Friday, May 2, 2014

How To Manage Your Home And Coffee Please...

In order to manage our homes, we must be able to be trained ourselves,
And to be able to learn new skills and to practice what we learn!

Keeping a list of things to do helps!
Cooking and doubling a recipe to freeze for a dinner on a busy day.
Some ladies make a months worth of meals for the freezer.
Use your Crock Pot!
The kitchen must be the heart of the HOME!
Learn to cook easy, yet nutritious meals.
Make cookies and freeze them in a tin, lined with wax paper.

Doing a load of laundry every day and night or spend one whole day
Allotted for (Laundry Day)
Keep a plastic tub in the sink filled with soapy water to place dirty dishes in,
 So they are easier to wash by hand or load into the dishwasher.
Sweep the kitchen floor daily.

The Living room needs comfy blankets and good books to read!
Never go to bed without tidying up this room and the kitchen,
Because then you will start the next day already behind.

Women today have so many resources to use to help them plan meals.
And to learn tips to be frugal.

Take time every day to have a cup of coffee or tea in the afternoon!
Do this so you will feel refreshed before staring the evenings.
Dinner and the Home family time.

Do not put your child in every activity known to man,
Pick one thing and do it for a season!

Make time for rubbing your hubby's back or neck!
Meeting his needs is very important.
Your children will grow up and leave home and it will be just the two of you!

A well ordered HOME is able to grow and prosper;
And you can find two matching socks!
I once new a Lady who had a very cute wicker basket in her laundry room,
And she washed and dried all the socks and then placed them in the basket.
And it was up to the children to get them for themselves.
She figured this saved her hours every week by not having
 To sort and match all the socks!

Our Homes are like the sphere of influence we have.
Too strict and we feel boxed in,
To laxed we feel out of sorts!
God is a God of order, not chaos.

Keeping your HOME a safe place, and Keeping watch!
May your children and hubby and loved ones always say;
There is no place like HOME!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arise And Get Up You Sleepy Heads...

File:Helen Allingham - The Staircase, Whittington Court, Gloucestershire.jpg

Artist: Helen Allinham

The staircase is used to ascend and to descend,
We are now in a place where we are being called to come down.
As to awake from your slumber!

Listen! I hear the "voice of my beloved!"

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
Song of Songs 2:10

Happy Spring and may we awake from the slumber of winter's rest.
He is calling you "Arise"

The world seems like it is coming alive!
Shake off the dust, as it had begun to cling to your boots.
The dust is the lesser things.
My own thinking, laziness, and inactivity in the natural and spiritual.

He calls me by this precious name
"My Darling"
He considers me beautiful!

He has spoken this
Come with me!

Okay, so If He is calling us to come down from are room of slumber,
Then, will we be like children who roll over and go back to sleep?

Sometimes the transition from one stage to another is difficult.
(Remember Labor)
On one hand, I love change and adventure;
But on the other hand, I love the comfort of the sameness...

I think we need to strengthen our legs and especially our thighs,
As I read an interesting article, that said a key for a longer time frame to live-in
 un-assisted as we age was seen in those
Women who had stronger thighs (Not Larger)

Arise, and get up my darling, we have laid around long enough!
We have work to do!
Cleaning and planning and doing our Father's business!
Find ways to strengthen the hands that hang down.

I want to share a word of courage and faith with you!
We are more than little fire flies,
But if you feel your light is very little in comparison to others;
You need to know this today, the older or more tired you get.
It is in this darkness of days and maybe getting closer to the night season.
It is this;
Your little light will be brighter, the darker it gets...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Why Are So Many Women Blogging; My Answers...

File:Still Life of Flowers by Adelheid Dietrich, 1868, oil on wood - National Gallery of Art, Washington - DSC00103.JPG
Artist:Adelheid Dietrich (1827-1891)

As I laid in bed last night and this question just rolled around
In my head for hours it seemed like.
It was a question that I really tried to answer, I
Believe being a woman I just might have some insight into this question.

This is the question;
Why are there so many women Blogging?

So here are the thoughts that came to me, and I believe that they partly
answer this question.

Our hearts are overflowing with destiny,
Our hands were made to mold and create daily,

Women have words that abound;
We have a need to release them in order to allow them to produce!
All our words spoken or written produce.
(That is why we're warned not to gossip)

A woman's heart cries out (can you see me)?
We want to leave a legacy behind.

We desire information and knowledge.
We want to give advice and teach.
It is a place to express things you have experienced.
We can share tidbits such as recipes and how to DIY projects!
Advice on how to have a healthy marriage.
Child rearing ideas and advice.

We want to be stirred into action;
The bride cannot tolerate being unproductive!

A woman's gifts unused is much likened to the sweet fragrance sleeping
deeply within our flowers in each and every petal.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

HOW TO Join A Link Up Party...

File:Rain droplets.jpg

Let it Rain...
Open the floodgates of Heaven
Let it rain
Let it rain

His rain is spiritual and natural.
We cannot live without either one of them.
Life comes from His rain (reign)...

I wanted to send out a HOW TO post on joining a Link Party
And once again we can look to another's expertise and her Blog post,
 on how to learn to do something!
The blessings and wisdom from others are tools we can use!
I do not know this lady, but she has the best HOW TO on this particular need!
If you have always wanted to Link Up and did not know how,
Here is the information you need!
Click HERE

Praising the Lord for the rain that has fallen on our dry and thirsty land!

It can rain on my Link Up parties on any Wednesday :o)

May we all enjoy His pleasures and play like we are children again!
May your heart never grow old...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Training and Encouragement...

Hello, Who here does not need encouragement?

I just wanted to say thank you for leaving comments that
have encouraged me!

Encouragement can go a very long way...

So many women have gone to school to become skilled in a profession!
But where can we become trained and skilled at being a homemaker?

I think certain blogs can be a tool for learning some tips on being a homemaker!

But it is in the home and on the job that we really learn and glean
real life applications in this calling!

Keep growing and learning and you will
become a Godly Homemaker...
From Glory to Glory

Let us work while it is yet day!

Friday, April 25, 2014

How To Organize Your Recipes...

Every Women needs a place to keep her recipes,
 quick and orderly...
To rely too heavily on the internet is not really wise.
How many times have we all experienced the internet being down or not
having the precise recipe we are looking for.
Let's think about for a moment what makes a good dish or combination 
of foods really special?
The taste of course, but the memories that are associated with certain
recipes are the best part of cooking;
Especially during holidays and birthdays and family get togethers.

Here is what I did to have my favorite recipes handy and organized and protected.

Firstly, purchase a box of plastic covering sheets,
Also purchase a few vinyl notebooks.
I did make a few different categories with my plan!

Here is where you put all your Main Course recipes and Side Dishes!
All my casserole dishes go into this one. All my delicious stews and soups.
Salads and Rice recipes.

I have so many Breads and Muffin recipes!
I find it easier to just pull out the notebook that has my Breads!
The staple of life! 
Have you tried my Pumpkin Bread recipe?
Really, it is the BEST ever...
It makes three loaves at a time, one to eat, and one to freeze, and one to give away!
Click Here

Now, in this little Large notebook is my Sweets!
I once heard a friend say that her first tooth she cut was a sweet tooth...
I do think that is a true statement
(As I read it on the Internet also)
(And I also heard they can't print anything that is not true)

Now, this is filled with so many special and dear to my heart recipes of
Cookies and cakes and cream puffs!

Your collection of recipe  should be very special and pretty looking.
 As they really are heirlooms for your family and children to pass on!
Taking care of them and preserving them is a wise thing to do!

You will need a bit of pretty paper and some craft scissors,
Sticky adhesive photo splits.

What I did was put out a large card table, and started going through my box of recipes.
Then I started arranging them, I put them in stacks of the categories I chose,
from the above notebooks.You can have as many as you want.
Or make it as easy and simple as you would like!

I used my printer and recopied some of them, others I just slid them
into a plastic sheet protector. 
It was so much fun to read over so many recipes.
Now, this is where I made the decision on what recipes to keep and those to toss.
I asked myself if it was not family history or an heirloom to me, if I 
had not ever made this or had no future plans on doing so out it went.

This was a couple of weeks in the making, as I did take my time 
and enjoyed the process. 
So I encourage you ladies to think about making up your own,
Family and your Mothers or Grandmothers special recipe notebooks.
This project might be something to do this summer
  when it is too hot to go outside.
In my case I did do it this last winter when it was too cold to go outside!

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