Showing posts with label Scriptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scriptures. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

Coming Out Of Agreement...


Will you be tossed around as a wave in the sea?

There is a stronghold that can come upon a person's life;
From either opening a door on purpose or something that caught us
Completely off  guard...

I am so thankful that God gives us a way to turn from our wicked ways!
Our eyes are little cameras that take a snapshot of everything we see!
(Good and Evil)

Each and everyone of us has seen a picture that was not good;
We sometimes can see something just once and never be bothered by it!
Other times we can see just a snippet and be harassed by it.
The enemy is always looking for things that will trip us up.

So I think it is a wise thing to learn and exercise is control over our
Thoughts and images that have been imprinted on your minds.

Taking every thought captive is completely biblical!

But as with anything that has an evil intend, must be dealt with.
Firstly, God has called us to repent!
We're to repent of anything that God has not called good!

When we come before God almighty and ask for forgiveness;
Guess what what He forgives us...
Being forgiven allows us to see the freshness and purity of a restored relationship!

How to battle things imprinted is easy if you will not give up!
When that thought or image tries to come back;
You say NO WAY...

I have the mind of Christ;
I will take this thought captive and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind!

It will take practice, but I will tell you this, God has given us a way out!

Here is my post on Taking Every Thought Captive;
Click Here

Friday, January 23, 2015

Taking Every Thought Captive...

Living From Glory to Glory... Change your thinking

The Threshold

We are always able to change the direction of our thinking...
We are not robots that have been programmed.
But sometimes it does appear that some people are on autopilot!

We need to refocus and look into where we can go with our thinking,
That is pleasing to the Lord...

He tells us to enter His gates with Thanksgiving

I have found that when I have an attitude of being thankful;
I am able to be a better wife and mother and friend!

"We can make a choice in our thinking"

Are you aware or realize when the enemy is trying to
re-direct your thinking??

When you begin to disrespect your husband in your thoughts;
When you become jealous over what another might have.
When you start thinking angry thoughts!
When you become suspicious and think everyone is out to get you!

When we are good Christian people;
We are not out sinning and living lives that are terrible;
So the enemy has to use our own thoughts against us!

I have seen this happen over and over...

I am so thankful that I had a teaching given to me about this!
As I can now quickly discern when my thoughts are being bombarded
 with thoughts that come from the enemy.

Women are always thinking...
Some ladies even have trouble turning off their thoughts.

That is why the scripture that tells us to take every thought captive!
2Corinthians 10:5
(Imagination and arguments)

Do a word study on this verse and see the importance of this.

If you think the same negative, destructive thoughts often;
You will have a rut in your brain;
Like a default program
( I was told it looked much like the wagon train ruts on the road)
Hard to get out, once you slipped into it!
But I believe that if we read the word and be aware and take our,
Thoughts captive we can have the mind of Christ!

Keeping our minds fresh and alive and learning new things;
Will bring life...
Being a woman of a healthy mind is very feminine,
As you will not look worried or confused and upset!

We all know when this starts to creep up;

Do you realize everyday you can speak a new word and leave a great impression!
Get out of yourself thinking and its rut;
See what the Lord says about every situation!!

Just a reminder, Dear Ladies;
Being worried is sin
Being fearful breeds more fear

Think thoughts that are lovely;
About Your Husband
And others!
Speak a blessing and don't give the enemy your mind!
Use it as a key to witness and create and inspire for
His Glory...

Do you struggle with controlling your thoughts?
Do you believe we can train our hearts to think differently?

What I am up to...
I have been crocheting little hearts...
I have been trying to walk everyday, not doing really great at it!
I received an eight piece setting of the Desert Rose Franciscan China
From my older Brother today!
What a lovely gift to receive;
As it was my Mothers favorite pattern of China!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is The Love Of The Truth Leading You...


Are You Purpose Driven? Or Led By The Spirit...

Our you being led by the Spirit
Or being driven by a purpose?

The love of the truth may compel us!
But we must be not self driven, but  led by the Spirit...

I see that our lives must be lived by faith;
So we might be able to say a faith-driven life, as long as
it is faith in Jesus Christ. As it is the Holy Spirit that helps me to obey God!
And to obey God's word...

I do not like all the messages out there that tell us we can have a purpose driven life!
Even the Israelites were not wandering for 40 years;
They were led by a cloud by day
And a fire by night!
They were not wandering in the sense that God was not in control!

We will see the destruction of our own intentions when they are not;
Coupled with the direction of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

The world has its own training ground to teach us to follow,
A man made  protocol will not work!
We are unique humans made in His image,
And He alone knows what we need and how much pressure to apply!
God has His own school of reform and teaching...
You will not find these truths sitting in Mega churches that tickle the ear!

Why, because it is a message that fits everyone...

I am sensing that once God gives you a word or leading;
Then you make the time to ponder and inquire!

Personal and intimate times with Him will bring about the changes needed!

Fellowship, Worship and Work...
We need all three!

I want to encourage you ladies to step up and into a deeper,
time of prayer for your husbands in this season!
We all know that they are our heads in our homes!
And when our husbands come under attack from stress or sickness or troubles,
From the enemy of our souls they need backup!
This is one of the most important jobs as a Help Mate...

Look at your Husband and just see the burdens that they carry!
Being led by the Spirit will bring you the ability when you must
Intercede for them!

Do you realize that we are called to be like Sara;
To not be fearful, but to stand in a battle stance for what it right!
Our Husbands must know deep down within their hearts we love and trust them!

Quit following the crowds;
Keep close to the truth and be a real Help mate to the one
You made a covenant with...

As we live day in and day out with our Hubbies,
We can sometimes take them for granted!

Humble yourself and gird yourself for battle and service!

She looks well to the ways of her household
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27

Be aware of who and what is leading you!
The Love of the truth will lead you into what is good and holy!

Many will walk down a road of destruction in their marriages this year!
Make your husband your priority, right after you submit to God!
He wants to use our marriages as an example to the world!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Being A Homemaker Is Not Enough...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Why do we think we need to constantly do more, be more, achieve more, more, more more?

In God we live and move and have our being Acts 17:28

One of the very first lies was where a lovely woman by the name of Eve,
Heard from a beguiled liar;
Be more
Have it all...
Think of yourself
Achieve and live for more...

But at the cost of who and what?
I am all for improving one's attitude and work ethic,
But we have us a problem, dear ones!
As we have so many girls that do not even have a clue as how to run a HOME!
The home is and always will be the center that holds things together!
It was God's idea for families to live together, work together!
The Home is where you are nourished in your mind and body!
We learn skills for everyday living.

Being trained to run a home will always be a huge benefit!
For kingdom purposes;
For health and safety
For love and growth

Even NSA
(National Security Agency)
Have to have a place where all their data are kept,
We need to keep our Homes with such diligence!

There are so many distractions in our world,
We have bought the lie of bigger and better and brighter!

Pray for our Homes and for the women who take their callings,
As to be as important as the NSA!

We need a revival of hearts!
But if we can see the welfare of what can come from a Home;
That is dedicated to God and truth, we can see the benefits,
In every area of society...

Be grateful that God has called you to manage just your Home
We are not called to be in everyone else business;
But to mange our own Homes!

Remind yourself daily of what your mission statement is until
You become quicker to make appropriate decisions as to how it will affect
Your home and family!

Make this a season of learning to manage your Home more wisely!
Be frugal and make a nice pot of homemade soup for dinner.
Do some mending on something that needs some tender care.
Make up some nice quick breads to have in the freezer.

Do not think that what you do in your home is not important!

I truly believe if we are diligent  in being homemakers;
And all we do all we do for His glory...
We will hear well done good and faithful servant!

To Serve;
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom.
Matthew 20:28

Now what is happening in my own little world;
Got out my juicer and some veggie juice to break up this nasty cold---
Made a pot of chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic!
Been working on those cute crocheted hot pads for my kitchen
(A pretty cheery yellow and white)
Wrote a letter to my Penpal!
Eating some Blach cherries that we got for a dollar a bag!
Missing my Grandchildren so much!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How To Make God Happy...

Happy, God, Living from glory to glory blog!

How to make God happy...

What makes God happy?

We make God happy when we showcase Jesus in our lives.
As when we reflect to those around us any character or attribute qualities of Jesus!

When we as pure mortals by God's Grace through the Holy Spirit,
We remain patient in a trying situation.
And when we resist a temptation that comes into our hearts or lives.
God is happy when we offer a smile!
Even when we stop to bless a child!
(God loves the little children)
When you offer a word of encouraging word to someone!

Just sitting silent as if sitting at His feet.
Singing a hymn or a love song to Him as you go about your day!
Repeating scripture...
Giving praise to the Father
Sharing the Gospel message.
Feeding the starving

Helping a neighbor or a stranger in need.
(We are His hands and His feet)

Working faithfully in your home;
Washing, and cleaning in your home and making it lovely!
Feeding and cooking those who depend on you!
In these things we are making God happy!

How so you may ask?

Because we are doing what Jesus would do-
And that, my friend is displaying God's awesome glory and beauty.
I Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God.

In the next 60 minutes you have the opportunity to showcase God's glory!

May the glory of the Lord endure forever.
~Psalms 104:31~

Friday, December 5, 2014

Making Deposits Or Withdrawals...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Life can be very taxing on our finances and our emotions!
On our health and our general well being.
That is why we have need of having a stash of saved up resources.
This is not just money; as we all know how fast that goes.
Scripture even says money has wings;

We need to have a heart filled with scripture and quotes and memories
That will help us get through the lean times.
Abundance of the heart is what we need!

Issues and trials are always just waiting to be introduced to us.
Every situation is either where we are making a deposit into our resources
We are making a withdrawal from it.

We have a spiritual bank, just like we a natural bank
Monetary and spiritual...

We know how we get more funds in the natural bank;
We save and be frugal and we plan, We learn to make wise financial decisions.
We gather little by little!

Our spiritual bank is very much increased in the same way;
We inquire of the Lord for each day at hand,
To make time to deposit a word in season into our heart;
As our minds will roam to find a wise word from the living word!
We can only make a withdrawal from a deposit, we have previously made!
Or it may come from a deposit made years ago.

God's word will not return void!
His word will bring the greatest dividends, then all other resources.

Seeing so many trying to make withdrawals from empty accounts is very sad indeed.
But our God is so gracious and moves with grace He covers all of our
Overdrafts in our meager accounts!

But being a wise steward requires some action on our part!
Be not like the sluggard;
Gather while it is yet day!
Precept upon precept...

I just wanted to make a comment that even though I used this picture;
Of this, 1 Minute devotion from Charles Spurgeon
It will require more time than 1 minute a day...

Please take time every day to eat from the full Banquet that
Is just waiting for us to feast upon...
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Remember to use what God has given you wisely;
Being frugal so you can bless someone or a ministry that God has
Put upon your heart!!

Making gifts and sometimes just taking a picture and framing it,
Is a wonderful way to give someone a treasure.

We all must give account as to how we used HIS resources...
The money and time is not yours
~You my dear are just the steward of it~

I just feel I need to add this last thought here
Are you still making an active investment in your marriage?
Sometimes we can forget that this relationship needs a deposit daily also!

We can get so busy and self absorbed that we often can forget that,
The marriage relationship is used in this world as a picture of
Christ and His Church!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What Really Makes Up A True Family...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Gathering together...
Some of those in our families have seen so many Thanksgivings,
Some newbies are just about to experience their first one.
(They have those little bibs that say Baby's First Christmas)
Where are the ones that say
"First Thanksgiving"

We have such a different array of family members;
Young and Old
Strong and Feeble
Beauty and Bronze
Male and Female
Funny and Serious
Goofy and Refined
Saved and Not Saved

Some are very colorful;
We struggle with these ones as let's just say they don't look
The way we look...
They are always trying to give us all a little bit of that thing called
~Shock Therapy~
Very colorful hair, tattoos that we have a hard time reading
A comic book of sorts, it is rather hard to read an arm!
Really, you all know who we are talking about!
Remember under it all they are part of your family.
Sometimes we just need to get over it.
Don't react to their form of look at me syndrome.

Let's face it, we all have those that are just turkeys;
A bit goofy...
They say things that make your head just lean to one side!
A little bit not with it of sorts, but nice in a way.
~Maybe they are just lonely and do not have many friends~
I think I heard them called; What is referred to as a goober...
They may have been talking about me, not sure though!

Well any way you slice it, you share something in common!
Friends so long they have grown up together!
Grafted In The Family!
The Family Of God!

God has said He sets the lonely in the families...

Families depend on one another for their identity and joy.
Both young and old should cherish their inter-generational relationships.

Someone to HUG
Someone to TALK TO and someone to LOVE...

Proverbs 17:6

"God Bless Everyone"

---Even a lovely rose has thorns----

Monday, November 3, 2014

Victorious Beautiful Tree...

Living from glory to glory blog

A man had a beautiful estate with magnificent trees on it. But he had
a bitter enemy, who said, "I will cut down one of his trees; that
will hurt him."

In the dark of night the enemy slipped over the fence and went to the
most beautiful of the trees, and with a saw and axes he began to work.
In the first light of morning he saw in the distance two men coming
over the hill on horseback, and recognized one of them as the
owner of the estate.

Hurriedly he pushed the wedges out and let the tree fall;
but one of the branches caught him and pinned him to the ground,
injuring him so badly that he died.

Before he died, he screeched out,
"Well, I have cut down your beautiful tree,"
And the estate owner looked at him with pity and said,
"This is the architect I have brought with me.

We had planned to build a house, and it was necessary to 
cut down one tree to make room for the house;
and it is the one you have been working on all night."

Do not forget that anything the devil is working at, he is but
cutting down a tree God had planned to cut down;
he never did anything outside the overall plan of God,
for God is omnipotent and omniscient and victorious.

Donald Grey Barnhouse

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Prayer Closet...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Prayer Closet

We have such an amazing privilege as women,
And as believer's in Jesus Christ

We have been invited to a special place!
"Our Prayer Closet"

We are called to be living epistles;
This is where our lives should resemble a character that has substance.
It is the love that is shed abroad within our hearts.
A love and truth that change a heart...

I am ever so grateful for those who have prayed for me!
We have been given a great honor and privilege.
We can come along someone and pray for those who need
Strength or wisdom or provision!

We can be the one who God will use to lift a need to the Alpha And Omega.
He knows every need, but He desires to hear our prayers;
For ourselves and others.

I love to be just driving down the street and see a situation that
just leads me to pray!
Being sensitive and tender hearted to pray for the needs of others!

Our prayer closet can be an actual place where we can meet with the Lord!
our prayer closet can be in our car, and even in our daily living.

We must be ready to pray at all times!
Prayer and a quick decision is what these days require.
If you are praying, you are communicating with the one who
can help!

He may not answer in the way you think is best, but He alone
Knows the end from the beginning!
He is the only wise King!

We always will say to just trust Him;
But please remember He has asked for obedience also.

Are we living in a way that pleases Him?
Have you given your heart to Him?
Do you put Him first in your day?
Is the Holy Bible used for your resource for living?
Do you ask for wisdom to know the truth?

There are so many resources and books,
So many teaching what they believe to be true;
This can be dangerous!
Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove!

Let us look up!
Love will cover a multitude of sins!

I always ask the Lord keep me from deception.
May, I not believe everything that comes down the pike.
He has warned us there will be false doctrines;
If even an angel preaches any other Gospel.
Turn away from him!

At this critical hour in which we live, the Lord is calling His people apart to truly pray.
This world may be beginning to realize that the glitter and charisma,
And look at me ministries are beginning to fade!

The Lord has said the road to destruction is wide;
And we are called to walk the narrow road!

It is time to open the door to our prayer closet,
In some cases we need to open it wider in other cases,
We need to just open it!

We need to desire more;
Are you hungry for more quality time in prayer?
Or do we need to just begin a prayer life?
Are we even willing to pray?

"But you, when you pray, enter into your closet,
 and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret:
 and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly."
 Matthew 6:6

There Are No Shortcuts
Prayer is more than telling the Lord what we think He should do
 and all the wonderful things that would happen if only He would "do as we ask"
 Real prayer begins when we enter into such communion with Jesus,
 that the Holy Spirit can pray the will of the Father through us.

PRAYER means spending quality time with the Lord.
May we come to the understanding of the value of having
a set apart time of prayer and communion with Him.

Monday, September 1, 2014

There Is Work To Be Done...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

There is work to be done;
Today is a day that we have been given to Labor;
To work while it is yet day!

It does not matter if you are building a nation.
Or building an army!
Planting a vineyard or planting a cotton field!
We are to Labor;
Guiding and guarding what is dear to us!
Loving and helping our children and families!

Nurturing all those we have been given to us...
They become a part of us, we need them as much as they need us!
In all our Labors it can become mind-boggling to all the
Needs that need attending to!
Our duties are pretty much 24/7

Whether you are a daughter, sister, aunt,wife,
Mother or Grandmother!
There is work to be done...

Pray for a renewed vision for your family!
Start this new day and chapter with this;
A Prayer
A devotion to Him and a plan that is in His hand!
We are not of a fairy tale material;
Like" Once Upon A Time"
We are rather of the book,
"In The Beginning"

Be not AWOL
Report for duty, set your hand to the task!
Do not look behind you, but look ahead to the lovely sunset,
When the day is done!
And you hear well done good and faithful servant!

It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
(Psalms 18:32)

Living from Glory to Glory Blog...
Zote Soap
Have you ever used this soap?
It is so good to get out stains from clothes!
I had such a ball this last spring doing a little photo shoot!
Thought I might share a few of the pics with you!

Please feel free to PIN them on Pinterest if they might
Interest you!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I use these cloths pins really all the time!
Glory to Glory Blog...

Do you ever hang your clothes out on the line?
I still like to hang my towels, then I still pop them in the dryer
To fluff them up soft :o)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Strawberry Fields...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

This lovely Old Bread bowl is just filled to overflowing!
We picked these lovely sweet and juicy strawberries, while
We were back East visiting family!

Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Bread
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Smoothies

John 15: 1-9 speaks of only three amounts of fruit being produced
More Fruit
Much Fruit
In our lives, these are the only levels we are producing at!

Does your life have Fruit?
How about More Fruit?
We are looking for MUCH FRUIT...

Have you been experiencing pruning in your life?
If we are not being pruned you will not be able to bear more fruit.

Strawberries grow in the fields and they can bring a good harvest,
If many conditions are available.
Sun and rain and mulch!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Fruit from the Lord in our lives will be sometimes visible,
And other times it may take a while to see it!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Do we always have to have the biggest strawberries?
Actually the smaller ones can be very sweet!
I was wondering if size has any meaning at all when it comes to Biblical fruit,
But rather as to how MUCH...

After a lovely morning of picking fresh sweet strawberries we,
Then we washed them and smashed them and poured them
Over shortcakes and topped it with ice cream and whipped cream!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May each and every one of you bear MUCH Fruit!
It does not require labor and work;
But rather abiding in the vine...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beware Of The Dog...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Alpha Dog
There is one in every pack!
In the hen house we call it the pecking order!

Aggression in animal or human causes distress!
I have never enjoyed bringing a new dog on the scene
 when they are larger in size!

I find myself feeling like I am not safe or comfortable.
There is an instinct that just reacts!

Just for the record, I am not a Dog Whisper...

I have noticed that even people need to be handled with caution.
So many people in the public arena seem like they are just maxed out!
Life for many of them are feeling more burdens than
 God ever intended
for them to carry!

I am so grateful to have a safe haven where I can lay my burdens down!
I heard my pastor say that these are perilous days...

Yet, we cannot be afraid or allow ourselves to be captives
 in our homes or cities!
We must pray for protection and use wisdom,
And still be about Our Father's business.
We must walk in holiness and His righteousness.
Walk in integrity and sincerity

I have noticed if I just walk in humility and love, I can feel
The atmosphere change so people do not feel challenged!

I have the desire to see the aggression dismantled,
Are we to allow this alpha spirit or attitude to control or ruin,
Our homes and church assemblies?

I do not want to be the Alpha,
To be in control over others with either my words or body language.
For I shall walk in Christ's authority in
Love and meekness...

May we look to Christ and His Word to help us to be humble,
But wise...

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Living From Glory To Glory..

Peace like a river...

There are so many twists and turns;
Deep waters and calm waters;
Clear water and murky waters.
Fast and furious
But a River only flows in one direction...

Wild currents, and sedate pools.
Yet all part of the very same stream of water.

Every stream or river has a starting point...

The Lord spoke to me one time and He said the word to me;

I have pondered and prayed about this word many times!

I find my peace in Him,
My Headwaters...

Always flowing fresh and powerful,
New and Living waters...

Why drink from a tiny wee cup when we have a fountain;
pure and never runs dry.

This world will pull you along sometimes so strong that the current,
Can and will take you under. But a good strong swimmer
takes precautions and stays out of the currents.
Keep a watch for false doctrine;
Always check the scripture and read above and below
in content of what is being taught!

Staying away from rough waters ahead is just plain old fashion wisdom!
Because we know that storms are coming;
In the natural and the spiritual!

Yet we are called to sit beside the still waters;
to refresh ourselves!

Come sit a while and listen to the water bubbling and flowing;
To a place where it is flowing into another body of water.
Flowing and Growing and gaining wisdom and strength.

Headwaters, The source from which something proceeds 
or is supplied.

Have you made the Lord Jesus Christ your headwaters?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Lord Shall Lift Up A Standard...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

At times life can be smooth and clear sailing...
You can feel the sunshine on your face and you can see clearly.

But I have learned even when the sea starts to churn and pulse;
We as Christians have a place we can feel His peace.

As the world turns and we can feel the shaking;
God is not shaken...
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
God raises the standard!

We must not look at the waves and whitecaps;
As the water will always cover the shoreline in its continual
lapping against the sand. We can KNOW that when the enemy
comes in like a flood, the spirit of the LORD shall lift up a 
STANDARD against him...

Read this scripture
Isiaha 59:19
 When you see the enemy attacking you or your loved ones!

So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Isaiah 59:19

A. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the..."
1. Sometime before creation of man, He created angels of various ranks and orders.
2. One of the angels of the highest order rebelled against Him.
a. This angel was described as, "perfect in beauty..."
b. He drew a third part of the angels with him.
3. Originally, only one government in the universe. Light of life.
4. Now a second government.
a. Opposed to the first.
b. Government of death and darkness.
B. The purpose of the enemy.
1. To draw you away from God.
2. "The enemy has come to rob, steal and destroy."
C. The method of the enemy.
1. To appeal to the baser nature of man, to make him a slave to his own fleshly lusts.
a. The effect is always destructive.
b. More obvious forms alcoholism, drug addiction.
c. More subtle form is sex.
2. Thus, to follow the enemy is to follow the path to destruction.
3. To pervert the good, natural, God given drives by seeking unnatural fulfillment.
A. There are times when we seem to be singled out for special attacks.
1. The pressure is like a flood.
2. We are almost overwhelmed.
3. We recognize that those forces against us are more powerful than we.
a. I don't have the strength to resist the flood.
b. Am I doomed?
A. Though the forces that are against us are strong, that power that God has given to us is stronger.
1. "Greater is He that is in you than he that..."
2. "You shall receive power, after the Holy Spirit."
B. The standard that the Spirit lifts is the Word of God.
1. When the enemy came as a flood against Jesus.
a. He seems to know when to attack.
1. Jesus had been fasting 40 days and was hungry.
2. Use God's power to feed your own flesh.
b. Jesus used the Word, "It is written..."
2. "Thy Word have I hidden in my heart..."
a. The Word of God in my heart is one of my best defenses against the enemy.
A. "Resist the devil..." James.
1. Peter tells us the devil is going about like a roaring lion...whom resist steadfastly.
2. In Hebrews you have not resisted unto blood.
B. Call upon the Lord.
C. Get into the Word.

Here is an amazing tool to learn and study the Bible;

Monday, July 21, 2014

Royal Crown Of true Royalty...

Queen of the home

Are you wearing your crown today?

Some days you just feel like your hair will not fix right;
You just wake up on the wrong side of the bed...
The sun forgets to come out,
You can feel a large pit in your stomach...
You feel like crying for no reason?

Well, for your information so does half the women in your state!

Women have more days that we might feel a bit out of the loop;
Or just out of sorts...

But, we can know the very thing that makes us feel these feelings;
Is the very thing that allows us to have the womanly instinct that God gave us.

We have been given these raw emotions that once we allow God to
Temper them, we grow in insight and wisdom!

We are given so much influence and reign...
I can promise you this that when you have given a bit of advice;
To your children or other women; they may just one day use it!
To God be the Glory...

We are ruling whether we like it or not!
But,may I ask are you ruling in grace and love?
Do you hold and iron fist or a helping loving hand?

Do you wear your crown of authority with humility?
Or do you parade around like a Queen Bee;
Be careful you might get stung is what others may be thinking about you!

The crown of life;
Which is promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

Ruling your home is a great and noble calling!

Remember the hand that rocks the cradle, washes the dishes,
Cooks lovely meals, washes dirty sock, and rids her home of dust bunnies;
And sweeps the crumbs of Hansel and Gretel away;
Really does rule the world!

Just a friendly reminder that holding your hubby's arm when walking
makes your crown sit high upon your head!

Holding a kiss with your Husband  for 15 seconds.
Will ignite passion, and your crown will shine a bit brighter.

There is a crown we can wear that brings life to all that we encounter everyday!
We might not be able to see each others crowns,
Yet we can know those Queens that wear their crowns as the
 Royal Woman Of God...

Your crown one day will be placed at the Kings feet...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hear His Voice In The Rushing Waters...

Rushing Waters...

His Voice Is Like Many Rushing Waters...

Feeling the breeze upon the land, times of cleansing and refreshment.

Being set apart can seem like a lonely place;
But He is the one who has called you to this place of solitary.
Lay back against Him and breath...

Rushing in those days of raising our children;
Days of hurry and scurry with little ones may be over;
But we still have a place that has been set apart for this very season.

We are the only ones who can fill these shoes and walk this way!
I can sense that my path in some ways seems more narrow...
Yet, I feel like my horizons has widened;

God can never be fitted into a one size fits all box dear ones;

He fills every droplet of water that flows into the ocean;
He cannot be contained!

Allow Him to fill your heart and hours and days,
We can with no guilt now enjoy a quiet spell of reading a good book.
We can eat a late supper and
 Listen to the frogs singing after a soaking rain.

We can stop and watch the sun set into another day into the other side
of  this wide and wonderful world.
 Where another women's day is just starting.

We can and will complete our journey and calling with great
Expectations and fulfillment, because He is the fountain that is never dry!

Drink from His water of truth and continue to drink;
You have heard the saying you can lead a horse to water,
But you can't make him drink.

Well, God is guiding you to the stream;
So drink dear ones, for His cup never runs dry...

These days and season is a part of your reward!
Do not allow the enemy to make you feel like you have no place,
Or that your job is finished;
Jesus never said anything about retirement...
We  can now have more calm and composure.
Slow and steady with assured steps in knowing that He is
Leading you...
You dear ones have been planted by a stream and your roots have grown deep!
You will continue to bear fruit even in your old age...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Follow The Light...

From Glory to Glory Blog

Follow the light...
Not that light,
 Too many people are following a light that is at the end of a tunnel.
We are called to be the light!!
Big difference,

Do you want to draw closer to your Lord?
Do you want to draw closer to your Husband?
Do you want to be a usable vessel?

Too many are chasing after what will pass away;
The wind is a perfect example of something that is impossible to catch.
Yet, If you harness the wind you will have the power!

There is the hand of God;
Power, miracles, supernatural!

There is the face of God;
Relationship, intimacy, peace.

I want both in my walk and life with the Lord!

But sometimes we need to look at what is all being used to draw
Us with this power...
There has been so many movements in our world today.
Many focus on what is just what you can get and have.
The true hand of God can and will supply and provide;
Power, miracles, supernatural!
Do not ever forget what He has done for His people.

But the Face of God is what will sustain you!!
These things will not ever leave you dry!

I believe we are seeing a famine of the WORD Of God in this country!
And the Churches only give a very small portion;
So if you are not FEEDING on the WORD;
And know how to feed yourself;
You will starve...

Thus says the Lord,
 Who makes a way in the sea. And a path through the mighty waters.
Isaiah 43:16

The sun shall no longer be your light by day. Nor for brightness
Shall the moon  give light to you;
But the Lord (The Word) will be to you...
And everlasting light.
And your God your glory.
Isaiah 60:19

The WORD is the only thing that is a true light; The SON
The WORD is the only thing that will satisfy your hunger. The Meat
The WORD is the only thing that will not pass away. Everlasting

Eat and drink of the WORD!
As for many low fat diets are being served!
People our starving!!

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