Friday, September 16, 2016

Why Do Women Think Being A Stay At Home Wife Or Mother Or Grandmother Is Not A Real Ministry...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My Living Room...
Where I live and enjoy moments of rest and peace.

I have read many books and articles and blogs on women that have made
The decision and have  chosen to stay home.

But so often it is spoken as a negative place for housewives.
We are not slaves or maids we are keepers of our homes!

This was a comment I have left on a blog this week!

"Why do we run ourselves ragged, when we can do all things in a timely manner and still have a rest throughout a day or even just a few times a week! And being at home to keep the home fires burning is so important to the whole family! Being home was a gift to women to do the job of keeper of the home. It is a place where you can study about many things, you can create and paint and plan! We are allowed to watch our children and keep them safe from predators. You're able to enjoy your marriage and be good friends and be able to do things with them on their days off. We have seen that many ladies have believed the lie that true ministry is only real if done outside the home."

I still enjoy reading blogs, but I do not leave as many comments as I once did!
I have found my days moving along so fast that I am not sure I am always
Spending my time as wisely as I should when it comes to the computer or blogging!
~That was one long sentence~

I have tried to live my life as a loving HOUSEWIFE...

But some think we need to be extraordinary in every aspect of our lives.
I remembered years ago I was once asked;
What do you do for a living?
"I said I am just a HOUSEWIFE"

Now, I look back and I think that was one of the saddest an untrue statement I ever made!

I am a HOUSEWIFE and I am so blessed...

These women nowadays are sick and tired and many are not even wives;
They have been married and have lost so much!
My heart grieves for them!
Marriage is still God's perfect plan for families!
We need these vows to embrace and cover us in these days of No Truth...

Ministry is a word that has been distorted and has an undertone of superiority of worth.

Being able to stay home and be a wife and mother and grandmother;
Is well worth its weight in gold and value...


  1. I so agree Roxy! My goal in life was to be the BEST Wife, Mother, and Grandma that I could possibly be, with God's help. I don't like it when someone says you're "JUST" a housewife. The most important job you can do is; be a God fearing wife and raise your children in the Lord.

  2. Thank you for this. I am a 56 yr. old grandmother of 8 (they all live close by) and I have never been busier. My daughter-in-love just had her 2nd baby and family and friends have all left to go back to work and their lives -so I have swooped in to help and take their 18 month old with me on errands etc. A LOT of people ask me what I do all day, but I am busier than I have ever been. No one around aka (kids) to do the chores anymore-we are on 3 acres with chickens and a garden. Luckily my husband loves working hard outside, but you get the drift. I mentor young women at our church, and am in a Bible Study. The days fly. Thank you for this article.

  3. A beautiful heartfelt post dear Roxy, and so thankful that more and more ladies are realizing that the most important job we have is with the people we love most! It is true that time has a way of stealing from you on the computer and blogging. I truly had so much going on this summer that I had no time to visit dear ladies who blog. Today it is a rainy day, and just perfect for catching up with my dear friends. I love them all, but my priorities are first my family and my home chores, and then, as I have time, my precious blogging friends. I love each one of them, and pray for them too. I think of you often Roxy, you are such a dear encouraging heart and your posts always timely and filled with wisdom. Praying the Lord continues to bless and keep you in the midst of life's busy-ness! :)

  4. Lovely post Roxy! I agree.
    Mrs. O

  5. Hello Roxy, thank you for writing this post. I so agree with you on this one! I love being a stay at home Mom and I am so glad that I am here for my teen and husband! We do more than some people realize. :)
    Take care and hope you have a wonderful week.
    Julie xo

  6. Beautiful.
    I consider being a wife, mother, and homemaker my vocation in life.
    And I am blessed to love and enjoy every single moment.
    Thanks for always inspiring!

  7. I feel that it is my vocation to be a wife, mother and homemaker, I did laugh once when a friend of mine when asked what she did said she was in "home management", it did make me laugh. Thank you for your post today.

  8. I need to hear this again and again it seems. Especially as an empty nester with no grandchildren (yet!) to take care of, I feel sometimes the need to justify what I do. Or to do more "ministry" outside the home. I stop by blogs like yours to be encouraged that I am enough. Blessings, Deborah

  9. I like be being a homemaker! I say I don't get to lay around and eat Bon bons all day but hey if I want to I can!!!!! I am so thankful Jesus has always taken care of my family and I have grown wise not to care what anyone thinks as long as I am in Gods will who cares. I really find most women are jealous and wish they could be home too. I pray for them to trust in the Lord! Love your blog roxy!

  10. I wonder how many working moms would truly love to be "just a housewife"?

    I love being a Stay At Home Grandma!

  11. I so appreciate this post, Roxy. What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to be a keeper of the home! How good and gracious our Great God is to us as women to even orchestrate things such that it is possible. What a precious thing it is to be allowed to stay at home by our hardworking husbands! I am so thankful that the Lord made it possible for me! I remember my Mum-in-Love telling a story of her early days as a Christian. She was a stay-at-home Mum of four children and was being pressured to *minister* in the girls' club at her church. It would have required a babysitter for her young ones in the home. An older and wiser woman counselled her to not take on the task as he ministry was to her own family in that season! I wish I could give that lady a hug!! How amazing it is to think that women are encouraged to leave hearth and home for *ministry*. What a lie it is! Hugs to you! Camille

  12. Useful information. Lucky me I discovered your site by chance,
    and I'm shocked why this twist of fate didn't took place in advance!
    I bookmarked it.

  13. I couldn't refrain from commenting. Perfectly written!


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