Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Candle And Preparing To Be A Homemaker...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Candle Stick

A candle placed within a candelabra, or a simple candle holder.
Can cause a soft and loving atmosphere.
It has always been a very visual and symbolic picture of being the source of light!

Years ago these were the only source of light used as it was carried from room to room.
I think the use of those tapered candles for the home lighting, were very simple.
Yet they were a major item of a home.

The making of these candles was a very big job and needed to be completed
In a timely fashion. It did take a long process to make them.
They would have to use quality ingredients.
And to also make enough to get through the long winter nights.

I believe when a young maiden fills their Hope Chest;
They know that they will need a strong and sturdy candle holder!
Having the actual candles will be an ongoing need.
But the holder was something that needed to be unbreakable,
Yet, lovely and functional!

And as a contrast
We are carriers of the light as lady's we must shine with love.
We will need to be strong;
And not easily broken or haphazardly put together.
One thing we can be certain of as we walk and live out our calling;
We can either be a bright and happy light that fills a room with joy.
Or a dark shadow of doubt and worry.

We must try to be a positive light for others to see the love of Jesus in us!
For He has asked us to let this light shine…

Keep your candles and candlesticks handy!
For as soon as the sun starts to set we will need them to make
All the rooms of our hearts bright and filled with light.

I have always loved how the word tells us to expose the darkness!
Allow the Lord to work in your heart to keep the flame flickering brightly!

He is our only HOPE…

Monday, December 14, 2015

Doing Life Together "I'll Be Home For Christmas If Only In My Dreams"...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Doing Life Together...

We all know that doing things with another is so much easier and enjoyable!

It can even be a very simple task or even the hard things;
Doing it with someone we love or care about is so much better.

When we have someone to talk and perform a job with just makes the
Burden lighter or easier!

We were not created to be alone!
But rather to do life with our families...

Just having another person in our homes can help drive the quiet away.
And believe me, I love my peace and quiet!

But when you have someone to eat with or to do some baking with;
It just makes life special!

When you are young and your children are young you never even think about
Being alone or by yourself for hours or even days at a time.
But trust me as you become an empty nester or just are in a new season.
Or the worst emptiness is the loss of a loved one!

We need our loved ones close or to live close!
We need holidays spent with our multi-generational families.
We need each and every generation;
They all bring a dynamic that is needed!

God told Adam, It is not good for man to be alone;
So God created him a helper...
Look, we all need to be a helper and to have a helper!
I am not just referring to husband and wife here...

I say this because this is the time of year that loss and loneliness is at its peak.
When we are alone during the most wonderful season of all;
That loneliness can be so heavy and profound!

I might not be experiencing this myself, but I can assure you all of this,
Someone close or far is experiencing this...
And if we are not receptive to this in others lives, we will become cold!

Just because your days and lives are busy and full, does not mean
Others are not feeling lonely or forgotten about!

I love that song that sings this chorus
" I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams"

Some people have lost their dreams and spunk for life...
We need to be aware of those that are in loneliness!

Also, learning the fine art of helping others!

It is as easy as a phone call...
A letter or a funny card...
Asking them to come over to bake...
Or taking a small token or gift to them...
Praying for them...

Ignoring them is not an option!
Being too busy is not an excuse!
Look, we do not have to do it all, but we all need to do our part!


I'll Be Home For Christmas Song
If Only In My Dreams

Home For The Holidays

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 11, 2015

How To Make A Crocheted Snowflake Ornament...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 How to  make a Crochet Snowflake!

Here are a few of the snowflakes I have made!
I find it very relaxing and it is a small project that can be completed in a sitting!
I used a very lovely white with a bit of silvery thread in it!
It sparkles and looks very festive.
I made one for each of my grandchildren...
I downloaded this video link
 And I can pull it up if I have forgotten how to make them.
I made a few different ones and I liked this pattern best!
It has the nice points on it and I also did a chain link to be able to hang it!

You can make these on long winter evenings and have them ready for next year!

Tell me if you give this pattern a whirl!

Crochet Snowflake

While teaching in a live class, we decided to wing making a snowflake together. This is what we came up with. It’s really simple but looks so pretty.

You can use your own yarn stash to make these little snowflakes
Size H Crochet Hook, 5.0 mm
Ch 4. Join with Slip Stitch to beginning Ch to form a ring.
Ch 3, dc into the ring, ch 3. *2 dc into ring, ch 3. Repeat * around. There should be 6 sets of 2 dc between each ch 3. Join with a slip stitch to top of beg ch 3.
Slip stitch across top of 2 dc in round 2. Then slip stitch into ch 3 space. Ch 3, 3 dc into same ch 3 space, ch 1. *4 dc into next ch 3 space, ch 1. Repeat * around. Slip slip stitch to top of beginning ch 3.
Slip stitch across the top of the 4 dc in round 3. The slip stitch into ch 1 space. *Ch 5, slip stitch to same ch 1 space, ch 5, slip stitch to ch 1 space, ch 7, slip stitch to chain 1 space, ch 5, slip stitch to chain 1 space, ch 5, slip stitch to ch 1 space. (There will be a total of 5 loops coming out in the same chain 1 space. Slip Stitch across the top of the next 4 dc’s and repeat * around. Join with with a slip stitch to final chain 1 space. Fasten off.

Click the link below for the directions;

A Crochted Snowflake Ornament

Here are three of them together!

Blessings to each and every one of you!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Famine Of Hearing God's Word...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everyone is looking for truth and meaning to their lives!

Well, I will tell you this that you will not find the true answers
in this old world!
Yet God will use this creation and all our situations to bring us to the truth.
I believe He is always tenderly calling...
I told my Hubby this morning I am pretty sure we don't live forever
 in these old bodies.

I found this and I thought I would share it with some of you!

John the Baptist was such a powerful light that God chose to use!
Check out this link below and save it to your favorites!

We must learn to feed ourselves as the church is suffering
from a famine of the Word...

We live in a day in which there is a famine in the land for the hearing of God's Word. This famine has produced a generation of starving Christians who greatly desire the presence of the truth of God's Word in their lives. Our purpose is to use the means of the Internet to propel the Word of God to every tribe, tongue, and people.

To help accomplish this goal, we have launched Expositor.FM, a 24-hour Christian internet radio station featuring the biblical preaching and teaching of many prominent pastors, teachers, and leaders proclaiming God's Word.

Google... www dot expositor dot fm

Expositor.FM is committed to daily programming that will aid your personal Christian Walk.
Be encouraged by men who have established ministries founded on the Word of God.
Be instructed in verse-by-verse exposition for the renewal of your mind and transformation of your life.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Reassuring Those We Love...



Sometimes, as the women, we need to reassure our husbands!

And as a woman you will have times you will need to reassure many;
You know when you go through a stretch of trials or tribulation,
We can become fearful or unsure!

And it is very good to quickly respond to our loved ones;
To say yes, we are going to be okay...
Even during a difficult time, we can get pressed!

Even when we do not think we are stressed our bodies can and will
Still respond in a fight or flight mode!

Fear when dwelt upon over a crisis has its own problems!

When worry creeps up over a bad report or situation;
I remind myself of this
Worry is sin...

No, it does not just stop it!
But it puts me in the overcoming defense!

In this life we need to have a plan of defense.

Learning to respond correctly quickly is a powerful antidote for many things!

Even when things happen slowly, there is still a response.

We are to be good stewards of our bodies
Our finances
Our relationships

Being a good steward requires action, 
Keeping Busy
Can be so powerful in times of unrest, or sickness.

I think of times past, someone is always in a crisis or coming out of one.

Taking and making the time to reassure ourselves and others,
Every time a crisis comes we learn to readjust and overcome
So if any of you or your loved ones have been struggling
With sickness or a bad report my heart goes out to you!

I have many friends going through trials!
I also have had high blood pressure out of no where...
I started exercising and changed my diet to less salt
And taking a few supplements;
But still landed in the ER
The doctor told me I was not dying...
That was a relief... I needed to be reassured!

I still feel really weird, I go to the doctors again tomorrow!
I DO NOT want to have to take medicine for it!
(What are your thoughts?)

P.S. Now that I think about it all, I started feeling terrible after I had a
Flu and pneumonia shot in the same day...
My arm got all red and swollen for a week!
Did my body have a reaction from them?
I think so...

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