Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What Goes Around Comes Around...

Life Is But A Merry Go Round...

 What Goes Around Comes Around...

This sounds a bit like the golden rule.

 Some may even call it a full circle.

Some believe in Karma.

But I prefer the saying;

"What You Sow You Reap"

So this is a stern reminder we are all planting everyday!

Seeds come in many forms;

Word Seeds

Deed Seeds

Financial Seeds

Grace Seeds

Encouragement Seeds

Joy Seeds

Can you think of some more Seeds in your own life?

Everyday we must first breakup the fallow ground!

Being kind to someone or praying for them will start breaking up the hard soil.

We can understand this concept and begin to plant good seed!

I have seen that the Lord is true to His Word;

Yes, I know there are still so many weeds to contend with.

But in due season you will have a good harvest one day!

We are not suppose to run around in circles;

But rather run a race in a direction that is God paved!

~Hope You Are Intentional In Planting Healthy Seeds~

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory

{With Great Expectations Of What Is Ahead}

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To Make Your Home Unforgetable...

May We Never Forget The Need For Home...

Taking care of my home has become like a warm and

comfortable sweater to me;

Cozy and clean and so very soft from everyday wear!

Being at home is truly a pleasure,

That is why the saying

~Home Sweet Home~ 

Is forever written on plaques and over our hearts!

It's the simple things really

The smell of the first cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

It's the feeling of warm sudsy water running over my hands,

While washing dish's as I look out the kitchen window.

The feeling and smell of clean sheets as you climb into bed,

After a long day and needing a good nights sleep.

Being able to prepare and cook a meal that makes you happy!

I so enjoy keeping my home a haven of calm and joy, and happy!

Life has a way of wearing a person out, but we can become,

refreshed and revived in our homes!

It's not about money or bigger or better;

It's about what matters in a heart!

The feeling of belonging...

"May you never grow weary of keeping the home fires burning"

Never allow anything to rob you of the joys of home!

Keep watch and do a something each day,

To make your home beautiful and cozy and clean and organized!

"May it show the wear of being used everyday and being loved"

I can drive down any street in any town and I can say;

That house is a happy house!

Being happy is not about stuff, but a place that has love,

Comfortable, and Clean and filled with memories and treasures!

Make your home a place of Joy!

So if I drive down your street, I can say,

"That there is a happy house"

What says Home Sweet Home to you?

Hugs, Roxy

Monday, August 17, 2020

Blogger Has A New Format...

Everything Changes

Blogger has a New Format...

We can all get a bit weary over all the different changes life throws us!

But. there is always a but...

If we do not go with the flow and learn the newest curve is some things,

We will become stuck!

There are some things I never plan on changing; But here again lies a problem,

We are always being renewed day by day!

Every ten years our bodies change. And once again we must adjust.

We are given an option to revert to the original format on Blogger.

But then, I become not able to change with the times of Blogging!

Can I be molded in such a way that I become hardened, not teachable?

Technology is always updating.

Sometimes I just want to give up and say I am sick of these new normal's!

Wearing a mask everywhere you go!

Still not feeling completely comfortable or safe!

Blogging has been a great source to connect with others;

Some are like minded, some come from a very different culture and nation!

This year 2020 has been such a challenge friends;

I can't even go into all that...

Because we must learn to grow in Christ and learn the new things.

Some our even required of us!!

Well, I have some new things I plan to share with you a bit later!

I am working daily in my home to complete the remodel,

 and I have purged a few items big and small.

What are your thoughts of the new format in Blogging?

I have a problem already on this new format-

My new Blog Posts are not showing up on my followers sidebars or mine for that matter!

Have you noticed any problems if you have a Blog?

What are some things you are doing to learn something new?

Hugs and a big miss ya all!

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory



Monday, August 3, 2020

Where The Roses Never Fade...

Where The Roses Never Fade Hymn, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Everything can be but a passing faint memory;
Or it can be something we hang onto with grace!

Some things in this life we must release and let it go,
Some moments in time are etched in our minds and hearts!

Forever is a long time, but eternity is without end...

When we learn to relax and breath from resting in what will last;
We will become more thoughtful and a stronger commitment to truth!

I love flowers, but a Rose is symbolic of something we may not be
Able to describe, but the fading away that happens, we all feel it.

We want to hang onto those beautiful moments and days and years.

Some days you are not even aware of the fade;
But other times it's almost an ache within.

Children grown and now grandchildren grown;
You may not be needed by others that once depended on you.

You even get used to the dull ache of remembering when.
You even become comfortable in your own skin.
The rhythm of your days is slow and purposeful...

"But we will always long for when the Roses will never fade."

The Hymn called Where The Roses Never Fade...

Here is a very sweet, very old hymn that I love...

I am going to  a city Where the streets of gold are laid,
Where the tree of life is blooming, And the Roses never fade.

In this world we have our troubles, Satan snares we must evade;
We'll be free from all temptations Where the Roses never fade

Loved ones gone to be with Jesus, in their robes of white arrayed.
Now are waiting for my coming Where the Roses never fade

Here they bloom, but for a season, soon their beauty is decayed.

~I am going to the city Where the Roses never fade~

Never be sad for too long for all the bygone year's;
For we have a promise that will never fade.

Enjoy and totally embrace the here and now and know the future
Will be blooming with beautiful, fragrant Roses that will never fade.

Blessing to each and every one of you, dear saints,
For we will one day meet on that beautiful shore!
Hugs, Roxy

Hope this inspired you and gave you a bit of JOY

Friday, July 31, 2020

This Covid Virus May Leave A Nasty Trail Of Side Effects...

Storm Over The Water, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This Covid virus has a nasty trail of side effects for some;

We all have done one of two things, totally extreme or nothing at all!
We must find the solution that works for you!

The guidelines we have been given are a small price to pay;
Have you heard of the group called the long haulers?
 This group of well meaning people is trying to make others
realize the huge range of symptoms that have lingered for them.
These symptoms are the after effect of having the Covid virus!

I believe we will be experiencing a storm of side effects!

These people are trying to get the word out, so others,
will realize this virus can have long reaching, life changing problems.

This virus is not as simple as either having the flu
for a couple of weeks or being high risk and dying.
"There's so much about this virus that our medical field,
knows nothing about! 
There are many things that we don't understand,
This has been in our country for only about six months,

My point is this, there are many people already living with
long term effects that we are just learning about.

Staggering List Of Symptoms
Cough, chronic fatigue, memory issues
Vision problems, chest heaviness, drastic heart rate,
Oxygen changes, reflux, nausea, dizziness, vertigo,
Joint pain, mild fever, tremors, dry mouth...
Many more according to the site,
I believe you can find the site through Facebook;
I do not have Facebook, so I found what I could to inform myself!
Just thought I would share, just in case you or someone else;
May be going through this 

I have a dear friend in this situation and its very hard to function!
Maybe I only know of one, but that's enough for me!

How long will these people suffer?
Well, I do not think they really know that now!

Wear masks, social distance and look out for each other!

But, please don't forget to live as normal as possible!
Enjoy your loved ones using some caution;
The big deal is this, there truly is no known pattern,
For how this might affect each person with their own health issues,
Or their body's response!

I for one, believe I had the virus late January;
I have experienced a few long lasting effects myself.
Vertigo and fatigue.

I am using essential oils and have added some supplements!
Building up my immune system!

We must all Plod On and Persevere...

Enjoy this day and time in your life!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Beware Of Seeing Only The Faults In Others...

Ocean, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Having Eyes For Beauty

Or, Seeing Only The Faults...

I still believe so many men and woman walk this earth,
That are radiant people with gentle and kind character.
Their lives shine with bright and shining qualities;
They are filled with the Holy Spirit!
They have a desire to think the best of others!
Seeing the goodness and the life flow of Christ of true believers;
This is a quality that pleases the Lord.

Let us all strive to be one of those that look for the goodness!

But, sadly we have many that only see the faults in others!
They have no eyes to see these lovely qualities.
But for every fault and blemish, they have the sharpest eye.

Maybe because it may be easier to have a fault finding character.

Why we must be watchful about taking part of having a
Self righteous, critical spirit!
Or rehearsing and remembering every wrong or hurtful word
Spoken to or about you.
Don't allow others abuse you!

Beware of this also;
 Do not spin words or lies about others!
They feel they can do this, because it's easy to be self righteous!
Or maybe anyone of us can get caught up in the moment
 Of a good gossip session!

For many years, I have prayed to not be self righteous;
See your wrong and confess to God

But yet we are to judge between evil and good!

It is how we do this, without destroying someones character or life;
Which is the most important step in looking for the good.

Having grace for others, when they do make a mistake in judgement,
Is a sure sign of a maturity that only comes through trials.

Treat others the way you would like to be treated!
Verify the truth...
Be slow to anger and judgment!
Remember, he said, she said, is a very slippery slope!

Dear Wounded:
Remove yourself from the ones that cause the Pain!
Beware of being lulled into thinking all is okay, when they are on better behavior.
Once or twice is human;
But once you see their pattern of abuse!
Stop and do not expose yourself to their manipulation!

(You will never be able to overcome their view and control)
"It's their way or nothing
They will always get the last word in
They will always call you what they really are
You will never be able to change their opinion of you
They always remember things that happened in their version of the story"

So anyways, if you have been living in this cycle;
Stop and get out or off...

Insanity= doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

Learn to take your own life under control
Manage your own life and keep only relationships;
~That are biblical and healthy~

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

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