Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts

Friday, July 7, 2017

Do What You Can...

Do What You Can And Don't Worry About The Rest...

I find myself saying this very thing to myself often!

So I decided this was something I needed to share;
We have this deep down nagging feeling like we
Just can't do enough or what we do is not measuring up.

Well, Firstly ask yourself this;
Whose standards are you comparing yourself with?

Living each day with a new lease on life
Should be your goal...
This life is so fleeting and some days go by in a wink!

Many things are just out of our control!
Who holds the keys?

The only thing you hold is how you are going to respond!

~Do What You Can~

When we worry and try to control everything and everyone,
We become frustrated and worn out.

Enjoy this day and season for it is the here and now
And God's gift to you!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Life Is Precious...

A Bird Nest With Eggs In It, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 Life is Precious...

My sweet Hubby was doing some trimming on one of our many
trees and he found this nest with two eggs in it!
I said wait stay up there I want to get my camera!

The Momma bird was making a huge fuss;
Get away from my babies, she was tweeting!

I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts here with you ladies;

I am so happy that all nine of my grandchildren will be here
on our Estate this coming week.
It will be the first time in a whole long three years!

My dear friend kelly is still fighting to hold on to life!
The brain tumor is trying to steal her life!
She is a fighter and she totally trusts Jesus!!

Went to a funeral today and had a reality check...
Life is so very precious!

Have you all notice how fast Sunday comes around again each week?
Not sure why the days and weeks just seem to fly by...

Be careful where you invest your time!
Be careful who put first!
Be watchful!!

We are having a Stayvacation this summer!

Last year we went to the West Coast!
It was lovely and very refreshing...

The Pacific Coast, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Please may I remind you all to stay humble
Stay strong...
Keep focused on the prize!
Never give up!
Rest only In Christ...

May our goals have eternal implications;
Heavenly minded...

May Christ be formed in you!
Respect your Husband!
Love the brethren...

"For LOVE covers a multitude of sin"

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Sunshine Even In The Storms... Living from glory to glory blog...

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Firstly, can you see the lovely handmade doily?
It was made special for me from a kind hearted friend!
Thank YOU Betsy!
I love it so much!
I will say she can whip these things out like magic!
But I know that for me, I do not do this kind of
Handiwork done with such skill.
Its tiny and intricate...
I  love these kind of treasures!

She is a sweet blogging friend and you can find her here;

The reason I am titling this post;
Sunshine even in the Storms is because in real life;
We will have storms, but I can promise you this.
If you will just be patient you will see the sunshine!
In all its glorious warmth and happiness.

We all ache and stumble and even fall down!
(That's another post)

We all have trouble with something!
The point is this;
We have to hold steady...
There is a plot to destroy each of us!
Sometimes with our own words and actions will cause a storm!

If I have learned one thing in this life, it is to hold ON!

I can remember as a young woman thinking how
can the whole world go on as if nothing special has happened?
Right after I gave birth or some tragic thing had just happened!
Well, it is because each of us go through our own trials;
In His perfect timing...
We are told to each carry our own load!
I get that,
And we should!

 But we can help another and lift them up once are trial is gone!

Sometimes we can have so many needs and prayer request;
But we can carry everything to the Lord in prayer!
 Take a rest...
Put your hand back on the plow!!

Break up the fallow ground
Plant Seeds

Thank you for stopping in and visiting this Blog
~Living From Glory To Glory~

Monday, April 17, 2017

How Lifting Up Your Husband In Prayer Is A Bit Like The Dew In The Morning...

Praying For Your Husband, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Times of Refreshment...

Learning to lean on what's true, when you feel the push back to life...

This morning was filled with early morning fog;
And when you live in these parts its not something we have often.

But I can see that when we are moving almost in a fog;
Mentally or physically it feels heavy.

But as I went outside to take care of my chores, I did
raise my arms and thank the Lord!

The trees and the fields of grass and wild flowers need this!
I always think that if I will just take my thoughts and feelings
captive and hold on to what is really true, I can plod on!

And we are told in His word to do just that

So when I think of how I can readjust my focus and embrace
each day as a perfect gift from my Father!

I had an idea in my head this morning of how us
Women have so many emotions and feelings,
But have you stopped to give much thought to what you're
Husband may be experiencing?

They carry way more than we may realize at times!
Just because they don't express it or share it with us.
Does not mean they are dealing with it all!

Take this day and lift up YOUR Husband...

There is something else that I was thinking
~I want a new purse~
And I need a new purse like I need a hole in the head;
But, it is something I can do that brightens up my new season!
Who wants to carry a black or brown purse in spring and summer?

So who of you also enjoy a new purse?
It's A Girl Thang...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

My Secret Place...

Washing Dish's And Praying!
(Yes, I do have a dishwasher)
But I still rinse everything off before I put them in it.
(Silly Girl)

Looking Out My Kitchen Window 

In these Days We Must Stay In The Secret Place...

While doing the things that bring this Heart and HOME contentment.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we can,
Have a sense of peace and contentment while doing everyday things!

We have this mentality of the mind and the makeup of a Roadrunner bird!
Beep Beep...
Get out of my way!

I  want to share with you the place where I realized was a spot that has
become my secret place in my home.

I have been doing this ritual or call it a chore every day of my
life as being a housewife or a homemaker.
(Since I wear both these hats simultaneously)
No, I do not bring home the bacon, but I do fry it up in a pan!

This secret and holy place
 " Standing at my kitchen sink"

Every day when looking out and seeing the seasons change,
I see the hand of God!
Seed time and Harvest!!
Rain Showers
Winter Snows

The children playing in the grass
The dogs romping and playing and sleeping in the afternoon sun.
When my Hubby mows the grass and I smell the freshly mowed grass!
When I look out and see a snow angel made by a grandchild.
When I hear the birds singing sweetly...

I wash my dishes and plates and cups and silverware;
And pot and pans and bowls and I give thanks!!

I find myself feeling the tension leave my heart from,
 The hot sudsy water washing away the cares and worries!

I have learned to not grumble and be irritated by so many
Dishes and such in the sink.

I pray to God for those in this household!
I lift up my many requests!
Head bowed and intently praying for the needs of others!

I also bask in the safety of my own little nook!
Away from all harms way, while I stand in this spot,

~The Secret Place~

Friday, March 17, 2017

Blessings And God's Goodness...

Blessings, living from glory to glory blog...

I am Hungry For The Good Things In Life

How many days have we just let go right on by without counting
Our blessings, or seeing God's favor!

There is no luck in this life!

We walk in either our own flesh and wants and desires;
In His favor and kindness!

And that does not mean something bad will never happen to you
or to those we love it just means we do not have to fear!

I think that when we train ourselves to live in a way that pleases the Lord
And to be humble and to realize God is in control.

We can all learn and to grow in the things that please the Lord...

Sometimes it will be the simple things that we learn to get right first!
And there will be harder things that will take our whole lives to learn to do well.

What are the things that you strive to do well?

Being A Godly wife and a mother and grandmother is what
I desire to be in my life. But it takes a heart to pursue such a thing!
We never fully arrive...

But don't look for luck!

Be diligent and strive to have better things!
Peace in your heart
No fear of the tomorrow's
Trusting that if you wait, He will lead you in all your ways!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

What I Really Think, You Little Rascal...

The Little Rascals, Living from glory to glory blog

What I really Think...

Enjoying this season of my life as I have enjoyed all the others!

Sometimes we can miss the simple joys of our everyday lives;
By always thinking that there is something better!
Or living in the past because we thought it was so great!

Come up with some new plans and ideas to enjoy this NOW season.

Be funny and make someone smile!

Be a better wife!!

Learn a new skill!

A good and happy life is something we can create...
The power to love and not give up is what a good woman should do!

Are you ready to give up?

Well, wait three days...

We can all recall a time when you might have been down or weary;
But each time we have overcome those feelings!

I am a lady that desires to enjoy my days!
Cooking and cleaning become a joy!
Loving my husband is a God honoring mission!

We cannot become a prisoner in our own homes just because,
The world has gone crazy!

Stretch your imagination...
Clean out the old of what is no longer useful!
Keep what brings you joy!

Purpose in your heart to bring God honor in your days!
Enjoy the lonely days
Enjoy the quiet
Enjoy this season!

We must teach the younger women how to
Love their children and their husbands;

But we must also teach them how to live a healthy life once
They have done this great calling!

What I really think!

The Best Is Yet To Come...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, How To Disagree And NOT Fight...

How To Disagree And Not Fight, Living from glory to glory blog...

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden

Marriage and a bed of Roses...

A Good marriage takes work!

Anything worthwhile takes work!
If you want a bed of roses to lie down in, then you must start
with some very strong manure!
Be careful of how fresh it is because it will burn your seedlings or
kill a new plant!

I realize it is not really time to plant roses, but it is time to
think about what state your marriage soil is in!

I sometimes get irritated when we think love is something that just happens.
It may just be infatuation or just plain lust of the flesh.

Real love and marriage has many trials and errors.
Do you know why God tells us to have an older woman
in our lives that has the experience of being a Godly wife?

BECAUSE we have to LEARN how to Love our husbands!

We are all going to have fights once in awhile,
And when you first get married it is a bit rough for many couples.

Fighting Fair

Conflicts will happen in every marriage----

Women are notorious for wanting to have the last word.

[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no records of wrongs.
1 Corinthians 13:5

How To Disagree and NOT Fight

Answer this Question...
Can you get angry without getting destructive?
(Your words, your attitude, your actions)?

Stick to the problem or point
Don't drag the past records of wrongs into your disagreement.

Allow your spouse to respond and make your statement
then they can respond back.
(No hands on your hips)

Don't allow your feelings to rule,
But state the facts!
(Men need facts)

Take the first move to ask for forgiveness and make an apology!

Love is not rude...

Lord, give me wisdom to be a Godly wife; and to do the hard work;
So one day we will have the soil prepared for a bed of Roses.

Remember making up is so much better!

Do You have some of your own words of wisdom for dealing
with conflict in your marriage, please share!!

Even in our marriages, we must be;
Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Bible Reading Plans...


Bible Reading Plans for 2017

Check out this wonderful link for a few different ways to read through the Bible!

Reading the Bible in a systematic way is a great way to
see it in the full context and not just one verse!

A nice set of Commentaries is really nice to have!
A Bible Dictionary is beneficial!
Having a notebook to take some notes!

The Word will never return to us void!
There is a great value and profit for diligence in studying and reading scripture!

Blessings to each and every one of you!!

May this New Year be one that can be looked back upon and know
that you have given your heart and your best to the Lord...

" We have a new start that is fresh every morning to do better"
"And each New Year we can purpose in our hearts to grow and to learn!"

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Expect Changes...

Changing Seasons Of Life, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Everything Changes

Just when you thought everything had settled into a pattern...
This post is a gentle reminder to all of us that seasons come and they go!

I think when we can learn this and remind ourselves,
 That this is the way things work, we can fend off
Some stress and sorrow...

When you are married you go through many ups and downs.
But through it all you can accumulate some many wonderful
Lessons of wisdom!

I know if you stopped to think about all the things,
You all have been through and experienced in your lifetime.
You would say now I never saw or expected that to happen.

When we become so stiff necked and are not pliable to changes,
We can become fragile in many ways!

Be quick, dear ones to submit to what comes your way!

Now, we know that the evil one is always prowling around seeking 
To whom he may devour...
But we are told to submit to God and resist the devil!
So we must always stand in the place of not just sitting
Back and allowing the enemy of our souls devour us!!

~Even in the Lords prayer, we ask Him (God) to deliver us from evil~

But some things are just His perfect will for us;
The trouble is that I see in a glass darkly dimmed.
What I mean by this is we cannot tell the future.
And you should never allow anyone to tell you your future!
That is for God to know!!

But we are not left without direction as we have been given the 
Holy Spirit to guide us in all truths!

But there again is where we must learn to submit to God!

Arise, and let your enemies be scattered!

Expect changes
Expect to be corrected
Expect to go through trials
Except, that in His perfect time, you will overcome;
And if you do this you will endure to the end!

On The Home Front
I have now discovered I am lactose intolerant
My gut now needs healing, so I will go gluten free for a while.
Going to meet out new grandson
(Darn I have to go to Florida) LOL
I will be having my 60th birthday soon!
My nails have finally healed from some gel nail polish I had on!
(It took over a year)
I hope you are all well and are growing through your changes...
I appreciate each and everyone that stops here
@living from glory to glory

Monday, October 17, 2016

Staying On The Narrow Ancient Path...

Here is proof I did some long term food preparation!

I wonder if we could just realize how much of an impact our little jobs
we do on each and every given day will help us to enjoy our days.

Sometimes we get so busy we do not take in the smaller little gifts of a sweet smelling aroma!
Or we miss the things that really matter!

As I write this blog post this morning, there is a fire burning in the mountains.
They are being evacuated!
What trauma and fear are in their lives today!

But when we are not in the line of fire do we react with thanksgiving?

Can we expect everyone to agree with us and how we have been taught
to live our lives?

Do we think just because we are a Christian we are going to be liked?

Sometimes we must just look straight ahead and stay on the
narrow ancient path!

Beware of the new and improved church and culture!

We now see the world in the church rather than the church in the world!

When I was a child, I thought as a child;
But is my thinking grounded in truth!

Look, beware of practicing all these weird and off the wall extra biblical stuff dear ones,

Prayer Circles
 (from the book called The Circle Maker)
Here is a good link describing this;

Soaking In His Presence

Spiritual Disciplines

New Revelation

Speaking In Tongues

Are you growing in your feelings
Are you growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the truth?

Being prepared for the days to come spiritually and physically!
Be wise, but not afraid!

Examine yourself...

Friday, September 16, 2016

Why Do Women Think Being A Stay At Home Wife Or Mother Or Grandmother Is Not A Real Ministry...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My Living Room...
Where I live and enjoy moments of rest and peace.

I have read many books and articles and blogs on women that have made
The decision and have  chosen to stay home.

But so often it is spoken as a negative place for housewives.
We are not slaves or maids we are keepers of our homes!

This was a comment I have left on a blog this week!

"Why do we run ourselves ragged, when we can do all things in a timely manner and still have a rest throughout a day or even just a few times a week! And being at home to keep the home fires burning is so important to the whole family! Being home was a gift to women to do the job of keeper of the home. It is a place where you can study about many things, you can create and paint and plan! We are allowed to watch our children and keep them safe from predators. You're able to enjoy your marriage and be good friends and be able to do things with them on their days off. We have seen that many ladies have believed the lie that true ministry is only real if done outside the home."

I still enjoy reading blogs, but I do not leave as many comments as I once did!
I have found my days moving along so fast that I am not sure I am always
Spending my time as wisely as I should when it comes to the computer or blogging!
~That was one long sentence~

I have tried to live my life as a loving HOUSEWIFE...

But some think we need to be extraordinary in every aspect of our lives.
I remembered years ago I was once asked;
What do you do for a living?
"I said I am just a HOUSEWIFE"

Now, I look back and I think that was one of the saddest an untrue statement I ever made!

I am a HOUSEWIFE and I am so blessed...

These women nowadays are sick and tired and many are not even wives;
They have been married and have lost so much!
My heart grieves for them!
Marriage is still God's perfect plan for families!
We need these vows to embrace and cover us in these days of No Truth...

Ministry is a word that has been distorted and has an undertone of superiority of worth.

Being able to stay home and be a wife and mother and grandmother;
Is well worth its weight in gold and value...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Disciplines Of A Godly Woman...

Author Barbara Hughes

Being disciplined is not something we do naturally!

The scripture says
  Train yourself to be godly
1 Timothy 4:7

I really enjoyed this book, I found it biblically sound and interesting.
We need a book that instructs us from a non-feminist view.

This word Train is derived from the Greek word which in English is
In other words a spiritual workout!

Like the Greek athletes who lay aside every encumbrance,
We Christian women need to get rid of every
(association, habit, and tendency that blocks godliness)

This is not to be confused with legalism;
The legalistic heart does things to gain merit with God;
The disciplined heart says
 "I will do this because I love God and I want to please HIM"

Firstly, you must be saved;
The Gospel is about what God has done!
The Gospel is the amazing news about God's son
Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.
His death, burial and resurrection!
He was the only sacrifice accepted by God for our sins!
(Romans 10:9-11)

Philippians 2:10-11
We must see that submission applies to every area of our lives;
Choosing God's ways over our ways!
Submitting YOUR will to God's loving rule in daily life.

Ephesians 6:18
Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but aligning of my heart and will
to God's will and perfect plan for myself and others.
"That is why we must pray not my will, but God's will be done"

Word Centered
1Timothy 4:13

God Centered

Christ Centered
Luke 10: 41-42
Do not become so busy you lose sight of daily worship in all you do!
"Martha, Martha...
You are worried and upset about many things.
But only one thing is needed!
Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her"

Our Character
Our Mind
Romans 12:2
(Reading and Studying God's Word)

1Timothy 6:6

A godly woman is something we aspire to be, and it will take time and training!

Nothing worth anything is really going to cost you nothing!

Everything I do requires a part of all these character traits;
Look, we will never stop learning and growing in the things that glorify Christ!

Just because we are women does not mean we will make good wives or mothers!
~We need godly examples and the truth to be read and understood~

Applying truth and biblical principles are an everyday process!

I know each of us could find fault with ourselves or even our own parents;
But we are called to continue...
That means just because we did something wrong does not mean we should stop trying!

When I think about giving up in a certain area, I have an inner compass
That reads due north...
Keep YOUR eyes On the SON
(Jesus Christ)

Remember, it is not what you FEEL
It is what the Scripture's teach us;
Therefore, we THINK...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Practice Happiness ...

A few days ago when I was at our local health food store buying some things;
We always get one of those free nutritional magazines.

Well, this one's front covers message or quote just spoke to my heart!

Why do we think Happiness just comes naturally?

Well, it does not!
Out little natural self has a "me me" mentality;
And the world tells us to just do whatever you want!

Some days you may just naturally feel happiness.
But most days we need to practice those very things that do give and bring happiness!

I am not going to get all weird or spiritual with this;
But I am telling you that we need to learn to practice some really good things!

We will practice playing an instrument
We will practice how to be good at a sport
We will practice as to be a good writer or speller

But we need to practice being HAPPY
Happiness is a central key to not being an unhappy person!

Happiness is a wonderful gift you can give your Husband
Happiness is a gift you can freely give to your family
Happiness is a gift to the whole world...

Look life can get hard and hot and sticky and just plain messy!

But don't let the Buzzards of life wait for you to be roadkill!

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself
~You Will Practice Happiness~

What Is Going On In Our Neck Of The Woods
Our State Fair Begins
Going To Oregon 
The Flies are in full force
I have been making Necklaces
I have been killing flies
We are expecting our 9th Grandchild
The Yellow School Bus is going down our road again
Our Pig is ready to have her babies soon
We got 22 eggs yesterday
I was wondering if Blogging is a thing of the past
Russia has stopped blasting my blog
Need to start back to my piano lessons
Got new boots (That's another post)
My Blog is to ENCOURAGE...

I am a real women wife and mother and grandmother...
I will practice what I preach and speak about on this blog...
Where do you think I get all my material from??

Down On The Farm

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why We Must Provide Our Homes With The Staples That Give Life...

Antique Blue Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Staples Within Our Homes

So many homes are just so empty anymore!

Sometimes it is the absence of the people;

Other times it is an atmosphere;

I have been in homes where the television is on all the time
the noise just glares from the home.
Or a lonely dog barking in a back yard.

But that is not what we are to be hearing from a home.
But rather conversation and laughter!

The world seems empty now days!

I think we are missing the main things, the real staples of a home.

We now even have Doggie Day Care
Why? Because even those little dogs are missing having a person at home.

All the little children are in Day Care all year round!
Mothers work outside the home!
Some have to, but others by choice.
Fathers are working as they should, but some are gone from the family!
They just can't take the pressure at home, or will not take
Their God given role and responsibilities!

We have more spacious homes in size and expense then ever,
But no one is home...

What has happened to our homes?

Why is it that being anywhere else is better than being home?

Always on the run!!

I believe we have lost so much from the very fact no one stays home!

Truly, why is the bigger and better syndrome being allowed
To take all the sweet precious memories from our children and grandchildren?

Giving stability and a good home cooked meal is more valuable than
being a part of every sport team and function that the world gives!

Before another school year starts or this summer is but history,
Get the family together and talk about what is important!

The family nucleus is dissolving as I write;

Make your home a place where the heart can grow and blossom!

We all know we must have the basic staples to do most things;
Hugs And Prayer

Why then do we think the family can survive without what a home needs?

I will tell you this when I look back into my memories as a child,
Those that were about camping trips and swimming with my family are the ones that I remember.
And it is the daily activities that surrounded my home life,
Walking home for lunch, as my Mother was home.
Playing outside till Mother called us in!
Dinners of home cooked simple meals!
Prayer while Mother listened to us!
Being tucked in a cozy bed at a normal bedtime!

Our Fathers worked and was carrying the full weight of his family!

You had to ask his permission before you had the full okay to do most everything!
Someone was in charge!!

I have taken off my comments as I think we are all so busy to even leave comments.
I do hope you will continue to read my heart, thoughts about what a home keeper
might be interested in. Or even someone that desires the old path!
Many of you still have my Email!

Just think of all the amazing things you can do with the staples God has given you!

Always, And With HIS Love,

Sunday, June 26, 2016

What is Being Seen From Your Reflection...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sometimes we see in a mirror dimly...
Other times we can see so clearly!

What do you want to be doing with your life and days and seasons?

I really enjoy just doing the simple things!

I find that they are not so complex and filled with the unknown,
Yeah, all you have to do is take just one wrong turn off;
And believe me, it can really show just how adventurous you are!
Following directions closely and reading them properly is so important!

~I prefer the way of right doing and thinking and being~

It seems that the road well traveled may seem safer, but then you have 
to contend with all sorts of thoughts and ideas and agendas.

May I suggest you look for the ancient path!

Look, if you have a husband
You must love him well!!
(If you do not, there is someone who will)

If you have children guide and protect them!
(Something is wanting to destroy them)

If you have a home, take great care of it!
(A home can be torn down with your very hands)

If you have food, make a feast every day!
(A bowl of soup can truly taste like a meal fit for a King)

If you have a tongue use it to give encouragement and truth!
(The world is bombarding our ears with filth)

If you have been given life, live it with joy and God's divine plan!
(So many have forfeited true biblical living)

I want to see a reflection of all that is good!
( Someone is always watching YOU)

What is your reflection and image of?

My audience is small
My arena is my home
My heart feels deeply
My days are numbered
My life belongs to Him...

You are not alone!
Try to be content with the portion He has allotted to you!
Ask the Lord to help you to not be deceived!
Even if it comes as an angel of light...

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