As A woman Of The House...
I find myself buzzing around looking well to the ways of my household.
Being like a bee flying around each room looking and doing each thing that is required.
Sometimes I just need to do just a small little pick-up to allow the room
To look tidy and organized.
I grab the broom and sweep the kitchen floor as having a clean floor;
Is usually a top priority!
As keeping the kitchen sink free from dishes never really ends
"Except in the evening just before bed"
Being able to stay home and truly keep my home is a privilege now a days!
I am so grateful for this...
What shall I prepare for dinner?
What area of my home needs some extra attention?
Do my bathrooms need a deep cleaning?
I will need to organize that Tupperware cupboard out very soon!
Why would a lady that stays home all day long never run out of things to do?
Because, we stay at home and actually use and live in each area of our homes!
I get outside while it is yet a bit cooler in the warm weather and pull weeds
And even clean up our outside area that we sit in the shade to visit or read a book.
Having a home is a gift from the Lord...
Even if you live in a tiny apartment or a rustic home;
We can make each room lovely and special and filled with love!
We are the Queen of our homes and we must fulfill each duty as it is
Being a housewife has been frowned upon;
Yet, this has never deterred me from my calling...
What does a woman who has never known the skill that is required to run
A HOME efficiently and properly have to say that what we do is boring or
Not really worth anything to society?
Well, I know one day the balance sheet will be read...
And I do hope that mine will not be found wanting.
I find that at every turn my calling is undermined;
But if you have done it long enough, you will surely see the benefits!
I have also seen a woman who takes great delight in being a Queen of their home!
Maybe we all just need to look at the ways of nature and see that God has a good plan!
Being at home is a powerful testimony that we trust God for our provisions.
Would you rather each room of your home be filled with stuff
With children and loved ones and your Husband resting and at peace?
A home that is governed and has a heart that can sense and feel the needs within!
Now, this is where we learn to become the body of Christ!
A home that is governed and has a heart that can sense and feel the needs within!
Now, this is where we learn to become the body of Christ!
The ways of this world are not producing the peaceable and
When we are all so unhappy of our living situations and always wanting more
And bigger and newer...
We are telling the world that we can do a better job...
Doing it our way
Just keep your heart at home and continue to ask for guidance!
What is the one thing you take the greatest pleasure in,
Doing your daily chores?
I think we bring great pleasure to the Father when we learn to do a job well,
Without grumbling and complaining...
I have always said that if you do not do what is required or asked of you
With the right heart, there will be no blessing in it!!