Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life and Our Memories & The Headwaters Of Missions...

Moments, And Minutes, then Days
Alas, the years have flown by...

I have watched my life as through a camera lens in my mind's eye!
As summer rolls in, we are entering another opportunity to create,
Something that holds a heart...
Life will leave imprints;
some will impart destiny and form paths for a life time.
Our Homes are the headwaters of missions;
Our children and grandchildren will be our missionaries.
To carry the gospel;

Use these everyday practical things to train them for missions;
Vacation Bible school
Love for the outdoors
Swimming, fishing, camping
Growing your own food (Future Farmers of America)
Make this summer count...

Ask your children these questions;
Does Mother pay more attention to her computer than you?
What do you remember that we did last summer?
What is the silliest and fun thing we have done together as a family?

There you have it ladies;
Out of the mouth of babes...

Mary Cassatt - The Child's Bath
This picture just melts my heart!

Rachel Jankovic says:
“It is easy to become discouraged, thinking that the work you are doing does not matter much.
 If you were really doing something for Christ you would be out there, somewhere else, doing it.
 Even if you have a great perspective on your role in the kingdom,
 it is easy to lose sight of it in the mismatched socks in the morning 
sickness, in the dirty dishes. It is easy to confuse intrigue with value,
 and begin viewing yourself as the least valuable part of the Church.
There are a number of ways in which mothers need to study their own roles,
 and begin to see them, not as boring and inconsequential,
 but as a home, the headwaters of missions.
At the very heart of the gospel is sacrifice,
 and there is perhaps no occupation in the world so intrinsically sacrificial as motherhood.
 Motherhood is a wonderful opportunity to live the gospel.
 They are your children, they are eternal souls, they are your
 mission field.”

Want to Read the rest of this click HERE

Monday, May 26, 2014

Who Sits On Your Advisory Board...

Advisory Board, Wise Counsel

Advisory Board

Can you be trusted to give wise counsel?

Does your Husband ask and use the things you discuss to help with
Planning and implementing your advice?

The word tells us it is wisdom to ask for wise council.

Who is on your board of advisers?

I want to know in my marriage that my Husband trust the advice that I give him.
I try to be informed on what the subject matter is, so I can give an,
Opinion based on some facts. As I can just be emotional and speak from
my heart only. And this is part of my point we need to hear the portion
that does come from the heart
. We just cannot take just this portion and leave out the facts.

I made a few mistakes in this arena when I was younger;
Now I know the wisdom to have heart and facts.

There are so many ways of doing things out there in our marriages and homes.
We can read and be informed until the cows come home.
But we must remember that the Bible must be our main source.

My older Brother years ago once told me this;
Roxy if you will not learn to take constructive criticism you
will never grow or be wise.

I want to grow and be wise, but I must be careful in who I ask
 advice from!

Ask the Lord, whom you can go to for sound counsel.
Ask the Lord to help you to be able to give wise counsel.

The time is now to grow in wisdom and not be following every wind of doctrine.
Just because someone might have a bestselling book on a subject
 Does not mean this should be your new belief system.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Lord...

My eyes have seen the glory of the Lord;
His truth is marching on...

Billows of clouds cover the mountain tops;
Darkness looms over the vast empty prairies
The tumbleweeds roll and roll...

His truth will not be stopped, it is in the very foundations of this soil.
His fingerprint is upon each grain of sand!

My eyes have seen His glory;
I have seen the glory in the eyes of a man who has fought on the battlefield,
 and now the war in his own mind.

I have seen the glory in a Mothers and Fathers eyes after the birth of a child.
And the glory in a tear that has fallen from the very same eyes of,
A parent who has lost a child to soon.

I have seen the glory in the eyes of a couple exchanging their marriage vows
 When these words were spoken;
I Do...

I feel His Glory when I kneel and pray!

His Glory is everywhere;
From the tallest mountain to the depths of the sea!

I can hear Him in the wind,
I can smell Him in the flowery fragrance blowing in my windows!

I saw His majesty lighting up the sky;
Behold, I see our flag waving valiantly...

His truth is marching on...
Glory, Glory Hallelujah

Friday, May 23, 2014

Orange Pansies And Graduation...

 Orange Pansies And A Dream

It was the first Spring after my Mother had passed away when
I had a very vivid dream!
And in this dream my Mother and I were talking
and she said to me;
Roxy, I just love orange pansies...
I said really Mom, and she proceeded to tell me all about these orange pansies,
She said they were the most brilliant orange she has ever seen!

The next day my sister called and I told here about this dream I had about Mom
She said wow, how weird is this, I just got back from the
Flower nursery and landscaping place, with two flats of orange pansies!

Neither of us had ever remembered planting them before, or being
Aware of how pretty they were!
Now every Memorial Weekend we try to find some,
As they are very hard to find.
We want to have them as they remind us of our Mother!

This weekend and next is filled with Graduations!

We are all waiting for the next promotion!

Graduating from High school!
Graduating from College!
Graduating in serving Christ in these promotions:
Graduating to a Single Woman serving Christ!
Graduating to a Wife!
Graduating to a Mother!
Graduating to a Grand Mother!
Graduating to Heaven!

We're moving on up!

I believe the colors in Heaven will be brilliant and vibrant of Life!

We need to live our days with eternity in mind!
Be spiritually minded!

What can you say or do that will bring about promotion?
Seek First the Kingdom of God;
And all these are things will be added to you!

I know the next promotion is just ahead...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lovely China Is Made To Use...

Would you be willing to share your fine china?

I first saw this very pretty tableware in a little thrift shop about 20 years ago!
Little did I know that my dearest best friend had also seen this set and of
course loved it. As we have very similar taste!!
"Good Taste"

Well, she went back to this little thrift store to buy it.
And it was gone, her heart sank, I am sure;
And  she inquired of the Lady that owned the shop;
And she told her, well, I just sold it to a lady a little bit ago.

When she found out that it was me,
 I am sure she was glad that a total stranger had not boughten it!
It was at least still in the family!

I did tell her this, 
We will share it!
 I will use it for a few years, then it will be your turn!
And that is what we have done.
We share this lovely flowered dish set that takes us back to our younger days.
When she came to my home for a
 Luncheon or tea time we used this lovely set.
And, now she uses them for when I go to her home for a luncheon.

I have found a treasure in an earthen vessel...
Friendships just don't happen,
 We must use and treat them like fine china.
Don't just take them out for a special holiday;
We want to be used and thought of daily.
Maybe just a prayer for them!
Or a quick TXT
(Don't be driving)
Email takes only a jiffy to send one!
A card by Email is so much fun!
Thanks Lydia...
Remember snail mail?
You write a letter and mail it;
The U.S, postal service mails it to their door!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Damage Control...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Lavender And Lovely
Peace And Grace

Saying nice things about other people...

Open your mouth and I will fill it!

What is coming out of your mouth?
We are only given a few hours everyday to impact others!

Did your Mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say
"Don't say anything at all"

Now, if we would heed this wise advice from our Mothers,
It would be a much quieter place in this loud world!

It is getting so loud at times we can hardly think;
And when others will only say things that bring discord and unrest.

We can learn to exercise mouth control;
Or we can call it damage control...

One thing we must teach our children and ourselves is it is almost
Impossible to retract a statement,
Unless of course you are a lawyer or a liar.

It can take only a few short words to bring destruction or harm to little ears.
Or to break a woman's heart!
Or to crush a man's ego!

Remember the words?
The sinking in the pit of your stomach;
Your heart literally feels broken.
Your continence just falls!
A wound has resulted...

All because the tongue was wagging or bragging!

A gentle reminder Dear Ones;
Stick and stones may break my bones.
But words can't hurt me!

Who really believes this?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Accentuate The Positive...

File:Bank unter Magnolie.jpg

Author: Andreas F. E. Bernhard

Accentuate the positive;
How do we maintain a gentle and quiet spirit?
 The Lord has asked us women to have a demeanor of this quality.

In the hectic days we live in and all the distractions that seem to just,
Pop up like that silly game. You know the one where you have a 
HUGE Hammer to whack the head back down into its hole.

Well, I feel that even that will not work because we are using up,
Our much needed energy and strength for little or no gain.

I love the scripture that tells us (How to) have this quality!
It is not working harder or faster;
But rather taking captive what you're thinking about.

An Example:
We can just become overwhelmed with all the dishes we have
after making supper. But what we need to do is think of,
how nice and tidy the kitchen looks after they are done.
We can bog our brains and thinking  by just allowing the
 Thoughts about this is too much to handle.
Call me Pollyanna if you want; but I have learned this one thing;
The dishes will still need to be done!
So I am going to make the best of things most the time!
Learning to take pleasure in all that I have to do!
Hard some days?
Real hard some days!

Turn on some lovely music, hum and sing!
We must help this world with its spiral down thinking.
We must be the homes that have an atmosphere of peace.
A Husband and Children need a sanctuary where they feel safe and loved!
Not perfect and a show place or museum!

Take some time and sit and allow lovely thoughts
 to fill your heart and mind!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gibson Girls Hair Styles And How We Can Have Lovely Hair...

 February 1903 Cover
The Gibson Girls became the standard of femine beauty from the 1890-1903.

File:Gibson Girl by Charles Dana Gibson.jpg

A "Gibson Girl" portrait by Charles Dana Gibson, Note: This iconic image was selected by the U.S. Post Office for a 32 cent postage stamp first released on 3 February 1998

File:Their First Quarrel, Gibson.jpg

Their First Quarrel, a 1914 print by Charles Dana Gibson.

File:Gibson Girls seaside -cropped- by Charles Dana Gibson.jpg

Titled Picturesque America, Anywhere Along the Coast) in beach attire!

I am not sure I can hardly stand going to the beach or swimming pools any longer
 I feel that our lack of clothing is so shocking.
Not to mention setting your Husband up for what He tries to avoid everyday!

If you would like to see all the different magazine covers from the 
Ladies Home Journal
Just click link below

You may want to read some history of the Gibson Girl Look!

I loved the hair styles and the feminine looking clothes they wore.
But I know so many things that come from fads and design
 And these different movements
 have brought changes that we have all seen and felt.
Some of them have been good, but many have left us not,
looking or acting like ladies anymore.

I just think we can make a few personal choices to keep our hair,
and clothing modest and feminine.

Hope you enjoyed these lovely images!
I do believe woman are experimenting with longer hairstyles.
And looking quite lovely, I think.
I think a woman at any age can have hair that is amazing!
Clean and brushed and curled or straightened!
Using a shampoo that says for Volume on it really helps.
Only use your cream rinse on the ends of your hair.
One way to wear your hair in a bun that has some puff to it;
Is by curling your hair before pinning it up.
 My trick is to put your hair up on top of your head for a few minutes
 before you arrange it into a bun. This allows for a bit of volume.

I am also very interested in seeing women take the lovely
 Silver and gray hair that
  comes as we age. And to embrace it and allow it to grow long.
Or maybe a lovely cut, shaped to their face.
Keeping it well trimmed and using a shampoo that is made for
Silver and white hair, really makes it shine!
I think God knows what looks good on us as are skin tones will change
 from when we were younger.
The gray and silver streaks look so much more becoming.
As we all know the roots that grow out always really tells the truth.

Our hair is to be are soft and lovely feature!

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