Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Marriage Of Bunnies and Bears...

A Match made in Heaven!

Some Bunny loves you
He acts like a Bear sometimes!

Marriage is the biggest learning curve you will have.
What will you learn?

Mostly we quickly will come to the realization that we
Both think totally different!

Have you seen the quote that says if Mamma isn't happy
Nobody else is either?
Why is this?

Because Momma is the heart of the HOME!
Because Papa Bear is the HEAD!

Now, Dear Bunny here is a few things you will need to do.
To Keep the Heart well and Happy.

Start each day with prayer for Mr. Bear and Everyone else.
Eat a good and nutritious breakfast (Porriage) :)
Enjoy a wee bit of leisure time to plan out your day.

Keep a weekly list of your chores and appointment for the week!
Decide early on what you will be serving for dinner!
(Dinners can be very simple and nutritious)
Bears get very HUNGRY!
Have you seen the sign that says;
Don't FEED the Bears?
Because if you feed the Bears they will keep coming back,
Where they have been taken care of.
I want my Mr. Bear to always know that I will have
Something warm and comforting for Him in the Den.

Keep an area in the home for the things you love!
(Books, knitting, or crocheting)

Take a quick rest when you can!
Go to bed at an early hour!

Drink some water every day!

Water your soul daily with God's Word!

Ask the Lord to set a guard over your mouth!
Have you ever heard this quote?
It is not what you said, but rather the tone you used!

If you love, honor and respect Mr. Bear,
He will protect you silly Bunny at all cost!

Keep the PEACE!
Smile and do all you do as on to the LORD!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Happy New Year

Time to Love
Time to Grow
Time to Rejoice
Time to Overcome
Time to step into your Destiny
Time to count your Blessings and to Give Thanks!

All of your days are in His hand!
Do Not take even one of them for granted!


Choose A Bible Reading Plan

Choosing a Bible Reading Plan

I love my Bible and I love reading the Word!
It is a source of life and truth and strength for me!
It also brings all of these things to everyone around me!
Because when the Word is in YOU!
It will come out (Spoken and Declared)

I really have a different way that I study each day;
I pray and talk to my Father and I ask the Holy Spirit
To teach me what I am to learn today.

I may read a few verses to usually a few chapters.
Sometimes, I am just stuck on one word;
Then I begin a study of that one word...

The reading of the word can be done in a  systematical way,
So many chapters read daily in the old or new Testament.
There is not a right or wrong way to read the word.
The only danger I have seen, is where you read
only a verse and you do not bother to read the context
It is written in; we must know the whole context.

I also have many Devotionals;
I will usually choose two or three devotionals each year!
I like to rotate them!

We have so many tools on line we can use
 for reading and studying the Word!

But may I suggest to 
Have a real Bible as your source!!
Do NOT be afraid to mark it up and to underline,
The words and verses that speak to YOU.
Because, the word does speak!
It is living and breathing, because it is ALIVE.

He is the Lily of the valley

Here are a few web sites you might like to visit,
to find a few tools you can use to study and to grow 
as you spend time in God's Word!

Click on all the sites below and choose one of these tools!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Super Easy Shrimp Dish (A-To-Fay)

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
This is one of my favorite dish's!
It's so delicious,

This recipe starts with 
 Raw shrimp and is combined with a hot and spicy cream sauce.
You can add any kind of white fish with it, such as Cod or Flounder.
Some versions can also have a smoked sausage added to it!

This is a really fun dish to make for New Years Day!
In some parts of the world, it is a tradition!

I have made this for many parties and get togethers!
It really makes a large amount ad goes a long way!

Here is a picture of some of the ingredients for this!
Yummy spices and shrimp that is raw, but it needs
To be devined and peeled and the tails are off.
Wash them off, but do not pre-cook.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog


1 onion, diced small
3 stalks of celery, diced fine
3 cloves of garlic, diced
Brown all of these in some butter and a bit of oil.
Add your garlic last so it won't burn.

Now add  two can of cream of mushroom soup
Add one can of Cream of Celery soup
Add 1/2 can of milk
Add 1 can of Rotel tomatoes (something with a bit of kick)
Add some spices now;
Chili powder
White pepper

Now add your raw devined shrimp and your fish
Stir lightly and cook for about 25minutes.

Now, serve this A-To-Fay over rice
 (White or brown or even wild rice)

I like to serve this dish in one of my soup tureens,
As it keeps it warm and it looks so pretty!
Living From Glory to Glory Blog


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Out With The Old And In With The New...

My refrigerator always gets jammed packed during
the holidays; I open the door and just hope nothing lands
on my toes...
I did go into town today just to get the basics,
Such as milk and some fruit and veggies.
Eggs, cheese and so on!
Oh, I also got my next year Christmas cards half off!

But the moral of this post is this;
Some things just expire!!
I am hoping to downsize with some of my clothes,
I know longer wear or are appropriate any longer.
Hope to reorganize my pantry and throw out what
is not either good for me, or is just old.

Going to go through all of my books again and
dust and reorganize them.
Maybe even buy some new ones, before
Everything goes digital. (Sigh)

I still love holding a book in my hands, something I can
even underline the special parts.

I miss having real pictures!
People will say, you want to see my grandchildren?
They whip open their phone,

Favorite Gift:
One of my favorite gifts this Christmas...
I asked my children  to just
 give us an old fashion picture album.
With real pictures in it!
Now that was a novice idea LOL

It Was Time!
Okay, is everyone sitting down?
I have taken down my Christmas Tree!!
It was either that or I was going to have to dust the bulbs,
 And decorations. (NOT)

Holiday Fun!
We went sledding yesterday with dear family friends,
I said no way was I getting on one of those sleds.
I lied!!
I went down three times...
I laughed and screamed like a little girl :)

I am so happy and blessed!
I hope each and every one of you out there,
Are enjoying your days!

Remember never sniff expired milk!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Indulgence Nature...

Crack Me Up!!

This sweet little girl is no different than us big girls sometimes :)
This is the time of the year we have so many
 Sweets and goodies
In our homes!
We have been baking and preparing all sorts of
Special  goodies...

But sometimes we have had just too many sweets!
How do we use self control,
 When the smooth creamy fudge is calling my name?
Or those cute little Christmas cookies
 Cut out and baked and frosted with care look so tantalizing!
They sparkle and look cheery and bright.

So, because of the gift given to me on Christmas morning;
I now must rely on the gift of  the precious Holy Spirit's working of
The fruit of Self-control in my "self" indulgence nature.

Eat and enjoy His sweet leading in what we eat and drink!
Whether you eat or drink do it all unto the Glory of the Lord.

Dear ones we need to be more concerned
 With what comes out of our mouths,
As these things will defile us.

Cake and goodies can be eaten and enjoyed
Because He has made provision.
Be more concerned with come out of your mouths!

 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart;
 and they defile the man.

Matt 15:18 


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sentimental Christmas

 Feelings at Christmas bring such a sentimental touch!
We always long for the sweet treasures we remember as a child.
I cannot help wanting to cry like a baby when I hear
certain songs!

We are blessed and nothing stay's the same...
We are growing and our lives change.
Season's change...
May we never forget all of His provisions!
Love like there is no tomorrow!
For Christ is the same today as yesterday!


Remember that you are making memories
 for many years to come,
For yourself and those who you are celebrating Christmas with today!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas's Past...

Winter Time, Living From Glory To Glory To glory...

Greetings, To Each and Everyone Of You All !

As we see the days getting darker and the lines being blurred;
Is the time for His Glory to shine!
We will see it getting brighter in those who have
Chosen to be a willing vessel for His Light and His Glory!
Be not dismayed, or allow your thinking too
Grieve the Holy Spirit!
We are to keep our eyes upon Him!
He has a perfect plan!

Take all the memories and those thoughts that
Have saddened your heart...
From Christmas's past because our
Christmas's are  just filled with memories of our childhood,
And some from just hard years we have had to live through.
A death of a loved one!
Maybe a divorce!
And some of these memories are very good ;
 But some memories can still cause pain!

I have learned over the years that this is where you
 Can practice taking every thought captive!
Our mind and our thoughts and, our memories become a seed bed,
Of so many things we have lived through and in many cases
We have learned to overcome.
God knew we would have sorrow, and He made provision
In His word to teach us how not to live in the past.
And allow the past sorrows to wound us again!

Allow yourself through His Grace and Love
To enjoy His celebration of His Birth!
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Living from glory to glory blog...

Monday, December 23, 2013

One Of the Many Uses For A Head Lamp

All I want for Christmas!

My sweet Hubby asked me today;
Honey is there anything else you wanted for Christmas?
I was speechless (Well almost)

Our Father in heaven knows what we need and want,
Even before we ask!

I have been so blessed to have a wonderful Husband!
I have been given many godly women as my friends!

I cherish my Children and my Grandchildren!
Counting my blessings...

So I decide to call my sister!
 and here is what she is dealing with;

My sister in Michigan has no power and no running water.
They have had a terrible ice storm.
 And this has caused many
Downed trees on their property.
They have told them they may not have power up until
December 26th or the 27th!
She starts telling me about how she has tried to get her gifts
 finished before Christmas.
So she has had to wear a head lamp to see!

Now, with these thoughts rolling around in my head as
 My sister wears a head lamp on her head trying to crochet a wash cloth!!

Now I am cracking up here!

Plus she has not been able to wash her hair for two days!
Not a pretty picture for the Holidays...
My sister has always had the best attitude even in
the hard times!
Her whole town is out of power!

Can I ask if just maybe my sister and the whole town where she
Lives, to have their power restored,
For Christmas?

Does this good attitude of my sister sound like an overcomer?


Making Room All Year Long...

There is no room!
For my life is so crowded!
There is no room...

Can you not stop and hear His wee cry?
Be still!

We can become so busy, that we do not have room for Jesus!
No time to study and read His word.

No time to just sit still and hear His still small voice!

Have you not learned the value and importance of
Knowing how to choose the best things?

He has given us a banquet table filled with an array 
Of choice things.
We so often will follow the crowds instead of
Seeking the Glory cloud!

I have to make room for The King daily!
I have to make room for my Hubby daily!
I have to make room for family daily!
Do you not see the grief and fear on the young woman's face?
Can you not hear the hungry cry of your own soul?

If you will but stop and learn to pray and ask 
For His Wisdom!
I do not want to be crowded out by the Busy Stuff!
Today or tomorrow, or Holidays!
I want to choose the best thing...

Did you know how this year would be filled
with all the challenges you have been through?
Did you not awake afresh to be His utmost for His highest?
How many times??
It is a daily thing Dear Ones!

Make Room!
Remember wise men still seek Him!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dress For The Occasion...

Okay, If even a chicken is willing to dress her best during the holidays,
Should we not also?

I want to bring this thought forward...
I was thinking of Queen Esther and how
She was preparing to meet the King!
She didn't just run a brush through her hair and called it good!
Rather she took time, and did all she could to be beautiful.

I sometimes feel grieved over how we are dressing down,
I think when we dress to look ready for the day,
We act differently!

Is it just me or have we shifted into such a leisurely look,
And so casual, we do not dress for many occasions at all!
Now, I always like to think that on Sunday mornings,
I am preparing to meet royalty (KING JESUS)

I declare and decree to all the land of ladies of Christ!
Dress for Him!
Shine like the Queens you are!
Even if it is for only for being in your palace!

I was so shocked to see the website with all
The different people shopping in Walmart,
And how badly they were dressed.
Mostly on purpose...

We dear ones have a high calling!
Dress for it!
Dress or Your King!

Sometimes I think we show dignity to others by the way we dress!
I think we can express strength in the way we dress!
How you dress will reflect His image!
Poorly or by honoring Christ?
You have a choice every morning as to how you will clothe yourself.
Choose well and be warm and cozy without
 Eliminating the feminine touch.


Friday, December 20, 2013

The Gospel or The Media ?

"Be Still and Know I am God"

There is so much clamor of the world going on!
I love Home, and all it represents!
Can we keep our hearts from the screaming,
Media of their take on someones beliefs.
Have we not the right to answer a question that
Is asked of us, without a backlash? 

Remember dear ones of history not
to long ago, where freedom of the Gospel
Being preached was the cause of death!
Churches closed down or even burnt to the ground.

May we love all, but learn to speak the truth of the Gospels in love.
Or we too may lose our voices all together.

The freedom to worship!
The freedom to speak!
The freedom to be still and know He is God!

May our hearts be open to the Gospel!
May Church doors be open,
And may the truth always be allowed to be preached!

Do not fall asleep dear ones and let your freedom
Be taken from you!


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