Washing Dish's And Praying!
(Yes, I do have a dishwasher)
But I still rinse everything off before I put them in it.
(Silly Girl)
Looking Out My Kitchen Window
In these Days We Must Stay In The Secret Place...
While doing the things that bring this Heart and HOME contentment.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we can,
Have a sense of peace and contentment while doing everyday things!
We have this mentality of the mind and the makeup of a Roadrunner bird!
Beep Beep...
Get out of my way!
I want to share with you the place where I realized was a spot that has
become my secret place in my home.
I have been doing this ritual or call it a chore every day of my
life as being a housewife or a homemaker.
(Since I wear both these hats simultaneously)
No, I do not bring home the bacon, but I do fry it up in a pan!
This secret and holy place
" Standing at my kitchen sink"
Every day when looking out and seeing the seasons change,
I see the hand of God!
Seed time and Harvest!!
Rain Showers
Winter Snows
The children playing in the grass
The dogs romping and playing and sleeping in the afternoon sun.
When my Hubby mows the grass and I smell the freshly mowed grass!
When I look out and see a snow angel made by a grandchild.
When I hear the birds singing sweetly...
I wash my dishes and plates and cups and silverware;
And pot and pans and bowls and I give thanks!!
I find myself feeling the tension leave my heart from,
The hot sudsy water washing away the cares and worries!
I have learned to not grumble and be irritated by so many
Dishes and such in the sink.
I pray to God for those in this household!
I lift up my many requests!
Head bowed and intently praying for the needs of others!
I also bask in the safety of my own little nook!
Away from all harms way, while I stand in this spot,
~The Secret Place~