Sunday, June 8, 2014

Only For A Season...

 Some things are only for a season...
Some things are for a life time...

We must have the discernment to be able to distinguish between
the two of them.
Even in nature, we can see that Spring is coming when we see a little crocus popping
 its head above the cold hard ground.

Then we can trust that the next thing will come;
Then we can watch the lilac bushes start to fill out,
And alas the lilacs fill the entire area with a thick
and heady aroma!

I ran out just before a very hard wind storm hit and cut off a full,
a lovely lilac blossom. I brought it in and put it in water.
Then I could just smell the scent fill the whole room.

In a few days all the lilacs were gone off the bushes.
The season to enjoy them was now over.

I am learning to know that some things are for only a season!
We must be careful to be willing to make a change!

Some things last our whole lives;

I am homesick for my eternal home!
For I have a better country awaiting me!

Do not become stuck!
Learn to flow and grow as He directs!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Keeping Your Passwords Safe...

Okay, What are the magic words?
Please and Thank You!

What is your password for all your log in accounts?
Wait a minute, I can't tell you those...
They're a secret!
You girls are so smart!
Let's give everyone an award for just trying!

If we want to be a cut above the rest we need to put a little effort into
whatever we are doing. Don't worry, I just throw this together!

I have been really thinking we need to take the next step.
To ensure a spirit of excellence!
The comeback of I forgot is getting old!
Coming from a five year old is partially acceptable.

Remember when you saw Men with a shirt with a pocket and it
held a pen and a little notebook or pad!
We have smart phones ect. And we can hardly remember anything!

So here are some tips for remembering things!
Write it down
Keep a journal
Have a weekly planner.
Use a calendar and write in the dates!
Tape a note to a spot you see all the time.
Remember your Mother telling you if your head wasn't attached
You would forget that too!

The point of this post is this;
I forgot is not a responsible answer!
I have learned the hard way; we need a support method for trying
to remember all we have to do and using passwords.
Have you noticed we are security crazy?
Everything needs a password!!
Mine is incorrect....

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Motherhood May It Not Become A Lost Art...

Being an advocate in the face of unbelief and exploiting of women.

Today is my Mothers Birthday;
She is in Heaven and being with all those who have gone before her.

Heaven is really not that far away, As I can only imagine.

I saw a picture on a free image site that was upsetting to me.
So, In honor of my Mother and all women everywhere.
I made an appeal to the company to rethink their standards.
Maybe nothing will happen as the bar is so low now days.
What has happened to moral decency?
Common courtesies;
Please and Thank You still goes a long ways.
Modesty is still God's best!

May I have the wisdom to make a stand at times when everyone else,
Is oohing and awing.

I make an appeal to mentor a woman who needs support!
Tell your Mother you love her if she is still alive.
And if she is gone and with the Lord, tell any women that
Held your hand or encouraged your heart, send her a HUG!

Mentoring and Mothering
Arise and speak life and wisdom,
 Let's not look away and allow Motherhood to become a lost art!

Motherhood never dies!
She is a force and life that imprints little hearts and minds...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Mans Temptations...


How a man is enticed and tempted is through their eyes!
I have said it before;
Men are visual

We as women want to hear and feel!
We can even be swayed by a scent of a flower!

I am making a heartfelt appeal for Men all over the world!

I am making a request for women

Women need to dress according to God's standard.
Not mine

Now how much cleavage can I show?
How tight can my shirt be?
Is a bikini okay on the beach?
Ask yourself this;
Are you comfortable having your best looking friend wearing
what you are thinking is okay around your Husband?
Or your young teenager Son?

We may never realize how often the enemy is always tempting them.
May we always keep our own selves away from the edge from
being the women that looks enticing...

And just for the record, just in case someone is keeping one!!
I believe a woman should look soft and sweet and feminine.
Pretty and classy and filled with grace!

Here are women sitting on the ocean front in an era that is gone!
Okay, I get it...
But we can still find a way to be modest and not look like the fashion
A hundred years ago!

But would you like your Husband to be looking at this women?

I believe we can change a culture through a single generation!
We as women can help change the tide...
Modesty and less flesh can be beautiful and lovely!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

These Shoes Do Not Fit...

This blog post is for any of you ladies that were coming to Link Up!

There is a very important factor in life I have learned, it is this!
You need to be doing what you were created for...
If I want to go hiking or hunting or go on a safari excursion.
I would wear a pair of boots very similar to these.

Cute wee little shoes!
They look so comfortable, I want to wear them;
But they are way too small for me.
No matter how hard I try I cannot comfortably wear them.

These are way more my style!
Cute, classy...
But wait, I am leery of heights!
These are perfect for someone,
Just not for me...

Just can not find a pair of shoes that will fit my style and purpose here!

Okay the point of this Blog post is I am trying to explain that,
I have decided to not continue my Link Up Party!
(I hope you all did not think I was going to quit my Blog...)

I am a bit of sentimental at times;
But I have sought wise counsel concerning this matter,
I believe because of the style and nature of the Blog God has given me.
I must be open to be able to post and write as I feel the leading.

I desire to grow a heart of wisdom and to use my energy and gifting,
In a forum that better suits me and my Hubby!

I enjoy joining other parties and linking to them!
But I feel the thing I desired most is not happening for me
Having my own party.
So with this all said, I am free to write and bless as
The Holy Spirit leads me!

I want to thank Jan,
 who created an amazing cute Link Party button for me!
 (I did save it just in case)  :o)

We have a couple vacation trips planned this summer!
But I will be taking my computer...

Here is where my little toes feel the best fit right now!

Right next to my sweet Grand Child's...

Please know I need to be able to comment and to visit my
Girlfriends and enjoy reading their blogs!
I have missed being able to do that!

So thanks for all you amazing ladies who linked up with me!
And supported this little adventure.
But I can't take the heat, so I better turn the air conditioning on.

PS... I just may have a surprise Link Up's with a special theme!!
Only those that visit regularly will know about them.

A Guest Blogger What An Honor...


Hello, I just wanted to invite you to come visit my friends Blog today!
Most of you will probably know her!
We have become good friends.
Please have a visit on her blog and wish her well!
Click HERE

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