Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Men Are Visual...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Some days we see too much.
Some days we see too little.
All of our days are waiting to be filled with things we can see or feel.
I desire to fill my days with happy memories,
And things that fill my eyes with beauty.
One of my greatest joys has been ministering to my husband.
Loving him by giving him my attention.

Making a place  for him to meet God and to study and pray,
A room just for him.
Doing what I thought my husband needed to find his home a comfort!
Doing my life with the man of my dreams.
I have referred to him as my Boaz.
There is one thing I have learned over 32 years of marriage,
Is this!!
Men are visual...
Every man is visual!
So I try to present all things to look appealing;

Cooking  food to nourish him, but to also try to make it look delicious,
 And  to keep my kitchen table cleaned off  and with a comfy chair.
Creating an environment for peace of  mind and soul.
I have prayed about this one simple fact, over many years.
My conclusion is this;
It is my hope to keep my husbands eyes on me!
I smile, I laugh, I kiss him! xoxo
I make myself ready for him,
I wear a fragrance he likes.
I fix myself up every day!
I love to have my husband look at me!

Part One; On Building A Strong Marriage
Read it here;
Romancing Your Husband

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wishing Upon A Star

Wishing Upon A Star
What are some of the things you have wished for?
I wish life was easy peasie.
I wish life was easy breezy.
Oh come on!!
It has been the hard and difficult things that have brought
A true fairy tales to life.
You're living it right now!
I wished I had never spent all that money and joined that gym.
I wished I had never spent all that money over the last
30 yrs on my kitchen gadgets. I have used twice!
wish I had been less judgmental towards others.
I wish....
See the point?
He is the Morning Star, He alone can make all your true wishes
Come True!
Love, Joy, Peace
Strength, Beauty,
(More Abundantly)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Line Up

Which One Did It?
They all look rather guilty to me!
She does look rather troubled...
We must be very careful to not follow the crowd.
Sometimes just being with the wrong people can
bring trouble upon yourself.
I have heard people say:
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!
"The Word say's to stay away from even the apperance of evil"
Maybe a new hair style,
Get rid of the grumpy face,
If ,I said I was a christian,
Would there be enough evidence to convict me??

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Having Followers

Having  followers...
I try to live my life as a follower of Jesus,
Every day is a new challenge.
I want to be an example to others.
Yet, it is a great responsibility to lead.
I was thinking last night
 That having that little box on my sidebar
On my blog
 That reads " followers"
 Was saying something to me!
Then as I prayed about it through the night!
I awoke around 5:30 a.m. and I knew,
I look at the box daily!
As if this box is a gauge of whether my words hold any weight or worth?
I will not be a captive to this box or the number any longer!
I am free to write and post and publish as He leads me!
I want even my Blog to reflect His leading!
Taking responsibility of leading others;
But I can only share what I have been taught.
So, I am taking off the Followers Box!
But, I pray many will visit and learn and grow as I am also.
For there are many deserts we will pass through,
But, I trust Him for the flowers in my life
May I be a wise woman tending the sheep he has given me!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Give Her The Reward

God has given us and amazing gift to create beauty.
We surround ourselves with treasures and trinkets.
There is a sweet and special atmosphere we can create.
Home Sweet Home
We must be alert to the distractions that hinder us from
pursuing what is really important.
Showing affection and not expecting perfection,
we allow oneself to thrive and create.
Going into our day ready to accomplish our daily task
will give us a deep calmness.
For when our hearts or home is in confusion,
we can not think and plan our days.
Learn to take pleasure in the simple flow of our days.
To strive and to be driven will cost you much.
I desire to be ready to meet this new day;
By sitting at His feet,
Looking into His Word for direction.
Having faith and by showing it by believing and receiving all He has provided for me!
Realizing that even if I think I am alone,
There is a great cloud of witnesses cheering me on.
And giving honor, where honor is due.
Submitting to all God given authority.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works,
bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:31

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Imagine All The People...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


 If we the people could just really love and care for one another.
What a change it would incur on our cities and families
We are all just passing through.
 Time is so precious! 

 I have always thought that if I was just kind and smiled it would change the atmosphere.
 And on the most part I can feel the shift.

But there are times when it feels hard and stiff, and even dark.
Why do we stop and smell the roses in some stretches of our days and others,
We do not even see?

Today is almost over and I have a sad feeling of being not loved by those that passed me by.
Yet, I feel a peace that I was able to be kind to a few, and to exchange a smile, and nod.
~Imagine all the people we could of encouraged with just a smile~


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dangers Of Carring A Cell Phone In Your Bra

The Word Is Out!
Dear Ones,
   I have just become aware of a danger that is lurking and preying on women.
 It is the carrying of cell phones in a Women's bra!
 I was very shocked to realize this, as I was not aware
 That woman even carried it there
 I have always carried it in my purse or my pocket.
But this is about the younger women and those who do not carry a purse.
I want to make others aware of this very scary practice.
 Let us help educate those who are doing this.

 This is the video clip that was sent to me!
 You can google this some more as I believe there are a few others clips
 on this precious young lady that has lost her breast.
And because she did not know the dangers of carrying
A cell phone next to her chest.
 Also, this same danger can affect men also!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Big Or The Best...

Welcome Aboard
 The luxuries of the very wealthy!!
You can own this floating mansion for only
$5.7 million dollars.
The cost was just reduced!
Talking about getting a bargain...
A Vacation Home!
Belonging to someone...
A pretty mint green in color with a boat to match.
Now, this is living!!
Well, at least for some!
Back to my real world...
We had such fun on our children's sailboat on our last visit to Florida
 A fewYears back.
I guess seeing the pictures and experiencing just  
Where and how the real wealthy lived.
Made a big impact.
The real interesting part of all this is, I love my life!
I am so happy with the portion God has given me.
We are so rich in His love!!
We are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
"Big is not always better."
"If you take the left, then I will go to the right; \
If you go to the right, then I will go to the left'
(Genesis 13:9).
Many of us do not continue to grow spiritually
Because we prefer to choose on the basis of our rights or wants!
Instead of relying on God to make the choice for us.
Yes, I have rights that are given to me. But sometimes I can
use this wrongly to my harm.
We must allow the Lord to help us choose the best, not just
The biggest or the grandest.
Here is my home sweet home!!


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