas and Valentine cards.

Every trim or lace will take on a different variation of color;
Just enjoy and create something that looks vintage and rich.

You can even use this on very large pieces of material that are all ready stained
You can bring new life to a table cloth that looks ruined from a stain that you have
not been able to remove!

Of course, this will require at least two large boxes of large tea bags to get this much stain,
To cover the tablecloth in a large basin or tub.

Glory to Glory Blog

"For a darker hue of stain on a piece of lace or fabric
Soak the fabric in water with a capful of fabric softener before submerging in the tea mixture
This also helps prevent the color from fading over time."

If it becomes too dark for your preference;
Just rinse under cool water!

Once you have your desired shade, squeeze out excess water and line dry!

Try this first on a smaller project to see how it works and how you like it.

Always wash these items that have been tea stained by hand!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Creating vintage lovelies...

~Got Tea~

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