Monday, April 4, 2016

Beware Of Some Of The Adult Coloring Books...

Beware Of Some Of The Adult Coloring Books...

So many ladies have been going wild over the new craze of adult coloring books!
In the beginning of this new fad, it was very hard to find these adult books.
Many ladies ordered these online.
Then many stores starting carrying these coloring books!
Some of them had a bend towards New Age!
Also, they were laced with Hinduism symbols.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I think many times we think these little things do not matter.
But after giving it some thought and reading some negative information on these types,
of coloring books. I now feel that it deserves a warning!

A mandala is that beautiful circle pattern that looks like it would be impossible to draw free hand. 
It is also a “spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the universe.
 In common use, mandala has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.”

I have been given two really lovely coloring books...
The design is sweet and very beautiful!
You can feel very artistic and creative with the colors you choose to use.

Many women have expressed that by coloring it helps them relax!
It can be very soothing and yet interesting enough to use your brain.
So if you are using, these adult coloring books, I do hope they
Are the ones that are pretty and do not contain these things.

I believe engaging in even patterns that carry a motif that is not christian,
is not really very wise in a choice of design.

I realize that many will think this is a bit nit picky, but I have learned
that even in the small things we can make choices that bring glory to God.

The coloring should be fun and safe and not opening oneself to Zen or meditation!
Just because everyone else is using them does not make them safe!

You can color, but purchase ones without all that stuff.
It is rather fun to find a sweet coring book and I loved buying new coloring pencils!

Have you purchased a coloring book?
Have you enjoyed coloring?

I do hope you all have a blessed and creative week!

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Were Not All That Different...

Sometimes we all just feel a bit fluffy...

We all have so many different ideas and goals.
But we all just really have very basic needs.

We are all really learning every day of our lives.

Sometimes we require very little!
I like to think of myself as not being high maintenance.

We all live in different time zones and spaces and places.
But we are really not all that different!

I am in the process of writing this blog post...
Will be updating as it cancelled, all I wrote.

I will not be derailed by a little glitch or a storm or pain!

Because we have to keep on, we need to shake it off;
Get over it!

If we always just stopped every time we felt bad or trouble came a knocking
 we would shrivel up and never produce the character or fruit we need!

Look, we need substance to live out our calling!

When we truly have hard times we have two choices!
We lean harder into the only thing that will remain forever;
Or we give up and shrivel up!

Why do we think that others always have it easier?
Why do we think every century had it better off?

Lets face it, we all are where we are suppose to be'
We either learn and grow and carry on,
Or we start the slow fade...

Well, as for me and my house we choose life in spite of all
the negative reports or the sorrow or pain.

We are called to help and inspire and work while it is yet day!

Many have it much more worst off than we do;
But that is not the point!!
We are called to carry our own cross,
And to stop and smell our own flowers!

Do not waste your time trying to live in another persons life,
Or to tend their garden...
Be diligent and enjoy this new day and season!

Look around...
Everything is coming to life...

Be inspired, do something that says I am alive

Monday, March 28, 2016

How To Help Eliminate Wrinkles In Your Clothes In The Dryer...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
A Great Way To Help Stop Wrinkles In Your Clothes

Many Of You May Know This Trick!

But if you do not, then you will be enjoying this simple post!

I learned this from my daughter last year while visiting her.
She put tennis balls in her dryer, while drying her clothes.
I did not think much of it until I did my laundry.
So I just put in my wet clothes as usual along with the tennis balls,
that were in her dryer.

Oh my goodness...
What a huge difference it made in the clothes!
 There were very few  wrinkles in them, compared to usual!

She told me that she had been using them for a long time;
She felt it made a huge difference also.
When I got home, I purchased a small container of the tennis balls.
They were only a couple of dollars.
I place three of them in my dryer and I am so glad that I did!
I can see a huge difference in how they have very few wrinkles.

I do try to hang the clothes up just before the dryer runs out of time on the timer.
But this simple and easy trick does really work.

I still iron my good clothing when I want a crisp finish,
But this little trick helps with so many casual pants and tops.
Trust me, if you try this and hang them quickly you will be impressed!

And I truly do not mind ironing, but this has been wonderful!

Do you have any tricks to help eliminate wrinkles in your clothes?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How The Man Was Created To Lead and To Be Shown Respect...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A Man After Gods Own Heart...

A Man needs to be shown respect!
A Man was created to lead and protect!

We are all living in a world today of either not showing respect
Or very little!

Respect, is a very important key element to being a biblical wife.
But we are also missing the bigger picture here!

Men were designed to live in this code!
Respect is like a deep seated need, placed within each man!
When we show respect to them, we actually make a deposit
 that builds integrity,
And a greater sense of worth;

You have heard the phrase the chain of command?
This is used in every branch of civilization...

Well, it is because we cannot all just lead and govern our own way.
We need to be under a form of law and rule!
As we have protection from the very rules God has placed over us!
If we all did just what we wanted to do, we would have chaos!

We need to rethink this concept of respect;
I have heard this statement;
If he wants respect he is going to have to earn it!
But, what we need to do is show respect and then we gain favor.
This applies in marriage, business and the military...
Because this is God's design for his family.

The Word when applied gives us liberty and favor!
But we still must show respect to our husbands and authority;

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Are You Comfortable With A Handshake Or Are You A Hugger...

Handshake or A Hug, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Lately, I have been noticing a difference in the way I have been greeting people.

By nature I am a hugger...

With my dear friends I tend to give them a hug!

With girlfriends I of course just lean in and hug them.
With the opposite sex I lean into their side shoulder, (side hug)

It has been a bit of an uncomfortable practice in the last decade!

So lately with finding myself feeling awkward when meeting new people
Or greeting someone from the opposite sex;.
I have chosen to extend my hand and offer a handshake.

I have looked on at some very inappropriate hugs in the last decade.

I realize things are changing and affection has an opened end to it!

We as women need to be aware with what our hugs demonstrate.
Better to be reserved and use caution then to give a hug we are not 
Comfortable with and can be seen as an open door.

Years ago I would not even considered writing a post like this!

But I was even thinking of the scripture that tells us to stay away from
Even the appearance of evil.

Wrong touch and contact can cause problems.

Also, I just wanted to mention that, make sure you give a
Good handshake that says hello and not a cold fish or limp hand!

How do you greet your friends?
And how do you greet a new person?
So you like older men to hug your daughters and granddaughters?

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