Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Do You Have A Happy Home...

Happy Home, Living From Glory To glory Blog...


Sometimes we can become so overwhelmed with life...

That is why it is so important to make a place where we can rest and keep;
Ourselves and our loved ones safe and happy!

Have you ever experienced this;
When out driving in the evenings after it has gotten dark, and as you drive past,
Many homes, I can almost feel which homes are Happy Homes...

They have a special look or a warmth that just permeates the darkness!

Everything takes work, but some types of work just bring a
Greater JOY...

I know some people do not celebrate Christmas, but I do!
There are some things we can do with our family's  that just keeps
Their hearts at HOME

We always try to gather here in Grandmas Home to eat,
And enjoy a Sunday dinner!

We always try to have the Christmas Eve dinner here also!

I love all the twinkle lights all year round;
I always keep a strand that is at the bottom of our mantel.

I believe there is magic in a woman's heart that desires to do
All the little and big things that make their homes special!

And cozy and warm and comfortable and filled with a gentle, quiet in your heart!

I believe winter is the time of year we can rest and recover!
It gets dark out so early and we can enjoy the quiet of the evenings.

In the years long ago, it was good to get a good night's rest!

I can't control the world, but I can at least monitor my home!

When we learn to enjoy the little things and desire;
To live in a way that allows time to enjoy your food!
Enjoy the moments to read the Word.
Calling a friend or mailing a letter to encourage!
Move slower and enjoy the aroma of the love of HOME...

I love having the Hope and Joy and Peace that comes from being content!
Beware of watching all the commercials that tell us how bad we need it!

I must say I so enjoy those Hallmark commercials;
Someone always starts tearing up.

May I encourage you all to stop and enjoy the little things in life!
Learn to stay away from things and people that want to push your buttons;
As we must stay in peace, I use to say this'
Do you want to keep the peace or do you want to be right?

Please remember the reason for the season!

Blessings Dear Friends

Monday, January 28, 2019

Introducing A Dusting Magic Wand... My Own Review Of The Swiffer Duster...

Dusting Wand, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Introducing A Dusting Magic Wand...

"Finding easy and affordable tricks for keeping your home clean"

I think this little home cleaning tool is the next best thing since,
Sliced Cheese, Now who said that?

These little dusting cloths are amazing!
They allow you to dust a whole room in a matter of minutes..

I place one of these little wipes on my magic wand;
You purchase the first box of dusting cloths that contain the handle!
But after that you just buy the refill box of cloths.

1. Just fluff out the cloth
2. Now attach it to the little handle
(Magic Wand)

These little cloths grab the dust and doesn't let go!
The fibers are coated and they magically attract the dust!

I first wipe over all my picture frames on the wall.
Then I wipe over all my lamps and the shades.

You use it on the screens of your electronics.

I use it over and around all my knick knack decors;
I run it over all the tops of my books in my bookcases.

Use it between all tight spots!
It does a great job on the in-between spindles of the kitchen or dining room chairs.
You can dust a desk off in a flash!

It works great on your mini blinds!

You can even buy the extender to do the tops of your fan blades.
Also to reach those pesky spider webs that appear in the corners.

You can purchase the Swiffer brand.
But I bought my first  box of their brand at the Dollar Tree
And another box at the Dollar General Store!

I believe these dusting cloths are the best find ever!
For being a Homemaker that enjoys a clean house,
But can find moving everything to dust exhausting.

I would recommend this to every one of you ladies;
Even the kids would get a kick out of cleaning with it!

Put this little home cleaning tool down on your shopping list!
It will be well worth your time and money ladies!

There is no longer any reason to have dust covering everything in your home!

You may say, well I can't afford it,
I would say this, What is your time worth?
What is the minimum wage now days!

Look these little dusting magic cloths are cheaper than a maid.

And a dusty house is so ugly...

You can now dust a whole room and the house in minutes!

Trust me...
They are amazing

This is my own review and I just wanted to share this product
With like minded home keepers...

~ Beware Dust Bunnies ~

Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why I love To Wash Dishes In My Own Kitchen...

A Clean Sink, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I So Enjoy Washing My Dishes...

Call Me Crazy
But I just find washing my dish's so calming;
I have a dishwasher and I use it,
But what I so enjoy is taking a sink filled with dirty dishes;
And watching the fresh hot water mixed with soap bubbles do its work.

Life is just filled with troubles!
So much dirty work to be done around the home.
But I find great satisfaction in things becoming clean.

But I think the thing I enjoy the most is the soothing hot water!
A soapy sponge and the rhythm of wash and rinse.

I find myself just praying and thanking God for his provisions.

Sometimes it is the simple daily household chores that can bring peace.
It is a chore that can be done without having to think;
It's a job that has been done for centuries.
I for one really always try to get the kitchen clean and tidy every night.

I think over the years I have actually washed my cares, right down the drain!

Soap and hot water has made such a difference in the world.
I mean this, because before we knew the value of sanitation.
Many people died of diseases!

My Mother use to say it cost very little to be clean!
This should encompass  all things;
 Cleansing our bodies and washing our hair!
 Our homes will shine if we will just use a little soap and elbow grease.

But the sweet part about all this is that it should be enjoyable!

Dish Washing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Another day has come and gone!
My dishes are clean and ready for the next day's work!

We can say the kitchen is the heart of the home...

Take the time to enjoy washing and rinsing and giving thanks.

Good Night

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Beware Of A Wandering Heart...

Beware Of A Wandering Heart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ A Wandering Heart ~

"As a bird that wandereth from her nest,
So is a man that wandereth from his place."

Proverbs 27:8

So many hearts want to wander off into either their imagination.
Which can turn into lust; Wanderlust is not a very stable trait to have.

A woman that allows her heart to wander from her home will develop
into a possible habit of impulse.
Longing for what you have not been given.
An urge to always be leaving her home.

There is an old saying of those that always traveled.
"Wanderlust would not allow her to stay long in one spot."

Some more thoughts on the word wander;
To walk or move leisurely.
To walk aimlessly
To dawdle about
To ramble about
To meander means to:
 zigzag, wind, twist, turn, curve, curl, bend, snake...

~ Usually without a plan or a definite purpose ~
An irregular direction or course.

There are many that do not even know when they are well off,
But become uneasy and not content with their present condition.

God, in his providence has appointed us a place!

Learn to stay with your nest, do not abandon your post;
When you wander either in your heart or imagination,
You will be absent and not be able to do your own work at home.

Look, I am not talking about a yearly vacation or a lovely trip.
I am referring to a person who will not settle into her life and home.

Do not become a wandering bird that hops from bough to bough,
That rest nowhere, as it becomes unsafe.
The bird that wanders is exposed!
And will leave her eggs subject to danger!
When we leave our nests too often or too long;
Our work and job can become neglected!

~ May I not leave my home or work undone ~

I do not want to meander through this life...
I want to follow closely to my Father's plan!

Remember, we can make our homes into safe and cozy castles.
But in order to get stuff done, we need to stay home!

And once again, I am not talking about going out to lunch or shopping!
We all need to get out,
 I am referring to the wanderings of your heart!!

Do not allow your heart to leave HOME dear ones...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Pumpkin Torte Recipe...

Pumpkin Torte, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Pumpkin Torte

For the Bottom Crust
1 package yellow cake mix (Leave out 1 cup for topping)
1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg

For the Filling:
1 15 oz can pumpkin
2 eggs
2/3 cup of milk (You can use almond milk)
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
For the Topping:
1 cup of reserved cake mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup Sugar
1/4 cup butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease the bottom of a 9X13 pan.
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the ingredients for the crust.
Spread and press the batter into the prepared pan; Set aside.
In another bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients and mix well.
Pour or spoon the pumpkin filling over the cake.
For the topping, combine the first three topping ingredients.
Cut in the butter until crumbly.
Sprinkle the topping ingredients over the pumpkin filling.
Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour, until filling is set
Serve cold,
Topped with whipped cream.

I decided to copy this recipe and put it on my Blog today,
Because I was asked for this recipe from a very sweet lady on Instagram!
I was so pleased that someone saw just a picture of this desert,
And wanted to try it!
I enjoy making this for many special occasions!
Pumpkin is so good for you!

You may want to try this or at least copy it and out it in your recipe file.

I plan on doing some baking today
(love sugar, sugar cookies)
Now, is that even possible? LOL

Also making a few Cheese Balls with my darling Amy
It has been a super warm winter so far!
But the winds make it chilly, and the sun setting so early!

I was left an amazing uplifting comment on my last Blog post;
Well, lets just say I cried!
Because, I was truly thinking I was not making a difference anymore!
But thanks to this kind and generous Lady, I was refreshed
Thank YOU...

Making Every Season special
Making every moment count
Making gifts wrapped in LOVE...

Living From Glory To Glory
~ xoxo~

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Your Home Will Reflect Your Style And Heart...

Country decor, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Country Charm

I think it is the little things we have in our homes that give it charm.

I know that when I go to a home that has its own unique style,
I like to take notice of what they used and how they have arranged it!

Everything does not have to be magazine beautiful!
But, rather inviting and welcoming!

Many ladies will go through different phases in decorating.
I like changing colors for my curtains and throw pillows.
I also like to change out my rugs!
But mostly, I enjoy changing and rearranging my little things.

I have so many little country and farm looking decor.
The look may be a bit vintage with a bit of country!
I adore classic lace and roses galore.

But a bit of this and that and balancing the colors make it homey.

I am also drawn to birds that just fit in small areas.
A little blue bird and cardinals, and even a few brass ones.

I like to change out table toppings and doilies to freshen up a room!

Your home can reflect your mood and style.
Being aware of keeping things clean and washed like your curtains.
Cleaning and washing the nick knacks can make a room shine!

I enjoy washing the throws and having them clean smelling.
It always feels so nice to climb into a bed with fresh clean sheets!
I will even, in the middle of winter hang our sleeping pillows on the line.
They smell so fresh!

Little home; how I love that you keep me safe and warm.
Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
I have a place to call my own!
May I always keep you clean and tidy;
And keep you filled with prayers and treasures!
For Home is where the heart is...

Blessings, Roxy

Country Cow Given to me from a dear friend... Living From Glory To Glory...

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A Gentle Quiet Spirit...

Fried Zuchinni, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Making Time To Enjoy...

Savor the flavor of those wonderful things that last for only a short time.
When I stop to think back over some of the most vivid memories;
I can truly say they are the things that smell wonderful!
Or the warmth of a cozy kitchen,
Seeing the steam rise from a freshly brewed cup of tea!
And the aroma of a pot of coffee brewing!

I can still feel the warm fuzzy feeling, when someone spoke
A wise and loving word to my weary soul!

Over the years I have learned the importance of encouraging myself
As the Psalms speak of as David did for himself...

Tell me how do you encourage yourself?

I can feel as small as a we bit of sand at times;
But the vastness of My Fathers World will calm my beating heart!

I think in order to truly have a gentle, quiet spirit A woman must
Learn the fine art of encouraging one's own self!
And to learn to appreciate doing things that bring
fulfillment and joy
~small comforts to one's own heart~

I enjoy thinking of one thing I might do daily to bring a sense of well being;
to my HOME and to those that I can inspire and touch with a bit of being,
content and happy...

Being close to those that want to be close to you!
It's not always about reaching out!
But taking hold and staying steady...

As Always: 
Because He lives I can face tomorrow!!!

Living From Glory To Glory

Love, Roxy

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Growing And Training In Homemaking...

Training Home Makers, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Do Little Girls Still Dream Of Being A Homemaker When They Grow Up

My darling little granddaughter just got this for her new house!
She will play with this all day long;
Making meals and having many tea parties!

I am asking myself and you my readers;
Are we still nurturing the love of Homemaking?

Do little girls enjoy the idea of playing house?

Do we talk about how wonderful it is to be able to keep a house up;
And to make a HOME...

I have heard so many women say how much they hate doing housework!

But I do feel that we can foster a truth, that having a home to love,
And care for as being a gift and brings great satisfaction.

Are they learning to have a love for cooking and creating?

Will we lose a generation to the frozen section?
Are they learning to bake from scratch?

When I received this sweet photo of this darling pink kitchen;
My thoughts were this, would we all be more inspired to cook and do laundry,
If we had something as darling as this?

Well, I think not!
Because we must want to fill our hearts and homes with the
The very things that keep our homes running smoothly.
And having our clothing clean and respectable.

Preparing a meal made with love!
Washing dishes with a thankful heart;
Firstly, for the people we have been entrusted to nourish.
And be thankful for the provisions given us.

I am saddened over the lack of the desire to be homemakers.

Even those that work full time can have lovely homes;
Because it is about attitude and heart...
Peace and Love
Will make a meal tasteful,
And make every room shine!

Work with whatever you have been given!
Grow in being the best homemaker you can be!

Encourage yourself...
~Clean and Shine and Fold and Cook with Love~

So Thankful for Those That Love HOME...

From A Grateful Home Maker,
Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

May I Not Be Distracted And Stay The Course...

Material for sewing aprons, Living From Glory To glory Blog

May I not be distracted...

I believe if we will but stop for a moment, we would be able to hear!
We would be able to hear the birds singing, the wind blowing.
Your heart beating!

If we do not take the time to rest and to reevaluate our days;
We can become a part of the rushing, pulsating worldly ways.

I can see so many drivers looking at their phone's and looking down.
We are more distracted than ever!

You must ask yourself daily;
"What is my purpose"

And it truly is right there!!

Being mindful of your daily tasks, really being sensitive to others.

Helping your husband with what he is doing.
Sometimes it's just making a phone call for him!
Making sure you have something for him to eat!
Getting his laundry done!

Are you complaining?

Why do we make things seem harder than they are?
Because we are always taking on more than we need to!
Take and do small portions of tasks in your home;
This way they will not become overwhelming.

Ladies, put down your smart phone or turn off your computer!
Stop spending so much time connecting to a world that is not
meant to be your care!

Have you noticed;
They don't call or write you!!

But each day you are given a small sphere of influence!
Be wise and use it!!

Set your hand to things that make your life and relationships;
Healthy and Beautiful...

My Sewing And Craft Room, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I love having a space to sew, paint and to create!
When a women loses herself to a world that does not care.
She will no longer cook, create, and clean her home.

Our time and energy must be well used and managed!

Country Kitchen, Living from Glory To Glory blog...

All things work together for the good to those who love God,
To those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Notice here it says; Those that love God...
Those that love God make the best of all he does.

God always has a purposeful plan for us!
Life does not always look ideal to us;
But take heart!
She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hand holds the spindle.
Proverbs 31: 19

A Woman's Work Can Be A Pleasure If Viewed As A Blessing

Hope You All Enjoy Whatever Season You Are In...

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Lovely Table Coverings And A few Things To Make The Home Cozy...

I Truly Think That Doing This One Thing Makes A Home So Cozy

Using a pretty material of a fabric that accentuates your room's color or style,
Can make a table look very nice!
 or lace can just make a room look elegant!

I have seen a movement in many ways to remove all the fluff in one's home.

I understand that too much clutter is a bit much;
But I have covered many of my end tables and dresser tops;
And I have found it much easier to clean them.
Just take things off it and give the covering a good shake outside.

Also, you do not have to add so many knicknacks as the covering
 Decorates it for you!

Finding the pretty fabrics and lace is all a part of the fun!

Being on the lookout for these at yard sales and second hand stores.
Wash and iron them and maybe a bit of altering, and it will fit each
top perfectly, and you can even find different colors or design and patterns.

I have been working on a plan for keeping my home interesting!
Clean and organized, but useful and allow myself to surround
myself with the things I love and use!

My many different yarns!
A boat load of Washi tape and beautiful stickers!
My piano that takes up a whole wall!
A doggy bed that it blush pink for Natash my Red toy poodle!
Pretties hanging on the wall!
A rocking chair that rocks away my stress...

Small comforts, pay big dividends!

Lace, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A Little Lace, its in the details...

A Kimball Piano, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Making melody in my heart...

Rose Pattern Fabrics, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Fabrics I adore...

Books, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ Books ~

Dried Roses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Dried Flowers...

Fresh Garlic, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Spices and Flavor...

These are just a few of my favorite things...

As Always, Sending a bit of my home to yours!
Loving And Learning
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How Can I Do Everything Well...

" The humblest tasks get beautified If loving hands do them"

Louisa May Alcott

How can I do everything well??

That is the question of the lifetime of anyone desiring a life
Filled with good things that leave a lasting impression!

Well, may I not burst your bubble;
But it is impossible to do everything well.

So many are so stretched out in their time and resources.
I have taught here on this Blog about the spirit of excellence.

Doing a job or a task requires us to be mindful!
If you are involved in every little thing on the docket;
You my friend will have to realize that something will slip!

When I was a young woman, newly married, so I wanted to be
The very best of all that was before me!
My desire was to be the best;
So I asked a lovely older woman how I could accomplish this.

She smiled at me and told me this;
Something will have to give!!

If you give all that you have on any given day
 "All Your time and energy and happy mood"
Something or more importantly, someone will suffer!

I was shocked...
Really, I asked?


So as I pondered this newly acquired truth,
I prayed and tried to educate myself on this thought provoking truth!

What did I learn?

Each day must be given to God!
Make a point to truly engage and encourage my Husband.
Spend my words and time with my children to let them grow!
"But being careful to not allow them to think
 That the world
Revolved around them"

Listen you can do something very well daily!!

Choose wisely what that might be!

Good marriage
Kind children
Blessed home

A home flowing with milk and honey
~May Your Home Never Know Hunger~

From glory To glory

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Feast Or Famine And Autumn Has Come Again...

Feast Or Famine, Living  from Glory To Glory Blog...


~Falling for Fall~

There is just something so inviting about seasonal wreaths!

Decorating for each season is a very easy way to keep your home
Interesting and homey.

I found some beautiful, rich burgundy and gold swirl placemats to use
for my dinner table. I love to use tablecloths and placemats in my kitchen.
And if you use a formal dining area, it is just so beautiful.

The leaves are changing and falling off!
But they do not seem to be the least worried over the change.

When all your children have grown up and have left home,
To start their own families it is what we hoped they would of achieved.

So when you have those special times when the whole family comes together;
It is always what we call a full house ...

We have full beds and makeshift beds on the floor.
We have large quantities of food and goodies.

We are either feast or famine!

Learning to adapt and to overcome all changes is so important!
I know longer spend my time micro managing others...

I have seen over the years we are in these two modes
The Famine is the most common;
Everyone is busy working or unavailable.
They days of families getting together for a family meal often is
not so common any more.
The nucleus family dynamics have changed!
You may even feel lonely, as you miss the family closeness.

The Feast mode comes during holidays
Seasonal get together's
Times of transitions

There are so many things you can do to enjoy each mode;
Set your heart and mind first of all!
Choose to enjoy each mode!

Enjoy the famine time to rest and to enjoy quiet things

Enjoy the feast mode, with all the business and laughter and messes!

But always allow for yourself and your spouse a bit of space!
We need that, but I can say when everyone leaves:
The house is way too quiet!

As Always...
Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Grand Mothers Blue and White Stoneware...

Blue and White Antique Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Vintage Blue And White Stoneware...

I have so many memories from this set of canisters;
They were all in my Grandmother's kitchen!
They were all used everyone of them!
There are 16 of them!
There is smaller ones for the spices and one for rock salt.

I have had this set from the first year I was married!
I once had a friend's sister come out to the house;
And she had an antique store in Kansas.
She told me she has never seen a complete set of this canisters!
Only two of them have a chuck missing on the top.
But I still have the little broken pieces of them!

I think many of us have such fond memories of those special things either from 
Our grandparents or our parents' homes.

I love my things that have sentimental value...
I find comfort in them!

I do not think I would be very good at having to live a lifestyle of
Less is More...
No, not me!

I love my books and my doilies and my tablecloths!
I have more tea cups and tea pots, then you need!

I love having seasonal decor and decorations to display!

Living in a warehouse for many is so popular!
Not me, I prefer a cottage and a home that is filled with love!
And my stuff...

Pretties are important to me!
Not that I couldn't live without them.
But since I can have them, I enjoy them!

As I believe you can make a home lovely with pretty things!
But clutter and just junky stuff is not good for anyone.

I ask myself;
Do You love this?
Does it carry wonderful memories?
Is it worth, the space it takes up?

P.S. Just a thought;
Do you ever go back to a blog and to see if the author has
left a reply to your comment?
I now have a new comment section with a reply response;
So I may be using it to respond!
Tell me what you think!!

Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, October 1, 2017

May Others Ask "What Is The Occasion" When entering Your Home...

Autumn Decorations, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Embracing The Future...

See my little squirrel on my mantel?
My sweet new addition to my mantel;
Actually, almost everything up on it for my fall decor is new.

I had in my mind to jazz it up a bit this year!
Everything that is usually on it, I moved it to the kitchen hutch!

The honking geese flying over the house tells me that
Fall is coming...

Geeses Flying, Living From glory To Glory Blog

Life has moments of spiritual exaltations,
But God balances them with daily toils.

Lord, may Your Word, cultivate love in my heart!

In these days we must warm our homes and hearth
with all the things that bring hope and joy!

Current Bush, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You can take a strand of twinkly lights and place them,
About the living room or kitchen and bring a happy ambience.

It's time to wash all the throw blankets for keeping cozy!
Get the blankets you use on the bed, washed and ready for cooler nights!

Looking at the shorter days ahead and not getting prepared,
will cause you not to be ready!
I want to be girded up and have some ideas for a few crafts!

I have some material for some new curtains in my living room.

Looking at everyday tasks and responsibilities,
we see that not all of them are not enjoyable.

But I am asking the myself;
"How can I spark JOY in my heart and bring JOY to my Father"

Last year I was not prepared for the long, cold days and evenings.
So I am trying to refocus and make a list of things to do!

Our men will have to chop and split and stack firewood!
I will be putting up my warmer curtains!

Begin where you are and build upon each day in this month!
You will be able to look back and see the wisdom in being prepared!

May others look at your home and JOY and ask;
"What Is The Occasion"

Everyday is a holiday...

Thank You All for loving me with kind comments!
And for seeing value in this blog!

Because He Lives...
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mercy Is The Seat I Desire To Sit Upon...

A Tea Party, Living from glory to glory blog...

Afternoon Tea

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of how important it is
To have a few friends of whom we love and to gather them together.

But, we are living in a different time.
So as I have seen even myself have the desire to stay closer to home;
I am still going to take a little portion of each day and dedicate it to a
time to rest and relax and to think home-living thoughts!
To look at a magazine that inspires me to make my home lovely and cozy!
To look about as to what I might change around.

Or to sit with a pen and paper in hand and write down some ideas! 
Recipe's, craft ideas, letters to a friend.

Everyday I try to do a little something to make my house special!

Keeping one's heart soft and tender!

As women we have so many areas to manage;
When you were a young Mother and homemaker you had
Different responsibilities and desires!

And as we are still homemakers we are still called to manage our homes!
House Wife and A Home Maker...

Living means making your life and home
a memorable experience!

Live your life and forget your age;
Young or Old you bring wisdom and hope and joy!

Mercy is the seat I desire to sit upon;
For myself and for others!

Journal my days so all will not be forgotten!

A few hours given to your heart of hearts will provide wealth!
A treasury stored up with little things!
The cool breeze blowing the curtains
The sun shining upon the kitchen table.
The words of encouragement you received or gave...

We could travel the world over looking for beauty;
But, better to look within one's own Home!

Sending each of you a hearty hello!
We are weary at times, but encourage yourself in the Lord!

Always, living From Glory To Glory

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