Monday, April 1, 2013

The Days End

 Colorado Sunset
I  am always so amazed at our sunsets here!

In my profile I mentioned on how I live in the prairie.
It is a landscape and a place not easy to make your peace with.
The land is free and can be brutal at times.
The weather and wind can change in minutes.
I have seen almost hurricane winds beat our land and home unmercifully.
We know first hand what wind and dirt can produce.
My heart has always been touched for those who endured
 And lived during the dust bowl.
As this all happened at the same time as the
Great Depression.
It must have seemed to those who were in the center of these two forces,
As if the world was coming to an end.
I believe that we are put in the exact place where the Father
wants us to live and overcome.
It does not matter where you live!
Of all places have their unique and challenging situations.
But also each carries a treasure of God's creation and

profound peak of splendor.
And it is the sunsets here in my prairie that keeps me

Centered in His hand.

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This Is The Day

This is the day that the Lord has made,
 And oh how I will rejoice!!

As I awoke this morning and saw the sun coming up,
 I realized He had made this day for me!
As I think in my heart so will my treasure be.
 Every day there are different challenges but the Lord says in His word.
 It is I who make your feet like a deer.
I enable you to walk and not stand in terror.
(Trouble, suffering, or responsibility)
Walk in Him and you will make spiritual progress upon my high places.
 Habakkuk 3:19
Remember, You are royalty in His kingdom. He says come come and dine with me.
Though the fig tree may not blossom No fruit be on the vines:
 Through the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food:
 Though the flock be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls-Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
 The Lord God is my strength:
He will make my feet like deer's feet. And He will make me walk on His high places.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Wishes

Happy Easter to everyone and may you be blessed with the sweet presence of the Lord as you celebrate His Resurrection.

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. While they were wondering this (suddenly)
I love the part in the word where the two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning, stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground. But the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?"
                                                                        He is not here; he has risen. Luke 24:1-6


Friday, March 29, 2013

The Passion

He is Alive
This is a picture of a sun set I took one Friday evening!
It was amazing, it took my breath away.
 When I looked at it close-up it looked as if there was crosses along the landscape.
 I know many Easter's have come and gone,
 but I truly feel like I have a better understanding of what my Saviour Jesus did for me!

For Christ has risen!
We do not serve a God who cannot hear.
We do not serve a God who does not see.
He is Alive!

And He is coming again!
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky,
and all the nations of the earth will mourn.
They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky,
with power and great glory.
And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call,
and they will gather his elect from the four winds,
from one end of the heavens to the other.

I want to ask all of you out there can you feel the earth groaning?
Can you sense the stirring of the Spirit?
It feels like a feeling I have never experienced.
 I have pressed into His word and cried out to Him to show us what we need to do in the days ahead? And He has!

My beloved spoke, and said to me:
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossom vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come my darling;
my beautiful one,
come with me.
Song Of Songs 2:13

Now, learn this lesson from the fig tree;
As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out,
 you know summer is near.
Even so, when you see all these things,
you know...
that it is near,
right at the door.
Matthew 24:32-33



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If Piggies Could Talk

Sweet Cookie Memories
This sweet little piggy cookie jar is filled with much more than
just cookies!
If a cookie jar could talk, my what would it say?
What back again!
You said, you were gonna only eat one, you got two in your hand!
I prefer only homemade cookies, those store bought ones,
are so not real.
I remember when I was only fed real cookies!
(With real butter)
I have not seen a ginger snap in almost a decade,
and my mouth waters over a fresh molasses cookie.
My Momma piggy told me about those kinds...
The most nutritious cookie has always been the
Oatmeal cookie,
 I have seen the baker sneak in
raisins (I prefer golden raisins myself)
Now, the chocolate chip cookie is in a class all by it's self.
What could compete to a freshly baked warm out of the oven cookie!
Gooey, yummy chips ,melted to perfection!
They don't call me piggy for nothing.
I have been manning my post for close to 60 years.
I must admit the kitchen is in a bad state of affairs.
I have heard stories from my other relatives,
where not all piggies.
I saw a rooster once, filled with cookies (I say)!
Well anyways, We cookie jars need your help!
Bring real cookies back in the kitchen...
Boycott all the imposter's!
Down with the (not real ingredients)!
Hooray For The Real Cookie!
Make me proud to be a cookie pig again..
Piggies know all the secrets. 
Those cookies next to me are the imposters!!
Eat with caution, may cause side effects.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Floater

"The Floater"
I just love this!!
Sometimes we just need to float and feel the peace.
There is gravity to keep us from falling off the earth.
News flash!
Holding on too tight will cause white knuckles,
and indigestion.
Not to mention wrinkles.
Why Worry?
Worry will not change one thing.
Worry is sin.
Worry will waste a good day.

We can be either sinkers or floaters!
 It is better to just wait on the Lord;
So just relax and float.
For God is our life jacket!
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Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Treasure Hunt

Real Treasures

Do you love a good find?
 Sometimes it is at a garage sale or a thrift shop.
  But my most precious finds have been in the quiet mornings in my special place. 
I love the Word Of God!

A treasure hunt in the Word:
 Open the Bible, do it with purpose and great expectation.
  Become a student of the word. Become consumed by God and His word.
  Expect Him to speak to you!
  It's a treasure hunt and you will always find a jewel.
  It will be worth more then silver or gold.
  Now when you find this treasure for the day, ponder it in your heart.
  Meditate upon it, think about it through your day.
  This is where the Word becomes alive and active as a two edged sword!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spontaneous Combustion

Sometimes you just need to laugh!

I believe that we just need a good belly laugh,
Now, If this was my couch or dog, I would not think
that this was so funny.
But because its is not my couch or my dog.
I am cracking up!

Life can get so hard and busy all at once,
we can become very susceptible to stress.

So, we must take necessary steps to nip this thing
in the bud.

Before we spontaneous combust!

A vacation would be my first suggestion!
Having a beauty treatment in a spa.
A Merry Maid for life.

But, because we live in the real world, we must
take each day and count our blessings.
And most importantly Laugh!

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Promise Of Spring Flowers And Cracked Pots

I Love A Spring Bouquet Of Flowers
For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone,
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:11,12
A New Tea Serving Set
I just wanted to post this lovely tea pot, it came with both
a sugar bowel and a creamer.
It is very old and is from England.
My very kind and generous husband bought this for me,
a few weeks back.
Isn't it just lovely?
We found it at an antique store in our town.
I have never had such a beautiful tea pot.
I was so blessed and happy, I decided to have a
dear friend out for lunch and tea.
Well, to my horror shortly after we finished
our lunch and tea. We noticed a crack on the tea pot,
from the top to the bottom.
I truly did cry!
My husband was so sorry for me...
Well, I still can use the sugar bowl and the creamer!
I will post again showing you what I did with the cracked tea pot!
Happy Spring!
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cooking Matters...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Some things will never go out of style!
A lovely black dress.
A precious set of pearls.
An engagement ring.
Some things are timeless.

As we have all seen certain fads come and go, but
There are just certain things we must hang on to!
Cooking skills are one of those things!!
We have a generation that does not know how to cook...
Who is to blame?
I will not be a part of the problem by pointing fingers,
But I rather choose to make foods so appealing,
and whole and delicious, that others will long to cook!

The aroma that can fill a home can leave a lasting legacy alone.
A soup, so comforting it fills the empty soul.
A potato so humble, yet so real.
A cookie so sweet it says I love you.
We can make our kitchens the heart of the HOME!

Inspire Yourself:
Go to the library and bring home a load of cookbooks!
Watch a cooking show.
Ask for the recipe of a friends special dish.
Host to some young ladies over for a brunch.
Inspire and teach our young cooks in the making.
Cooking Matters!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Missionary For Ireland

Happy Saint Patricks Day!
This was a man that was a British missionary and bishop who
was used to convert  Ireland to Christianity.
He is the patron saint of Ireland.
It is sweet to see the little girl dressed up and
celebrating this special day of recognition,
for this missionary and Ireland.
Do we make idols of these Saints?
But, give honor to those who have gone before us.
Shamrocks and green in color!
Cabbage and new potatoes!
Corn Beef
It is funny how we make  up these little
Some have very significant meanings, and others are
just traditions.
Enjoy a bit of the Irish!
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Building Bridges

Sisters In Christ
I am so blessed to be a part of a Body Of Christ!
There is much value in being connected.
Having Godly sisters who live Biblical lives,
and serve Him.
"Humility and Wisdom"
We are living in days that require us to have, wise council, and Godly examples.
Make the time to invest in Godly relationships!
I have sensed a pulling away in hospitality in these last few years.
The body is tired and way to busy.

But we all can say that once we have gotten together with others,
we go away feeling refreshed and inspired.
Ask God to choose your friendships!
Building friendship's are like building a bridge,
it takes time.
But when you do this Gods way, you can know that when
troubles or stress come.
Then the bridge in this relationship, will be able to hold the weight.
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