Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Learn To Gather When Things Are In Abundance...


Being Frugal, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Gathering when things are in abundance...

We will all experience lean times!
It may be in our finances or it might be in our health or emotions!

You can become weary at times and that is why we are told to
"Not grow weary while doing good"

I have learned to be quick when something is in abundance.
At these moments and seasons do not last forever.

These blueberries are in abundance!

Take them and wash them and freeze them for use in the long winter months.

We need to learn to gather things when they are their cheapest;
And are in the peak of the season!

It is hard to spend almost five dollars on blueberries in the winter,
When you can get them for very little now!

When we stop to think about how everything comes in short spurts.
That is why it is so important to enjoy and gather and things in season.

Yes, I am talking about blueberries right now;
But I think this applies to everything else!

Alone times with loved ones;
Place those memories in your heart and those sweet little notes or gifts;
Treasure them!

For there will come a day that everyone is going to work
 Or busy with their own lives!
Our little ones do not stay little for long!

The peace in a day when it is not storming and foul weather is brewing;
Take comfort with the warm sunshine on your face!

You will not always have to plow your fields;
Some day a harvest will come and fill your basket to overflowing!

I realize everyone wants real;
But there are times we need to be pampered and enjoy.
It might be a quiet walk for just yourself;
It could be your quiet time in the morning!

We need to gather in the calm!
For when the lean times might hit, you my dear will have an abundance
Stashed away for a time such as this!

I think that a wise woman will take the time to put back!
It can be money or gifts bought or made from very little.
Foods purchased when were cheap in cost;
Then you have it to use when there is a need.

And if you are able to only shop less often you will save money!
Every time you go into a store, you will buy something!
Be aware of the Dollar Store you run in for a card;
And come out with all these little things you could do without!

Each pay day, try putting something back in your stash!
It may be food item or even a yard of fabric.

These learned ways of being wise or frugal;
Is what allows us to stay home and be keepers of our homes!

Have you noticed so much waste in our world?
At least our food scraps go to our chickens!
Just finding ways to make things last and to be there in a time of need!

Do you think your husband would say that you are being
Frugal and wise with your income?

Do you always find yourself in a bind;
 When it is a Birthday 
or the holidays?

We can all find ways to save and to be wise!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How To Use Old Useless Stuff To Create A Charming Yard...

There is just something so charming about old vintage bicycles.

Days of summer fun and places to explore!
A mode of transportation to school or a friend's house.

I wish we had kept all those old bicycles from our childhood days!
Or maybe of the ones we had of our older brother and sisters.

I think these old charmers are getting harder and harder to find.
This little beauty is in my sisters garden area;
She has a huge flower garden and it just adds an ambiance to the natural landscape!

I have tried many different items in my flower gardens to add charm!
Old metal tubs and vintage plates places in the soil sticking half way up.
Old cowboy boots and old boxes and planters!

I truly love finding old wheelbarrows and placing them around our estate.

We use to even place old bottles and cans in some of the smaller dry beds!

Learning to use an imagination and decorating outside of the box!

After the end of our summer season, I gather most of the items and
we store them in an old log cabin out back.
It stops some of the fading and wear during the long winter.
Then when spring comes again we pull everything out and place it in all the
different spots to add color and interesting schemes.

We have a lot of the old metal chairs and we have painted most of them all red!

I think having a lovely yard and some unique decorating pieces is fun!

Everything takes work and time!
But if we keep our eyes open while at goodwill or garage sales;
You can find some great treasure for yard decorations!

Just remember to keep your yards clean and filled with garden charm!

Sweep of your sidewalks and fill planters with flowers!

Outside work can help keep you fit and a bit strength building!

This is such a easy way to make your home look inviting and charming!
Pick a couple of colors that match your outside scheme;
Then paint fences or tins or planters to match;
Doing it now is a good time to get a jump start on it!

Make it fun and ask others to keep and eye out for what you're looking for!

I have used broken off shovels and pitchforks, they really look nice!

I have gone down to the river bottom and brought home
old stumps and large limbs that are weathered and look wonderful!

Even a large rock placed in the right place looks good!

My kids when they were young or may still say it now (smiles)
What the heck are you going to do with that old thing MOTHER...

I have many old farm implements and have spray painted some of them bright red.

Country, cozy and cheap and so filled with charm!

Old birdhouses and birdbaths are lovely!

Any type of fencing can look vintage and charming...
Paint it or stain it!

Plant seeds every spring as you never know what might just take off!
Remember to try to plant a few new bulbs each fall!

I believe we can take what God has given us and make it a little slice of Eden...

Small yard or extra large you can make it pretty and lovely!

Monday, July 25, 2016

How To Have A Kitchen That Truly Has Heart...

A Kitchen With Heart And Soul, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Having a kitchen that truly has heart, must be filled with wonderful things!
I do not mean the latest kitchen gadget, but rather the things and stuff that matter!

So many ladies seem to cook out of just survival mode;
This may be because of lack of funds or foods to prepare.

But there is a true heart for cooking that can be made simple and inexpensive that
Just fill the atmosphere of one's own kitchen!

It does not matter if you are cooking for two or ten!

Stop allowing the world or the era to determine what you create!!

Some of these healthy things just taste like cardboard!

If you just look back into all the now changed data on
"What's good for you and what's NOT"

We were told to only eat margarine;
Well, now we are told BUTTER is the real food...
(I have always only used real butter"

Remember the fad called FAT FREE
Well, people just got fatter!

When a woman drinks milk her waistline slims down
(I am not sure why it works, but it does)
I drink lactose free milk as it's easier for me to digest.

Your kitchen should be the hub of your home...

To prepare a meal everyday that can fill bellies and the heart!

We have so many meals that are tasteless and heartless!

We need to recapture the love of foods that say love and family!

Please don't look and eat and act like the world!

Feed the bodies and hearts and minds all that enter your kitchen!

Cooking like sex is an attitude...
Bad attitudes create bad touch and taste!

Everything that you do in your kitchen will reflect in your health;
In your hearts
Your waist line
In your thinking
In your budget
In your marriage
In your relationships

The kitchen is not like the laundry room where you wash and fold!!

~The kitchen is where Love is cooked and shared and memories made~

We are obsessed with food in all the wrong ways!
Being larger is much better then starved and pencil thin!

A little less thinking about oneself and to think of serving a platter
of love and good eats leaves the family fulfilled and fed!

That is probably we see the explosion of food blogs and cooking channels!

We all know that you can clean and organize your kitchen;
And decorate is for very little in dollar amount.
And decorate it to look super cozy and elegant!

Your kitchen has a heartbeat dear ones!
Do you need to deliver some drastic measures to revive your kitchen?

Well get busy, you can take one whole day and get it back into shape

Here is an email I sent to my daughter for are oldest granddaughter!
Maybe it will inspire new cooks and us older ladies that have
been cooking for decades!

Please do not say I HATE to COOK...
Ask the Lord to help you have a love for the kitchen and cooking!

I was asked by my daughter if I would send some recipes to her for
my granddaughters new cookbook that she is putting together for her!

So I did find a few that I had not already sent her in the past!

But I just started writing some ideas down that I thought would
make for a great idea information sheet.
these are ideas that I have learned myself over the years and I have
always loved ideas to help me keep a cleaner and safer kitchen.
And ideas that help my pantry foods and freezer foods to be used wisely!

Cooking 101 Ideas
Grandma's Ideas ***

Find recipes that look good to you!
Think of foods that are good for you!
Have ideas for cheap and easy meals!
Find an idea that is just for you for the special feel good dinners!
When you eat something you really like while out, ask the hostess for her recipe!
Learn to change or tweak a recipe that has an item that you do not like!
Cooking should be a joy, do not look at it as a burden!

Keep your items that might go bad in the freezer like nuts or flours, if you buy in large quantities.

Always remember the 4 day rule; After 4 days, many left overs can become bad! Toss them out!
Potato salad is a 3 day rule...
(Trust me)

After baking your cookies keep them in the freezer in a tin canister with wax paper between the layers.
You can freeze scones and quick breads!
It is a good idea to bake ahead and freeze some as when you need it for a dinner or a guest comes for tea you can just pull it out!

Always mark what you are putting in the freezer and use it in a few months time.

Always keep a fresh pitcher of iced tea and lemonade to serve as it is economical and good for you!

Each week you can cook up a batch of rice or a pasta or par-cooked potatoes (you just boil them with the skin on till tender, drain and put in frig till you need them, as they last well over a week in the frig) for a quick side to add to your meals.
The rice can be a quick stir fry! The potatoes can be cubed or shredded for fried potatoes or hash browns!

You can freeze shredded cheese!

Always change out your dishcloth and towel in the kitchen everyday!

Clean out your refrigerator before you go food shopping!
Toss out old leftovers and wipe off shelves!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Why We Need To Keep Our Homes Free Of Feeling Like They Are A Museum...

Victorian lady, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

As a woman I tend to lean into pinks and whites with my color in vintage pictures!

Yet in my own home, I tend to have earth tones in my living room.

French country in my kitchen (Yellows, Blue and Sage Green and Beige)

Country Kitchen, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My Husbands Den is done in browns and all dark wood.
Burgundy color chair and love seat; two horse blankets
And a bit of cowboy style with a bit of iron wall art.

But I do have my sewing and craft room done in pinks and frills...
And in rose patterns and vintage decor and vintage pictures.

Sewing Room, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

When I look at vintage pictures of days gone by, I can't help but feel that
Things appeared to be more gentle and lovely.

I always like to surround myself with things that make me feel comfy and cozy!
Make your home a haven of rest and beauty...

I think one thing I always try to incorporate is this in my home;
A place that does not feel overly girlish for my husbands taste.
He enjoys things to be neat and everything to have its place.
But he does enjoy my taste in making things look classy and lovely.

When we can take our homes and allow our taste in decor and match it with
Our husbands taste and preference, it makes it perfect for each of us!

Clean and comfy and cozy are the real decorating style we need...

Having good taste and style will look different for each of us.
I enjoy changing things up once in a while!
Changing out some of the furniture, or moving an end table,
Can be a nice difference in any room.
I have sprayed painted old lamps, and I have changed out pictures.

Keep your home fresh and not too girlish or plain or overly stuffed!

Our husbands do not want to feel like they are in a museum either!

Happy Homemaking!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Believe anything you want to*
Treat people any way you want to*
Say anything you want to*
Go anywhere you want to*
Dress any way you want to*

See this freedom really came with a price;

Most of these so called freedoms has brought in sin and death!

See we no longer have any absolute truths!

Many of us without realizing it may just have one foot
on the broad path and one on the narrow path.
This will lead to a very uneven walk...

Look, I just want to be popular and have everybody like me!
I want to be invited to your social gatherings!
I just want to laugh at your gossip and off colored jokes!


I really no longer want to be a part of the crowd
I no longer feel like I fit
I no longer think those things are worth listening to
 or your jokes don't make me laugh!

What has changed?

These very freedoms will destroy the very fabric of our society
These freedoms have destroyed the God given pattern of a true family
Real FREEDOM will cost you something!

We can use our own homes as a place of peace and safety and truth and light!
What does the banner or flag over your home say?

Where are you leading those you have been entrusted with!
The broad path... Anything goes
The narrow path... Godly choices

Everything that is really going to stand the fire test
And will not be burned like wood, hay and stubble.
Must be pure as gold!

Just see if you can discern how dark things are becoming?
Your course of action must expose the darkness
And set God's Word on the lamp stand...
Your Life

Friday, July 1, 2016

Housework And Taking Care Of What We Have...

Hanging Clothes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


There are all kinds of work out there ladies...
You may have a job outside the home.
You may not be a stay at home wife.
You may love working outside the home
You may think staying at home is boring
You may think many thoughts about Housework!
(My thoughts are that being able to stay home is an honor and a blessing)
I never run out of things to do!!
Many women work just so they can have more;
But Christ is the only one that can truly fill any void...

So, we can all see that housework is a part of any home life
And it must be done!
Keeping a home clean and tidy and filled with good and useful things.
But most homes are becoming cluttered and filthy and unorganized.
It may be due to having just to much stuff
It may be from the fact we have so many lazy people.
Or it may be because no one is home or doing what needs to be done!

And if you do something each day it does not become overwhelming!

I think it is wonderful if you train your children to be clean and aware of the mess they make!
And to teach them to put away what they have taken out.

Many women may have a husband that does not mind pitching in either;
It is this topic that has gotten much attention.
Do we demand our Husbands to pull their own weight in Houeswork??

If you are doing this very thing it makes a man feel like well you might as well
 be out there earning a paycheck also!

We all need to work!
But where your sphere or place of working is important,
To both men and women and the children...

A Firefighter, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Some jobs just belong to a mans stature and strength!

Lazy is a terrible thing, and when you look and live like a slob;
Well, that's what you get, everything is a mess
Emotionally and physically and spiritually...
Order in our homes and in the church and the courts is a must...

Look when a woman asks her husband for help with moving the furniture
Because she cannot move it herself, that is something that honors him.
His strength and his willingness to help His wife...

Most men are willing to help their wives when it is appreciated and not expected!

That is one of the reasons that as Mothers we are to train our children
To be honest and love the Lord
To pull their own weight in home life and chores!
Teaching the girls and the boys to be clean and take care of what they own or are given!
We are all just stewards of all things...
Adults and Children

When a man truly cares about his home;
The one he pays for and lives in having a sense of stewardship and responsibility,
Is hopefully the way he perceives it!

We are to all be good stewards of all that God has given us!

The world takes the goodness that God has given and
Skews it till we look like we are all wrong!

Men were created to work and bring home the bacon,
Women were created to fry it up in the pan!
Children are to have a table to sit down and say grace!
And to learn what a good job well done looks like...

We all must do our part!!

We can all give each other praise and appreciation for jobs well done!!

Wives keep your homes clean and tidy
Men may you appreciate and help when and if you can.
(Just telling your wife how much you appreciate them is worth everything)

Telling others how much you appreciate all they do is a powerful thing...

I always taught my children this;
If you will learn to take care of what God has given you,
He will always provide what you need!
God wants all of us to take care of His gifts and provisions!

God says if you will not work, you shall not eat!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why We Must Provide Our Homes With The Staples That Give Life...

Antique Blue Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Staples Within Our Homes

So many homes are just so empty anymore!

Sometimes it is the absence of the people;

Other times it is an atmosphere;

I have been in homes where the television is on all the time
the noise just glares from the home.
Or a lonely dog barking in a back yard.

But that is not what we are to be hearing from a home.
But rather conversation and laughter!

The world seems empty now days!

I think we are missing the main things, the real staples of a home.

We now even have Doggie Day Care
Why? Because even those little dogs are missing having a person at home.

All the little children are in Day Care all year round!
Mothers work outside the home!
Some have to, but others by choice.
Fathers are working as they should, but some are gone from the family!
They just can't take the pressure at home, or will not take
Their God given role and responsibilities!

We have more spacious homes in size and expense then ever,
But no one is home...

What has happened to our homes?

Why is it that being anywhere else is better than being home?

Always on the run!!

I believe we have lost so much from the very fact no one stays home!

Truly, why is the bigger and better syndrome being allowed
To take all the sweet precious memories from our children and grandchildren?

Giving stability and a good home cooked meal is more valuable than
being a part of every sport team and function that the world gives!

Before another school year starts or this summer is but history,
Get the family together and talk about what is important!

The family nucleus is dissolving as I write;

Make your home a place where the heart can grow and blossom!

We all know we must have the basic staples to do most things;
Hugs And Prayer

Why then do we think the family can survive without what a home needs?

I will tell you this when I look back into my memories as a child,
Those that were about camping trips and swimming with my family are the ones that I remember.
And it is the daily activities that surrounded my home life,
Walking home for lunch, as my Mother was home.
Playing outside till Mother called us in!
Dinners of home cooked simple meals!
Prayer while Mother listened to us!
Being tucked in a cozy bed at a normal bedtime!

Our Fathers worked and was carrying the full weight of his family!

You had to ask his permission before you had the full okay to do most everything!
Someone was in charge!!

I have taken off my comments as I think we are all so busy to even leave comments.
I do hope you will continue to read my heart, thoughts about what a home keeper
might be interested in. Or even someone that desires the old path!
Many of you still have my Email!

Just think of all the amazing things you can do with the staples God has given you!

Always, And With HIS Love,

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Why I Love Linens And Lace...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There are just some things that just seem like whoever made or designed them
 had a special purpose in mind. And I have always appreciated their effort!

When you take the time to add something that brings just that little pop.

I little tablecloth or doily or table runner just does that in my home!

I also enjoy a nice set of kitchen towels or bathroom towels.

On a few of my widows I have the actual drapes or curtains,
 but I also like to add a lace valance, or a matching fabric for that
extra fullness and touch.

I enjoy keeping my home and rooms in order,
 but it really is just a few little things that make it
cozy and homey!

I enjoy looking at magazines or an antique shop and see how they
Have arranged some of their items on bookcases and end tables and
China hutches. Also, just a word of caution, we can overdo and have
things start to look cluttered.

I do have a drawer that I keep my linens and doilies and table coverings in.
I have a few that I use in the fall and winter months;
And some that are for spring and summer!

I have some things that I have found at thrift stores and antique shops.
I also have some that belonged to my grandmother and mother.

I always try to wash these linens and doilies on a gentle cycle and line dry them!

Every now and again, I will go through these and give a few away!
My sister has always wrapped a gift for me in a nice linen or lace.
And she adds a pretty ribbon and it makes a lovely way to wrap up a gift!

I also try not to make things too frilly or girly as my husband
enjoys more natural colors. He has a great taste in color and design.
Seriously, he has great taste!
I think it is important to ask their opinion on what they like.
But if he says whatever you like dear, then go for it!

I little bit of both and in different rooms you can do a bit different in each!
A little paint and a new throw rug can jazz up any space!

~This is the perfect time of the year to keep an eye out for a few pretty treasures~

Monday, March 28, 2016

How To Help Eliminate Wrinkles In Your Clothes In The Dryer...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
A Great Way To Help Stop Wrinkles In Your Clothes

Many Of You May Know This Trick!

But if you do not, then you will be enjoying this simple post!

I learned this from my daughter last year while visiting her.
She put tennis balls in her dryer, while drying her clothes.
I did not think much of it until I did my laundry.
So I just put in my wet clothes as usual along with the tennis balls,
that were in her dryer.

Oh my goodness...
What a huge difference it made in the clothes!
 There were very few  wrinkles in them, compared to usual!

She told me that she had been using them for a long time;
She felt it made a huge difference also.
When I got home, I purchased a small container of the tennis balls.
They were only a couple of dollars.
I place three of them in my dryer and I am so glad that I did!
I can see a huge difference in how they have very few wrinkles.

I do try to hang the clothes up just before the dryer runs out of time on the timer.
But this simple and easy trick does really work.

I still iron my good clothing when I want a crisp finish,
But this little trick helps with so many casual pants and tops.
Trust me, if you try this and hang them quickly you will be impressed!

And I truly do not mind ironing, but this has been wonderful!

Do you have any tricks to help eliminate wrinkles in your clothes?

Friday, March 11, 2016

Why Laziness Will Bring Ruin Upon Your Homes...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


If you don’t think laziness is a problem in America,
 Consider the fact that we have a chair, the “Laz-e-boy,” tailored to and marketed to the American home.
And it sells! 

Laziness, much like selfishness, is bent toward the self,
 But it gets its marching orders from the comfort committee.
 We desire the comfort and refuse to do anything difficult because it could be uncomfortable.

 Laziness is chiefly about preserving and promoting the perception of personal comfort.
 And laziness becomes a lie to yourself and others!

 We should know when there is a problem in our marriages and our homes,

 And we should also know that it requires a change, perhaps even a painful change.
 So what happens? 
"Laziness say's, “Oh, I’ll get to this another time.”
 Or laziness says convincingly, “It’s not that bad. 

Waiting to later can result in a broken marriage!
Your home turning into a broken down shack!

Laziness is a terrible crisis in our culture!

Time and energy is a gift from the Lord!

Get busy and spring clean your homes!

Get busy and give some attention to your marriage!

Get busy and clean up your yards!

Do not be like the slugger, or sloth!

Work and use your time wisely...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hormones In All Their Glory...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I feel the weight of a long day, I tend to seek quiet and comfort.

Our days are a bit like the weather;
Or shall I say a bit like hormones...
I am glad that I am not programed with set responses.

Yet, I do not want to live my days controlled by hormones.
I guess you could say we can't live with our hormones
Without them!

As a woman we have been given the gift of hormones!
But as anything if we have to much or to little it can be a problem.

But in our modern day our foods are ladened with hormones,
But these hormones can cause other problems.

We need hormones...
When we are in our teens those hormones can rage.
But as we age, we can become low in certain ones.
I personally have chosen to take a very low dose of Estrogen to help me!
I really did not want to take it, but the quality of life;
Is maybe the better choice right now!

Do you find yourself feeling a bit weepy?

I have found myself feeling weepy in the long evenings.
I find myself crying as I watch Hallmark movies.
I can sit down and look at old photos and feel a sadness that all those
 Sweet memories, have come and gone...
 Yet, it seems like they happened just last week.

I am so thankful to have these photos of my memories as I can see visually 
they have played a big part in who I have become today.
And I can also see the changes of our growth.

A wife that has been loved well!
A Mother that had the joy of raising them into amazing adults.
A Grandmother that has a blessed inheritance!

Sometimes I just need a good cry...


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Vintage And Rose And A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

This was a card sent to me many years ago, I just always thought it was so pretty.
 I do have a fondness for Victorian pictures.
 It must be the angelic sweetness that seems to emanate from them.

So many times I feel insulted by the offensive things that abound in our world.

But we woman can create  a home that is filled with things that bring a sense of well being.
Being a homemaker is a powerful ministry.
 I chose to keep my home the center of my affection, of course after Christ.
 As a Godly atmosphere  is what makes a home! 
Being able to take the time or in some cases to make the time.
To make your home clean and comfortable,
Yet filled with sweet treasures of color and beauty!

I think we can take a bit of imagination and spray paint;
And make a new look or refresh an older item of our home!

So many cute ideas that can be done with just some chalkboard paint!

I have seen many blog posts about how many women have taken things 
from their closets or Goodwill and revamped them into a treasure.

I also think it is a good idea to have a box or tub to have
Put aside to have other pictures or glassware for decorating,
and changing your rooms around.
This can be seasonal or just different color schemes.

Whether you like vintage or eclectic in style,
you can always make every room seem special and warm,
An inviting and to want to linger there!

I also want to mention this is that even if a home is decorated to the nines,
Being a woman that resides there that has a sweet and gentle spirit.
Is what really makes a home cozy and lovely!

I do hope to write a post on this topic soon!
A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, January 18, 2016

Husbands Love To Have Their Wives Pamper Them...

Don't Worry, He's A Big Boy He Can Take Care Of Himself...

Really, when I hear that from married women,
Or those who are engaged, it bothers me!

Having a desire for wanting to do things for your husband,
is very attractive to them!
They love to have their wives pamper them!

I am not talking about being their slaves;
But rather a helpmate...

Men enjoy having a nice meal prepared for them!
They enjoy having clean laundry!
They enjoy having someone wait on them after a long day or night working.

Look, my husband is perfectly capable to do most everything,
And that is my point...
I want him to want and need my help,
It is not like a child that is learning to take care of one's self,
I believe we take all the joy and the need out of taking care of them,
By simply expecting them to do everything for themselves!

This applies to stay at home wives;
And it applies to those who work outside the home!!

I will tell you this, as I have been taking the initiative to help
My husband all my married years, he in return helps me.

He knows when we are in the thick of something he will pitch
right in and help get it done.

He knows I have made him my first person in my priority list in my life!

I see being a helper requires a bit of imagination,
As he can have a secretary or a crew under him;
But he has you as his wife...
What can you do just for him that makes his life better??

You already know what you want or need to make your life better;
So give this some thought!
And please do not say that phrase
"Oh, He's a big boy he can take care of himself"

Yes, I am sure he is and you would feel pretty sad if he did not prefer
your help or input, but rather someone else.

It is even wise to train your children to show their Dad, love and honor!

We live in a "ME" culture, and it has overflowed into
Marriage and the helper portion of "I DO"

A Good Marriage Is Really Very Special And Sweet...
And It Is Not Made In Heaven;
But, Rather Worked Out Here On Earth!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Living The Dream...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living The Dream...

My dream was to marry and have children and to live in the country!

I know that this dream was given to me by the hand of the Lord;
I am so thankful the Lord gave me a husband that wanted to be
Married and have a family. I think in this world we have so many,
Younger couples that never even plan to marry or to have children.

I heard a friend of mine say recently that she was lonely
 as she also lives in the country, but she said a very interesting come back;
I guess we would be just as lonely in the city...

It is really very true, as so many people do not even know they're
Own neighbors!

I really enjoy the quiet and solitude that the space provides.

Sometimes it does feel lonely;
But I think after we have been in town every day for a week;
We both say in unison, it is so good to be back home.

Where are the young ladies that want marriage;
And to love and honor their husbands?

Where are the ladies who desire to have children and not wait
Till they are finished with law school?
Does anyone want to live in the country?

Well, it really does not matter where you live!
~It is how you live~ 

I will never regret staying married and having children!
But I think we have a generation of people that have made choices;
That will feel empty and self absorbed one day!

I heard a professional today tell me this;
We now look like a city that could be called a ghetto!
I thought "what" She said it is the way people dress and
They do not even brush their teeth!
She said it is a disgrace!

I just nodded my head and said yes, it is true!

If the Lord will put a young woman in your life that you
Might be able to steer in the right direction;
To cause her to have a heart for home and hearth!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Cookie Formula...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Sugar and Butter And A Few Cups Of Flour + Love = Cookies

Just A thought from my heart to yours today!

Cookies and gifts galore, or very simple and quaint...
I think many of us have looked at the simple and sweet things
 That makes Christmas special!

Spend time in the kitchen baking and decorating is so very therapeutic;
We need the warmth and the feel of dough in our hands...
Stirring and cracking and measuring and rolling out the dough
Then bring out the cherished cookie cutters. So many shapes 
Stars and Bells And Angels, And Christmas Tree's
 Can bring comfort and a sense of HOME...

This world was created accurately and with form. No element missing.
We have a recipe for cookies that bring a few simple elements together.
That creates a very sweet and simple enjoyment that gives joy.

We can lose sight of what is really important!

Give, and it will be given back;
In smiles and awe, saying this is so good...
Thank you so much for thinking of me!

It is in what we had to everything we do that makes it special!

So many of us together really do change the world;
Maybe for me it is one cookie at a time...

I am what I am by the grace of God!

One cookie One step in His direction daily
Makes a woman very wise!

Okay, it is time to share the name of your favorite cookie that you 
"Bake This Time Of Year"

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Living From Glory To Glory...

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