Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Fill Love Tanks And Hourglasses By Loving Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Loving Your Husband...

Love will cover a multitude of sins.
Love will prosper and fill a life full of grains of weight;
Love is the teeny tiny bits of sand that have come from the one;
True rock of ages.

Women have a special calling and a place to fill love tanks!

She is firstly called to fill her Husbands tank:
Now, I am asking you to check the love gauge that shows the love level.
Where is this gauge located?

It is in your words on how you respond to him;
Our they bitter and harsh?
Or are the kind and sweet?

It is in making yourself ready for his needs...
Your to tired and you do not feel well;
Your needs always come before his;
He worked all day, But so did you...
Worldly reasoning releases you from fulfilling your wifely privileges.
Did you know,
 By making love to your husband you will produce;
Feel good hormones?

Does your husband get fed?
Can he count on you always making an effort to feed him?

Can your Husband trust you to keep the chaos out of the home?
We are to watch what and who we open the door too!

Small grains of sand our falling through your hourglass today,
So may we learn to love those closes to us
as  that is our first call to ministry.

I have each day to love and encourage my Husband;
Will I rise to the task?
Will I be the one to fill his love tank?
Will I choose to love my husband or myself above all else?

Remember our husband get very tired and hot this time of year;
We need to make sure you have something cold to drink in the fridge.
Meals prepared that our good and refreshing!
Plan some alone time to love on him!
Try to have a little get away to rekindle your marriage!

Hourglasses and love tanks go hand in hand, my friend...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May we walk alongside our Husbands!
We are not to lead them;
We are not tag behind like a child;
We are called to encourage their hearts!
Make every grain of sand count, build a legacy that will last!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Who's A Daddy...

Who's a Daddy...
Any man can be a Father;
But it takes a special man to be a Daddy!

There is nothing more safe then to be in a Daddy's heart!
We have so many wonderful Daddys out there...
High Five...
To guys that stuck it out and turned into real men when the pressure came!
It is no difference to anyone of us as to how the diamond
came into being, we just love the strength and worth that it holds.

I have seen many a guy run from his family.
I have seen many a guy be run off by a woman who was afraid.
I have heard of many a guy that knew no respect or honor!

A guy is just a boy trying to find his way;
For many had no examples of how a Daddy prays.
Many a boy was left to his own,
His eyes were poisoned from things not meant for his life.
Many a man is broken and in jail;
A physical jail and one of his own mind.
A man who has no heart so it seems;
Really deep down he has a
Brave Heart!

He has been told we don't need him we can do it on our own...

He is alone in the world!

I ask for the guy and the little boy to give us another chance;
We really do not want to raise our children alone.
We need our Daddy's to love and care for us again!

Only, Men can really lead...
But wait;
Have women stopped knowing how to follow?

Thank you Daddy's all over the world!
May we make a place for Daddy's to reign!

The Father has created Men to lead, guide and protect!
The world teaches Men to self preserve and to do what feels good!

What we really need is for the true scripture and the word to be taught again!
We have been told children do not need both parents!
And we have told the children we don't want you!
And you wonder why the family has almost disappeared??

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Mans Temptations...


How a man is enticed and tempted is through their eyes!
I have said it before;
Men are visual

We as women want to hear and feel!
We can even be swayed by a scent of a flower!

I am making a heartfelt appeal for Men all over the world!

I am making a request for women

Women need to dress according to God's standard.
Not mine

Now how much cleavage can I show?
How tight can my shirt be?
Is a bikini okay on the beach?
Ask yourself this;
Are you comfortable having your best looking friend wearing
what you are thinking is okay around your Husband?
Or your young teenager Son?

We may never realize how often the enemy is always tempting them.
May we always keep our own selves away from the edge from
being the women that looks enticing...

And just for the record, just in case someone is keeping one!!
I believe a woman should look soft and sweet and feminine.
Pretty and classy and filled with grace!

Here are women sitting on the ocean front in an era that is gone!
Okay, I get it...
But we can still find a way to be modest and not look like the fashion
A hundred years ago!

But would you like your Husband to be looking at this women?

I believe we can change a culture through a single generation!
We as women can help change the tide...
Modesty and less flesh can be beautiful and lovely!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Who Sits On Your Advisory Board...

Advisory Board, Wise Counsel

Advisory Board

Can you be trusted to give wise counsel?

Does your Husband ask and use the things you discuss to help with
Planning and implementing your advice?

The word tells us it is wisdom to ask for wise council.

Who is on your board of advisers?

I want to know in my marriage that my Husband trust the advice that I give him.
I try to be informed on what the subject matter is, so I can give an,
Opinion based on some facts. As I can just be emotional and speak from
my heart only. And this is part of my point we need to hear the portion
that does come from the heart
. We just cannot take just this portion and leave out the facts.

I made a few mistakes in this arena when I was younger;
Now I know the wisdom to have heart and facts.

There are so many ways of doing things out there in our marriages and homes.
We can read and be informed until the cows come home.
But we must remember that the Bible must be our main source.

My older Brother years ago once told me this;
Roxy if you will not learn to take constructive criticism you
will never grow or be wise.

I want to grow and be wise, but I must be careful in who I ask
 advice from!

Ask the Lord, whom you can go to for sound counsel.
Ask the Lord to help you to be able to give wise counsel.

The time is now to grow in wisdom and not be following every wind of doctrine.
Just because someone might have a bestselling book on a subject
 Does not mean this should be your new belief system.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Courting And The Kiss...

File:Edmund Blair Leighton - On the Threshold.jpg

One thing we can all attest to is this;
Kissing gets the motor running...
The time before marriage is the time our connecters are alive!
We are hard wired this way;

When I kissed her lips...
His lips were hungry...

I think after all these years for myself and my two grown children;
I would now advise to help them decide not to kiss until the wedding day!

Old fashion, and out of touch you may say;
But I now know way more then I did many years ago.

When the engine gets started; it starts getting louder as you step on the gas!
Every kiss is like stepping on the gas...
Vroom, Vroom baby...

We were the typical homeschool family
Jumpers and long hair!
Keeping our children safe and instilling Godly values.

But as the children were getting to the time of thinking of a wife or husband.
As we had always prayed for their mates.
I just missed the part of suggesting at least NO KISSING,
till the wedding.
Extreme, not practical. Silly, weird!!

But I know...
Will, get the motor running and then we get into a place
Where we can start to be compromised.

As Orkel use to say
"I am wearing you down baby."

Being close and kissing will most likely turn into more...
No KISS, is innocent!

Remember those of us who have been married for a long time;
It's still in the KISS
Make it a good one!

File:Kissing the War Goodbye.jpg

Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty Marks Or Age Spots...


Looking down and seeing my hands has been an indicator of lately.
What exactly is it an indicator of?

I have used these hands for many things!
I think as a woman of God, my hands are symbolic of my heart!
What has been in my heart has been many times worked out with my hands.

I had my hand held by my Hubby many moons ago!
We exchanged these vows;

Groom: I,____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Bride: I,_____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

I think my hands have trembled a time or two, I have held the
hands of my children and grandchildren!
I have laid these hands over a fevered brow.

I have used my hands and folded them to pray!
My hands have held the hands of a dying Mother and Father.

My hands have been idle by my side a time or two!

My hands have sewn  a bridle veil,
 An a baby blanket bundling a newborn in.

I have used these hands to fold clothes of so many loads of laundry.
I have kneaded and made batches of fresh bread.
These hands have mixed a batch of cookies to eat and savor.
These hands have washed more dishes than I could count!

My hands are His instruments to love and to build and create!
My hands are worn to a soft and tender touch.

I have looked down and said my hands look just like my Mothers!

I have made this statement
 these hands now have beauty marks upon them;
The world calls them age spots, I choose to call them 
Beauty spots...

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.

Peter Marshall

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hand Picked For Life...

My Man

Thought you all would like to see
My Man!

A man of honor and integrity
 He blesses me everyday with his love;

He helps me with so many things!
He has loved me by considering the fact that I am the weaker vessel,
He has the physical strength, and he does all the heavy things!
Like helping move my furniture around :o)
He pulls out the refrigerator to clean behind it!
He knows I want to do these things and have them done,
So he will stop what he is doing and help me!

 He prays for me!
And he prays for his whole family daily!!
He is praying for our grandchildren to help keep them under His covering!

I have referred to him as a quiet man...
He has the gifting as a servant and he is a leader.
He has the qualities of a pillar.
Strong and steady!

I am honored to be the wife of his youth, then God put us together.
I still pray to be the wife that he needs!

We laugh a lot and have learned to not take all things personal.
We realize most the time we are either just tired or hungry!

I have learned He can't read my mind...

I have learned to explain to him what I am feeling, and allow
Him the time to ponder it. He is a problem solver!
State the problem, and he always gives me positive feedback.
He sees the bigger picture.
He has discernment and I need to wait to hear what he has to say!
He has way less words to say than I do!

We have memories!
We have comfort and familiarity!
We have a future and a hope!
We have trust!
We have each other!

Love conquers all!
 Love never fails
Love bears all things
 Love believes all things and endures all things 
And hopes all things.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Leaving and getting away from our everyday routines are very good for us!
Sometimes you may not be able to go really far and travel to a distant place.
But you can almost always take a day trip somewhere!

Pack up and make a plan...
Arrange something special, put some thought into a little get away!

It is very important to do these little trips as they will keep you,
Happy and interested in living a life filled with sights and people,
With a bit of a change in your daily routine.

If you can splurge; spend a night in a hotel in another city!
Or call some friends or maybe a relative that live out of town,
And go visit them!

Or pack a beautiful picnic lunch, and go visit a free museum in your area.

My Hubby and I enjoy looking at little antique shops or a thrift store,
When we travel anywhere.

Sometimes we must just get inspired and get away, by just reading a good book!
We are told to think of the things, that are lovely...

Look about your heart and HOME and bring the spark of life;
Beauty and music and a lovely dinner, can help us feel
Loved and inspired no matter the seasons.

I believe it is the time to do a new thing;
Spring into thoughts of life and hope!

Make a plan and do something fun;
Go see a play in your city or town!
Go see an Art display!
Spend a day just dreaming and planning for something special for the future.
Sometimes just having something to look forward to can be quite uplifting!

Encourage yourself in the Lord...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fanning The Flame...

Love is like a fire...
It burns and gives us light and heat.
I love the comfort and safety of Love within the bounds that
Christ has given us!
"I Do"
Just two simple words
Profound and holds the secrets of Life.

Oh, let the fire burn
Hot and powerful!
Time passe's
Only embers reside in the space,

A fire requires someone to man it;
Do not leave a fire unattended.
(Evan Smokey the Bear knows this)

Someone must keep the fire going!
It will require fuel, oxygen and a spark!

A love with heart and passion is powerful!
That is why the enemy uses his lustful, feed the flesh
Tactics to make a woman feel, like she is not getting her 
Fair share, Love deprived...

Men show their Love a bit differently than we do!
(News Flash)
If they go to work each day he is saying I love you!
If he calls you on his break at work, he loves you!

We want romance
They want whoopee

Dear Ones, Fanning the flame requires a special recipe;
Get the owners manual and see what ingredients YOUR
Marriage is low on!

The Fire in our marriages is like any recipe;
You just have to tweak it a bit!

Add some more sugar,    HEART...
Honey is thick and golden and smooth,    OUR WORDS...
You must have a shake of salt,    PERSEVERE STAY STRONG...
Adding an egg keeps things light,    HAVE FUN...
Flour and grain will keep you full,   BE SATISFIED...

Stay close to HOME
Keep the HOME fire's burning HOT!

Will YOU be MINE?

Here are a couple of links to check out;

Romancing Your Husband..

Men Are Visual...

Why I am 60 something-and-still-romancing My Husband

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Every Lady Can Become A Queen...


It is our children that are to rise up and call us blessed!
"Her Children arise and called her blessed"

Yet, you may just be in the early years of child training,

Or maybe you have not yet begun this amazing journey.

Or, you may be in the years of enjoying the fruit of your labors.
Anyone who has visited me before, knows that this is where I am in
My journey of being a Godly Woman, Wife, Mother and Grandmother.

Yet. I am still learning and growing, as we all should be doing!

Every Lady can and should pursue becoming;
The Queen of HER Home!

Every Home becomes a castle, when the Lady of the home knows how,
To manage her Home!

It does not matter the size of your home or if it is a rented place.
 It is where you live!
Home is where your Heart is...
Is your heart Home?
Maybe the Lord has been wooing you to come home;
The luring of the world and stuff has lost its luster.

One of the most wonderful challenges and callings of being a woman is in how,
We can help our Husbands to keep falling in love with us!

 I found this precious book many years back, and I so enjoyed it.
I believe in becoming that Queen of our Homes,

We must have the continual element of Love...

Love is not what we see in the movies, even though it can be portrayed quite well.
But rather a daily lifting and walking and a steadfastness that only,
A woman who has purposed in her heart too
 Love, honor and respect her Husband.

Firstly, my heart goes out to many women who have lost their husbands.
Or who have been divorced by their husbands.
I pray God will either restore your marriages or you will have
An extra portion of grace to still be the Queen of your Home.

But, we can and must treat our Husbands with Love and Honor!

Oh, and do not forget the meals prepared for HIM!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Mommy Voice Will Hurt Your Marriage...

Using Your Mommy Voice!

One of the greatest hindrances for a good marriage is this;

Using your Mommy voice while speaking to you Husband!

It does not matter how long you have been married,
Or if you are newlyweds!
Evan if all your children are grown and gone with families of their own.
This one thing...
Can hurt your marriage deeply!

I remember my Hubby saying to me one time or TEN,
Don't talk to me like I am  a two year old!!

Okay, I was with my children all day long,
 So when Daddy would get home,
 I was still in the full Mommy mode.

Did you know they have an actual percentage of showing,
That 90% of all conflict is the TONE of your voice being used!

Could it be the MOMMY TONE??

We can emasculate our Husbands by speaking to them as if they were children.
I have been embarrassed as I have been in a crossfire of a family dispute.
A woman can sound so demeaning and haughty.

And DO NOT point your finger!
Oh, and get the hand OFF the hip!
(This is body language)
These actions speak pretty loud and clear.

So, Dear Ones, save the Mommy voice for training your children!
It is not our job to train our Husbands.

Haughty means;
 Too proud of oneself and too scornful of others.

When you hear yourself using The Mommy Voice!
While speaking with YOUR Husband (An Adult)
Apologize and tell him you are sorry,
Please do not speak to anyone as a child if they are not a child!
This is called common courtesy!
And it is wisdom!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Marriage Of Bunnies and Bears...

A Match made in Heaven!

Some Bunny loves you
He acts like a Bear sometimes!

Marriage is the biggest learning curve you will have.
What will you learn?

Mostly we quickly will come to the realization that we
Both think totally different!

Have you seen the quote that says if Mamma isn't happy
Nobody else is either?
Why is this?

Because Momma is the heart of the HOME!
Because Papa Bear is the HEAD!

Now, Dear Bunny here is a few things you will need to do.
To Keep the Heart well and Happy.

Start each day with prayer for Mr. Bear and Everyone else.
Eat a good and nutritious breakfast (Porriage) :)
Enjoy a wee bit of leisure time to plan out your day.

Keep a weekly list of your chores and appointment for the week!
Decide early on what you will be serving for dinner!
(Dinners can be very simple and nutritious)
Bears get very HUNGRY!
Have you seen the sign that says;
Don't FEED the Bears?
Because if you feed the Bears they will keep coming back,
Where they have been taken care of.
I want my Mr. Bear to always know that I will have
Something warm and comforting for Him in the Den.

Keep an area in the home for the things you love!
(Books, knitting, or crocheting)

Take a quick rest when you can!
Go to bed at an early hour!

Drink some water every day!

Water your soul daily with God's Word!

Ask the Lord to set a guard over your mouth!
Have you ever heard this quote?
It is not what you said, but rather the tone you used!

If you love, honor and respect Mr. Bear,
He will protect you silly Bunny at all cost!

Keep the PEACE!
Smile and do all you do as on to the LORD!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How To Be Contenious

I'm right you are wrong!
It really is pretty simple to be a contentious woman!
Every chance you get;
Correct someone!
Especially your husband!!
Everytime he is telling a story, or explaining something,
Listen very carefully!!
So, you can correct every small detail of (HIS STORY)

Okay, you get the idea!
I was sitting down with my Hubby last night and we
We're going to pray together, and it hit me...

I have heard myself and other woman a lot lately correcting
Their Husband's, Now I know that I know everything!!...
It is just getting a bit annoying to even myself on
How often I must correct every wrong detail of (HIS STORY)

No wonder our Husbands do not want to be involved with 
some of our conversations!
Would it really hurt me or the universe to just let him
Tell his version???
Wait a minute...
Maybe I am wrong and He is right??

(Have you seen my glasses?)
I now have remembered why we are told to respect, and honor
 Our husbands and to show him reverence.

Because, we are always opening our mouths and spiritually
Sticking our our tongues.

I told my husband about this and I told him I was sorry.
He told me it is very frustrating for a Man to be corrected,
All the time, and especially in front of other people.

So Miss bossy pants, stop correcting YOUR Husband!
You are not his MOMMY!


This could be the best NEW YEAR gift for
Your Marriage yet!

Just for Your Information;
You will have to be reminded about this everytime,
You are in a conversation with him alone. And
 Especially when you with others during Church,
Or when fellowshipping with others.

I remember something about a woman with a gentle
And Quiet spirit.

And something about being in an attic eating crust is better,
Then being in a house with a contentious woman.

Strife, dispute ect.
A point argued for ( I'M RIGHT)

Critical spirit in my speech. Is your tongue always correcting
Your headship?

Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding,
complaining and questioning.
Philippians 2:14 



Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Romance

There is just something so precious and romantic
About the Christmas season!
God designed us with the need for love!
It is His idea for Marriage
Of love and commitment.
To hold and adore the one whom you made a covenant with!
God, has given us the  most romantic time of the year.
To enjoy a cozy and comfy evening.
Take advantage of the sweet glow of Christmas lights.
Sitting all warm and cozy inside together.
Playing Christmas music.
Make time together to do a few of these things like;
Watching a few sweet Christmas classic together.
Taking a walk together in the new fresh fallen snow!
Holding hands while out doing some shopping!
Bake your Hubbies favorite Christmas cookies!
Take a walk down memory lane of some
Of  your first Christmas's together!
Start a new tradition!
 Get a new Christmas ornament that celebrates,
How many years you have been married.
It is important to spice things up,
And keep the home fires burning.
Smile for him!
Rub his back!
Kiss the top of his head!
Tell him, he is the best Christmas gift that
God ever gave you!
Pray together and ask God's direction for this
New year coming up!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Prayer For Being A Proverbs31 Wife And Mother

These confessions will infuse His life
into your marriage!
Being confident that He Who began a good work in me
will continue until the day of Jesus Christ,
I confess that;
I am capable, intelligent and virtuous woman,
far more precious than jewels.
I rise early and get spiritual food for my household.
I seek first God's kingdom and all good things
are added unto me.
I reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord.
I give of the fruit of my hands and my
works praise me.
I am industrious.
With my savings I plant fruitful vines.
Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position
is strong and secure.
I rejoice over the future knowing that my family
and I are in readiness for it.
I open my mouth with skillful and godly wisdom,
and in my tongue is the law of kindness,
giving counsel and instruction.
The bread of idleness (gossip, discontentment
and self-pity) I do not eat.
I am worthy of respect and serious, not a gossiper,
but temperate and self-controlled,
thoroughly trustworthy in all things.
I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love
patience and gentle heartedness, and the
joy of the Lord is my strength.
I am submissive and adapt myself to my own
husband as a service to the Lord.
He is head of me as Christ is head of the church.
I respect and reverence my husband.
I notice, regard, honor, prefer, love and
admire him exceedingly. The heart of my husband
trusts in me confidently and relies on
and believes in me safely.
I comfort and encourage and do him only good as
long as there is life in me.
I walk in love with my husband,
esteeming and delighting in him.
My husband praises me above all women.
When I pray this prayer;
I use my husbands name where it say's
Pray this prayer aloud!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Man's Ego...

A damaged Ego; Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Your Man's Ego
Did you know that if a man has a healthy Ego,
 it can and will help him become the
 Leader and protector of his home.
And a healthy ego will allow him to be your family's provider.
Many men, have damaged ego's because of there early
Childhood training,
Or a dominant Mother figure.
Or maybe what we might call a
(Mama's Boy)
Or a belittling Father.
A Mother did all the training, there was no man's influence.
Or from being spoiled and not taught how to work,
Or taught how to speak firmly, as a leader should.
So, what I wanted to say to all wives today is this;

Destroying your Man's Ego!
You must allow and help this very thing called
(A mans Ego)
To function and mature.
It is God who has given Men an Ego!
God created Men to have these ego's!
It is the world view to be alarmed over a
Young man's over inflated ego.
What really needs to happen is more understanding,
On how we as wives and mother's can
help in this area.
A healthy Ego is the very thing that will either
make him more masculine,
Or will destroy his manliness.
So wives if you want your husband to lead you,
You must first look at the ego.
What can a wife do to help his ego?

You must learn to let go of the always controlling everything!!
Do not ignore his advice...
Do not find fault with how he does things,
No matter if you think you could do a better job.

Tell him often:
 On how well he has handled or accomplished
something. We all need to know this very thing,
(that what we have done is good and right!)

Are you constantly finding fault with his efforts?
If you even utter these words...
You can't do anything RIGHT,
As soon as these words come out of your mouth,
or you have even thought them.
Repent to God,
Then apologize to him!
Look, it is like this, if you continue to nitpick
And find fault all the time, he will just quit trying
To lead you or his family!
More on this later;

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prayer For Being A Provebs 31 Wife


 These confessions will infuse His life
into your marriage!
Being confident that He Who began a good work in me
will continue until the of Jesus Christ, 
 I confess that;
I am capable, intelligent and virtuous woman,
far more precious than jewels.
I rise early and get spiritual food for my household.
I seek first God's kingdom and all good things
are added unto me.
I reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord.
I give of the fruit of my hands and my
works praise me.
I am industrious.
With my savings I plant fruitful vines.
Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position
is strong and secure.
I rejoice over the future knowing that my family
and I are in readiness for it.
I open my mouth with skillful and godly wisdom,
and in my tongue is the law of kindness,
giving counsel and instruction.
The bread of idleness (gossip, discontentment
and self-pity) I do not eat.
I am worthy of respect and serious, not a gossiper,
but temperate and self-controlled,
thoroughly trustworthy in all things.
I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love
patience and gentle heartedness, and the
joy of the Lord is my strength.
I am submissive and adapt myself to my own
husband as a service to the Lord.
He is head of me as Christ is head of the church.
I respect and reverence my husband.
I notice, regard, honor, prefer, love and
admire him exceedingly. The heart of my husband
trusts in me confidently and relies on
and believes in me safely.
I comfort and encourage and do him only good as
long as there is life in me.
I walk in love with my husband,
 esteeming and delighting in him.
My husband praises me above all women.
When I pray this prayer;
I use my husbands name where it say's
Pray this prayer aloud!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Woman Wanted...

Fishing can be real fun!
When was the last time you really thought about what you're,
Hubby enjoy's doing?
I always enjoy a good laugh when I find some good clean fun!
Life is way to short not to laugh.
Good Woman
Please, send a picture of boat and motor!
But, this is a real problem for most couples.
We all tend to do our own things.
There are so many Good Woman out there,
Yet, sometimes we just get too busy to take an interest,
In what our Hubby's are doing!
I remember this one newly married Lady I knew,
That while her Hubby was even working on his car,
She would sit there and just chat with him,
And even hand him his tools.
When you show a real interest in what they enjoy,
It can really support and
 Help keep your marriage happy.
Your Hubby likes to Fish,
 Go with him once in awhile,
Help him get ready to go.
Pack him his favorite foods.
Maybe your man is a hunter,
Show an interest!
 Help him get ready!
Believe me it is a lot of work.
If they enjoy watching sports,
Pour a big glass of something cold to drink
And a big bowl of his favorite snack!
Ask him, who won the game?
Help him not to only work and support your family,
But help him to be able to relax and enjoy!
Building A Strong Marriage!

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