Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wildflowers Will Bloom In A Drought And Floods...

Wildflowers, Living From glory To Glory Blog

The Season is Changing

What is it that you desire this season?
Are you weary and tired?

We can all say that we have experienced times of uncertainty.
But when we learn to allow a gentle, quiet resolve in our emotions;
We will fair much better in each change of seasons and situations.

We have heard someone being spoken as being easy going.
I believe in many circumstance's it would be considered a compliment!

Do you really want to be contentious in your thoughts and words?

When I hear or see a woman being loud and rude;
Or a man,
I just cringe!
(We have become not Angry Birds, but people)

So many people are just plain tired and worn down;
We have left our guards down as women and the floodgates have been opened!
Our Homes, must be a safe Harbor

We have lost so much civility in our homeland.

But I may be an optimist at heart, but seeing the compassion
of so many willing to help strangers in their time of need;
Gives me great hope!

Look, we cannot save the whole ship that seems to be sinking.
But we sure can throw out a lifeboat to someone!

I find that if I watch very little to no news I do well;
If I watch the same desperate clips over and over again,
I feel a bit hopeless;
This is not biblical or healthy!

We are called to pray and to give if we can!
But these disasters, are things that can shock us!

But because we are saturated with doom and gloom;
We have a seared reaction switch.
I think many have more compassion for the animals than the people.
But we must have Mercy and compassion for all.

So once again, I am reminded I have a small arena of influence.
May I use it well, and bring comfort to those closest to me!

~A Word Of Encouragement~
~Showing Kindness~
~Being Home~

We must continue to be like the Wildflowers Ladies;
We must bloom where we are planted!
Even in droughts and floods!
For each season will pass...

Keep Growing Even In Difficult Season's

Living From Glory To Glory...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why I Am Becoming A Loner In This Stage Of Life...


Being A Loner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Becoming a loner at this time and stage of life has been so different!

I am in no way a loner by choice!
I am a people person to the core;
But may I try to explain this new course of the lack of involvement!

Once your kids all grow up and they leave home;
(As they should)
You no longer have anyone to keep you company while driving around doing errands.
(So now, I talk to the Lord)
You no longer spend your days homeschooling.
(Reading aloud to the children was interesting)
Lack of interaction in that arena;

My grandchildren are very busy with school and their families!
I have them often, but just not as much as when they were younger.
My grown children have busy lives, raising their children and having their friends.

When I did a ladies bible study a while back, I was gone for over 4 hours,
And that was so not good for me or my home.
How can we take care of our homes if we are away for that long of a period.
I have found I also prefer having a one on one visit with my girlfriends.
Or a plan on a ladies tea party for a bunch of us!

Also being gone and running around town by yourself is not necessarily safe.

I went into our thrift stores yesterday and it felt old and out of style.
Maybe you enjoy it more when your treasure hunting with a friend!
Mostly realized I truly do not need a thing...

Also, I have noticed when I am gone all day, it is harder to make dinner.

And seeing your house is in a need of a good dusting and you don't!
(Not Good)

When you meet a friend for lunch, by the time you get home your
Too tired to cook, not to mention gut rot from eating out.
And the money you spend just leaving home!

I have been keeping closer to home!
Cleaning out my desk and paperwork feels so good!
Deep cleaning and getting organized around my home.

Trying to save some energy to be able to prepare a good meal daily.

I am learning to enjoy the quiet and to read and study and create;
For myself and my family and my hard working hubby!
(A Hubby enjoys seeing his home in order and his wife rested)
That is why we need to count the cost of being away from home too often
Or too long of a time period!

We must have the wisdom to know what we should be involved in!
And this applies to every stage of life!!

A Proverbs 31 Lady;
Does not have to be involved in everything that comes down the river!
We need to learn to be content with not being busy and gone!

~Just remember God gives us fruit to firstly minister to our Husbands and our Homes~

Being Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Country Boy...


Country Boy, Cowboy boots, Living from glory to glory blog...

Time to Reflect...

Here I sit thinking the yellow school bus will be coming down the road!
Well, maybe not!
 I think as all the children have grown up or moved away on this old country dirt road!

I homeschooled my own children, but I have always loved
this time of year when school supplies were being sold in bulk.
Notebooks and pencils and colored pencils and pens galore.

I am not really sure who really learned the most, myself or the children!

These boots no longer fit the little boys...
They are all taller than grandma!

I just thought I would share a couple of thoughts with you all!

I am slowing down a bit!
Freezer jelly sounds easier than canning!
Still trying to teach myself to play the piano!
Entering my Doll house into the State Fair this weekend!
(I will share some photos soon)
Doing a lot of praying for friends and family!
Trying to eat a bit healthier!

I am working on getting my joy back from losing my friend from brain cancer.

Taking a rest from many things I have done for 30 plus years!

Doing what I love!
Staying away from things that cause me stress.
Keeping in touch with the friends that I love and love me back!

I do not want to look back and see that I have just gone through the motions...

Simple Life
Simple Foods
Simple words of encouragement
Simple prayers
Simple truths
Simple lifestyle
Simple in being thoughtful
Simple in just being me...

I want to just say hello and thank you for all your kind words over these many years!

May you aspire to live the life you always prayed for!

Love, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Christ Being Formed In Me...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Always Being A Bride To Your Spouse...

Being A Bride, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How A Bride Looks And Feels...

When a woman prepares for her wedding day it is a 
 day that comes with much contemplation and preparation!

But sometimes a woman can put forth more effort on her wedding day itself,
 yet completely miss the part of till death do us part!

When we marry it must be for all the right reasons;

May we allow the love we once felt in our marriages;
Continue to prosper and not grow cold!

Too many women get so distracted and busy with just life,
They can stop putting forth any effort to foster loving words
and actions and being aloof.

When you live with your spouse for a long time
 you can either grow apart or closer together!

The choice is really yours!

May I encourage you to make each day a bit special!

You can prepare for either a special evening together.
Or an early morning alone time!

Remind yourself that being a bride is not just a one day occasion...

It is learning to be a bride daily!

Looking beautiful...
Feeling beautiful
A Gentle and quiet spirit
(I am sure you were not bossing him while walking down the aisle)
Being funny and witty!
Having an expectation of what is coming (alluring to him)
Smiles and a bit giddy...
Love is a powerful thing!

A wife must even see the side of a learning to be quiet!
(Not always talking)

The Old saying about the way to a mans heart is through his stomach;
Well, I can tell you this:
When a man is well loved and fed, he can so much easier enjoy his bride!

Keeping the peace and keeping the home fires burning...
In the kitchen and in the bedroom (smiles)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

An Estate Sale Treasure Painting Of Lovely Roses...

A Rose Vintage Painting, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A few weeks back a friend and I stopped at an Estate sale.
It was picked over, as by the time we got there the good finds
were picked over and mostly all the things worth any value.

But in a back shed on the property hung this old vintage
picture painted of beautiful Roses.
The frame alone was amazing!

As I walked back to the backyard of this property;
I started talking to the lady working there.
I asked her what the painting might cost, as it had a sticker
On it, but no price!

Finally, after I had found a few more items I asked her again
 And she had gone back to that building and had brought it out to the table.
She told me it cost 50 bucks!
And I told her I couldn't pay that!
So she looked around and said
"What would you give me for it"
I said 38 dollars!

She said it's yours!!

I have had a few very nice paintings over my mantel in my living room.
But this one just belonged in my home...

When we hung it up and I stepped back,
I thanked the Lord for His sweet gift of this treasure.

On The Home Front Around Here...

Had to get a new riding lawn mower!
Had to get a new swimming pool!
Had to get the greenhouse cleaned out!
Had to get everything for the swamp cooler!
Had to buy a new window A/C unit for our bedroom
Had to buy all the plants for the greenhouse!
Had to buy a new pump to pump out water from the old pool!
Had to buy new hoses!
The Dog needed all his shots!
Also been working on an old doll house I bought;
It is completely painted and had to order some miniature furniture!

This has been a very expensive spring...

Have you had those times when everything comes all at once?

I am so tired and have had to work harder than I have had to in a while!

But I leave you with this thought!

Everything that comes our way;
We need to decide to enjoy and take pleasure in the tasks!
Everything takes work!!!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Victoria Magazine Inspiration...


Victoria Magazines...

We all need to get inspired once in a while.
I need to flip through a magazine that says
I love my home!
Making all things Beautiful...
Can I encourage you to enjoy your home this week?

Look my home may never make a layout for a magazine;
But it will be warm and cozy and welcoming!

May we all take a little pleasure and get inspired!
Always do something even if its very small everyday...

I may not live in a romantic country stone manor;
It's more like a lovely home that is OURS...

Sending you all a good evening
Tomorrow is a New Month, A New Day!
A New Beginning...

Living From glory To glory

Thursday, April 13, 2017

My Secret Place...

Washing Dish's And Praying!
(Yes, I do have a dishwasher)
But I still rinse everything off before I put them in it.
(Silly Girl)

Looking Out My Kitchen Window 

In these Days We Must Stay In The Secret Place...

While doing the things that bring this Heart and HOME contentment.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we can,
Have a sense of peace and contentment while doing everyday things!

We have this mentality of the mind and the makeup of a Roadrunner bird!
Beep Beep...
Get out of my way!

I  want to share with you the place where I realized was a spot that has
become my secret place in my home.

I have been doing this ritual or call it a chore every day of my
life as being a housewife or a homemaker.
(Since I wear both these hats simultaneously)
No, I do not bring home the bacon, but I do fry it up in a pan!

This secret and holy place
 " Standing at my kitchen sink"

Every day when looking out and seeing the seasons change,
I see the hand of God!
Seed time and Harvest!!
Rain Showers
Winter Snows

The children playing in the grass
The dogs romping and playing and sleeping in the afternoon sun.
When my Hubby mows the grass and I smell the freshly mowed grass!
When I look out and see a snow angel made by a grandchild.
When I hear the birds singing sweetly...

I wash my dishes and plates and cups and silverware;
And pot and pans and bowls and I give thanks!!

I find myself feeling the tension leave my heart from,
 The hot sudsy water washing away the cares and worries!

I have learned to not grumble and be irritated by so many
Dishes and such in the sink.

I pray to God for those in this household!
I lift up my many requests!
Head bowed and intently praying for the needs of others!

I also bask in the safety of my own little nook!
Away from all harms way, while I stand in this spot,

~The Secret Place~

Monday, February 13, 2017

A Little Cake And Heart Health...

A Bite Size Cake, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Little goes a long way...

I have noticed that we usually desire something small and sweet to eat after
A meal or dinner or a luncheon...

I have been making some smaller loaf size of quick breads and freezing them.
And I enjoy a smaller cake, so I believe you can take just about
Any kind of cake batter flavor, and put them a small cupcake size pan.
They cook faster and they are easier to serve.

So many after the first of the year go out to an all out war;
Against sweets and you name it!

But we all know we are going to crave something sweet...
(If you are gluten free, just use a mix that is gluten free,
Or just make up your own homemade batter.
You can buy Gluten free flour at any grocery store now days.

I have never felt good about depriving myself of sweets!

There is always going to be a new fad or a new food;
I get that, but eating all foods that are tolerated and eating variety;
In smaller portions is always a wiser way to eat!

When my blood pressure got high;
(I was told juice, celery and drink it every day)
My blood pressure problem was genetics, so all the celery in the world,
was not the answer for me!
But I do hope we can enjoy a bit of cake without harming our health!

As we all know we have to watch our sugar intake;
I kid you not everyone you talk to is either pre-diabetic or a full blown diabetic.
So we all need to cut back on our sugars and starches
and all forms of wheat and carbohydrates.

Enjoy the good things, just don't indulge and gorge oneself.

Everything in moderation...

Heart Health

May I take just another moment to remind you all that heart health is
So important to our well being...

I know you all know about saturated fats and bad oils.
Do you know that being unforgiving in your heart
will cause you?

If you think anyone of us is exempt from forgiving others;
You are being deceived...

It is not always easy, but we can do it with God's help!
True Love
Not remembering their wrongs!

Blessings, Roxy

What is happening on the home front
My computer crashed
Got a new one and it is tough learning the ways of the newer ones!
Internet was down
My car was no longer reliable!
Got a new one, well new to me...
I have learned to not worry and just trust the Lord
He makes all things new in His timing!

~May your HEARTS be filled with Love & Joy~

Monday, January 16, 2017

How To Pamper Yourself...

Lovely Blue and White Teapot and teacup, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

How To Pamper Yourself...

~ We all have so many demands on us as we take care of our families~

But life has a way to make one a bit weary;
Especially this time of year...
Winter is in full swing, everything is cold and it gets dark so early.
This affects many of us even if you live on the other side of the world.

For some it is full blown winter and for others it is a milder 
Temperature change...

There are some that are so privileged and rich, they can take oneself to a spa!

And I think this is wonderful if it's in your budget!

But realistically, my spa moments are a quiet time sipping tea,
or sitting with a small crochet project or a good book!

Learning to be content with what you have is a lost art;
In a world that craves more...

I enjoy looking at a magazine that shows me many amazing
Ideas and recipes and forms of home decor.
I have to watch myself that I do not become saddened that
I do not live in a perfect cottage in a place that is magical.

No, I live in a rural area that has fierce winds and blustery cold!
My home is where we live and enjoy life...

You do realize life is to be enjoyed!
Every season and every portion...

A day without joy is so wasted, dear ones!
You can take joy even in the midst of sorrow or a loss of a season of life.

Every sunrise and sunset has the handprint of God upon it!

Every smile and tear is significant to God!

Take tea
  And learn to make your home your hobby...
Let everything you do bring glory to God!

Wipe your tears and sadness away
Gird yourself up!!

Enjoy the peace and solitude and lean into God...
Do not allow the cold and wind and darkness suck the life out of you!
I have learned to be content in my heart and life..
I have learned to enjoy the small things!

I write this because I see women that feel a deep alone feeling;
I say we must encourage each other while it is yet day!

What are some things you feel that you do for yourself that is considered
Pampering yourself?

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Lady, Appreciate The Feminine Side Of Womanhood...

This was a lovely charcoal sketch I found on one of my travels!

It seemed to be saying how lovely a woman really is.
We live in a world where we no longer appreciate the feminine side of womanhood!

I believe this picture was of a lady thinking and pondering on
many ideas and thoughts. 
She was getting ready to dress for the day!
Did she just throw on a pair of sweats and call it good?

For some reason I doubt that would be the situation.

Years ago ladies wore a full slip under their dresses or there skirt and tops.
And while getting their hair and make-up on they would sit at their vanities.
Sometimes they would wear a housecoat over their full slip!

The curves and the outline of this sketch is so lady like.

I still can't help but feel that it is the way a lady may dress that
can appear to make the world a tough place.

Soft and lady like, not built to last like a tank!

Pretty tops and skirts or flowing pants!
Warm and cozy yet a touch of femininity

Even wearing a necklace or a pretty bracelet is very pretty!

I live in the country and I can wear a flannel shirt and
A pair of blue jeans with a clip in my hair and still look soft and feminine.

The way you dress each day is for YOU!!

Looking neat and having your top and bottoms match.
Having a nice pair of black sweat pants, can be very pretty.
Finding longer shirts to cover the derriere, is very appropriate.
A comfy sweater with a scarf is nice.

Look, I do not have rules of what to wear...
I just see that the world is leaning to the far side of no distinction.

When I shop anymore, I always give thought to how this will look on me!

Find a few colors that look good on you!
Ask a friend what colors are your colors.
I am sure you have heard from others say something like;
"That color is your color"

A lady can look good in flannel shirts or flowers;
It's really just giving thought to what you're wearing!

( I just wanted to share this memory, when we were just married,
we did not have a lot of money, but I shopped at a second hand store.
I looked like I spent a lot on my clothes; I did NOT.
I looked at the dollar rack first!"

I also learned to hem and iron my clothes to look fitted;
I replaced buttons and got stains out!

I worked all day on cutting off some old skirts and putting in a new hem.
They were a longer style and they were too long and bulky.
So now they look way better and just cost me my time.

Take care of yourselves dear ones!
Your health is your wealth!
Take care of how you appear!
Clean and fresh and like a girl...

Blessings to you all!!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Looking Back...

Looking back on this last year...

Ever heard the saying sometimes we are not able to see what is
right in front of our eyes...

I prefer my small little world, I do not have to be up front and in 
center stage and have the notion that the world revolves around me.
Simple and quiet...

Learning to be content and happy is a fine art!
But the more you practice it, the easier it comes.

We have all had a few trials and we can see that our faith was tested.
 But we take joy in the opportunity to have a fresh start in a new year!

As we all know:
It truly is hard to keep all the balls in the air that life throws at you!
But we can give it are all, and do the best we can!

But when I looked back over this last year I smile and bow my head;
I give thanks for another year of grace and prosperity in love.
The ability to encourage and give support.

"Sometimes it is just a smile or a kind word that has helped me to keep going"

I am not sure if we will ever fully get over the feeling that we just
don't fit into the peg hole. But being unique and sincere goes a long way!

Sometimes it is a bit of a transition to start a new year!
But it is a great time to clean out and organize
It all really takes hard work!

Gimmicks don't work.
Money has wings
Politics is like playing with fire
Health truly is your wealth!

Stay in the Word!
Let not your heart be troubled!
Everything in moderation...

If you have extra; share
If you feel sad; have a good cry
If you have read a good book; pass it on.

If you're afraid to die, then start living well; so you can die well...
May this New Year not leave you with regrets,
But live to give God Glory...

Happy New Year

Thursday, November 24, 2016

When You Think You Can't Eat Another Bite, Think Again...

Making Pie, Living from glory to glory blog...

Sometimes I am almost sure I have two stomachs;
One for the good for you foods;
Meat and potato's and of course your veggies.

But pie is the best food group yet!

A Cherry Tart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Presenting my Cherry Tart I made in my new tart pan!
I made the crust with a G/F flour mix,
But you can use any pastry dough recipe you like.
I used a cream cheese filling with fresh eggs and an almond flavoring.
I used a can of sweet cherries with a rich syrup.

I will serve it nice and cold and if anyone wants a dollop of whip cream,
"I say the more the merrier"

My personal preference is apple pie or a cherry tart, but at this time of year;

We must have Pumpkin Pie...

We need pie for all our Thanks Gathering Day!

I want to share with you all how much I have learned in my own little kitchen...

I know you have all heard the little secret of what ingredient makes any
Recipe tastes delicious!

Well, it is true...

When you take anything you are preparing for a meal or a dessert, and
Consciously enjoy measuring and stirring and adding each spice or flavoring,
You enjoy this part of creating something that has true substance.

I believe that is why it is not just the choice of foods being served;
But rather how they are handled and appreciated.

It is like a fine wine it is presented as having a personality;
Full bodied and sweet or a full bouquet of an aroma!
Spicy or dry, crisp and fruity.
Balanced, bold and buttery,
Nutty and rich...

Well, that is what we should be preparing in our kitchens!
Now we must add the most important ingredient.

Add the love...

I have made many, many meals in all my years of being a homemaker.
And if I have a bad attitude or just not appreciative of all that
I have been given, or allow my foods to go to waste.
It shows up in my meals that come from the kitchen, but not my heart!

So always make the time to enjoy the preparation and even the clean up!
Thank God you have a kitchen and food to prepare and loved ones to serve.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How To Make A Delicious Mini Tea Biscuit And A Tea Party...


How To Make Mini Biscuits, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Why having a tea party is so good for one's outlook on being a wife and mother and a lady!
Even little girls love tea parties.

Do you have a teapot?
If you do not have a teapot you must be on the lookout for one!
You can find them in antique stores, or a yard sale, even TJ Max sells them.
I have a few of them myself; and I even have a few single serve ones.
These little ones are nice for just yourself!

Here is a lovely two tiered plate filled with some tea party mini biscuits!
Tea Biscuit, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These little tea biscuits or scones are so delicious!
I got this recipe from Lydia when I was out there visiting her,
She was gracious enough to share it with me!

I will share it with you also at the end of this post!

Tea Party Sandwiches... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These little sandwiches were so good, they were filled with cream cheese spread
And chicken filling that was super yummy.
As we all know we can use just about anything inside our little bite size
tea sandwiches. I was told you could leave the crust on the bread because her
In America our breads are so soft and the crust is quite tasty.

We also had a riny glass cupped filled with cooked apples with a crumb topping 
on top of them, but of course we had a dollop of fresh whip cream to top them off!

Serving tea is not just enjoying the tea itself, but we can also really
Enjoy the preparations for it!

I am learning to take pleasure in the process of all that I do for myself
and my family and loved ones.
You can truly make a burden out of everything if you are not aware of
how wonderful everything smells and taste if you add love!

Mini Biscuits For Tea

2 cups Flour
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1/8 tsp. Salt

In a bowl now add separately
1/2 cup oil
(I used a light olive oil)
1 Egg
1/2 Cup of milk

Mix the wet ingredients up well and now add to the dry ingredients;
You can add a bit of sugar if you want a sweet biscuit!

Mix the dough till all is moist and now pat it out to cut out your biscuits.
I used a small glass to make a tiny biscuit, you can use anything round.

Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for only 10 to 12 minutes;
Just check the bottoms to see if they are slightly browned.

Serve these mini biscuits with some jelly of your choice;
Top them with a bit of whip cream!!

I have been looking for a small biscuit cutter, but so far I have only
A middle size one and so I am using a shot glass cup LOL

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Being A Woman Of Leisure And They Called Her Lazy, Because She Did Not Work (Outside The Home)...

Do Not Be Lazy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a woman of leisure...

I really do just sit around and eat Bon Bon's all day!
My days are filled with nothing important...

I do not leave the house by 7:00 am
I usually awake when I open my eyes
(But it use to be when the baby cries)

I make myself a cup of tea!
Many mornings start out reading and studying that OLD BOOK!
No Wall Street Journal here to enlighten my old ways of thinking.


While still in my robe I find myself putting a load of
dirty clothes that were worn doing nothing.

I cleaned off the old boring round table
(The same style of King Arthurs Court Room)
Changed out the tablecloth that had splatters of bits and pieces and crumbs.
(From meals that have been the same ones I have used to feed my brood)

Yup, so far, been up for 1 hour and twenty minutes;
Only took off all the stuff from my 10 foot counter top
Washed and rearranged everything on it!
Writing this post so I could get it done before I need to go do
my weeks shopping for fresh veggies and fruits!
Because My Old Man will want a lunch to take to work with him
And Then there is DINNER
Gosh, all he does is work and sleep and eat!

I bet he wished he had my job!!

Washing and cooking and cleaning!!

Wait, what a shame while I was running around doing all these boring chores and my
Bon Bon's melted into a pool of icky gooey yuck!

Really do housewives really eat Bon Bon's?

Well, maybe some housewives might be lazy...

~Work While It Is Yet Day~

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Make Some Marvelous Mini Meatloaves...

How To Make A Mini Meatloaf in A muffin pan! Living from glory to glory blog

I have been making these little mini meatloaves for a few years now!

These little gems of an old time dinner favorite,
or maybe you do not care for meatloaf.
But I am hoping you will try this delicious way to make
a new an improved mini meatloaf.

The advantage to this meatloaf is firstly the size,
Because it is so much smaller than the typical loaf pan size.
It will cook really fast!

You can also make a few different twists of flavors in each batch.
You can please each member of the family.
Italian, Mexican, BBQ

Items Needed

1 pound of your ground beef meat
1 package of Stove Top Stuffing
Any flavor you like, chicken, cornbread ect.
(Or you can use your own flavored bread crumbs)
1 cup of water added to the stuffing mix

Now mix all this together,
Grease a 12 cup muffin pan with your cooking spray

Press the meat mixture into your 12 cup muffin pan.
Make an indentation on top of each mini meatloaf
Now, this is where you add the goodies

You can add
 Tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese

Taco seasoning and salsa and Mexican style cheese

Garlic salt or powder and your favorite BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese.

See the ideas are endless...

I like to add some green chilis, another time some sauted onions.

Bake in a 350 degree oven, (preheat the oven)
They cook between 15- 20 minutes.
Cook until nicely brown and cheese is lightly browned.

These little meatloaves are great for a dinner party,
They freeze really well!
They make a delicious cold meatloaf sandwich
(We like our with some mayonnaise and ketchup on our french bread)

This is a great way to stretch your meat budget also.

These are a very tasty way to get a dinner on the table quickly!

Always cooking and trying new things can be a great way
to keep your menus filled with new and inspiring foods.

Look, even the old meatloaf has gotten a new makeover!

Have A Wonderful Day!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Why Do Women Think Being A Stay At Home Wife Or Mother Or Grandmother Is Not A Real Ministry...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My Living Room...
Where I live and enjoy moments of rest and peace.

I have read many books and articles and blogs on women that have made
The decision and have  chosen to stay home.

But so often it is spoken as a negative place for housewives.
We are not slaves or maids we are keepers of our homes!

This was a comment I have left on a blog this week!

"Why do we run ourselves ragged, when we can do all things in a timely manner and still have a rest throughout a day or even just a few times a week! And being at home to keep the home fires burning is so important to the whole family! Being home was a gift to women to do the job of keeper of the home. It is a place where you can study about many things, you can create and paint and plan! We are allowed to watch our children and keep them safe from predators. You're able to enjoy your marriage and be good friends and be able to do things with them on their days off. We have seen that many ladies have believed the lie that true ministry is only real if done outside the home."

I still enjoy reading blogs, but I do not leave as many comments as I once did!
I have found my days moving along so fast that I am not sure I am always
Spending my time as wisely as I should when it comes to the computer or blogging!
~That was one long sentence~

I have tried to live my life as a loving HOUSEWIFE...

But some think we need to be extraordinary in every aspect of our lives.
I remembered years ago I was once asked;
What do you do for a living?
"I said I am just a HOUSEWIFE"

Now, I look back and I think that was one of the saddest an untrue statement I ever made!

I am a HOUSEWIFE and I am so blessed...

These women nowadays are sick and tired and many are not even wives;
They have been married and have lost so much!
My heart grieves for them!
Marriage is still God's perfect plan for families!
We need these vows to embrace and cover us in these days of No Truth...

Ministry is a word that has been distorted and has an undertone of superiority of worth.

Being able to stay home and be a wife and mother and grandmother;
Is well worth its weight in gold and value...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Disciplines Of A Godly Woman...

Author Barbara Hughes

Being disciplined is not something we do naturally!

The scripture says
  Train yourself to be godly
1 Timothy 4:7

I really enjoyed this book, I found it biblically sound and interesting.
We need a book that instructs us from a non-feminist view.

This word Train is derived from the Greek word which in English is
In other words a spiritual workout!

Like the Greek athletes who lay aside every encumbrance,
We Christian women need to get rid of every
(association, habit, and tendency that blocks godliness)

This is not to be confused with legalism;
The legalistic heart does things to gain merit with God;
The disciplined heart says
 "I will do this because I love God and I want to please HIM"

Firstly, you must be saved;
The Gospel is about what God has done!
The Gospel is the amazing news about God's son
Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.
His death, burial and resurrection!
He was the only sacrifice accepted by God for our sins!
(Romans 10:9-11)

Philippians 2:10-11
We must see that submission applies to every area of our lives;
Choosing God's ways over our ways!
Submitting YOUR will to God's loving rule in daily life.

Ephesians 6:18
Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but aligning of my heart and will
to God's will and perfect plan for myself and others.
"That is why we must pray not my will, but God's will be done"

Word Centered
1Timothy 4:13

God Centered

Christ Centered
Luke 10: 41-42
Do not become so busy you lose sight of daily worship in all you do!
"Martha, Martha...
You are worried and upset about many things.
But only one thing is needed!
Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her"

Our Character
Our Mind
Romans 12:2
(Reading and Studying God's Word)

1Timothy 6:6

A godly woman is something we aspire to be, and it will take time and training!

Nothing worth anything is really going to cost you nothing!

Everything I do requires a part of all these character traits;
Look, we will never stop learning and growing in the things that glorify Christ!

Just because we are women does not mean we will make good wives or mothers!
~We need godly examples and the truth to be read and understood~

Applying truth and biblical principles are an everyday process!

I know each of us could find fault with ourselves or even our own parents;
But we are called to continue...
That means just because we did something wrong does not mean we should stop trying!

When I think about giving up in a certain area, I have an inner compass
That reads due north...
Keep YOUR eyes On the SON
(Jesus Christ)

Remember, it is not what you FEEL
It is what the Scripture's teach us;
Therefore, we THINK...

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