Friday, May 8, 2015

How Do We Live The Abundant Life...

How Can We
Enjoy The Fruits Of Our Labor
Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Having an Abundant Life requires knowing that you cannot fix the world:
 you can only change yourself.
 Abundant living is being free to enjoy the beauty and richness in life,
 knowing it comes from the Lord.

So many do not enjoy the fruit of their labors.
 If you will invest in relationships that are based on Godly principles;
you will reap a harvest of joy...

If you will invest in creating a home life based on Godly principles;
We will have a peace and joy that endures changes.

The key word here is labor
This labor is entering into a rest of His provisions;

When we work hard and take care of what He has given us;
We can enjoy more fully His abundance..

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink,
 And that he should make his soul enjoy the fruit of his labor.
 This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.
Ecclesiastes 2:24

I am sitting here after an aftermath of a hailstorm
Of what seemed like biblical proportions...
The damage is pretty bad, but I am praising God for sparing us
So much more damage that could of occurred!
We had hail 2 feet deep!

This post got published and I don't even know how that happened!
It was in my Drafts file, so I must of needed to read this one myself.
God does work in mysterious ways!
We had to take cover for two tornados that were seen!

I live the abundant life everyday...
I will invest in real people and take care of my family!
I will run my race with the goal that is just ahead.

Live life with honor and respect for those who care for you!

What are the things that make your life abundant?


  1. Living this abundant life is really the only way to live! What wonderful peace that comes when you can accept what happens today knowing you are in the hand of the Lord. What a joy to know that we can have that peace and abundant life in Him in the midst of an imperfect world! Hugs to you today :)

  2. Roxy, I am so glad you are safe.
    I live in north Texas.We have had some bad storms with hail and wind and lots of rain. We are thankful for the rain.So far we haven't had serious damage, which we are very thankful of.

  3. I saw the reports of the hail in CO and thought about my blogging buds out there...and you seem to have been right in the thick of it...oh my word! I'm so glad you are OK! What crazy weather! I hope you have a blessed Mother's Day, Roxy!

  4. Ah, Roxy, many folks affected by storms all over, including the Philipines hit by yet another tornado...
    And we had our share downunder a week ago, where six lives were lost north of here in southeast Qld and four south of here in the Hunter region, we had 10 1/2" in three days and quite enough.
    I can't imagine what two feet of hail must be like other than very very cold for the poor plants underneath.. And very grateful that you are kept safe. Was praying as folks on FB had mentioned it...belong to Christian cad making group, on there.
    We are so rich in The Lord Jesus..I

    truly think we only see a weeny teeny amount of our richness in Him, but one day when we see Him face to face, "we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is"...

    Then we will truly know, praise His sweet, so very precious name.
    "Unto them there fore which believe, He is precious."
    Shaz in Oz.x

  5. Hi Roxy, once again a blessing of a post and excellent lesson.
    Stay safe in the storms. We have tornadoes all around us this morning with severe storms. I am about to turn off this computer but wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day.
    God Bless, CM

  6. Such a wonderful reminder to seek the things of the Lord first and foremost. I find that giving my all to the simple things in life, the things that often get overlooked, brings me the most satisfaction. Serving in the little things brings much joy and peace. Faithfully serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. Oh wow! Perhaps you needed the reminder of God's covering by me finding this post today. Look back at it dear and remember what the LORD has brought you through. So glad HE cares for you.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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