Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Steps Of A Good Woman Are Ordered Of The Lord...

Your Steps Are Ordered Of The Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Your Steps Are Ordered Of The Lord~

Some days it just seems that nothing goes according to plan!

As much as we may plan and try to get our ducks in a row!
Making a list and checking it twice;
Things have a way of going its own way and in its own sweet time!

When we finally can  realize that we are not called to be in control of everything!  
But rather to allow the flow of Gods plans and timing!

The scripture that helps me with this train of thought is this;

"The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord"
And He delights in his way...
Psalm 37:23

By God's grace and the Holy Spirit, he directs our thoughts and affections
Of those that lean into Him!

As women we tend to think we can do it all!
But a woman after God's own heart will realize this one thing;
God holds our hearts!

I believe in the Providence of God,
So He can overrule any plan I may have made.
For I know He cares about the events of my life!

He will whisper to your heart
This is the way, walk in it.
He leads us step by step...

Being a homemaker and a wife, I have learned to be flexible;
And to trust the Lord to arrange my day; according to his plan!

"That does not mean I don't plan out my days or weeks!
But rather when I get too focused on my plan;
He will show me He has a slight detour!

As we lead our children, He will lead us!
And I have learned it's not being able to see far out into the distant future;
But rather walking it out step by step...

God steps will be according to His own will, not mine!
That is why it will delight Him.

I want my steps to please the Lord;
So each day I give my best and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide me
In all truth and to run my household in a way that pleases Him!

Enjoy the plans He may have for you!

Can you look back over any given day and see His hand and plans at work?

As Always...
Living From Glory To Glory
One step at a time as He leads...
Hugs, Roxy


  1. So true. Today was a prime example. I had my day all planned with the grocery store, ironing, and a few other household chores. Then my dear husband called me with a need. Of course, I dropped my plans and helped him. I can always get my things done.
    I hope you are doing well now. I had no idea you had been ill until I saw it on IG yesterday.

  2. Such true and encouraging words. Sometimes I have to check myself not to 'sigh' or 'fuss' outwardly and inwardly when I'm busy and then need to drop what I'm doing to go help someone else or change my plans. It reminds me to just how much I need God's strength each day.Thank you ~ Linda

  3. You know how I can relate to this...for the past few years we thought we knew when we would relocate to TN and well...we all know what happened to that plan, right? But if there is one thing I've learned through having these health issues is that God is STILL in charge and that HIS plan is the absolute best even though it is filled with disappointments. His plan and His blessings overshadow everything else!

  4. Ah dear a blessing to be a daughter of the King, for truly He will order it all in Hus mercy and given me grace to cope with it all.
    Thanks for being a blessing, God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Ahhhh... I know this all to well.
    This summer has been a testing and learning time for our family.
    Great reminder to meditate on.

  6. Hi, Roxy! I'm sorry I had not made it over sooner to visit after you had come to my blog and left such a thoughtful comment! You are such an encouragement and blessing to those who read your words – words that I can tell have come through you from God. I know I'm just a human, but I hope that my daily steps are true to God's Words and His plans for my life. I have many flaws, but He covers them in His love and grace. Thank you for this post! Blessings to you! ♥


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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