Monday, March 16, 2015

How Much Does A Vacation Really Cost...

Glenwood Springs, Co  Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Medicinal Waters

I was told something many years ago from a lady that really stuck with me!

She said that you needed to take a vacation every year
And I responded with we can't afford that!
She looks me in the eye, and she said this;
"I can promise you this even after taking a vacation you will still have
the same amount of money at the end of the year"

It made no sense to me then...

Well, after many years of trying to heed her advice;
It has proven true and powerful.

Life has a way of becoming mechanical and routine;
Not always a bad thing;
But I think we are created in such a way we need to be inspired.

Finding ways to vacation close to home is great,
But planning a trip away from home and your familiar sights,
Can refresh and stimulate our hearts and our thinking.

Always keep in mind ways to keep your vacations, cost effective
We always pack snacks and take our own bottled waters,
(When we travel by car)
 We have also found that when we travel we look for
Very nice grocery stores that carry salads and soups, as they make nice choices for lunch
And Fresh fruit and drinks without
The restaurant cost and tip required.
And if you travel with a camper or 5th wheel, you can save a lot in food cost and sleeping!

My Hubby just had the privilege to go hear a Mountain Man speak;
One of the topics was spending time in God's amazing creation!

I believe it is God's idea for us to explore and enjoy
"His creations"

Need A Vacation, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

We need things that will jump start our wonder and love
Of others and a heart of thankfulness...

A walk in a park to a camping trip, to a wild adventure;
It is not how far or how much it cost, but rather the investment,
Of time and memories that are made!

So a vacation and planned times away really do not cost you much!
But rather allows you to invest in love, romance, feelings, inspiration
Ideas to create and have a healthy heart...

So enjoy and plan a getaway for yourselves!

Where is it that you like to go?
Or what do you like to do to be refreshed and blessed?


  1. Wonderful Advice Rox. I hope your vacation was extra special; it looks delightful.
    Love and Blessings

  2. I find that the time away always takes or makes us (hubby and me) closer. We usually travel by car so it's a captive audience.

  3. I know, Roxy. We struggled with this for years and I am sorry to say that we never took vacations when the kids were little (well- one or two-but certainly nothing of import). Your friend was very wise...and this is a wise post. xo Diana

  4. Hi Roxy, Great post and advice. When our daughters were young, we used to go cross country to see relatives. They remember fondly our car trips. Hubby and I still take one at least once a year.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is wise advice. We have never regretted any of the vacations we have taken. When our children were younger we did camping, as they got older we would always travel with a cooler (even on planes) and shop when we got to our destination (coolers were good for breakfast items and lunches if no fridge in the room. The memories made have been worth the money spent. Hope your vacation has been refreshing

  6. So true, good to be reminded that vacations are worth the expense and memories enjoyed forever! We like to go camping for ours because we get away from the normal routine and just enjoy one another and all the funny mishaps of camping. We also enjoy hot springs... Liards in B.C. and Chena Hot Springs in Fairbanks, Alaska, where we live.

  7. Going fishing and be outdoors works well for me.

  8. Hi Roxy, yes vacations and even short getaways do one so much good. It breaks up the routines and gives us a "freshen up" to start again the very things that sent us in that direction in the first place. We like getaways where we can explore, learn something, historical sites and places to just relax.

    Hugs, CM

  9. We started camping together as a family when our kids were very young, and that is our "vacation" of choice throughout the year. Since we live in such an amazing area, we tend to camp a lot, or just go to local state and national campgrounds and spend the day relaxing. We are blessed! My husband and I cannot even imagine taking a cruise or an amusement park vacation, because the outdoors is where we find ourselves relaxing and enjoying our family the most.

    Great post Roxy! :)

  10. I'm going to have to use the word holiday here as saying vacation does not sound right to me and of course holiday stems from the word Holy Day! Our holidays in recent years have all been camping trips. I myself would much rather stay in a lovely guesthouse but with so many of us that is not possible but maybe one day after the busyness of this year my husband and will take a deserved weekend away. I too love hot springs and miss the ones we used to visit in New Zealand. There are some stunning ones there and some have slides which are a lot of fun for families. There is also a beach where you can dig your own hot water pool! I like visiting pretty places with lovely scenery - green fields and places to stop along the way if only to window shop and browse. Antique shops, tea shops and craft barns. We always try to find op shops or thrift stores as you call them to hunt down china. I dislike traveling and going in malls in cities where it is just the same old chain stores. That is not a holiday for me when we have the same shops at home. There are some lovely places in England I would love to revisit - the Lake District but at certain times of year it is crowded with tourists. My dream trip is of course to Canada and the States to meet all my lovely blogger friends and visit the places where my great grandmother ( a daughter of the famous Fairbanks Family of America) and her ancestors lived. So New England and Nova Scotia which will give me an excuse to visit Prince Edward Island too!

  11. Most of my vacations including visiting family and involve airfares which usually cost $400 each trip, so they arent cheap. This year alone I am making three such trips to visit family, so will be quite expensive.

  12. Lovely blog and great post. I think a "mental vacation" can work wonders for those who have very little money...and even for those who do! Closing our eyes, taking time to rest and enjoy the blessings that we have.

  13. I love vacations and staycations too. Today I am sipping raspberry tea and reading a good book. I am so thankful we get times to rest our souls.

    Happy St. Patty's Day!

  14. My motto is, that you can not afford not to! It really does wonders to rejuvenate your soul. It's the perfect way to see how you, your hubby and family if they go get along. Might give you an idea of what needs improving. Plus, it widens your horizons. I have seen so many gorgeous sights that I will cherish forever. We always take snacks and when traveling eating out two meals is plenty for us. We have a vacation plan and most of the places we stay have kitchens. Love going to the local farmers markets and buying fresh produce, cheeses, meats, and such that we can prepare ourselves.

  15. Hello Roxy,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog, for some reason I couldn't email you, so I am saying hello here:) I hope you had a wonderful vacation and came home happy and renewed.
    Have a sweet day in Jesus,

  16. Good post Roxy. Most of the vacations I've been on have paid dividends far beyond the cost of travel.

  17. Excellent advice! I do think it is important to "get away." Makes returning home so nice, too. Guess that I had better start saving some pennies.

    Lovely photo of you and a grand below!

  18. Thanks for the tips,Roxy, we'll be taking a vacation with two of our girls and grandchildren, the last of April, to the Florida coast. We do need to be thrifty since there will be teenagers, and you know how they love to eat!

  19. Hi Roxy, Karen told me you asked about me. We are enjoying warmer temps and signs of spring here in GA. I hope you will enjoy the upcoming weekend. Mildred

  20. Our family goes camping for a week every autumn to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles but I would love to incorporate another "vacation" during the year. We raise dogs and with litters almost year round, it really keeps us at home. So when we do get a chance to go somewhere, it's a special treat. Someone did tell us about the AFV Club … we have yet to take advantage of this but it is for people with family members who have served in the military … you can find accommodations at many resort/getaway places for about $350/week.


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