Saturday, November 9, 2013

Homemakers Art

I am an Artist!?!
By being the kind of homemaker God has called me to be
 is going to look like an artist at work.
I believe it is our job to create and purchase and make art
that makes the home environment and atmosphere,
filled with warmth and color!
Truly an uplifting place to be.
My definition of art;
Handmade Items
Pretty pictures
Platters of food
Baked Cookies
Pretty pillows
All things lovely!
This is a key way to make the longing of our
Husbands and children desire for us to be
at home!
It is the sweet spirit behind this artist
That draws out the life and creativity of our
But it is also the very comfort and warmth that
A Man feels his manhood becomes strong,
and protective of the place called,
He will desire to keep this Castle safe...
The word tells us to think about such things
That our true, noble, right, pure,
lovely and admirable!
So I believe creating and living in an environment
That allows our eyes and ears,
And even the sense of smell, will inspire us
To think about things that God has asked us to think about.
Never underestimate the power of smell and taste
Dear Ones!
Lovely taste and textures, happy voices talking.
Music that lifts our spirits...
We as women must make  our homes this kind of place!
So that when our husbands come home,
They will be surrounded by these things that will help
relieve their stresses from their working environments.
Never think you are wasting your time or money
on making your home a place of comfort and beauty!


  1. Another wonderful post, Roxy. I'm always cheered and inspired when I visit you

    Lesley x

  2. Hi Roxy! Oh yes, what you do is artistry for sure. All we do for our loved ones and for God is a work of art for the Lord. And he loves that :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, making lots of art for the Lord and your sweet husband!

  3. Wonderful Ideas and great wisdom!

  4. Roxy~
    Such an encouraging post. I pulled out Christmas today in the storage room to make my plans.

    We will be leaving the week of Thanksgiving to go be with the kids in Washington. I am so excited but don't want to have to come home and decorate for Christmas when I return so I hope to make my home warm and cozy for Christmas before I leave.

    Thanks for your sweet comment today~ you are a blessing!

  5. Yes, I love the art of making my house a home Roxy. All women have their own God given gift and from there they learn and practice to improve it. Love this sweet post. I hope my home is a place my family and friends want to hang out. I received my sweet apron and I love it! Thanks so very much. I will be showing it in a post later this week to link up to Pink Saturday.

  6. Those two words to remember...sweet spirit. Thank you for always being an example and godly inspiration, Roxy. You reach out into the blogging community and touch many hearts and lives. May the Lord richly blessing you, my sweet friend.

    Love and hugs!

  7. I couldn't agree more, and even your words here are artistic :) We are blessed as women to have been given this gift of nurture and home enrichment! May we develop and and not squelch this natural, God-given role as faithful women.
    Hugs for your new week!
    Love in Jesus,

  8. Oh Roxy,
    I've got to go do something homemakery! I worked a bit on my quilt that's in the frame in the living room this morning. My husband's grandmother made it. I use his other grandmother's brass thimble.

  9. I love this post Roxie, it felt like a warm quilt of comfort around me just reading it. Such good advice and wisdom you pass on. Bless you :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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