Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mercy Is The Seat I Desire To Sit Upon...

A Tea Party, Living from glory to glory blog...

Afternoon Tea

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of how important it is
To have a few friends of whom we love and to gather them together.

But, we are living in a different time.
So as I have seen even myself have the desire to stay closer to home;
I am still going to take a little portion of each day and dedicate it to a
time to rest and relax and to think home-living thoughts!
To look at a magazine that inspires me to make my home lovely and cozy!
To look about as to what I might change around.

Or to sit with a pen and paper in hand and write down some ideas! 
Recipe's, craft ideas, letters to a friend.

Everyday I try to do a little something to make my house special!

Keeping one's heart soft and tender!

As women we have so many areas to manage;
When you were a young Mother and homemaker you had
Different responsibilities and desires!

And as we are still homemakers we are still called to manage our homes!
House Wife and A Home Maker...

Living means making your life and home
a memorable experience!

Live your life and forget your age;
Young or Old you bring wisdom and hope and joy!

Mercy is the seat I desire to sit upon;
For myself and for others!

Journal my days so all will not be forgotten!

A few hours given to your heart of hearts will provide wealth!
A treasury stored up with little things!
The cool breeze blowing the curtains
The sun shining upon the kitchen table.
The words of encouragement you received or gave...

We could travel the world over looking for beauty;
But, better to look within one's own Home!

Sending each of you a hearty hello!
We are weary at times, but encourage yourself in the Lord!

Always, living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Can Cell Phones Cause You To Feel Pain In Your Head Or Temples?

Cell Phones Emit Radiation, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Effects Of Using Cell Phones...

I am writing this article to warn you of the dangers of cell phone RADIATION

Do you really think that using a cell phone that emits radiation is not going to
 Cause a disruption of normal brain activity?

Truly think about this for a minute...

We just take it for granted, we are safe!

But I know that we are seeing now and will continue to see the effects
in ourselves and this next generation, than has grown up with this,
direct contact of radiation to their brains.

Your phone can get hot and it can even ignite!
You must realize the power that is being used.
It just serges radiation and can cause headaches!
Your temples feel inflamed!
Radiation in even small doses can cause cancer!

Look, I use my phone daily, most of us no longer even have a land line!

We have opted for convenience and this new system of connections.

I believe these phones disrupt our sleep patterns!

Make our heads feel fuzzy!

Some people will be more sensitive to these symptoms:
But even if you do not notice any symptoms, you can be sure
You are still getting some radiation!

Brain cancer is on the rise!
(I am not writing this article because my dear friend
 has just recently died of Brain Cancer!)

But rather because of some very strange feelings I have been having
while and after using my cell phone!!

You can use the speaker part of the phone!
Do not hold the phone close to your head!
(Each time you hold that phone to your ear, your head has now become an antenna)


Cell Phone Radiation is real...

What Is The Radiation Emmision Coming From Your Phone?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wildflowers Will Bloom In A Drought And Floods...

Wildflowers, Living From glory To Glory Blog

The Season is Changing

What is it that you desire this season?
Are you weary and tired?

We can all say that we have experienced times of uncertainty.
But when we learn to allow a gentle, quiet resolve in our emotions;
We will fair much better in each change of seasons and situations.

We have heard someone being spoken as being easy going.
I believe in many circumstance's it would be considered a compliment!

Do you really want to be contentious in your thoughts and words?

When I hear or see a woman being loud and rude;
Or a man,
I just cringe!
(We have become not Angry Birds, but people)

So many people are just plain tired and worn down;
We have left our guards down as women and the floodgates have been opened!
Our Homes, must be a safe Harbor

We have lost so much civility in our homeland.

But I may be an optimist at heart, but seeing the compassion
of so many willing to help strangers in their time of need;
Gives me great hope!

Look, we cannot save the whole ship that seems to be sinking.
But we sure can throw out a lifeboat to someone!

I find that if I watch very little to no news I do well;
If I watch the same desperate clips over and over again,
I feel a bit hopeless;
This is not biblical or healthy!

We are called to pray and to give if we can!
But these disasters, are things that can shock us!

But because we are saturated with doom and gloom;
We have a seared reaction switch.
I think many have more compassion for the animals than the people.
But we must have Mercy and compassion for all.

So once again, I am reminded I have a small arena of influence.
May I use it well, and bring comfort to those closest to me!

~A Word Of Encouragement~
~Showing Kindness~
~Being Home~

We must continue to be like the Wildflowers Ladies;
We must bloom where we are planted!
Even in droughts and floods!
For each season will pass...

Keep Growing Even In Difficult Season's

Living From Glory To Glory...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why I Am Becoming A Loner In This Stage Of Life...


Being A Loner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Becoming a loner at this time and stage of life has been so different!

I am in no way a loner by choice!
I am a people person to the core;
But may I try to explain this new course of the lack of involvement!

Once your kids all grow up and they leave home;
(As they should)
You no longer have anyone to keep you company while driving around doing errands.
(So now, I talk to the Lord)
You no longer spend your days homeschooling.
(Reading aloud to the children was interesting)
Lack of interaction in that arena;

My grandchildren are very busy with school and their families!
I have them often, but just not as much as when they were younger.
My grown children have busy lives, raising their children and having their friends.

When I did a ladies bible study a while back, I was gone for over 4 hours,
And that was so not good for me or my home.
How can we take care of our homes if we are away for that long of a period.
I have found I also prefer having a one on one visit with my girlfriends.
Or a plan on a ladies tea party for a bunch of us!

Also being gone and running around town by yourself is not necessarily safe.

I went into our thrift stores yesterday and it felt old and out of style.
Maybe you enjoy it more when your treasure hunting with a friend!
Mostly realized I truly do not need a thing...

Also, I have noticed when I am gone all day, it is harder to make dinner.

And seeing your house is in a need of a good dusting and you don't!
(Not Good)

When you meet a friend for lunch, by the time you get home your
Too tired to cook, not to mention gut rot from eating out.
And the money you spend just leaving home!

I have been keeping closer to home!
Cleaning out my desk and paperwork feels so good!
Deep cleaning and getting organized around my home.

Trying to save some energy to be able to prepare a good meal daily.

I am learning to enjoy the quiet and to read and study and create;
For myself and my family and my hard working hubby!
(A Hubby enjoys seeing his home in order and his wife rested)
That is why we need to count the cost of being away from home too often
Or too long of a time period!

We must have the wisdom to know what we should be involved in!
And this applies to every stage of life!!

A Proverbs 31 Lady;
Does not have to be involved in everything that comes down the river!
We need to learn to be content with not being busy and gone!

~Just remember God gives us fruit to firstly minister to our Husbands and our Homes~

Being Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, August 18, 2017

We Have Lost Our Shame In This Culture...

Lovely and Innocent, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Lovely and Innocent

We have lost are shame dear ones in this culture;

There was a time when you knew who the Harlot was;

Now, we have the results of free love and no correction!
Every top has very low necklines
Every design is provocative

When was the last time you blushed?

How often do our young women blush anymore?
Look they have been exposed to everything
(Between the movies and magazines and books)

This has gotten so out of control!
Even the kids that were supposedly protected many have been exposed through
The internet, and other friends!

We are sex crazed and sweet romance is long gone.
But, may I say that even if the world is living like this.
We can stay pure in our hearts and thoughts!
True romance is from the Lord;
Where HE brings two together to become one!
Protect your eyes!!
Protect your heart!!
We are told in the Word that we should make a covenant with our eyes.

The Washing Of The Word, Living from glory to glory blog...

We need the washing of the Word!
But a crooked and perverse heart will bring ruin and destruction,
On both men and woman!

I can't change the world, but I can guide my home;
And there lies my effect on society...

Your HOME is a sacred place!

Having good boundaries and keep the fruit stealers away...

Please be diligent, keep active and alert!

Read good wholesome books!
Watch good wholesome movies!

Look the other way when weirdness and sensuality struts by!
They just want to shock us and demand we except their stuff!

Hate the sin, but love the sinner...
What I usually do is smile and say hello and go about my business!

Blessings To You All
I so appreciate Your visits here;
My Little Part Of A Happy Home!
And a better world...

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