Monday, April 28, 2014

Why Are So Many Women Blogging; My Answers...

File:Still Life of Flowers by Adelheid Dietrich, 1868, oil on wood - National Gallery of Art, Washington - DSC00103.JPG
Artist:Adelheid Dietrich (1827-1891)

As I laid in bed last night and this question just rolled around
In my head for hours it seemed like.
It was a question that I really tried to answer, I
Believe being a woman I just might have some insight into this question.

This is the question;
Why are there so many women Blogging?

So here are the thoughts that came to me, and I believe that they partly
answer this question.

Our hearts are overflowing with destiny,
Our hands were made to mold and create daily,

Women have words that abound;
We have a need to release them in order to allow them to produce!
All our words spoken or written produce.
(That is why we're warned not to gossip)

A woman's heart cries out (can you see me)?
We want to leave a legacy behind.

We desire information and knowledge.
We want to give advice and teach.
It is a place to express things you have experienced.
We can share tidbits such as recipes and how to DIY projects!
Advice on how to have a healthy marriage.
Child rearing ideas and advice.

We want to be stirred into action;
The bride cannot tolerate being unproductive!

A woman's gifts unused is much likened to the sweet fragrance sleeping
deeply within our flowers in each and every petal.


  1. Do you know how very much I gain from your wisdom of words? God has given you the special gift of conveying his message. As I said before, my not being able to teach is like someone having a song that they can't sing. Continue to bless us with your thoughts.

  2. I think you must just think deep thoughts all day as you talk with Jesus.

  3. Such an insightful post, Roxy.
    I couldn't have said it any better!

  4. I like your answers and agree with you. There is so much to share with others! Hope you had a lovely Monday my friend...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  5. Roxy, I feel like I have more to learn from others (and I have) than what they would learn from me. I believe that the gifts of creativity that God has given any of us... whether it be with words, photography, wisdom, art, crafts, decorating...needs to have an outlet. We hopefully will all learn something from each other. It blesses my heart to know there are such wonderful Christian women in this world!

  6. I have to say"ditto" to Debby Ray.
    I stand amazed at all the gifts, talents and abilities God has blessed each one with, and then to see how He uses everyone to in some way to touch hearts. Blogging is a community the reaches far and wide. I had no idea this community even exsisted!
    May you continue to bless hearts here in your special, God honoring place Roxy.
    Joy! Debbie

  7. Hello my sweet friend, I am back :) I simply loved this post and completely agree with you! I love what you said at the very end, "A woman's gifts unused is much likened to the sweet fragrance sleeping
    deeply within our flowers in each and every petal." Those words are beautiful!

    Hugs to you, dear Roxy!

  8. Well said, I have learnt so much from blogging so I love it:))) there are so many talented women out there who have so much to share.m

  9. I believe, as women, we have the urge to share and inspire! I know I'm a better woman in part to blogging and all the wonderful friends I've made ( you being one)that have challenged, inspired and taught me many new wonderful things! If only we could turn off our brains at night and get more sleep! lol

  10. Sometimes I think that in the night, when all is quiet...that is the time I am able to hear God speak the loudest. The hustle and bustle of the day can't get in the way. My heart is still, and open to what He has to say. The rest of the night is left for me to keep His words in my spirit....letting them sink deep. In the morning I wake with a freshness. Ready to take on a new day. Sometimes with something to share with someone else, or for my own spiritual growth.
    Great post!!!! You inspire me Roxy.

  11. Oh My! You are just to precious for words.

    I know I started blogging so my grandchild would know what I did, who I was, my thoughts, actions, desires.
    Now I blog for creativity. Also, I have friends who care and want to know more about me.
    I use to get caught up with having lots of comments. Now, I know my friends will leave "love notes" when they can.

    I hope you get some good sleep tonight, lol.

  12. Roxy, I have been blogging for 7 years. At first, it was a great place to express myself creatively...then I began to make such beautiful and dear friendships that it became so much deeper...more like community. I love taking a peek into the lives of my blogging sisters and sharing in their joys as well as praying them through tough things, and the comfort of knowing that when I need prayer or comfort or encouragement, I have this wonderful community of friends.
    I also enjoy seeing the unique gifts and creative talent of other women who blog.
    blogging has been a real blessing in my life through the years.♥

  13. I agree with everything you said.I also think women desire community as well, blogging gives you a sense of that. It's a wonderful place to connect, share, encourage, minister and learn from others.

  14. I absolutely agree :) We do desire to produce something for posterity, for our family to guide them and to bless other women and young mothers. I love being creative and making something that is beautiful! I've tried to put it down into words and yours are far better than mine :) Well done :) god bless you this week, Roxy!

  15. Visiting from Sharita's today. I'm your neighbor. What wonderful reflections on why we write. I like what Maryann added above too...the community found. Beautiful post. Blessings.

  16. Gorgeous words, Roxy! I totally agree with every word. And I love the eloquence by which you write. So glad to "Meet" you over at the #EverydayJesus link up. I pray you will swing by every Thursday (or any day after that :-)

    Thanks a million. God bless.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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