This is a lovely sweet caffeine free tea.
It has many health benefits. It contains the herb called Holy Basil.
Tulsi Sweet Rose
A delicate blend of chamomile, rose petals and the fragrant essence of rose.
Supports the Immune System
Builds Stamina
Uplifts Mood
Aids Digestion
I like to add a touch of honey to mine, and drink it to have a refreshing lift.
This time of year I once again enjoy my ritual of tea at three o'clock...
I have found drinking decaffeinated beverages have had an advantage!
I have been experimenting with so many herbal teas,
There are so many on the market that are so good for you!
I love the ritual of making tea;
Braving the water till it has a full steam pouring forth.
Choosing the perfect tea for the time of day or moment.
If it is just me, I just use the cup I have chosen, but if it is a few of us,
I enjoy using one of my teapots!
I also have a little teapot that is just for a two cup sitting.
It is very nice to have a cup of tea in the morning
(Many prefer coffee and I did till I felt the tea to be better suited my tummy)
So when I do like a cup of coffee in an afternoon, I now drink a decaffeinated kind!
~Coffee can cause a low blood sugar reaction and also raise your blood pressure~
I still enjoy the smell of coffee brewing...
So I do not deny myself a nice cup of coffee when I desire one.
But tea has had no undesired effects on me, so I have been drinking it a
A few times a day, but the evening tea had been so relaxing and comforting.
I enjoy reading a book and sipping tea!
Even in the summer I enjoy a cup,
My Grandmother use to say it cooled her by drinking a mint tea.
What is a brand or type of tea you enjoy?
Blessings, Roxy