Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sowing And Reaping...


Sowing And Reaping, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Planting Seeds

We don't just plant seeds in the Spring or Fall

We are planting seeds everyday!

In other words, we are sowing And reaping everyday.

If we want to see growth in our lives;

Or in the lives of others, we must remember

everything comes from the seeds that you are planting.

There are as many seeds as there is living things!

If we want flowers we will plant flower seeds.

If we want vegetables to eat, we plant those seeds.

But if we want to honor God, we must plant the gifts,

 He has made available to us!

People are looking for a harvest in their lives;

And they have never realized you first must plant the seed!

But even before we can do that, we must break up the

Dry fallow ground, so it can receive the seed.

God allows us to be turned over in a way, till the soil.

We are all Sowing and Reaping daily...

This is why we must be aware of the choices

And the decisions we are making! 

It's never too late to plant seeds that will reap a harvest;

That aligns with all the things that will bring God glory.

What type of seeds are you planting?

Are you sowing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

In your relationships with others?

And be mindful of the pesky weeds (SIN) that will try to overtake

your heart and mind!

Plead the blood of Jesus over all your household!

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory...

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly

and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

2 Corinthians 9:6

Are you watching for the weeds?

How to get the whole root out:

Water the ground well and then pull out the weed with the root intact...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Transforming Words...


Transforming Words, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Pretty As A Picture~

Why is it so important to be creative?

Because we are using the parts of our living bodies that

God gave us; Our Hearts, Our Minds.

Our Hands, Our Words...

Transforming Words

We are hearing and seeing so many things that can

Destroy a healthy, sound mind!

We must gird up ourselves with Transforming Words,

And thoughts!!!

Negative is all, abounding!

I try to pray this prayer for myself daily;

Lord, Set a guard over my mouth and may the

Law of kindness be upon my lips!

Just think about this for a minute;

If everything that came out of our mouths came to pass,

We would find ourselves in a very strange place.

There is a story about a woman who had a fever,

She went to the doctors and they could find no reason for

Her high fever!?!

But whenever this lady got angry she would say the same thing

"That just makes my blood boil"

Who knows, is this true?

The point is this...

If we were more diligent over our words, we just

Might be able to avoid some awful things.

I believe if we would record our words in a day,

We would be shocked at all the negative things and even 

Damaging accusations about ourselves and our situations!

I've heard people say=


Now that should be a wake up call!!

Our Words and thoughts paint a picture!

A woman with a gentle, quiet spirit must be mindful

 Of what comes out of their mouths.

I have to remind myself of this scripture!

Out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks

Luke 6:45

Watching our words and thoughts is a full-time job;

But with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can

Change our vocabulary.

Sending a big hello and Hug to all of you !!

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, March 3, 2022

We Are Being Transformed From Glory To Glory, And Why Don't She Write...


Being Transformed, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Why Don't She Write...

Sometimes I just need to be quiet and reflect,

Especially when you are blind sided, by a friend,

Or a death of a loved one. 

And with all that is going on in our world!

One thing I have been seeing is a thing I will call projection;

Not fully aware I can explain what I am talking about.

When we are the target of someone's rejection that they feel,

They will project it on to you!

The saying goes like this

What they are accusing you of is what they are doing!

I have seen it in the media and it may be just good old fashion

Brainwashing folks!

I will just say I believe the attacks will continue.

Either from someone you trusted, or

A world leader gone mad...

When we are the object of wrath from someone or something;

I will stop and reflect, pray ponder, repent.

Being in a place of peace is profound!

Everything we are or hope to be is from the positional place

We will walk and live out, once we are saved is all...


The miracle of transformation.

Grace will be a subject of eternal revelation!

We will be learning forever and ever!

God will be the teacher!

And the school term will be Eternity!

When someone tries to teach you something in anger and superiority;

Beware, it comes from a different spirit!

His Kindness towards us in Christ Jesus!

May we be kind and forgive all those who have trespassed against us,

Only after we have asked forgiveness of our sins and trespasses.

The Lord has told us He will forgive us as we forgive others!

Make time to be refreshed!

Start A New Project!

I shared with you in the top photo some,

 pretty stickers and Washi tape.

Blessings, Roxy

Once Again, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Homemakers Can Bring Glory To God...

Mississippi Mud Cake...Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Did you know that if you enjoy being a homemaker it brings;
Glory to God?

When we are in our homes using the fruits of the Spirit;
In our attitudes and in our service towards others.
We bring glory to God...

He has established the Home,
It is where we grow and find comfort and love.
We also learn endurance and discipline!
It is where we can learn correction and direction!

Take each day as an opportunity to use the gifts;
We can make each day an offering to the Lord Jesus.

Any act of service done in Love!
Taking care of our Husband's needs!
The children's need for attention and training!

Making a meal and enjoying it is a powerful testimony!
Breaking bread and fellowshipping with those we love! 

Cooking in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
 Kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law

We need to ask the Lord to show us how to love others!
We need to know our Joy comes from the Lord;
And learning to be content...
Peace is what our families need, not someone always worrying.
But rather experiencing the peace that comes from trusting the Lord!
(In Everything)

We all know a little bit or a lot about long-suffering;
(This world has much of this going on!)

Kindness is a powerful weapon to keep the enemy away'
It's so easy to be kind, do you want to help your family overcome?
Then teach them kindness;

Goodness is something you can count on!
We love the statement He is a good man or a good woman!

Faithfulness; will you be able to be counted on?
Or are you fickle and not faithful in what tasks that need to be met daily!

Gentleness, will bring better results in everything
Or do you think being mean will bring a better result?
(It is like pouring gasoline on a fire)

Being self-controlled is a great gift to all those in your life!!!!

These are all accomplished by God's grace!
But we must exercise these very things in our own homes.
Then we can walk in them while in this world!

Through these we can and will bring Glory To God...

Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Use Your One Talent...

Use Your Talent Well, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

If Only...

Do you use what is in your hand?
If you will only use today the one talent God has given you today!
We do not save up our God given little gifts;
They must be used daily...

Use this one gift for God's glory today;
And he will give you more!

Sometimes we do not realize what talent we are holding in our hands.
If we will just do our little duties faithfully!
By doing this with a bit of love our skill and awareness and ability will grow.

~ I have a saying, life is too short for a bad cup of coffee ~

Even been known for making a great cup of coffee or tea is special!

We are to never stop learning and growing in using our talents for
Homemaking and keeping the home fires burning.
Things are truly getting becoming out of proportion to what is considered
A talent that is either great or useful.

I think we have so many books written on how to do everything,
We have access to so much information!

But if we will but take one thing daily and use this for our home and loved ones!

We all have something in our hands daily!
Use it to bring peace and calming, to our homes!

We all need a place to feel safe and warm and loved;
And to be able to expand our ability to give and learn!

Two examples asked in the Bible;

What do you have in your house? 
2Kings 4:1-7
(She had a little oil)

What do you have in your hand?
Exodus 4:20
(He held a staff)

There are so many that grow discouraged by doing only little tasks!
But, it is the little daily tasks that keep  our lives running smoothly.

Truly, faithfulness shall never regard what is done in faith as small or unimportant!

Dear Ones; Use Your One Talent Today...

Much Love and Appreciation for all your reading and comments on this blog!
Encourage someone today...
One kind Word can keep a person going for another day...

Hugs, Roxy

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Beware Of A Wandering Heart...

Beware Of A Wandering Heart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ A Wandering Heart ~

"As a bird that wandereth from her nest,
So is a man that wandereth from his place."

Proverbs 27:8

So many hearts want to wander off into either their imagination.
Which can turn into lust; Wanderlust is not a very stable trait to have.

A woman that allows her heart to wander from her home will develop
into a possible habit of impulse.
Longing for what you have not been given.
An urge to always be leaving her home.

There is an old saying of those that always traveled.
"Wanderlust would not allow her to stay long in one spot."

Some more thoughts on the word wander;
To walk or move leisurely.
To walk aimlessly
To dawdle about
To ramble about
To meander means to:
 zigzag, wind, twist, turn, curve, curl, bend, snake...

~ Usually without a plan or a definite purpose ~
An irregular direction or course.

There are many that do not even know when they are well off,
But become uneasy and not content with their present condition.

God, in his providence has appointed us a place!

Learn to stay with your nest, do not abandon your post;
When you wander either in your heart or imagination,
You will be absent and not be able to do your own work at home.

Look, I am not talking about a yearly vacation or a lovely trip.
I am referring to a person who will not settle into her life and home.

Do not become a wandering bird that hops from bough to bough,
That rest nowhere, as it becomes unsafe.
The bird that wanders is exposed!
And will leave her eggs subject to danger!
When we leave our nests too often or too long;
Our work and job can become neglected!

~ May I not leave my home or work undone ~

I do not want to meander through this life...
I want to follow closely to my Father's plan!

Remember, we can make our homes into safe and cozy castles.
But in order to get stuff done, we need to stay home!

And once again, I am not talking about going out to lunch or shopping!
We all need to get out,
 I am referring to the wanderings of your heart!!

Do not allow your heart to leave HOME dear ones...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Tell Your Drama To The Llama...

Drama Llama, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

"Tell Your Drama To The Llama"
One of my Grandsons saw this saying on a T-shirt a few years back;
Well, let's just say it stuck!!

Sometimes we all need a safe place to vent our frustrations!
And when I say a safe place, may I expound on the wisdom of this.
Some people have not learned the wisdom or biblical reasons;
For not gossiping or repeating things that cause the Holy Spirit to grieve.

Gossip is a fuel that will cause destruction!
Yet, we can take many things to the Lord and He will reveal them!!

We must be stewards of truth and not gossip!

We all know how difficult this can be:
But, if we will stop and think before we speak;
We will eventually stop this error of just
Allowing our tongues free range.
~We must all try harder to not repeat everything we have heard~

When you tell your troubles to someone trustworthy;
They will give you sound feedback, not just what you want to hear!

If you do not have anything nice to say, Do not say anything at all!

Our homes should be a place of peace and contentment!

Strife will cause anxiety and unrest!
If you see a fire burning, do you wait till it is huge or out of control?
You immediately stop adding fuel to it!

When we are in the cross fire of a word war;
We can just say, I want no part of this and leave the room!

Too much Drama is not something I enjoy!

I prefer a Gentle and Quiet atmosphere!

Be Still And Know That I Am God...

Keepers of the home, make this a heart and home rule!

Happiness is learning to control ones emotions and words and thoughts!

Always...Love Roxy

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

May I Not Be Distracted And Stay The Course...

Material for sewing aprons, Living From Glory To glory Blog

May I not be distracted...

I believe if we will but stop for a moment, we would be able to hear!
We would be able to hear the birds singing, the wind blowing.
Your heart beating!

If we do not take the time to rest and to reevaluate our days;
We can become a part of the rushing, pulsating worldly ways.

I can see so many drivers looking at their phone's and looking down.
We are more distracted than ever!

You must ask yourself daily;
"What is my purpose"

And it truly is right there!!

Being mindful of your daily tasks, really being sensitive to others.

Helping your husband with what he is doing.
Sometimes it's just making a phone call for him!
Making sure you have something for him to eat!
Getting his laundry done!

Are you complaining?

Why do we make things seem harder than they are?
Because we are always taking on more than we need to!
Take and do small portions of tasks in your home;
This way they will not become overwhelming.

Ladies, put down your smart phone or turn off your computer!
Stop spending so much time connecting to a world that is not
meant to be your care!

Have you noticed;
They don't call or write you!!

But each day you are given a small sphere of influence!
Be wise and use it!!

Set your hand to things that make your life and relationships;
Healthy and Beautiful...

My Sewing And Craft Room, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I love having a space to sew, paint and to create!
When a women loses herself to a world that does not care.
She will no longer cook, create, and clean her home.

Our time and energy must be well used and managed!

Country Kitchen, Living from Glory To Glory blog...

All things work together for the good to those who love God,
To those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Notice here it says; Those that love God...
Those that love God make the best of all he does.

God always has a purposeful plan for us!
Life does not always look ideal to us;
But take heart!
She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hand holds the spindle.
Proverbs 31: 19

A Woman's Work Can Be A Pleasure If Viewed As A Blessing

Hope You All Enjoy Whatever Season You Are In...

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Do You Have The Right To Say What You Think...

I Say What I Think, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I Say What I Think

There are many people that think and boast that this a fine quality!
They call this being honest, and feel they have the right to fling words,
around like they were spreading fertilizer on their spring grass.
With no thought of whom they might wound or harm...
Did you know that even fertilizer can kill a wild grass or a tender new shoot?

Saying what you think can be downright cruel!
Our thoughts and words are not to be used as a reckless means of communications!
Be mindful of the words you speak;
Be not like the lion seeking to whom he may devour!

There are ways to say and speak our minds, with tack!
And also will bring a sweet balm...

We have no right to leave a trail of;
Bad Humor
Critical Words
Miserable with oneself

Speaking our evil thoughts and hurtful words!

I have heard it said, I have earned my right to speak my mind!

We are told to grow in wisdom and grace.

I grieve when I remember a few times when a women spewed her mind,
(And they said; "what's her problem")

Her problem is this;
She is mad, has not learned self control, is abusive with her words!

Learning to take every thought captive is what I desire to accomplish!
Even if it requires biting my tongue!

Because bitter words, never produce good!

Words lovingly and softly spoken will bring a better outcome!

Sometimes, this is just not always easy;
This is why it is important to be well rested and eating well,
So you do not become a grumpy person!

As always sharing with you what I am learning or have learned the hard way!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Why We Need To Have Boundaries, And How To Make Them...

Having Healthing Boundaries, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Why are so many people powerless to set boundaries?

Most the time is because we do not want to hurt another person's feelings;
Knowing your own personal boundaries will keep you healthy!
Knowing what is my stuff gives me freedom!

There are things and people that will try to diminish you!

Learning to be able to tell others what "YOUR  BOUNDARIES ARE"
This is key...

Have you ever heard someone say, well they never told me that!

People cannot read your mind!
You also can not assume!

We must learn are own comfort and safe zones.
Being able to say I am not comfortable with this;

Knowing your boundaries helps you,
And in the long run, it helps others!

We are not responsible for other adults boundaries.
But if you do not take care of your own perimeters
You will open the gate to wolves!

No one can do certain things for us!

People will try to lay all their burdens upon you!
We are all called to carry our own burdens!

So many people are just plain irresponsible, and then we are backed into a corner,
If only you will say enough and NO to certain things!

Look, it's your home and your life;
Believe that you have a right and an obligation to keep certain things out!

The reason a good fence has a gate you can open is so you can let the
And keep the

If you don't, you might as well put a revolving door on the front of your home.

God limits what He will allow in His Yard!
He guards His house and will not allow evil to live there.

I learned many years ago to set boundaries!
We do not have to be a door mat for everything that comes along.

Our Words will have to be our defense for setting boundaries!
That behavior is not acceptable
Smoking (cigarettes, pot)
Foul language
We can say these things with a voice of ownership!
Mean what you say

Passivity will never set boundaries, but will keep you stuck and  you will become resentful!

I had a problem years ago with someone who always brought their dog
Huge dog and he always would pee on my floors!
I finally told them nicely that it was not going to work for me any more.
Guess what, they never came back;
They were mad at me forever!
Yes, it was sad, but that was the beginning of finding my voice and knowing
My limits and my boundaries...

Being honest or truthful will hurt someone!
But the truth will set you free.

Preserving our own soul from wolves that desire to kill us!
Being aggressive for the right to keep our homes safe and our hearts healthy!

Stress and saying yes to everything makes one weak and vulnerable!

Take heart, we are more than overcomes!

I am thankful that in this season of my life I have very few people who
try to manipulate or diminish me, we have a sweet family and friends!

Keep watch and learn how to set healthy, safe boundaries for yourself!

Blessings To All
And To All A Safe And Healthy Life...

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How To Be Polite In Your Home And Society...

Emily Post and Etiquette, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


The code of polite behavior...

Polite Behavior
Attitudes that reside in your heart

These are really all character traits!
The Good and The Bad and The Ugly

There are books written on this subject!
But I tend to think they are not on the Best Sellers List

There was a time when children that had parents and grandparents
That took the time, to not only use good polite behavior;
But taught it to their children and grandchildren.

This does not mean we teach our children to do whatever
 An adult might tell them.
But to choose wisely, between using appropriate words and actions!

There was a time that when using good manner,. Was considered
A sign of good standing in a culture of worth.

It seems that because the focus on self worth and how special
We all are to perceive ourselves;
We would be the most kind and polite society in the world!
Self- centered and Selfish come to mind.

Children's first words tend to be such as

But we all know that the magic words are truly;

We should all be using these;
And also the words

Even our tone of voice, has become a bit of a snarky comeback!

Many have become impatient with others!
Many will not even take the time to RSVP to an invitation sent!
Many will not even take the time to return a phone call!

In a world that has technology at ones finger tips;
We can send Emails, Ecards, Photos, RSVP's
A quick Text...

Look, it's not all about you!

It is never too late to educate ones self on good manners!
Being Polite will never go out of style...

Lets help each other!!
Help your children (Old or Young)
Help Your Grandchildren

~Use Your Very Best Manners For Your Family And Home~

When you walk away from someone you have just spoken with,
Try to only say things that are kind and to speak of all the faults!
We all have them!

~If you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing at all~

Being polite is a heart issue!

What might be a good manner that you are working on?

Truly Thankful For Each And Everyone One Of You...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Monday, September 25, 2017

Listen To Your Husbands Warnings Concerning Others...

Flowers are always blooming somewhere!!
Our brothers and sisters in Christ can be anywhere in the process of blooming!
Growing and blooming and just looking pretty is what flowers do.

Flowers are oh so glorious!
God has made so many different varieties and have placed them together;
To make one glorious garden...

Yet these gardens have flowers that just plain stink!

Don't Be Deceived, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This time of year we have this flower that is all over the place;
We call it stink weed and it is a real flower;
But yet it really stinks!!

Sometimes we just can perceive fall is in the air because of this very stink flower.
But I think of this flower not as a flower per say;
But rather a weed.

I have learned a few things about perception;
I always laugh when I read that little saying on my side mirrors of my car.
Objects may be closer than they appear...

After a few more evenings that dip in temperatures everything
will be turning brown and crunchy.

So the moral of this story is going to be about:
Let's not be deceived, by looks!!

We all have been taken back, when we either smelled something
That looked delicious and found it to be unpleasant.

We have all met someone or knew of someone that we thought was
So very special and desired to be friends with them.
To only find out later they were not at all as they appeared to be!

This is where I want to teach a little piece of wisdom that I have learned!
Remember back at the first time when you met someone that you
just thought they were really special, and your very own Husband
Said you know, I am not too sure about the girl;
There is just something about her that seems wrong!

But at first you didn't heed his advice;
Look back...
He was right all along!

I want to say this, that our husbands want us to be protected!
So if and when he gives you this check, tell him this;
You know, honey, I will be watchful and keep my guard up.

My Hubby has been right about every person that has come into my life;

 That they were not going to be who I had preconceived them to be!

But now I listen and I watch and wait!

As a keeper of the home we must guide it daily;
And that requires us to be wise in who you share your
Lives and personal information with!!

Better to be slow and cautious...

Building friendships will cost you something!
Be wise!!

Blessings To Y'all
Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why I Am Becoming A Loner In This Stage Of Life...


Being A Loner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Becoming a loner at this time and stage of life has been so different!

I am in no way a loner by choice!
I am a people person to the core;
But may I try to explain this new course of the lack of involvement!

Once your kids all grow up and they leave home;
(As they should)
You no longer have anyone to keep you company while driving around doing errands.
(So now, I talk to the Lord)
You no longer spend your days homeschooling.
(Reading aloud to the children was interesting)
Lack of interaction in that arena;

My grandchildren are very busy with school and their families!
I have them often, but just not as much as when they were younger.
My grown children have busy lives, raising their children and having their friends.

When I did a ladies bible study a while back, I was gone for over 4 hours,
And that was so not good for me or my home.
How can we take care of our homes if we are away for that long of a period.
I have found I also prefer having a one on one visit with my girlfriends.
Or a plan on a ladies tea party for a bunch of us!

Also being gone and running around town by yourself is not necessarily safe.

I went into our thrift stores yesterday and it felt old and out of style.
Maybe you enjoy it more when your treasure hunting with a friend!
Mostly realized I truly do not need a thing...

Also, I have noticed when I am gone all day, it is harder to make dinner.

And seeing your house is in a need of a good dusting and you don't!
(Not Good)

When you meet a friend for lunch, by the time you get home your
Too tired to cook, not to mention gut rot from eating out.
And the money you spend just leaving home!

I have been keeping closer to home!
Cleaning out my desk and paperwork feels so good!
Deep cleaning and getting organized around my home.

Trying to save some energy to be able to prepare a good meal daily.

I am learning to enjoy the quiet and to read and study and create;
For myself and my family and my hard working hubby!
(A Hubby enjoys seeing his home in order and his wife rested)
That is why we need to count the cost of being away from home too often
Or too long of a time period!

We must have the wisdom to know what we should be involved in!
And this applies to every stage of life!!

A Proverbs 31 Lady;
Does not have to be involved in everything that comes down the river!
We need to learn to be content with not being busy and gone!

~Just remember God gives us fruit to firstly minister to our Husbands and our Homes~

Being Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, August 18, 2017

We Have Lost Our Shame In This Culture...

Lovely and Innocent, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Lovely and Innocent

We have lost are shame dear ones in this culture;

There was a time when you knew who the Harlot was;

Now, we have the results of free love and no correction!
Every top has very low necklines
Every design is provocative

When was the last time you blushed?

How often do our young women blush anymore?
Look they have been exposed to everything
(Between the movies and magazines and books)

This has gotten so out of control!
Even the kids that were supposedly protected many have been exposed through
The internet, and other friends!

We are sex crazed and sweet romance is long gone.
But, may I say that even if the world is living like this.
We can stay pure in our hearts and thoughts!
True romance is from the Lord;
Where HE brings two together to become one!
Protect your eyes!!
Protect your heart!!
We are told in the Word that we should make a covenant with our eyes.

The Washing Of The Word, Living from glory to glory blog...

We need the washing of the Word!
But a crooked and perverse heart will bring ruin and destruction,
On both men and woman!

I can't change the world, but I can guide my home;
And there lies my effect on society...

Your HOME is a sacred place!

Having good boundaries and keep the fruit stealers away...

Please be diligent, keep active and alert!

Read good wholesome books!
Watch good wholesome movies!

Look the other way when weirdness and sensuality struts by!
They just want to shock us and demand we except their stuff!

Hate the sin, but love the sinner...
What I usually do is smile and say hello and go about my business!

Blessings To You All
I so appreciate Your visits here;
My Little Part Of A Happy Home!
And a better world...

Thursday, July 13, 2017

How A Spritual Pearl Is Made...

Spiritual Pearls, Living from glory to glory blog...

~ How A Pearl Is Made ~

A little grain of sand or a parasite gets into an oyster, mussel or clam shell.
As a defense, a fluid is used to coat the irritant.
Layer upon layer is deposited until a lovely lustrous pearl is formed.

Do you want a string of pearls of your very own?

Well, Dear Ones you surely can have a collection of single pearls.
"You can attain a pearl as often as you get victory over an irritation"

A true pearl is made out of a little thing that was not welcomed.
But as we all know life will send little irritations into your lives.

When these irritations come into our hearts or thoughts or home,
We must be quick about them and cover them with prayer!
This will be the layering of God's word and His love and grace...

When we look at a pearl we think, how lovely and light and
 Yet how strong and durable, these pearls are.

I believe they are so strong because it was formed out of a
Unwanted particles that the clam just refused to be injured by it.
So it just kept covering it with the substance that would heal it!

A pearl is simply made by getting a victory over those irritations!

So every irritation that comes into our lives is
An opportunity for becoming a pearl.

The more irritations the devil flings at us,
the more chances we have to get another pearl.

Learning to cope and to overcome is so important!
That quote "don't sweat the small stuff"

You can do it the worlds way or you can do what truly
Brings victory...
Pray and walk away from what is pointless.
Some people just look for chances to rob us of our peace and joy
And our PEARLS...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fill Your Cup With Good Things Don't Be A Whiner...

Fill Your Cup With Good Things, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Fill Your Cup...

When I was a child, I loved the smell and taste of coffee,
It was such a treasure to have those memories of the old percolator
bubbling and doing its magic. It filled the house with the aroma 
of fresh coffee brewing to be enjoyed!

As I have grown older I now realize it is the ritual and the ceremony!

When we learn to stop and take pleasure in the small things.

Being in the moment and enjoying those rituals.

Many mornings I do get the tea kettle whistling;

Coffee or Tea

So many fill their cups with a bitter whine...

Are you a whiner?

Is your coffee either just too hot or cold or too old?
Is everything just a bit off and not to your liking?
Well, it's not that we should not try to get things in a better state.
But, rather learning to fill our cups with some of the lovely things!

You can fill your cup with sweet memories;
Or bitter thoughts and disappointments!

Everything will not go as you hoped or plan, all the time!

But if you look in the right direction;
I know you will begin to see things more clearly!
It is the condition of your heart!

Please take this little bit of advice!

Fill your instagram and blogs and journals and Facebook
with uplifting words and thoughts!
May your Pinterest boards give beauty and life!

Too much negative media is not good!

A dear friend of mine told me a few weeks back this statement.

"You know why I do not do Facebook?
Well, it's because it causes me to sin!"

Well, whining all the time is sin!
Look, it's not your job to set the whole world straight!
That is the Holy Spirit's work in the individual's lives.

Some people just have to take the long hard road!

But you can choose to fill your cup with good things!!

America, Bless God And Give Thanks...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Youth Dew And Staying Young At Heart...

Youth is something that seems to be fleeting as I age...

How can we age gracefully?

I have a friend that we have always said that when we get old,
"We will not be old and crotchety"
Cranky and rude;

Is there truly any excuse for just plain old meanness?

If we are Christians, Christ should be-
Formed in us, daily!
Living from glory to glory!

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing an older person,
Smiling and being kind and showing grace in her words and actions.

Do you make a practice of being critical and mouthy?
Or are you using your words to build up and edify?

When I see things while out in about in the market place that disturbs me;
I try to pray and not show signs of my un-approval of them!
It is not them but their way of acting or living...
Pain and sorry and loose morals are everywhere!

Being critical and hard makes one look older
Being self righteous will make you alone
Being unkind makes you bitter!

Show Grace and Kindness...
It will make your face glow
Smile, You will look younger!

~You may not have tomorrow~

Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Is Company...

Having A Few Good Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Two Is Company...

Being all by yourself, is not something that
is good to be all the time!

Having a Husband is a gift; Ask any widower what is is like to
Have lost their mate!

Being a good friend is so important!
Having a good friend is a treasure!

If God has given you a mate, consider it a gift!
Being alone is very unhealthy...
You become very self absorbed and may feel depressed.

But, we must also be able to be alone;

Walking alone for health benefits
Your quiet time with the Lord and being in His Word!
If the Lord should call your mate home and you are widowed!
Being alone is not a disease.

But even God said it is not good for man to be alone:
So He gave him a Helpmate.

Many of you may have many sibling's
Many of you may have come from a large family
Many of you may have a ton of friends.

But; Many ladies have their children all grown and moved away!
Your Siblings may live far away!
Your Friends are moving away to be closer to their grown children!
Many are downsizing for practical reasons!

So having a network of a few friends that can be trusted is a gift!

So, you may need to jump start a few friendships in this season
Sometimes, or maybe all the time you will have to be the 
One who reaches out!

Do it!!!

Make The phone call
Write that letter
Plan a get together
Do something pro-active...

May your Husband be your dearest and closes friend!
But, Keep a few girlfriends close to your heart!

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