Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Secret Place...

I find myself looking out on the horizon and wondering what will this new season bring?
Like a boy who climbs a tree, I look up to ask the Lord what do you have for me?
I love and long for His sweet presence, taking the time to just watch as the world hurries by.
Wait, I say wait, for I am not in a hurry. I want the tithe of your day. Come and sit with Me for awhile.
Will you respond with yes Lord, I want to be with you and stay in this secret place with just
It is a funny mixed feeling as the days are shorter and the nights turn cool. A time to make a cozy yummy dinner and read and just relax. I trust many of you are making the Fall adjustments also. Let me just encourage you to press into His Love and His Word.

He hides us in the cleft of the rock...
Keep looking upon the horizon...
Keep asking the Lord, What do you have for me...
Wait in His Presence...

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, September 20, 2010

What An Apron Speaks To Me...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What a wonderful day, It looks like fall, but feels like summer. I went out and picked some fresh tomatoes and picked a wee little pumpkin for my youngest grandson. It was just his size. The smell of fresh tomatoes just makes my mouth water. And the color of pumpkins makes me feel like fall is here.

I wanted to make a comment on what an apron does for me and speaks to me.
 This may bore some of you off your rockers, but it was tugging at my heart strings.
An apron makes me feel like I am dressed to prepare a meal for those I love.
 To do a job that is much needed and required!
 I want to fulfill my calling as a women, wife, and mother
 And for some reason it makes me feel like it is a small thing.
 But it gives myself and my family a happy feeling,
 Knowing that when they see Mom or Grandma with her apron on, something must be cooking!

 I love to wear my aprons, and I have many ones to choose from. I like to sew them in many
different colors and patterns. I believe it has been a ministry to make them and give them away, to encourage women to be keepers of their homes!

Now, my aprons are not all balled up in a pile, but rather I love to wash and iron them. I keep them 
in a drawer in my kitchen.  And I have them ready to pick a new one every couple of days.
I have a sweet little hanger hook shaped like a tea pot that I hang my apron on that I am using,
on any given day. I can actually feel a difference about being in the kitchen as soon
as I put my apron on.

If you have never worn an apron I encourage you to try wearing one, you just may realize
that this is what you have been missing!

May your kitchen smell heavenly!
May you feel lovely and domestic!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aprons And More...

Well, here is the apron I put in the State Fair, I was so surprised to get 4Th place. Now this apron has a story. It was a pattern given to me by a very sweet and special friend years ago. And I really wanted to make it, but it was one of those things that just took forever to complete. And this pattern was an original , now the directions were a bit on the rough side, not the finished edges we have on patterns today. So here it is!!

I want to give thanks to my friend Ava who helped me so much and to Missy for the pattern!

I just want to say hello to all of you gals in Blog land...
 It has been a very busy month with a seminar I went to, and then we had a leadership conference this last week. We were so blessed to be able to have many men of God speak into our lives. Jim Cymbala, Nicky Cruz, Carter Conlon, Claude Houde, Gary Wilerson, and a surprise speaker David Wilkerson.
It was life changing!!

"Lord, Increase Our Faith." Now here it is did you all really think I could post without preaching? There is a call from the Spirit of God to enter into your prayer closet to intercede for the lost. Even in the time of rain we must pray for rain, heavenly rain.
Rain down, you heavens, from above. And let the skies pour down righteousness:

Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation, And let righteousness spring up together,
I, the Lord, have created it. Isaiah45:8

Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Fortitude And Courage...

Through a multitude of test, you will learn courage. It does not matter the price you pay, but any cost you must obtain strength of character and the fortitude to endure.

This is a strong word, but this is the truth! We must set our face like a flint. Keep your eyes opened and keep His promises close and at hand. We either will be like a picked flower that shortly wilts and dies, or we will let our roots go deep and even flourish in the dry season.
Glory to Glory, Precept upon Precept and Line Upon Line.

Giving all diligence, add to your faith: virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love.
 2Peter 1:5-8

Living From Glory To Glory

Regal Red Metal Chairs...

I wanted to post a picture of a couple of those red chairs, I told you all about that I have been painting this summer. Here they are!! I think I painted about 12 chairs, all Regal Red of course.
It started out fun until the fumes got to me and the snake incident. But the job had to be completed. My oldest grandson  was a huge help and my daughter in law come in at the end. She saved me and finished the last glider for me. That was painted a clean, crisp white.
We call it our outside living room. We do spend a lot of time outside sitting and eating Popsicle's.
Have a great day and be blessed.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Don't you just love the word serendipity?

   It means the gift of finding good things accidentally!
 Now that is where I have a little trouble as I believe there is no accidentally anything
In a believer's life.

I do expect to find good things in each and every day.

I pray for God's favor and blessings all the time!!
This post is on the word I heard the Lord speak to my heart the other day.
 As I was looking out into our wide and open land, I heard the word (serenity)! I was just filled then and there with His peace. I realized once again He knows what each of us needI find that I do require open spaces around me. I love the peace and quiet of the country.
I have asked myself at times now why did we move way out here? Ohhh! The serenity and the awesome ability to hear His still small voice.
Now, I just want to be realistic here: My three grandson's live right next door, and there are occasions like every day I hear them screaming. But I have learned the fine art of selective hearing, and locking my screen doors.
I have had the best time this last week just reading fun, inspirational Christian books, (with the door locked)
 I so love all that He has given me!
 The gift of finding good things...


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Fun...

Good Morning,
  I was just thinking that it was time to reveal some of these last few weeks episodes of my life. Well, remember the camping trip we took. Wonderful time, we had a blast!
Mountain air, a stream for the boys to play in. Now everyone must of been in the mountains because we could not find a place to camp for nothing. My son said he has never experienced this problem ever. Now, I am thinking you gotta be kidding! Thank God a sweet little lady came over to us after we stopped at a place that was FULL and she told us where we could find a spot. GOD bless this lady! We finally arrived at our place that the Father saved for us (reservations made in heavenly places).

OK, to the point I came home with the worst virus from swimming in a hot pool that was filled with who knows what. It was the first time I actually put my head under the water, I may have licked my lips!!(YIKES). Also the END of any possible good hair day on this trip.
This pool experience was thankfully done on our last day of our vacation.

Home again home again jiggity jig.

Sick and tired for almost a week Now when they say don't drink the water. Don't Drink The Water or in my case lick your lips, or dunk your head!

We have washed the windows (MY HUSBAND)!! I washed  all the screens and blinds and curtains.
 And then ironed the curtains and put them back up.
 I swatted flies till my wrist hurt
Granddaughter turned 10 what does that make me? Older than her...
The point I am trying to make is this I will enjoy every last bit and portion of this month of August. I love all you out there who have taken the time to read of my life and portion that God has given me. It is all good because we our all learning and growing in His love and Grace. We are a family and He is our Father.

The whole earth has a virus and it is sin and the Lord has given us the antidote to heal and cure the effects of sin. Jesus Christ and His word, take it at least three times a day! Pray and rest in his love.

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beach Blessings...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

A Labor of Love: You find out that you're expecting, the sheer joy and fear come over you with all its force of nature. Take a deep breath and you have 9 months to let it settle and grow and bond. Forever a part of you! My daughter and friend.

We start out being the only one in this relationship that is carrying the whole load, then, alas, we have those years of love and adoration of Mommy and daughter. We grow and laugh together, we learn about each other likes and dislikes. What an awesome adventure. Our love is a love that God has put into our hearts. He chose us to be Mother and daughter. But we have the choice to be friends. And what a wonderful thing to have a daughter as your dearest friend.

Love, Mom
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