Friday, April 17, 2015

How To Study The Bible That Is Fun And Powerful...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog. The Scriptures
~My Notebook~

 Why Study Gods Word?

We are told to study to show ourselves approved...
There is a fun and powerful way to study God's word!

Firstly purchase a nice hard cover notebook;
As after you start this learning process you will want to keep your work
 of the study of the scriptures...

Learning to study can be fun when you use some tools available to us!

What fun would it be to be given a coloring book with no crayons?

When we are looking at a portion of scripture is is just plain writing;
And I do hope you, feel free to underline passages that speak to you!
It is best to have one Bible you can underline and comment in and add things you have learned!

Open your new notebook
 and leave the left side of your notebook for notes only
What I do is start writing the scripture on just the right side of the book!

I Hand write out the scripture verse on the right;
I use the New King James Version as I prefer this version,
And the study tool I use of the Blue Letter Bible dot org is comparable with this version!

~You will need an array of different colors of highlighters and colored pencils~

Make sure you buy the ones that do not bleed through the paper of your
Notebook or Bible...
Using my different colors to study God's word is my favorite part!
What women do not just love new bright colors!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
~My Colored Highlighters And Markers~

Okay, after you have your scripture written out, start using some tools
A dictionary to look up words, a commentary!
Circle any word that you can look up its meaning;
Underline words that interest you
Draw little pictures of something that relates, like a heart or a question mark.
Being creative with your circles and underlining and pictures, will help you
retain the information and help it stick in your memory.

If you have access to a compute this is a great study tool to help you
with the Greek meaning of different words;
Blue Letter Bible dot org

Also a Strong's Concordance works just great also!
A Bible dictionary is helpful;
Having a few study tools always available will bring much profit!
~This is money well spent and can be used by the whole family~

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Make studying God's word fun and let it be something you do often!
Spending time reading so much christian material is okay;
But studying God's word will have a much greater impact on your life...

I hope you enjoyed and maybe gleaned something from this article in my Blog
Sometimes it is nice to see how other women are learning and growing!
I find this form of study fun and very powerful and effective!

Share with us on this forum what tools or ideas you use to study the Bible!


  1. This is nice Roxy...thanks for sharing such good ideas.
    I like how you take such time to relish the Word:)
    Thanks, also for the Blue Letter Bible info. I saved it to use in my study time. Have a glorious day...the Lord reigns!

  2. I have a bible that has wider margins in it -a woman's study bible and I often make little drawings with colored pencils in the margins when something strikes me. xo Diana

  3. Thanks for the tips, and the encouragement! I love to take notes and underscore special things in my Bible

  4. Great tips! I never thought of leaving one side blank for writing in notes, definitions, etc. I may just have to get a set of highlighters soon too.

  5. I'm going to try that. Looks fun!
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Great post Roxy! Love these ideas you have shared!

  7. Hi Roxy, wonderful post and great ideas and teaching tools.
    Thanks always for sharing.
    Blessings, CM

  8. What a treasure this will be for your loved ones someday, too!

  9. Thank you for this great idea! I will pass this on to my older children (8-16 yrs. old). I think this will help them in their daily quiet times.


  10. Fabulous post with excellent ideas, my friend. I love using highlighters and if you open my Bible you will see it's full of color :) I tend to write in my Bible on the side. I also try and put a date by what I wrote so that 10 years from now I can look back and see what God was teaching me.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely post with Roses of Inspiration. Big hugs!

  11. Wonderful idea Roxy! I keep a composition book nearby and journal my impressions on a favorite verse from the chapter I have read. This really helps me to keep focus since I am interested in finding that nugget. Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week. I will pin this :)

  12. Hi Roxy,
    I saw this post on Stephanie's link up party Tuesday and wanted to read it and it has taken me all week to get to it.
    I find great joy in the Word of God and the studying of the Scriptures with a concordance, Bible dictionary, word study books and such.
    I have a special chair in which the Lord and I meet but I haven't the room on my lap to hold all my study tools. My husband wants to make something so that I have the space I need. He's quite the craftsman so it should be lovely.

    I loved your idea of taking notes on the left side of the note pad, I believe I will change over to doing that.
    I'm like you, I use colored markers, make notes, dates and symbols.
    I especially enjoy word studies and using my Lexical aids.
    One thing I have done for a few years now is write out three verses a day from a book of the Bible in a note book. This way I will one day have the Bible written in a note book should I ever have my Bible taken from me, plus it's a great way to memorize.

    Years ago I started my own personal note book with verses that were categorised by topics. So, should I need to quickly look for a verse pertaining to an issue I could go to my note book. Again it's just writing out Scripture.

    This was a fun post, Roxy, and I really went on with my comment. I felt as if I was sitting over a cup of tea and fellowshipping with you.

    Bless you for teaching us this very important lesson.

    Much love, Debbie

  13. Hi Rox, I just realized that I missed this one. I love seeing how other people study their word. It is always inspiring. I do similar to this. I also have a journal that I write scripture, and also draw pictures as I go along. You are right; colored pencils or anything with color stirs up your heart. The creative aspect helps the memory I think, and binds the word to your heart more fully.

  14. I use highlighters and colored pens in my Bible, and I have a notebook that I make notes in too! I keep my Bible, notebook, concordance, devotional book, and prayer book in a basket next to my chair. Oh, and I can't forget my cheater glasses. ;)

  15. Wonderful post Roxy...I'm enjoying reading through some of your older writings.

  16. This is great Roxy! I'm reading your blog from the beginning. This is how far I've gotten! Be blessed, I'm going to save this and see if I can adapt it. I listen to or read the Bible daily, but I've not taken time to study. I need to do that, too.
    Be blessed,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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