Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can A Womens Dress Rob God Of His Glory? And Dressing in a Feminine Way...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Dressing Like A Lady

The dressing down in America is so upsetting in our world today!
So many women look like frumps;
Or we have the other extreme of women who looks so provocative;
You may find yourself wondering is this a brothel
And this is in the church today...
The church has become a place for the world to come in to see if the shoe fits;
Or how far do I have to go to look like a God fearing woman??

Does all this really matter?

As I walked through a very large airport this last year I was shocked at what I saw!
But I felt more shocked at what I see in our churches today.

I am not a prude and I do like looking fashionable
Both seductive and alluring is not acceptable...
I did a post on why we should not show cleavage awhile back
You can view it here
Cover Your Cleavage

But now I must do another post for the derriere (bottom half)
Tight pants and skirts and dresses that accentuate your plump bottom
Excites men of all ages...
You my dear become a distraction and a source of allowing yourself
~To rob God of HIS Glory~

As a woman we are to give a visual of hiding what is beneath.
This is really what makes you alluring;
We can also look like a Nun in a full habit and still be provocative;
So we have here ourselves a real problem
Can we just cover all the female parts and be void of this problem?

We seem to have too many women not doing their job;
 of speaking to ladies and girls on how to dress!
  And being an example!
And we have so many who feel they have the right to dress any way they choose.

Okay, maybe we can not stop this trend of dressing like harlots;
But we can still teach and preach and at times confront in love.
But I will warn even if it is done in love they will be mad and offended!

It is like we have lost all sense of womanly features of the term ladylike!
And believe me, those who are lovely and ladylike in their style,
They are like a picture of loveliness... 

We may need help in what is appropriate;
(Don't get all frustrated over this statement)
Ask God, if what you're wearing is okay!

And, I love this one;
I asked my Husband and he said he doesn't care what I wear...
So if he wants you to wear a revealing top in public is this okay?
Or Daise Duke shorts...

Sometimes ladies you could ask your husband if what you're wearing is okay,
But if he has not made a covenant with his eyes and watches P_ R_
He would not be a good choice to use...

To dress more femininely, you should wear flattering clothes that aren't revealing.
 Wear more ladylike clothes such as skirts, dresses, pointed shoes, a cute pair of boots,and scarves,
Wear slacks or jeans that are not too tight!
 A lovely blouse or anything that distinguishes you as a woman and a lady.
 You don't have to look buttoned up, but you can should avoid looking too provocative.
 Wear anything that has feminine features. 

 You can find the look that's best for you. If you really don't look good in skirts, go for something else like a loose flowing slacks with a long tunic type.

If you do wear jeans...
Do not wear the skinny jeans!

 Just avoid the "just rolled out of bed" look. Don't wear baggy sweatshirts,
 Baggy pants, long T-shirts, or anything that completely hides your shape. 
The over large bag look!
Unless you're going to Walmart you would just blend in!

 Whatever you wear, you should look like you've put in an effort
 Anyone should be able to see that you've put some time and effort into putting your look together.

I just love that word!!

 In addition to your clothes and makeup,
 you should spend some time finding the perfect accessories to go with your wardrobe.
 You don't need to get a box full of accessories -- just a few key items
 can help tie your look together and can make you look more feminine.
 Here are some items to consider as you work on your more feminine look:

A Great purse
A pretty silk scarf
A cute hat (straw for summer)
 Pearl earrings or other gold hoops
A pearl bracelet or Some thin silver bracelets
I love a necklace myself...
 A cute headband or clip works well for some.
 A signature Scent is so very feminine!

If you want to look like a lady, then you have to smell like a lady.
 Consider putting a dab of perfume on your neck
 or rubbing some scented lotion on your hands or arms.
 Remember to only use a light touch you don't want to overwhelm anyone with too-strong perfume.

~Be Graceful~

Being graceful as you walk, and sit!
 Cross your legs at least at the ankle. 
All this is important for where you are and what you're doing. 
When I am on the shooting range, you must move and act appropriately.
 Being graceful is the way you carry yourself in all situations.

~Acting Like a Lady~

Being kind and being confident in who you are in Christ! Looking calm and not anxious.
I remember always being in a hurry, and it showed in my mood and my mannerism.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Impact And Improve Your Marriage And The Lily Of The Valley Flowers...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog, Lily Of The Valley Flowers


How can such a tiny flower give off such a heady and powerful scent?

They have a lovely tiny bell shaped flowers, it is usually only white in color.
But it can actually be found as a pale pink in color.
 I have never seen the pale pink.

These little tiny bell flowers will fill an entire area and atmosphere
Of a heavenly perfume
And I might add, it is distinctive scent!

These little flowers can make a huge impact;
Just their presence can release a strong and sweet perfume!

How can we as women make a strong and sweet impact,
In our marriages and relationships with others?

By being distinct in our way with our words and our intent of our actions...

We get this silly notion like we have to be perfect and big important in
how we live and our realm of influence has to be large...
That is a big fat lie

Let me tell you this, it is the smallest things that have happened
in my life that have made a huge impact...

When you will take the time to tell your Hubby I love you and smile,
And do a small gesture of showing that he matters; it will make an impact!
Small things done daily or even just once can prepare a fertile ground
 A place that love and humility can increase.

How to improve;
In our hearts and the intent and the real motive should and,
Can be done in small increments, little by little
Can produce a strong sweet perfume...

We have all heard or maybe have said this phrase;
"Well that just plain stinks"

When I leave a room or a place, I dearly hope they are not saying
that about me, even if I might speak a hard word to someone,
If it is done in love,
 I must trust it will still leave a sweet smelling fragrance.

Just because something that might look delicate does not mean it
Cannot make a huge difference.
A truly biblical lady must be a bit like a lily of the valley flower

The Lily flower is a picture of sweetness, purity and humility,
And fruitfulness...

Just remember we can really fool no one;
Husbands and children and even animals can sense if you have a true intent;
To bring safety and kindness to a person
"That is why if your instincts tell you to beware of someone, trust it!!
Even children can sense an evil motive, don't tell your child go give
So and so a hug, when they clearly are not comfortable!
And this is my warning;
This flower might be sweetly scented
But it is highly poisonous...

Some impacts can be dangerous to ourselves and our loved ones.
Sometimes situations can seem that they are about to implode.
God wants us to be gentle as doves but wise as serpents!

We are all called to bloom where we are planted;
The the Lily of the valley blooms supposes to mean;
"Happiness is said to return"

~The symbolism's for this dainty tiny flowers are these~

Marys tears she shed when Jesus was on the cross.
Ladder to heaven.
Jacobs tears.
Also, it is considered a sign of Christ's second coming!

May your days be filled with a sweet smelling aroma;
Small and dainty but powerful...
Love others and look  all around you for those sweet spots,
That are filled with His presence...

Friday, April 17, 2015

How To Study The Bible That Is Fun And Powerful...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog. The Scriptures
~My Notebook~

 Why Study Gods Word?

We are told to study to show ourselves approved...
There is a fun and powerful way to study God's word!

Firstly purchase a nice hard cover notebook;
As after you start this learning process you will want to keep your work
 of the study of the scriptures...

Learning to study can be fun when you use some tools available to us!

What fun would it be to be given a coloring book with no crayons?

When we are looking at a portion of scripture is is just plain writing;
And I do hope you, feel free to underline passages that speak to you!
It is best to have one Bible you can underline and comment in and add things you have learned!

Open your new notebook
 and leave the left side of your notebook for notes only
What I do is start writing the scripture on just the right side of the book!

I Hand write out the scripture verse on the right;
I use the New King James Version as I prefer this version,
And the study tool I use of the Blue Letter Bible dot org is comparable with this version!

~You will need an array of different colors of highlighters and colored pencils~

Make sure you buy the ones that do not bleed through the paper of your
Notebook or Bible...
Using my different colors to study God's word is my favorite part!
What women do not just love new bright colors!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
~My Colored Highlighters And Markers~

Okay, after you have your scripture written out, start using some tools
A dictionary to look up words, a commentary!
Circle any word that you can look up its meaning;
Underline words that interest you
Draw little pictures of something that relates, like a heart or a question mark.
Being creative with your circles and underlining and pictures, will help you
retain the information and help it stick in your memory.

If you have access to a compute this is a great study tool to help you
with the Greek meaning of different words;
Blue Letter Bible dot org

Also a Strong's Concordance works just great also!
A Bible dictionary is helpful;
Having a few study tools always available will bring much profit!
~This is money well spent and can be used by the whole family~

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Make studying God's word fun and let it be something you do often!
Spending time reading so much christian material is okay;
But studying God's word will have a much greater impact on your life...

I hope you enjoyed and maybe gleaned something from this article in my Blog
Sometimes it is nice to see how other women are learning and growing!
I find this form of study fun and very powerful and effective!

Share with us on this forum what tools or ideas you use to study the Bible!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How Words Can Be More Important Than Just Being Busy...

"She is all talk, but doesn't do anything"

I want to share with you how talking can change a situation!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

God has chosen words to create and bring life;
When we sing, we glorify our God...

Sounds can change an atmosphere;
Have you ever heard a shofar being blown?
When you hear a rooster crow, you know daybreak is almost here!
The strong gale of wind that blows tells me bad weather may be approaching.

The word tells us there is one calling in the wilderness

A timely word can change history;
~We are told to speak life~

I once heard a man speaking that told us
 When words are spoken or written they put off  a vibration!
He told us this was a scientific fact...

That thought kind of stuck with me!
 After learning that I then wanted to say things that brought a good vibration...
Sounds a bit corny
 But we have all been the recipient of some words spoken (good and bad)

I see a world running around always busy and having meetings;
But sometimes a word spoken in season can do more than all the meetings,
And notes taken and church functions till the cows come home.
Sometimes doing is just standing
And not falling for all that the wind blows in!

We all have different gifts and callings;
So when the world or church want you to just be busy
with no leading from the Lord;
We must use discernment!

We can all do something, and at times it may be for just a short season;
I have found that the church wants women to leave their ministry
of being a homemaker and a helpmate to their own husbands,
To run and manage the church...
That ought not to be...

So if you ladies are doing what God has created you to do;
Loving your husbands and training your children
And keeping your home;
Watching and enjoying your grandchildren
And you, dear ones do not have the time or gifting to work in the church
Do not receive condemnation that may be spoken or felt from the leadership!

We have but one head in the church
(Jesus Christ)
God has set in Elders and Deacons in the local body.

We as women can do many things in the church;
Whatever you are called to do in the local church;
God will give you the strength and there will be a grace to do it!
But we must have our priorities in place...

If the church does not grow or nothing you try can succeed
Then maybe you aren't doing what the church is suppose to be doing
Making disciples of all men...

My point is this;
Calling women away from their God ordained place is not the answer;
For growing our churches...
God has ordained women to mentor the younger women
Not to run the church...
But to be keepers of loving our husbands and our children;
Home Keepers

I would rather have someone who operates in the gifting of encouragement
to speak life to me then ask me to sit in on yet another planning scheme!

I love when I can see the gift of administration working;
They may plan, but never get their hands dirty.
Does that make their job less important?

~If you are trained in the scriptures and can teach than teach~
If you do only one thing and you do it with God's blessing...
Better to do one thing well and not be scattering of thoughts and energy
And prayers and giftings...

We need to encourage one another...
Remember what is spoken in the bedroom my be heard!
Your words spoken in private and in the marketplace will bring a harvest!

Remember to show honor to the weaker vessel!
Uplift and not tear down the body
What you sow, you will reap

Speak only good things about your husband!
Speak only words of correction in love!
Speak what the word says about a situation!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

For The Revelation Awaits...

The Revelation Awaits, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

All things have an appointed time...

~It speaks~

Waiting for all that God has planned for you, is well worth the wait!

All things will come to pass for you dear ones...
As we wait, we must stay busy and occupy till He returns!

 We have many days and years to fill with fruits and works,
"For His Glory"

When you wait patiently for His timing all things just unfold...

We are all just so impatient

Could you not tarry for one hour?
Would you not watch for three days?
Would you persevere for forty years?

We sometimes may feel we are wasting our time;
But what may be really going on is that we may not be using our time wisely.

I have seen a pattern in my life;
I work hard and then I rest...
We work so we can enjoy the fruits of His good pleasure towards us!

I find great joy knowing that every promise in God's word will be
Fulfilled, just as He foretold.

When we are waiting for something, we grow!
~Learning to find the pleasure in the waiting~
When we conceived a child, we have nine months to prepare
When we plant a seed we have months till we harvest
When we plant a tree we have years till we have shade or fruit to harvest
A great marriage may take many years
It can take decades for your children to rise up to call you blessed


All things in its appointed season
Even if the enemy of our souls tries to bring destruction
God will use it for His glory
Nothing is wasted...

All will be used to build up or prove false...
The truth will win
The King on His white horse called
Faithful and true!

Be faithful dear ones;
Be a faithful daughter
Be a faithful woman
Be a faithful wife
Be a faithful witness

(Those that wait will see)

For it shall surely come...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why We Need To Cover Our Cleavage Ladies...

Modest Clothing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

(Writing This From What A Man Might Be Thinking)

Why do you wear clothing that shows off your cleavage?
I think You think I might want to see it...
Did you know that this is how I am wired?
My eyes just go to whatever is exposed!

Do you realize that when you even try to hide what is really exposed;
By pulling up on your top it just accentuates the problem.
You don't seem to care at all if I look at you;
Wait; I get it!
You want me to look at you and want you!
I really thought it was just my problem;
But it is just as much as yours; for, you will be held accountable for
(Causing me to stumble)

As A Man After God's Own Heart...
WHY Do You Dress Like A Harlot And Scream With How You Dress

(Writing From What I Am Thinking)

Do You Feel More Womenly By Showing Your Cleavage?

I have finally had to address this problem;
See I have had very close sweet friends that have just shown to
much to my husband and other young boys in my family!
 I ask you this, are you helping the problem of sexual thoughts?
Or are you exposing cleavage to the male gender...
Married men, Single men, Little boys

I know, you just have to say, I can't help it if they look at me like this;
Well, my dear ones, it will be you who will be held accountable
For making anyone stumble...

I do not care if your Husband has asked you to wear low cut shirts;
Because he likes it...
Any women or girl that exposes herself looks cheap!
I know this really makes some of you ladies mad
Some of you are saying Amen...

Look, we all like to feel pretty,
But beware of showing another male your breast
Even a glimpse of cleavage is too much for men!
You're going to be held accountable for this;
Because this is a matter of your heart and that is what God looks at!
Man looks at the outward (All that is exposed)

Well anyways, it is time to look at your spring and summer clothing!
If you ask the Lord about this, I can promise if you hear Him at all;
He will convict and confirm to you about this as being truth...

My job is to help you ladies make better choices;
To help all males not to stumble;
And to save you from the accountability that will come one day.

Try your swimsuit on;
Is it covering everything?
Have a covering top to wear over it while waiting to swim!
Get creative to look pretty and modest...

No Hot Pants...
No Cleavage...

Hey, wear what you want, it's your body
Don't let anybody tell you what to do

Well, see that's just the problem;
No one loves you enough to tell you the truth!!

Dress for the only one true KING...

What Are your thoughts on this?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Why Are We Becoming A One Child Family...

Children are A Blessing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
She has two teeth now!

Little fingers
Little Toes
Smiles that warm the heart...

It is becoming less common to see little ones anymore;
I think we are becoming
 "A One Child, Family Culture"

We are allowing the lie and fear that is being spread;
You can't afford children...

Since when do we look to ourselves to provide?
Yes, we have to work and be wise, but I am afraid we are being
Cheated out of eternal joys and blessings!

I know it has come to the point of single Mothers and even Fathers;
But, I believe it grieves the Father's heart on how we do not marvel,
At the sight of a new baby or a small child and think that they are little miracles!

Do you think your inheritance is MONEY?

No, my dear ones, it is life...
"Human life"

What legacy are you leaving?

Do you help propagate the lie,
 with comments such as HOW do, you afford all those children?
Or, do you tell a Mother that you see with a few children,
My you sure have so many blessings...
 My heart feels broken when I see the loss of the desire to have children!

God's Word talks about a quiver full;
That means more than one;
Maybe only two or three..
We are not rabbits that breed with no thoughts to the welfare,
Of health and mental stability...
But God's grace and a natural love for our offspring!

I am glad my Mother wanted me and gave me birth;
What about you?

Children are a blessing...

Too Many lies;
If you really can't keep your baby- give them to a family
that has the heart and desire to have a family.
There is so much infertility;
Many pray to have a child;
Some of these children can only come to them through adoption!

Please pray that all babies are given a chance for life...

Count your blessings, name them one by one...
{Say Your Children and Grandchildren's Name Here}

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Good Wife And Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hard Work And Responsibility...

Each day has its own troubles!
Each day has its own blessings!

Being a Proverbs Women can be daunting...

But the one scripture that always gives me hope is this one,

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised."
~Proverbs 31:30

When I realized what would give my marriage real depth,
And honor and love and commitment would be my character:

When we are learning to trust and fear the Lord daily;
We get our eyes off all that we can't get done in a day!
You and I may not be able to match the work level of the Proverbs 31 woman!

But we can have her character...
No matter are age or ability or finances,
We can be faithful
We can be supportive
We can be sensitive to the Spirit!
We can be responsive to our Husband's needs!
(He has some)
We can become observant to prayer needs!
We can fill our Homes with creative ideas!
(In lovely decor and food that lifts the heart)
Loving in ways that show we care
Love is a verb; to show action

I think that hard work and taking responsibility is how;
We learn and grow in Godly character!
It is about whatever we set our hands to that we do well!

When we make a bed or set the table for a meal;
We can be a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman.
Character is what fearing the Lord can look like!
We do it because He has given us the very Home as our sphere!

A good wife and woman does not do everything perfectly;
But rather she does her portion;
She asks God for His strength to do it with love and care...

A Good Wife, and woman is something every woman should hope to become;
As the scripture tells us this;
Charm is deceptive
Beauty is fleeting
But a woman who loves and fears the Lord
(Trains herself to resemble more of His character...)

I want to encourage each of us, even myself today;
May we look well to our hearts and our home;
We can make a joyous resolve to worship in all our tasks at hand!

Make a lovely meal or dessert today
Take a lovely photo for your next blog post!
Make a plan for a valentine craft!
Go to the library and bring home some books that will inspire you!
Take a walk!

Start a new Bible study for these long winter mornings!

Is there something that you are doing to encourage yourself
In the Lord?
Please share a thought or idea with us!
We long to grow in character and worth!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is The Love Of The Truth Leading You...


Are You Purpose Driven? Or Led By The Spirit...

Our you being led by the Spirit
Or being driven by a purpose?

The love of the truth may compel us!
But we must be not self driven, but  led by the Spirit...

I see that our lives must be lived by faith;
So we might be able to say a faith-driven life, as long as
it is faith in Jesus Christ. As it is the Holy Spirit that helps me to obey God!
And to obey God's word...

I do not like all the messages out there that tell us we can have a purpose driven life!
Even the Israelites were not wandering for 40 years;
They were led by a cloud by day
And a fire by night!
They were not wandering in the sense that God was not in control!

We will see the destruction of our own intentions when they are not;
Coupled with the direction of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

The world has its own training ground to teach us to follow,
A man made  protocol will not work!
We are unique humans made in His image,
And He alone knows what we need and how much pressure to apply!
God has His own school of reform and teaching...
You will not find these truths sitting in Mega churches that tickle the ear!

Why, because it is a message that fits everyone...

I am sensing that once God gives you a word or leading;
Then you make the time to ponder and inquire!

Personal and intimate times with Him will bring about the changes needed!

Fellowship, Worship and Work...
We need all three!

I want to encourage you ladies to step up and into a deeper,
time of prayer for your husbands in this season!
We all know that they are our heads in our homes!
And when our husbands come under attack from stress or sickness or troubles,
From the enemy of our souls they need backup!
This is one of the most important jobs as a Help Mate...

Look at your Husband and just see the burdens that they carry!
Being led by the Spirit will bring you the ability when you must
Intercede for them!

Do you realize that we are called to be like Sara;
To not be fearful, but to stand in a battle stance for what it right!
Our Husbands must know deep down within their hearts we love and trust them!

Quit following the crowds;
Keep close to the truth and be a real Help mate to the one
You made a covenant with...

As we live day in and day out with our Hubbies,
We can sometimes take them for granted!

Humble yourself and gird yourself for battle and service!

She looks well to the ways of her household
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27

Be aware of who and what is leading you!
The Love of the truth will lead you into what is good and holy!

Many will walk down a road of destruction in their marriages this year!
Make your husband your priority, right after you submit to God!
He wants to use our marriages as an example to the world!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Be A Sucker...


Don't be a sucker

I have never much cared for that comment;
I have heard it spoken in such a way, that you knew
You never wanted to be a sucker...

We always have so many different situations going on at one time.
We have so many complex relationships that need attention!
"Usually all at once"

I desire to be more discerning in matters;
But, I also want to use discretion in matters!

I see a world that just divulges more information
 On private matters that is not necessary to repeat.

What ever happened to discretion?

News Flash
Don't believe everything you hear!
Don't believe everything you read!
Don't say everything that just pops into your pretty head!
Don't repeat what someone else has said if it will bring contention!

Discretion is being wise in such a way that brings truth into a lie!
Discretion uses words that bring things to light!
Discretion has a tone and timing that brings life!
Only when used in the right place at the right time...

We think it is okay to say anything we want to anyone in any place!

This is not using discretion...

A lady who is careful with her words will be considered wise.

I want to be careful in also what I believe and take to heart as to
What others might say to me!
Or what I say to others.

We need to be wise; not so trusting that we can be hoodwinked!
When in doubt of someones character;
Be a bit more cautious.

I have given this warning to younger women;
When you first meet someone, do not tell them all your
Interest or concerns to quickly.
It is better to give a small piece of your heart and;
 Then wait and see if they can be trusted!

There are many wolves parading around in sheep's clothing!

Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves...

Do you have any suggestions for us that will help us in becoming
More versed in using discretion?
We do want to share with others;
But what is too much information in your opinion?

Monday, December 8, 2014


Living From Glory to Glory  The gift, The Present.

The Present

Women who refuse to face reality when it comes to a marriage,
Or our children!

We all have dreams or fantasies and expectations about
Our marriages and our children.
But it is usually  quite different from reality.

This reality or as I like to say;
"This is the way it is"

God says what are you going to do about it?

If you wait for reality to be different,
You will fail to handle the problem!

What I mean is this;
You need to use your energy in prayer and love!
We must trust God...
 As only He knows and sees the end from the beginning!

We need to see that we are now in this place called
False expectations
 Unmet expectations!

False expectations will keep you captivated and in a fantasy life!

Spending time grieving over what has not looked like
Your perfect marriage or relationships that meet your expectations.
Instead, start where you are!
Praise God for these people, because these are the very situations
That God will use to refine and grow you more into His character!

Use your energy praying and enjoying the simple gifts that are
at your door and that come into your life!

We must look at each day as a gift ( A Present)
Do not be ungrateful!
When you run life's race you will have trials!

All people are somewhere in the process or in
Complete rebellion...

God knows how you have been treated!
He is a God of Justice!

It is not are call...
But we do have a calling and we had better arise to it and enjoy
"The Present"

Monday, November 17, 2014

Learning To Control Our Emotions...


Learning to control our emotions!
Staying Calm...

Why we must submit our emotional reactions to God...
We cannot control what goes on around us,
Or what may even be directed to us!

Our emotions are a gift from the Lord;
But he wants us to learn to not allow them to control us.

I think that at certain times of the year we can become
More sensitive and emotional when the holidays roll around!
Does that allow us to act out?
Taking every thought captive is powerful!

The range of emotions we can experience in any given hour or day,
Is really too many to list, but here are a few to use as an example.

I feel sad and feel like crying
I am feeling very angry
I feel unappreciated right now
I feel lonely and unloved
I am afraid

These are all ( I ) statements!
(I) get this
That is the whole point here...
(I) Is what I am given control over,
Not others, but myself

We can have such a range of emotions on any given day,
So I have been given a command from the Lord to exercise this control!

The world and our own lives may seem out of control;
But I can assure you God is still on His throne,
What I need to do is get off mine!

Learning to exercise some self control is an action that holds great
Dividend's my friends.
You become a woman of great worth.
Self control is a great asset to have.
It allows us to speak to our husbands in the language they understand.
(Facts and Reality)
It is just the way they function, it is not that you never cry while
Expressing your heart to your husband as we may all do at times in our marriage.

What I have been learning for years is this;
My emotions are a very special gift from the Lord;
And it is important to keep them under His love and control
Not always easy...
But as we exercise this and practice this quality
We become more like Him...

Jesus was angry and sinned not!
"Jesus wept"

Wanting to learn and to respond to the fruit of self-control is
A very powerful thing!
We all have this ability...
If we did not have the ability that would be terrible.
We have a teacher called the Holy Spirit!
We can pray and ask Him to teach us this most important fruit!

Once you sense you are not showing self-control;
Quickly ask the Lord for grace to react kindly and in love!
Once those words come out, there is not getting them back.

I have been asking the Lord to help me not to become so quickly agitated
Or irritated over something my Husband may have said.
We little ladies sometimes get on our high horses!
The word tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

Why do we always want to be right!
(Even when we may not be right)
Keeping the peace is usually a wiser thing to do!

This does not mean we cannot tell our Husbands our ideas!
But, it is usually in how we go about it!
Arms crossed, eyes rolling!
The sigh...
~ it's not like I have ever actually done those things~

You get the picture...

Everyday is another chance with the Holy Spirit's help to
exercise putting on the garment of self-control!

Putting on self-control is like wearing a garment that fits really well...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

For Pete Sake...

For Pete's Sake...

Why do I do some of the things I do?
Some days we just need to take inventory;
What are you doing that is driving your Husband nuts?
Or making a very negative impression on our children.

Are you murmuring under your breath, while doing your housework?
Can he or your children hear you grumble over the piles of
Loads of laundry sitting by the washer?

Are you whining that we have to cook another meal again?
After all, you just finished washing up with that last sink of dirty dishes.

Grumble, stumble and lose your peace;
And you rob it from everyone else around you!

Learning to be joyful while working at keeping your home!
Learning can only happen if you are teachable:

That is why it is important to take inventory of how and what.
How are you acting?
If you are really brave, try asking your Husband or Children
This question;
Is there something I am doing that rather irritates you!
(You had better be ready for some truth here)

I have done that a few times in many years of marriage,
I am glad that I did as it allowed me to see a few things
That caused unrest in our relationship.

Men do not admire a wife who nagged at them all the time.
They take it personally when we complain we don't have enough
of something we may want in our shopping baskets.

Children can feel that they are the source of contention in a home
Where they hear all the time how much work you have to do
everyday for them. And I am all for training children to
appreciate what they have and to be good stewards of it.

My Mother would say when she was overwhelmed or
upset over something, this little phrase.
(For Pete's sake)

Okay, so this post is for my Mother and of course;
(Pete's Sake)
Whoever he is...

Here is the only Pete I can think of...

Pete from the Little Rascals...
My Hero

And remember we all cannot be the Chief Indian
We need squaws and little Indians too!

Here is a little video of the pooch;
Click The Link Below

The Pooch

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Verbatim, Living from Glory to Glory blog

I must say that unless it has been recorded, we cannot be sure of
Exactly what someone may have said.

We talk so much in just an average day, that sometimes
we can forget a name or time or date.
And even some very pertinent facts of a story.

My heart goes out to so many people;
And we need to try to get the details straight.
But, we can be in danger of repeating things that should not be repeated.

I want to be slow to speak and quick to hear;
But I think it tends to be the other way around!

I sometimes think of that very disrespectful saying that goes,
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Now, would that hold up in the courts of this land?
Well, maybe...
My point is this we must realize we can really add our personal
Feelings or thoughts on something
 And at times it can be perfectly fine.

But we mostly can be adding fuel to a fire!

Have you ever been so sorry that you opened your mouth?

Speaking is a privilege, not the freedom we make it!
Freedom of speech is something God has given us!
But it comes with responsibility!

May we all try harder to get our facts straight;
Or tell someone I don't want to answer that.
Maybe you should talk to the source.

We all need auto correct;
Oh wait, that could also get you into trouble,
As even with that we cannot be certain of what is really trying to be conveyed!

Well, you must all really want MY opinion on every matter!
After many years of being a bit different!
I have learned that this world is not waiting to hear what I think!
My opinion is just that;
MY opinion!

But we need to speak truth in love;
I have been trying a little experiment,
When I am giving what I believe is what the situation calls for,
I have not been looking into the person's face, but rather speaking
 Slowly and gently and looking at my hands or out a window.
 It has seemed to stop some of the confrontation that sparks!
May our words bring light!

This world is just looking for a fight!
Our battle is not with people, it just seems that way!

Choose your words and battles wisely...

I think the only Verbatim we will see is when God looks at
Every word we have spoken

Monday, October 27, 2014


Weakness and strength, Glory to Glory Blog

Weakness And Strengths

You will never be transformed by continually looking at your own shortcomings,
never !
Nor will you ever be transformed by looking at the weakness of
your fellow christian.

"You will only be conformed by continually looking upon the glory
of the Lord Jesus-"

For they who live looking and beholding , though they know it not,
are being"changed from glory to glory by the spirit of God"

God will use both your weaknesses and strengths!
We are beautiful and with a purpose He has ordained!

When a trial comes hard and fast;
I feel the axle of my being wanting to tilt.
But I have been practicing to stay upright.
Remember those Weeble people?
They might weeble, but they won't fall down.

Do you feel more aware of your shortcomings?
I have had to ask myself, is this the enemy taunting me?
For I know the ways of the spirit, gently woos and shows me!

When I am in sin, He convicts me strongly;
That whisper that shows you are wrong.
Obey quickly...

I get tired of the enemy pointing out my shortcomings!
(Like I am not already aware of them)

My Hubby and I need to re-connect after we were slam blasted
with trauma and worry!

But, God is gracious and has helped us once again!

Sometimes we need to just go out for a meal together!
Hold hands, and count your blessings.
Pray for all those who are in need of prayer!
Do a kind deed for someone!

I desire to be a kind and gracious women;
But we all can feel the strain and stress of life's struggles!

Do we give up?
No, we never give up!
Keep looking into His word;
Lay your burdens down!
He knows we are but dust...

We must remind ourselves that we are just passing through!
We can't live in the short stop;
But rather the long haul!
From Glory to Glory

Be beautiful inside and out, as you are a special treasure!

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