Saturday, October 19, 2013

Her Mouth

She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom,
And on her tongue is the
Law of kindness!
(Giving counsel and instruction).
Proverbs 31:26
What is this Law of Kindness??
Is this a real law?
Yes, If you want to be a Proverbs 31 Woman.
Are we not warned in the Word to not be foolish!
What makes a woman look foolish?
It will mostly come from her mouth and the words she speaks.
What does skillful and godly Wisdom words,
sound like?
(Godly, wise, and kind).
Are we to be giving counsel and instruction in our sphere of
Yes, we are dear ones!
We can grow in wisdom as we study and pray.
Seek wise counsel ourselves on subjects of our homes
To know how to manage them better.
You will never be an expert on everything and all matters.
But we can ask God for wisdom!
To many foolish things spoken;
 will be tearing down your own home.
 Gossip, slang and critical words, bring condemnation.
These ways of speaking would not be under the heading
of the Law of kindness.
We all have a wonderful resource of information,
that we can use, to be
 able to give wise counsel and instructions
as needed !
Study the book of PROVERBS!
You can use this for wise counsel, as it is
perfect and sound.
Reading Proverbs daily and applying it will
help make you skillful in wisdom.
But here is the KEY;
You must speak these truths in KINDNESS.
(Your tone, and your volume being used )
 Feelings of condemnation.
Self righteous are not showing kindness.
I am always working on this very thing;
As it is what will set me apart.
And to be used for His Kingdom.
Many times in the Proverbs it will start with
Open your mouth;
It is what comes out that is important!
So may I be slow to speak and quick to hear.
(Read James 1:19)


  1. Hi Roxy! I agree that Proverbs get the short end of the stick a lot. Everyone really loves Psalms, but hey, Proverbs is good too!

    Kindness is such a beautiful attribute in a person, isn't it? And James' quote of 'slow to speak and quick to hear' is something I need to work on. I have been noticing lately that I run over people verbally because I have an idea I can't wait to share. Ugh.

    Have a great weekend, Roxy!

  2. Kind wise words from a kind wise woman. Thank you.

    Mrs. Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. Hi, Roxy!

    Hope you are having a great weekend. The days are getting shorter and it has been chillier this weekend, so I guess winter is really on the way. I keep reading about the tongue, so I guess I must need to hear it. Thanks!

  4. This is very dear to my heart Rox. Our kindness reflects His glory. It is one of His attributes, so I can see why He wants us to walk in it. I Love thinking that He calls it "the Law of kindness" and I love being reminded that we are to open our mouth in skillful and godly wisdom...."the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere..." James 3:!7...its all connected isn't it?
    Wisdom and kindness, gentleness, etc.

    Love this word of wisdom; it just feeds my spirit with good things, and I am longing to walk in those things as well. Yes, Proverbs, James and prayer... the perfect answer for those seeking wisdom.
    Love ya,

  5. Wonderful post, Roxy. My Mother used to say that her favorite teacher had been firm, but KIND! Thank God for His lovingkindness.

  6. This was a much-needed post, Roxy, at least for me :) I love visiting you because you teach me wonderful, godly things and for that I thank you!

    Blessings to you, sweet friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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