Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Courting And The Kiss...

File:Edmund Blair Leighton - On the Threshold.jpg

One thing we can all attest to is this;
Kissing gets the motor running...
The time before marriage is the time our connecters are alive!
We are hard wired this way;

When I kissed her lips...
His lips were hungry...

I think after all these years for myself and my two grown children;
I would now advise to help them decide not to kiss until the wedding day!

Old fashion, and out of touch you may say;
But I now know way more then I did many years ago.

When the engine gets started; it starts getting louder as you step on the gas!
Every kiss is like stepping on the gas...
Vroom, Vroom baby...

We were the typical homeschool family
Jumpers and long hair!
Keeping our children safe and instilling Godly values.

But as the children were getting to the time of thinking of a wife or husband.
As we had always prayed for their mates.
I just missed the part of suggesting at least NO KISSING,
till the wedding.
Extreme, not practical. Silly, weird!!

But I know...
Will, get the motor running and then we get into a place
Where we can start to be compromised.

As Orkel use to say
"I am wearing you down baby."

Being close and kissing will most likely turn into more...
No KISS, is innocent!

Remember those of us who have been married for a long time;
It's still in the KISS
Make it a good one!

File:Kissing the War Goodbye.jpg

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Long Walk Back...


A Woman's Day
My what a wonderful and busy time we have all had;
Okay, so now we move back into the real role of Womanhood!
Sometimes after a busy day of celebration of loved ones and family,
We can have the long walk back to the routine of life.

May it be a feeling of pleasant homemaking of real life.
The world has assigned one day a year to give Mothers the accolade.
Of being important!
But you all know deep down inside that your real affirmation comes
From the Lord, who says well done.

I believe this is why it is so important to gird yourself up!
I did set my alarm for very early, and I must confess,
I did get up, but could not think...
So I lay on the couch and rested a bit more.
No condemnation...

I will work today at getting my home back in order; we have some
Yummy chicken crepes as leftovers for dinner.
Thinking on some plans on what might be my next sewing craft!
All these things are important and keeps me busy about my home.

Leading a quiet life and keeping your hands busy;
Our real biblical acts of obedience.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
May not your heart be troubled;
neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

You might be asking afraid of what?
We sometimes feel a bit unsettled after a busy time;
Take this morning and day to plan and enjoy the now.
Some homemakers find it hard to settle back down into a routine.
For this is a quality that is the peace the Lord wants us to have,
And to establish within our hearts and home.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Who Is The Fairest Of Them All...

beautiful little mirror

When you look into the mirror;
 What you see and what others see are usually two different things.
Your reflection is really of the image of what your heart feels.
The real you!

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

The heart speaks;
Why the loveliest ones are those with a kind and gentle heart!
Those that have eyes who do not look haughty or proud.
A lady whose mouth says please and thank you and says lets pray!

Lovely I say;

The mirror on the wall can lie!
But the mirror of the heart shines forth truth!

May your face always blush and be demure,
A look of brazen behavior as saying my eyes have seen it all.

A woman that is really fabulous is one whose eyes sparkle with joy!
A smile is always upon her lips, even as she sits and sips her tea.
Contentment is what makes her skin feel comfortable,
 Because it fits just right.

Her garments are clothing that covers her curves!
Flowing and Feminine!
Not a trace of manliness as to wonder if you have made a mistake.

Oh my heart leaps when I see you smile;
It shows your appreciation for what I have put in your hand.

Oh my daughter, you are the loveliest of them all...

beautiful little mirror

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Being A Good Mother Matters To The Whole World...


Artist: Mary Cassatt

Mothers Day...
So many emotions can come to the surface, during this time.
Many women have emotional and some physical wounds from a hand of a Mother!
Some women suffer the empty arms of not having a child!
Some Mothers have had to endure the grief of the loss of a child!
Many a tear has been shed over a grave of a child who left too soon. 

Most Mothers did the best job they could while raising you;
It may have been a lousy job, but deep down you knew she loved you!

Others feel overshadowed by the orphaned spirit.
Nobody wanted or needed me.
Some have the reminder of an abortion that still breaks their hearts.

May we all stop and pray for Mothers all over this world...

I wanted to share as to why I feel this is an important time,
To remind why teaching others to be good Mothers is so important!
Knowing how to be a biblical mother or wife, is not second nature to most!
Some girls are never exposed to love, or how to keep a home.
Most married women now days do not even know how to cook.
Or how to take care of a child!

I praise God that there has been a movement to counteract the notion,
And the lie that being a Mother is not important!
 I will tell you this 
"The greatest and most influently position on this earth is being a Mother"

Good Mothers can change the whole world!
Because; God gave us this High Calling...
It was His design.

We can all be a spiritual Mother to someone!

How can we become better Mothers?
How can we help others to become better Mothers?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spiritual Mothers And More...


Mother's and all they do, we have a special day to honor them.
And as I was just thinking about natural Mothers, we sometimes forget
about spiritual Mothers...

We all need someone whom we can look up to and seek wise counsel.
Sometimes it may even be someone very close in age to us.
Other times it just may be an older woman!

It is important to help lift up an encourage each woman who has,
imparted and spoken into our lives.

Take the time and write a note and mail it to anyone the Lord brings to remembrance!
Even if the note arrives after Mother's Day it will still speak volumes.

Giving Honor to those Women, Wives and Mothers and Sisters,
That has touched our lives, pleases the Lord.
He tells us to speak blessings over others!

Remember spiritual Mothers are hard to find and to give them honor is huge!
Pray that the Lord will allow you to be an example to other women.
At any age, we can teach another;
We can only teach as we learn and grow...

Monday, May 5, 2014

How To Make A Super Easy Key Lime Pie...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Limes, pie
~How To Make A Super Easy Key Lime Pie~

You're going to think that you are in the Tropical Keys!

Start with your graham cracker crust;
And once you learn to make your own you will not want
 Those store bought ones again!
 Graham Cracker Crust
1 package graham crackers
(You can use a food processor or
 Place them in a bag and crush them with your rolling pin)
In a bowl, add these items;
Graham crackers
1/4 cup Sugar, or less (I do not like mine too sweet)
6TBL. Melted Butter
Mix together and press into a 9-inch pie pan
Bake at 350 degrees for 4 minutes
Until just lightly browned
(Do Not Overcook)

I love the smell of this crust!
Once it is baked, let it cool!

Now, for the Key Lime Pie Filling;

In a bowl now add these three ingredients;
1 can (14oz.) Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/3 cup lime juice (fresh or bottled)
1tsp. Grated lime peel (You will need a zester tool for this)
Beat sweetened condensed milk and lime juice until combined;
Stir in your lime zest.

Pour into the cooled pie crust;
Spread with whipped Cream,
Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.

Key Lime Pie, Living From Glory Glory Blog...

Making Fresh Whipped Cream
1 pint size of whipped cream
1/4 cup powder sugar
2tsp. Of vanilla

~I make my own vanilla~

Beat with your electric mixer till slightly stiff!
Place on top of the pie and refrigerate till well chilled!

This would be a very nice and easy pie to make for
 Mother's Day!
Father's Day!
Any day!
Or for a cool, quick refreshing spring or summer dessert!


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Don't Believe The Lies; Your Glass Is Half Full And Will Be Overflowing...


We are living in a culture that speaks death and has no hope.
There are so many women who feel they just can't go on!

I am speaking to YOU!
Don't believe the lies that tell you that your life does not matter.
God cares and He sent is one and only Son, that you might have life...
Who are you going to listen to?

We all hold within our hands a cup;
You are thinking I missed it, I am tired and used up!
Another Lie, from the Father of lies;
Your cup is half full not half empty...
He has a plan for your life...
Do not give up, Hold onto this word.
Jesus gave us the example of three days...
I had a very wise woman tell me once, never do anything rash.
Wait three days before you make a decision that can never be undone.

Hold on Dear One...
He has promised to never leave YOU or forsake YOU,
No matter what the Father of lies is saying.
Your family needs you!
Your children need you!

It may be very dark for you right now, but He hears your cry!
Wait, hold on...
Never give up...
Never retreat from your High Calling!

I know it feels like you're failing, but you are not!
This is a trial and YOU will come out the other side!
He has promised this; believe and trust and do not believe the lie.
"You would be better off dead"

I write this because He see's YOU!
Wait my beloved, Daughter!
Look to the hills where your help comes from!

He will fill you to FULL!
He desires for you to say I am being filled,
And I will be overflowing and this trial will be my testimony...

Friday, May 2, 2014

How To Manage Your Home And Coffee Please...

In order to manage our homes, we must be able to be trained ourselves,
And to be able to learn new skills and to practice what we learn!

Keeping a list of things to do helps!
Cooking and doubling a recipe to freeze for a dinner on a busy day.
Some ladies make a months worth of meals for the freezer.
Use your Crock Pot!
The kitchen must be the heart of the HOME!
Learn to cook easy, yet nutritious meals.
Make cookies and freeze them in a tin, lined with wax paper.

Doing a load of laundry every day and night or spend one whole day
Allotted for (Laundry Day)
Keep a plastic tub in the sink filled with soapy water to place dirty dishes in,
 So they are easier to wash by hand or load into the dishwasher.
Sweep the kitchen floor daily.

The Living room needs comfy blankets and good books to read!
Never go to bed without tidying up this room and the kitchen,
Because then you will start the next day already behind.

Women today have so many resources to use to help them plan meals.
And to learn tips to be frugal.

Take time every day to have a cup of coffee or tea in the afternoon!
Do this so you will feel refreshed before staring the evenings.
Dinner and the Home family time.

Do not put your child in every activity known to man,
Pick one thing and do it for a season!

Make time for rubbing your hubby's back or neck!
Meeting his needs is very important.
Your children will grow up and leave home and it will be just the two of you!

A well ordered HOME is able to grow and prosper;
And you can find two matching socks!
I once new a Lady who had a very cute wicker basket in her laundry room,
And she washed and dried all the socks and then placed them in the basket.
And it was up to the children to get them for themselves.
She figured this saved her hours every week by not having
 To sort and match all the socks!

Our Homes are like the sphere of influence we have.
Too strict and we feel boxed in,
To laxed we feel out of sorts!
God is a God of order, not chaos.

Keeping your HOME a safe place, and Keeping watch!
May your children and hubby and loved ones always say;
There is no place like HOME!

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