Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God Speaks Through His Word Only...


Ordinary Days

Some days just seem ordinary...

But I can assure you every day is far from ordinary!

I have been hearing so many people speak this phrase;
I am waiting to hear God speak!
I am listening to, hear God's voice!

Be very careful in this matter of communing with God!

He has spoken through HIS Word...

There are a lot of voices out there and many of these voices are not God!
The self is always talking and having a dialog in one's head.
Many false prophets are speaking heresies!
They say they are the voice of God!

I know the Holy Spirit can prompt us and lead us in our lives!
But waiting to hear God's voice can and will lead you away!
The Word says;
The Lord orders the steps of a good man!
He directs us,

But the WORD is the way God communicates with us!

Even when there was only the Old testament God did not speak in an audible
voice  to His hand picked prophets often!
Abraham went between 12 to 14 years between hearing from God!

Why are we always looking to hear a new word or message?

This is where you can really get off from the truth!

And another thing when God did speak it was always about,
Correction and Warnings!

If you would read the Word and then examine your own heart
You will see how God speaks...
The Holy Spirit will illuminate the truths of His Word!

Please do a study and be watchful of this abuse of expecting God
To speak in ways He has stopped doing!

We all hear about others hearing God and then we begin to think
why are we not hearing God speak? 

Then we start to look at these others thinking they are more spiritual than me!

We are diverting from the very source that was given us to know
what God wants us to know about every matter!

Believe me anyone can hear voices;
But there is a great danger there!

It is the Holy Spirit that will guide and comfort and correct us!
But even the Holy Spirit is here to convict us of our sin!
There is even another disturbing thing going on saying that,
We no longer have to repent of our sin!
Because Jesus died for all our sins.
But if we do not repent, we lose fellowship.
(See what I mean)

Too many are reading way too many bad books on,
what God has said, or is doing!
What has happened to expository preaching?
These people are going around telling us about what they think or hear!
And these guys make a ton of money and it is for their own profit!

The Word Is Perfect...
The Word is Complete...

Why do so many want more and are willing to believe all these crazy
stories and to think they want the same experiences.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Get Back On Your Horse And Ride...


Ride Like The Wind

Sometimes we just need to face our fears!

Riding into them at times can push back the doubt and the unknown!

When my son was a young man he use to go camping,
Sometimes by himself or at times with a friend.
I will always remember what he told me one time that his best friend said
on a very dark evening when it was time to go to sleep.
My son told him not to be afraid of the dark!
His friend shouted back,
I am not afraid of the dark!!
"But rather what's in the dark"

We either have the choice to ride into our dark spots,
We all can attest to the fact that many times the dark clouds will
Just dissipate and up ahead, is the clear blue sky and a smooth plain.

The thing I feared the most came upon me...

As I have read that before I had a resolve to not fear the unknown!

But we all know fear is just that fear.

But there are going to be times that sensing fear will be your friend!

Being aware and not being naive is a powerful tool to use!

I have a voice and so do you,
We must speak the truth in love and work on our own hearts!

I do not want to allow the enemy of my soul to be allowed to silence me;
Or to stop me from enjoying my life, one day at a time!

Get back on your horse dear one and ride...

What is your gift?
Are you using it?
It is time to get back to the real life
And live it...

Perseverance is the only way we can have the strength to ride again!

Remember to not just tell the people what they want to hear;
Or to write what is popular, do what matters to you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blossom Where You Are Planted In The Country Or City Or Young Or Old...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I think Wild Flowers Are So Pretty...
They just grow wherever they find a bit of soil and sunshine and rain!

~Blossom Where You Are Planted~

Well, we have all heard that saying I am sure;
But it really can help to think of it in each new season of our lives.

Some days we can feel a bit out of sorts!
Like when a new season starts or ends,
But I always try to take stock and look at the positive. and count my blessings!

I think one of the loveliest women I know are the ones who blossom
and grow in every season of their lives.

We can become tired and worn out at times, but we must revive
our hearts back to life and live...

How many decades have you been graced to walk and live and breathe?

How many times have you looked out into the future and felt overwhelmed?
But when you look back you can see the hand of God molding you!

The reason we can blossom in any season, is because we have been
given the endurance to allow our roots to go deep!

It does not matter where we live;
Every place will have its own struggles
Every season has unique situations.
We have wisdom and grace that comes from each year we live!

I am a country girl at heart;
But I also lived on  the outside of NYC

But what I have learned is this---
You must blossom in every place God sets your feet;
Because sometimes in the beginning your heart might not be there yet!

We have so many that need to see the genuine and real contentment in us!
~We can be a source of hope and encouragement to others~

I think we enjoy blogging because it gives us a safe place to love and guide,
others that have a kindred spirit.

You can blossom even in the darkest days and the dry soil;
When we look for the blossom in another life or blog post of another blogger we get inspired.
Thank you to so many of you with your cooking and crafts and words of wisdom!
We all play a role in each others life.
But it must be for the good to help us adapt and blossom!

We can grow where we are planted and blossom and produce fruit!

Sometimes it requires some true grit,
(Or manure)

Other times it's pure grace...

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Jesus Calling Book Is A Very Scary Devotional...

If this blog post will open even one ladies' eyes it is all worth it for me!
We do not like to rock the boat or step on toes, but a false teaching is like
Drinking a bit of poison each day;
Eventually you will believe a lie and die...

Sarah Young writes, 
This is what is written in the first few pages of this book!

I knew God spoke to me in the Bible;
But I was hungry and I wanted more...

She waited with a pencil in hand!!

Firstly, I want to say that I bought this book for a devotional for myself,
I thought it was so good and I bought a few copies for my dear friends.
I now feel very bad that I did this;
Because after a time I realized that this book had some real issues!

After I read it, I saw some things that were very unsettling for me.
It reads like it was to be on the same level as scripture for one.
I also saw that it really hit the emotional button for women!
(Almost a romance novel written to each lady)

We now have a church that expects and believes in
"Divine Revelation Knowledge"

A devotional book that is written from the divine leading;
Is what my dear ones is what scripture is for!!
Written by
"The Holy Spirit"

Mostly Ladies are so drawn to this type of material!
I feel like I was deceived and that really bothered me...
So for that very reason I now write this post!
So maybe you will see the error of this false doctrine!
This devotional now sells to not only the women, but men and children!

If you are of the Apostolic movement you believe in divine revelation daily.
But I believe after the New Testament was written
"The Cannon Was Closed"

We are told NOT to add to God's Word

The battle is raging over the sufficiency of God's word!

Remember, Sarah Young said herself, she wanted something MORE...
Sounds a bit like Eve in the garden, she had everything!

We are told to contend for the faith!!
But now days the faith is now put in YOUR Faith,
See the danger?
God is not your lover or husband!
"Yes, He loves your soul and He cares about you in every detail!
But this practicing His Presence and waiting to hear Him speak is,
(Very NEW AGE)

This book is written in the first person FOR Jesus to each lady reading it...
(I Jesus will do these things)
Because that is only done in the Bible!
Is she writing "Scripture"
This is where you must look at this and decide for yourself Dear Ones!

Once again we ladies are being fed a warm and fuzzy Jesus, with a very emotional side!

Ladies eat this up!

I can write this blog post because I was not discerning enough at first to see the errors!
But I no longer feel that this book is sound in any way!

You can open a few links on the top of this post to do 
(Your Own Research)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Good Manners For Puppies And People...


Ranch Security

I would like to introduce you to our new puppy

Hank is his name, already has the nickname
"Hank the Tank"

He is part basset hound and terrier!
He is very smart and loyal.
He has the sweetest personality you could want to find in a dog.

I have been very busy training him to have good dog manners.
 And the importance
By doing his business outside! 
(We have had only two piddles inside)

This will be the first inside dog we have had in over 18 years.

But this little guy loves being outside with the other dogs!
But the plan is to have him inside in a crate to sleep.
He comes in every couple of hours to take a nap and play with his toys.
Oh, and of course to eat a bowl of chow.
But he has already managed to win our hearts!

Our cat Jasmine is wondering now when does this puppy go back
from where he came from??

Also with all we have to do outside, we are working in flower beds
 and watering the trees!

Spring winds and blowing dirt from the lack of moisture,
is so very upsetting.

Sometimes having wood floors is a real pain as the dirt shows so easy on them.

I had a not very nice comment on the post I did on the
Warnings about the symbols in adult coloring books!
Some people really do not have any wisdom or manners.
Mean comments will make you feel terrible.

We just think we can all do and say anything we want,
Well, it is a lot like training a puppy!
Good manners and doing things with kindness will bring a good reward!

Not, sure why I wanted another puppy,
Sometimes we all just need a buddy or friend!

And of course security for the ranch is a must...
But this little guy has a basset bark and the height of  a low rider
And the width of a tank...

May I leave a little sound advice?
Do what you can!!
Always use good manners!
Do not allow someone else to define you!
But always be open to wisdom and of course sound doctrine.
Work and carry your burden!
Enjoy the little things!
Plant some seeds this Spring
(In the natural and the spiritual)
Stretch yourself from your comfort zone...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Were Not All That Different...

Sometimes we all just feel a bit fluffy...

We all have so many different ideas and goals.
But we all just really have very basic needs.

We are all really learning every day of our lives.

Sometimes we require very little!
I like to think of myself as not being high maintenance.

We all live in different time zones and spaces and places.
But we are really not all that different!

I am in the process of writing this blog post...
Will be updating as it cancelled, all I wrote.

I will not be derailed by a little glitch or a storm or pain!

Because we have to keep on, we need to shake it off;
Get over it!

If we always just stopped every time we felt bad or trouble came a knocking
 we would shrivel up and never produce the character or fruit we need!

Look, we need substance to live out our calling!

When we truly have hard times we have two choices!
We lean harder into the only thing that will remain forever;
Or we give up and shrivel up!

Why do we think that others always have it easier?
Why do we think every century had it better off?

Lets face it, we all are where we are suppose to be'
We either learn and grow and carry on,
Or we start the slow fade...

Well, as for me and my house we choose life in spite of all
the negative reports or the sorrow or pain.

We are called to help and inspire and work while it is yet day!

Many have it much more worst off than we do;
But that is not the point!!
We are called to carry our own cross,
And to stop and smell our own flowers!

Do not waste your time trying to live in another persons life,
Or to tend their garden...
Be diligent and enjoy this new day and season!

Look around...
Everything is coming to life...

Be inspired, do something that says I am alive

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hind Sight Can Become 20/20 Vision In Our Lives...

Hind Sight Is 20/20

We can learn to become wise women by learning from our past!

I am not saying always ponder your past, because that is not wise in itself.
Some things just need to stay in the past;
What I am referring to, is the things that we can now see that we may have
Had a different outcome if we had done a few things differently.

A wise woman learns from her mistakes.
A wise woman grows when she is teachable.
A wise woman does not keep track of wrongs done to her!
A wise woman becomes wiser because she makes time to reflect!

~There is a difference in reflecting and mourning the past~

We can become stuck in what we thought it was all going to look like.
Sometimes I enjoy putting on those Rose colored glasses!
Sometimes the cold hard bare facts are just too much for me!

The Pollyanna syndrome can be a lovely thing...

Be free to express your true feelings;
(But not at the expense of creating a chasm that has no bridge)

As we can all attest to the very sad or difficult separations that have
Appeared for just wanting to be right!
But my point is this;
There are times we have missed an opportunity to speak from the heart;
Just maybe when we had a opprounity and the timing was right!
We may have missed it;

So I do want to speak to those I love or those who need correction.
With a word of wisdom...
Sometimes it can be just from your years of wisdom or
A scripture or a biblical truth...

We need to be brave!
We need to ask them, please can I share with you from my heart?
I need to say this or I may have regrets that I stayed silent!

But we also know this fact, sometimes it is better to say nothing at all!

But we now can have 20/20 vision in some areas of our life.
If we will read and study the word, to gain a heart of wisdom!
So next time we cannot go down the same wrong road expecting a different result!

See, we now can see clearly...

If not put your Rose colored glasses back on for a bit!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What Does The Wedding Cake Represent And Your Wedding Vows...

I am sure there is some great mystery to why we have cake after a wedding;
I haven't googled this or do I care too!

But to me, I think a wedding cake allows us to see that to start
One's life of becoming one flesh through symbolic traditions is a good thing!

Marriages are to be sweet and sturdy and filled with good things.
They should a have a lovely appearance!
A marriage should cover some of the flaws we carried when we were single!

The inside should be filled with substance and not just fluff;
Marriage is hard work, yet it is worth it all!

Did you know most marriage vows have no longer 
included the phrase till death do us part?

Look, I get it, sometimes marriage has not worked for some of you!
But I still think we need to look at marriage with the permanently,
Mindset that God intended!

Why is it that the bride and groom begin their marriage by;
Cutting the cake together?

Well, I think it is because doing life alone is not all the wonderful!
Many have lost their spouse and feel the deep loss of that daily!

I realize that this life is not all one big party!
But we are to start down the path in the right manner!
Marriage vows...
Wedding cake to say we are doing this together!

I think that is why when I have been at a wedding and have witnessed
A newly married bride and groom who shove cake into each others face,
It grieves me!

Give honor and reverence for those lovely traditions that;
Carry weight in showing love and respect!

I think of those that are starving in past history and in a dark time
"When someone who held prestige made the statement to those
who had none or very little;
Let's eat cake"

We are to be blessed and to eat the goodness of this life
and in the bounds of marriage!

It is never too late to start working on a better marriage!
Make your vows come alive again!
Fan the flame of your witness to each other!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, January 4, 2016

Can You Rate Yourself...

Sometimes we can rate our levels of good old fashion common sense.

If we never take the time to look at why we do what we do, we become
Stunted in growing of areas that need to shift and change.

Let's face it, are dynamics change and we need to reevaluate how we live
And what we do in our day.

I find myself not trying new things, like when I was much younger;
But I still think it is important to think about something that you would like to do!

I always like to go or do something new every year!
It always does not have to be something huge or expensive!!

Common sense can usually give you a heads up for what might be a new direction!

If you have not even tried a new food in a decade, then you might be in a rut!

If you think your happiness depends on others, you may be stuck emotionally!
(I have experienced this when my children grew up and left home)

Having a healthy state of mind for me depends on my heart's ability
To move on and to learn new things!
And to take pleasure in simple things!

That feeling of being able to clean out and to make a break of old habits,
Can allow us to revamp and overcome.

I have learned the hard way to rate myself...
I do not want to be naive of what and where I am in this place called life!

When we are learning to change things up, realize that it can take over 30 days to
Reprogram our thinking and our actions!

1-10    Rate Your flexibility

Always, Roxy

Friday, January 1, 2016

Morning By Morning... Spurgeon

Keeping yourself and your loved ones free from either self imposed
Legalistic ideas and things that rob us of just good old fashion enjoyment!

Learning to take pleasure in things that God does not forbid in His Word...

I think many have had enough trial and testing in their lives!
But just thinking that does not stop them from coming.

That is why I am always doing the one thing that helps;
With life's overload and the physical stuff of oneself
or a loved one's struggle.

I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive from a morning
Devotional and prayer time.
I really do not know how some people make it through a day without
His strength and support from His word!

I am hoping to thrive this new year and not just survive!
I do not want to live in fear, but faith!

I always enjoy when others share with me a word they feel applies
to their lives for the new year.

I have so far heard the word community
Another said Jubilee
Another said to simplify

Well, I do hope we all can be moving in a direction that brings
peace to our lives, but most importantly is to bring God glory!

Some years just seem to bring so many changes;
That was for us last year, so maybe my word may have been

But for this year it just may be 

Only God see's the end from the beginning, so that is why
~We walk by faith~

Have you sensed a word from scripture that is a word that
will bring your encouragement this new year?

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Out With The Old And In With The New...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

We can all start this New Year with a clean slate...
We can start each day with a clean slate...

Out with the old and in with the new!

I have always loved a new journal or a new pen,
Crisp and clean.

I have always liked new beginnings...

We have the ability to do and be and give and respond;
Like never before.

Are you a man pleaser?
Or do you want to please God?

This world has turned into a me program;
Beware and keep your heart pointed to true North
The star that has kept many that have gone adrift;

Say no to the distractions that keep you busy with no real direction!

If you know the Lord there will be a leading to what He has for you!

Restored relationships!
Closer walk with the Lord!
Getting your house in order!
Learning a new skill to better your home life!
Being available to your husband!
Learn to take pleasure and enjoy the moment!

Shake the dust off your feet...
Have ears to hear and eyes to see, 

Awake and smell the coffee!
Do not embrace another year to become more like the world;
But rather desire and strive to be the women, wife and mother that will hear;
One day, well done good and faithful servant,
Work while it is yet day!

Blessings to each and every one of you that desire the encouragement
To each other, to be a Godly woman!
For it is truly a worthy calling!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Famine Of Hearing God's Word...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everyone is looking for truth and meaning to their lives!

Well, I will tell you this that you will not find the true answers
in this old world!
Yet God will use this creation and all our situations to bring us to the truth.
I believe He is always tenderly calling...
I told my Hubby this morning I am pretty sure we don't live forever
 in these old bodies.

I found this and I thought I would share it with some of you!

John the Baptist was such a powerful light that God chose to use!
Check out this link below and save it to your favorites!

We must learn to feed ourselves as the church is suffering
from a famine of the Word...

We live in a day in which there is a famine in the land for the hearing of God's Word. This famine has produced a generation of starving Christians who greatly desire the presence of the truth of God's Word in their lives. Our purpose is to use the means of the Internet to propel the Word of God to every tribe, tongue, and people.

To help accomplish this goal, we have launched Expositor.FM, a 24-hour Christian internet radio station featuring the biblical preaching and teaching of many prominent pastors, teachers, and leaders proclaiming God's Word.

Google... www dot expositor dot fm

Expositor.FM is committed to daily programming that will aid your personal Christian Walk.
Be encouraged by men who have established ministries founded on the Word of God.
Be instructed in verse-by-verse exposition for the renewal of your mind and transformation of your life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coffee Time And Fighting On The Homefront...

Girls it is time to sit down and pour yourself a cup of coffee...

We need to talk, 

Okay, are you starting to feel the shift?
Well, it's happened...

Even when we feel the weight and sorrow of an ungodly society,
and the choices that they make and how it brings a tension.
Well, really a distrust too!

Is it okay to be leery of strangers or large crowds?
Do we need to act like nothing is different?
Or continue to do business as usual?

I for one think we need to see that the world is a different place!

Now don't read more into this than I am making of it!

If you are a christian; prepare your hearts for persecution,
Trials, and suffering...

Oh, did you want me to read you a lullaby and tell you everything is just fine?

Well, it is not...
We have certain people who do not like us in America...

Well, if it is so terrible here, why is everyone trying to come to this
One Nation Under God?

Well, because there is a blessing in this sovereign country, that has been dedicated
To a sovereign God!

Well, we need to fight!!

And how I plan to do this is very simple...
I will keep my home fires burning
I will love and speak truth boldly
I will pray for protection for those I love
I will be loyal and honest
I will call an Ace and Ace...

This seems to be the hand of cards we have been dealt
So I will play out my hand till the bitter end.

This country has a moral obligation to truth and freedom.
Tyranny gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
I think at the rate things are going I may need another teaspoon of sugar
in my cup of coffee... Thank-you

Really nothing is free
Everything will cost you something!

I will fight right from my Homefront...
I will cook and bake and clean and pray till He comes again!

If you have ever stopped by this blog, take notice
I will be praying for YOU...

Good Day...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why Multi Generational Families Are Like Golden Roses...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Multi Generational Life

I have been giving this a lot of thought lately,
And it is about something that no longer carries much weight in today's

When I was a young mother I had hopes and dreams for our children;
It included many things. But it was a hearts desire to help them
build strong marriages and homes and children that were taught and trained!

But mostly loved and cherish...

I do think homes that equip their children to live successfully.
Tools of a trade or life skills.

But I think we have lost a valuable multi-generational family homes.
Grandparents were given the stature and love and position.
Wisdom came from this older generation!
And the younger parents gave the old ones a reason to carry on!
Maybe the wind in our sails after we had lived a long life.

Each generation is needed!

We can share the wisdom and the work and the bounty.
Our lack of multi-generational leaves so many elder forks sad and lonely.

We all need purpose and helping each other with days filled with so much to do!


God wanted families to support each other

We have all so separated ourselves from our parents and children;
We all seem rather separate and many relationships have drifted apart.

What is lost from families living either on different continents or different states.

Holidays are spent apart.
Teachable moments are non existent
If  a burden arises we cannot be much help with it.

We all know that our children will grow up, as it should be!
I just think we never realized the impact of having them so far away.

Believe me, I know the assisted living places and nursing homes,
Are just filled with people that never thought they would be alone.

Many older folks even sell their homes and move to their retirement homes
Far, far away from all grown children and grandchildren.

We may be in any one of these stages on purpose or by a bad choice!

But I am just saying so many families do not stay together or get along!

So if you have the pleasure and blessing of having your children
 Or grandchildren, or even your parents close in proximity.

Look at it as a good thing and treasure it!

We need to learn to value multi- generations...

This Post Is written for all you women who have made your calling sure...
Home and Family

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Panning For Gold And Get Rich Quick Schemes...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Looking For Gold...

Everything in this world will cost you something!

I have had the opportunity many times to look into a flowing
Stream, coming out of the mountains. And I will tell you, seeing a gold speck,
Always makes my heart jump!

But every time we picked it out of the stream it was but fools gold!

Many years ago we had what they called the Gold Rush in California.
I can only imagine the heartache that so many women endured during
That season of a wanting to get rich quick by leaving their families.
And going out west!
So many never even made it back to their homes or families!
Life was brutal and hard and so many would kill to take another's claim.

There really is no sure way to get rich quickly...
Most wealth is produced by hard work and being frugal and being a giver!
A good day's labor will give the increase!

I have always wondered about a man that will not work
I believe it causes unrest in their souls!
The statistics say that when a man retires they lose interest in life!

We must learn to be rich in things that do not pass away!
Finding the real gold nuggets in the stream called life.
We can be rich in many many things in this world...
Schemes that require no work or effort always leave you with fools gold!

Another thing that seems out of line anymore is what we consider,
To be of worth or might be considered prosperous!

Being able to work and still wanting to contribute to
the well being of one's family structure.
By this I mean helping...
Coming along side one another, pulling your own weight and helping another!

When you have your health you have great wealth...
Strive to do a body good;
Sleep, drink plenty of water, take a supplement daily.
Keep your mind stimulated; Read a good book.
Walk everyday (This is simple to do and cheap)
Eat good foods that are dense yet hearty and simple.
This time of year is plentiful in acorn squash's and butternut squash
Sweet potatoes, Velvety red potatoes.
Bake them in your oven and it warms up the house.
And smells wonderful and makes your mouth water.
Take your walk while they're in the oven baking.

Plan and prepare your course of action;
Do what is in front of you!
Be rich in praise and thanksgiving...

Do the duty that has been assigned to you!
It is your job and task...
Be not lazy, work and you will have sweet sleep...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reflections Of What We Hope To Become...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Reflection in the mirror or in the past days or season's of our lives...

It is a good thing to look at one's self in the mirror of how others.
May perceive you, not that we should pay too much attention to what
Others think of us. But rather what does the mirror reflect?

Sometimes I do this and wonder, have I built bridge's that will
Support the weight of strenuous times that is always possible in our lives.

We must learn and grow from our past mistakes;
We can learn by seeing how we responded to stress.
And I can assure you that not all stress is bad.
It is usually a feeling of we must preform!

We do have an obligation to practice what position we are in!

Firstly, we are in Christ Jesus
So because of this position we will be required to pass
certain test and trials...

But as we reflect and read and respond to the truth
(Available in The Holy Bible)

We will change, and your position may look differently.

Have you ever believed something so strongly that you might,
Be what we would call dogmatic about it?
To only find after a decade or century you had a different opinion!

Relating to or of the nature of a dogma or dogmas or any strong set of principles concerning faith, morals, etc., as those laid down by a church; doctrinal:
We hear dogmatic arguments from both sides of the political spectrum.
Asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated:
I refuse to argue with someone so dogmatic that he won't listen to reason

I am going to say this, opinion and truth are not the same!

I do not think there was a new truth, but rather a clearer understanding...

So, As I age and grow I ask the Lord to help me be discerning.

Do not be so naive to believe everything you are being taught!
In the churches 
In the schools
In the universities
In the Seminaries
In the New York Best Seller Books List
In the Christian bookstores
In the newspapers

Do your homework...
Check out the facts, historical and biblically.
Google can actually find some very sound and outstanding
Information and direct you to some very good resources.
Just because it's on the internet does not make it true.

But we can ask for wisdom and we can ask for the truth!
We can dig and ponder and pray and not be deceived!

I love the scripture that says be convinced in your own mind...
Just because everyone is doing it does not make it right!

Does it even really make a difference it what we believe?

Be willing to be teachable...
Be like the Berean's!

Acts 17: 11 Now the Berean Jew were of more Noble Character than...
Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day ...

If anyone calls you a Berean it is a high compliment!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Learn To Say No...


When I think about the season that smells of pumpkin and rich spices;
I feel a cozy sensation that we have now completed another portion.

Because of the strong and bright appearance that a pumpkin has,
We can see that time can bring forth a strong and lovely stature.

I can't help but think of the changes that happen in our lives.
We cannot stop the process of life that does bring about these changes.
These things will always be in the process of change.

We can all say remember when;

We would be bored to tears if nothing ever changed!

If the seasons did not change, we would miss the delights and the sorrows.
The summer brings long hot days and balmy nights.
The fall brings fruits and harvest of much hard work,
And the colors that are on display,
They twist and twirl and seem to be having the last dance, as if to say goodbye.
Winter can be harsh and can keep us close to home;
When the evening starts very early, we can embrace the longer evenings.
Then just when we feel like the never ending season of winter.
Then along comes spring once again to remind us;

God is still doing a good work within us!

But oh, we can take the time to be diligent in  how we live our days,
We also can take joy...

Dear Ones if you are feeling heavy laden;
Give it to God and learn to say no when a demand results in crushing your joy!

We are not suppose to say yes, to everything that comes our way;
Because we can actually start to feel a social justice to the world that we must accomplish!

This can become a false duty rather than a calling from God!

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