Friday, August 12, 2016

I See Your Mouth Moving, But I Can't Hear Anything...

Communications, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Tell me what are you thinking?

So many of us get lost in our communications with others;
We can be somewhere in between of spilling your every thought,
To be tight lipped and no response.
Neither of these are good!

I find if we can ponder a bit on how we should respond;
We can be true to our hearts and share what we think or believe.

We are living in a world where there are no absolutes;
Everything seems like it is in the gray area...

Now this should not be!

Why will some people never take wise counsel?
Why must we be a people of no wisdom!

We must learn to lovingly share our hearts in truth!
But we also must speak a warning or a bit of wisdom;
To those we love and sometimes it may be a total stranger!

I am running out of things to say to you ladies!

I guess I could just do recipes or crafts;
But then I would not be being true to myself!

See why we need to keep communications opened in our lives!
We all have gifts and talents and we need to use them!

Try to be watchful for an opportunity to tell others something,
That will bring encouragement!
Or a word of caution...

Can you become an older woman without learning something that is of value?

Keep trying to communicate and learn whom is listening!
(Just another thought here)
Sometimes wisdom is learning to back off;
Sometimes you just need to stop trying to get through to them;
Sometimes they harden their hearts to you and or to the truth!
So now you must do this next thing, Start...
Trusting God with them!

Taking your hands off and telling them look;
I will not bring this subject up again.

~But we can pray for them~

Keep yourself busy doing the next thing!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How To Use Old Useless Stuff To Create A Charming Yard...

There is just something so charming about old vintage bicycles.

Days of summer fun and places to explore!
A mode of transportation to school or a friend's house.

I wish we had kept all those old bicycles from our childhood days!
Or maybe of the ones we had of our older brother and sisters.

I think these old charmers are getting harder and harder to find.
This little beauty is in my sisters garden area;
She has a huge flower garden and it just adds an ambiance to the natural landscape!

I have tried many different items in my flower gardens to add charm!
Old metal tubs and vintage plates places in the soil sticking half way up.
Old cowboy boots and old boxes and planters!

I truly love finding old wheelbarrows and placing them around our estate.

We use to even place old bottles and cans in some of the smaller dry beds!

Learning to use an imagination and decorating outside of the box!

After the end of our summer season, I gather most of the items and
we store them in an old log cabin out back.
It stops some of the fading and wear during the long winter.
Then when spring comes again we pull everything out and place it in all the
different spots to add color and interesting schemes.

We have a lot of the old metal chairs and we have painted most of them all red!

I think having a lovely yard and some unique decorating pieces is fun!

Everything takes work and time!
But if we keep our eyes open while at goodwill or garage sales;
You can find some great treasure for yard decorations!

Just remember to keep your yards clean and filled with garden charm!

Sweep of your sidewalks and fill planters with flowers!

Outside work can help keep you fit and a bit strength building!

This is such a easy way to make your home look inviting and charming!
Pick a couple of colors that match your outside scheme;
Then paint fences or tins or planters to match;
Doing it now is a good time to get a jump start on it!

Make it fun and ask others to keep and eye out for what you're looking for!

I have used broken off shovels and pitchforks, they really look nice!

I have gone down to the river bottom and brought home
old stumps and large limbs that are weathered and look wonderful!

Even a large rock placed in the right place looks good!

My kids when they were young or may still say it now (smiles)
What the heck are you going to do with that old thing MOTHER...

I have many old farm implements and have spray painted some of them bright red.

Country, cozy and cheap and so filled with charm!

Old birdhouses and birdbaths are lovely!

Any type of fencing can look vintage and charming...
Paint it or stain it!

Plant seeds every spring as you never know what might just take off!
Remember to try to plant a few new bulbs each fall!

I believe we can take what God has given us and make it a little slice of Eden...

Small yard or extra large you can make it pretty and lovely!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways To Help You Be Content...


I have seen so many things that rile my emotions;
In this world we have three things that will lay- way you.
Lust of your eyes
Lust of of your flesh
And the pride of yourself

We have an insatiable hunger for things and stuff...

I am always leaning towards a simpler way of life;
When we can just enjoy a moment with a good book or a craft!

Just staying home more often and not running to and fro.
Many things we put upon our own plate and it is not beneficial to us!

We are now living in an information age...
So now you really can see daily just exactly what you're missing!

I must say that I now think every woman alive has her own blog;
You now have your own personal spot on the world wide web (W.W.W.)

We can record and download and ebook everything
So what is it that you desire?
As the genie in the bottle said
"Your wish is my command"

Well lets stop and really think...
Not feel your way through this precious life;

If you gained the whole world and lost your soul!
People are selling their minds and hearts and bodies for lies!

I guess you do not need me to tell you how easy it is to get off
the narrow path!
This world and with a touch of a click, your able to view and buy and sell!

What are you craving for?
Goods, more stuff, and bigger and better things!

As soon as you get the next thing you start the whole process over!
Never enough...

But if we keep close to the truth of what is going to last.
We can stop the running and seeking and rest in the very fact.
He will never leave you or forsake you!
He will add all that is needed by you!

Here is a great post written by Lydia from Home Living;

Home Living, The Christian Lady And Contentment

Ask the Lord to help you be content!
Learn to say NO to all the running around town!
Ask yourself if this is a need or a want?
Keep your hands busy doing things that are wholesome (knitting, crafting, cleaning, reading)
Do not compare yourself to others...
Take care of what God has given you!

~Contentment with Godliness is great gain~

What are some of the things you have learned to be content?

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, July 29, 2016

Women Want To Control...

Sunflowers, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Women Want To CONTROL

This statement might make you angry!

But the truth of the matter, it is the truth...

Hello Ms. Bossy Pants, how does your garden grow?

"Well, it better do what I tell it to do!"

I can write this blog post because I am a woman!
I know that my strong sin nature desires to lead and to control!

Women are known for their strong opinions in most arenas.

Women in most households will run the whole place dominating
Conversations and about who what and where with most other things!

You have all heard the phrase control freak...

Well, when you first start learning to become a biblical woman,
You quickly see the force behind your always wanting to control!

And I think it is a wonderful character trait,
 To run your household well,and with efficiency!

But in our sin nature our desire is to control our husbands!
This is where we usually have to pray and work out our salvation;
In this area of becoming not dominant, but submissive.

Most men are pretty lenient with how we can have the freedom to
Organize and run our households.

But then we have some troubles knowing when we need to stop;
Controlling and manipulating our husbands.

Sometimes I am not even aware I am doing it, so then the Holy Spirit is gracious
and He helps me see the error in my words or my actions.
(It is usually a bit of both)

I am always learning and I have been married for years,
But I can tell you this dear ladies it is never to late to learn to
become more in line with scripture in our marriages.

I think most of us want to control our Husbands out of fear!
Fear of what our Husbands have done or what they might do!

But when we pray and train ourselves to stop this excessive controlling;
We might just find that the world does not crumble and fall apart.

If we would but learn to control our own thoughts and our words;
We would become that gentle and quiet one spoken of in scripture.

It does not mean you cannot voice, your heart or opinion!

It is just done with a different attitude and not an expectation of the
Outcome of him to follow your ideas or how you think it should be done!

I spoke therefore you do!
(In your MOMMY voice)

You are not his mommy!
 And he also has to learn to lead his wife and children!
Pray for him and work hard at doing YOUR part.

But if you will not stop FIRST controlling and manipulating him;
He cannot do what he is suppose to do!

We hear this all the time, well if he would just lead then I would submit!
Well girls that is not how it works...
He was created first and we must follow,
He is not to follow us...

Control feels like power to so many of us!
But to serve and to obey is like having a lovely opportunity
to act and be like Christ example to us!

I appreciate your visit to this blog!
I desire to live my life
~From Glory To Glory~

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Russia Has Taken Over Our Blogs Or Referring Spam...

What the heck!!

Need some feedback...

I have been getting tons of hits from Russia!!
When I say a ton I mean it!
I had 1716 pageviews, But it does not land on any blog posts!
All my traffic is from Russia...

At first I was so excited thinking, wow I am getting out there!

I have lost sleep over this disturbing thing that is being none on
MY sweet little blog...

Danger, Hackers have invaded blogger!
Or we are being Spamed To Death...

But yet I have had no extra
spam or no traffic on any post!

Please let me know if any of you are experiencing the same thing!

So after some investigating I now think I am just a little blogger
with a URL that got on a hot list.

This is called referer spam.

Nobody is actually viewing your blog from these sites - and nobody knows about these links, but you, since only you can see your Stats logs.

There are no actual links to your blog, from these websites - nor is your blog content being read, from anybody's computer. Neither your blog's page rank nor reputation is affected, one way or the other, by referer spam.

Referer spam never stops. You'll stop seeing a specific spam URL, when the spammer switches to a new URL. They only switch to new URLs when Google blocks the spam advertising the current URL. 

Do NOT check out the very odd names of referring URL,
as this sends you to unknown sites with some bad stuff.
And can also cause you to make the problem worse!
They actually hope you will do this!
Do Nor Click On UNKNOWN URL addresses.

So I guess I will just be grateful that I am going to be
seen as not productive as with running with the big dogs!

Geesh, what ever happened to plain and simple
And safe and sound??

So now, I think this warrants some blog post on Russia!

They really do have such lovely blue and white china...

My Comment;
I will not fear or be afraid! I do find it all very weird and I do not like it! I think these things are going to happen with all our technologies and such. But it does make one to be very aware of what you put on your blog posts! And people are stealing what you write and post! You have to be very careful and we should be cautious! But I guess they feel they can take what is not theirs and use it for profit is sad.

I was told that it may eventually stop, but if not I am not sure what we can even do about it!


I think they may be trying to crash our sites and confuse blogger in the long run!
This is like Spamming Zombies!
I have heard of this, but not a clue as how to do it-
Locking IPs and Visitors by Country, 
Blogger will have to address this problem or all our analytics will be  off and we all could be hacked blind!

This will affect our server load and our safety vulnerabilities, Do not open the unknown names of the sites that show  ity-ibity, check your site,  so many of them, I cannot name them, but if it is not from another friends blog or a name you trust if you follow it back it caused more spam and bad traffic from a spammer zombie!!

Dear Russian Ladies, if you're really reading our blogs would you be so kind as to leave us a comment?

Monday, July 25, 2016

How To Have A Kitchen That Truly Has Heart...

A Kitchen With Heart And Soul, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Having a kitchen that truly has heart, must be filled with wonderful things!
I do not mean the latest kitchen gadget, but rather the things and stuff that matter!

So many ladies seem to cook out of just survival mode;
This may be because of lack of funds or foods to prepare.

But there is a true heart for cooking that can be made simple and inexpensive that
Just fill the atmosphere of one's own kitchen!

It does not matter if you are cooking for two or ten!

Stop allowing the world or the era to determine what you create!!

Some of these healthy things just taste like cardboard!

If you just look back into all the now changed data on
"What's good for you and what's NOT"

We were told to only eat margarine;
Well, now we are told BUTTER is the real food...
(I have always only used real butter"

Remember the fad called FAT FREE
Well, people just got fatter!

When a woman drinks milk her waistline slims down
(I am not sure why it works, but it does)
I drink lactose free milk as it's easier for me to digest.

Your kitchen should be the hub of your home...

To prepare a meal everyday that can fill bellies and the heart!

We have so many meals that are tasteless and heartless!

We need to recapture the love of foods that say love and family!

Please don't look and eat and act like the world!

Feed the bodies and hearts and minds all that enter your kitchen!

Cooking like sex is an attitude...
Bad attitudes create bad touch and taste!

Everything that you do in your kitchen will reflect in your health;
In your hearts
Your waist line
In your thinking
In your budget
In your marriage
In your relationships

The kitchen is not like the laundry room where you wash and fold!!

~The kitchen is where Love is cooked and shared and memories made~

We are obsessed with food in all the wrong ways!
Being larger is much better then starved and pencil thin!

A little less thinking about oneself and to think of serving a platter
of love and good eats leaves the family fulfilled and fed!

That is probably we see the explosion of food blogs and cooking channels!

We all know that you can clean and organize your kitchen;
And decorate is for very little in dollar amount.
And decorate it to look super cozy and elegant!

Your kitchen has a heartbeat dear ones!
Do you need to deliver some drastic measures to revive your kitchen?

Well get busy, you can take one whole day and get it back into shape

Here is an email I sent to my daughter for are oldest granddaughter!
Maybe it will inspire new cooks and us older ladies that have
been cooking for decades!

Please do not say I HATE to COOK...
Ask the Lord to help you have a love for the kitchen and cooking!

I was asked by my daughter if I would send some recipes to her for
my granddaughters new cookbook that she is putting together for her!

So I did find a few that I had not already sent her in the past!

But I just started writing some ideas down that I thought would
make for a great idea information sheet.
these are ideas that I have learned myself over the years and I have
always loved ideas to help me keep a cleaner and safer kitchen.
And ideas that help my pantry foods and freezer foods to be used wisely!

Cooking 101 Ideas
Grandma's Ideas ***

Find recipes that look good to you!
Think of foods that are good for you!
Have ideas for cheap and easy meals!
Find an idea that is just for you for the special feel good dinners!
When you eat something you really like while out, ask the hostess for her recipe!
Learn to change or tweak a recipe that has an item that you do not like!
Cooking should be a joy, do not look at it as a burden!

Keep your items that might go bad in the freezer like nuts or flours, if you buy in large quantities.

Always remember the 4 day rule; After 4 days, many left overs can become bad! Toss them out!
Potato salad is a 3 day rule...
(Trust me)

After baking your cookies keep them in the freezer in a tin canister with wax paper between the layers.
You can freeze scones and quick breads!
It is a good idea to bake ahead and freeze some as when you need it for a dinner or a guest comes for tea you can just pull it out!

Always mark what you are putting in the freezer and use it in a few months time.

Always keep a fresh pitcher of iced tea and lemonade to serve as it is economical and good for you!

Each week you can cook up a batch of rice or a pasta or par-cooked potatoes (you just boil them with the skin on till tender, drain and put in frig till you need them, as they last well over a week in the frig) for a quick side to add to your meals.
The rice can be a quick stir fry! The potatoes can be cubed or shredded for fried potatoes or hash browns!

You can freeze shredded cheese!

Always change out your dishcloth and towel in the kitchen everyday!

Clean out your refrigerator before you go food shopping!
Toss out old leftovers and wipe off shelves!

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