Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Candle And Preparing To Be A Homemaker...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Candle Stick

A candle placed within a candelabra, or a simple candle holder.
Can cause a soft and loving atmosphere.
It has always been a very visual and symbolic picture of being the source of light!

Years ago these were the only source of light used as it was carried from room to room.
I think the use of those tapered candles for the home lighting, were very simple.
Yet they were a major item of a home.

The making of these candles was a very big job and needed to be completed
In a timely fashion. It did take a long process to make them.
They would have to use quality ingredients.
And to also make enough to get through the long winter nights.

I believe when a young maiden fills their Hope Chest;
They know that they will need a strong and sturdy candle holder!
Having the actual candles will be an ongoing need.
But the holder was something that needed to be unbreakable,
Yet, lovely and functional!

And as a contrast
We are carriers of the light as lady's we must shine with love.
We will need to be strong;
And not easily broken or haphazardly put together.
One thing we can be certain of as we walk and live out our calling;
We can either be a bright and happy light that fills a room with joy.
Or a dark shadow of doubt and worry.

We must try to be a positive light for others to see the love of Jesus in us!
For He has asked us to let this light shine…

Keep your candles and candlesticks handy!
For as soon as the sun starts to set we will need them to make
All the rooms of our hearts bright and filled with light.

I have always loved how the word tells us to expose the darkness!
Allow the Lord to work in your heart to keep the flame flickering brightly!

He is our only HOPE…

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Tablecloths Great Comeback...

The simple elegance of the great American tablecloth's!
I think that when we see a tablecloth it immediately takes us back to the
Days of early homemaking styles.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Google Images

They can be very simple or very intricate...
Fine linen to lace
Bright colors to patterns of just about anything.

Red and white checkered says country or Italian.

White linen says your special and company is coming!

Fall festive says harvest and plenty
Christmas says Merry To all 

Why has it become so much work or effort to use a tablecloth?

I know all the practical reasons...

But now days you can cover your tablecloths with a clear plastic if you have
Children, or would rather have the option for an easier clean up.

You can also find many plastic ones with the flannel backing;
With so many pretty colors and patterns.
(But please be careful as those tablecloths can leave a lint film on your wood)

I prefer tablecloths and I also use place mats.

Tablecloths come in about every size you can imagine!
Also, you can purchase them for a very reasonable price;
I always look for them at second hand stores, 
and after seasons change clearance section.

My reason for writing about this particular home decor and its uses!
We can change our whole presentation of either our kitchen or dining room
By using a simple large piece of fabric that is placed upon our table.

Social graces and simple, cozy feelings!

If you simply prefer not to cover your table, may I suggest using some place mats!

I have very sweet memories of being a child in my Grandmother's kitchen,
The old percolator was making coffee and toast was being served,
with fresh butter and cream for the coffee.
But what really sticks out was the fresh tablecloth on the table
Every morning had a new beginning...

Here is a very great tip for keeping tablecloths crisp and wrinkle free.
Wash them and line dry them if possible, as then there is no need for ironing.

A tablecloth can really make the style and a statement...
Home is everything!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Creating An Atmosphere That Says Special...

Getting Ready...

This little phrase can be packed with so much;
As we all have to get ready for so many different things
Getting Ready must apply to certain things we do daily;
Some things must be put in a special order for
School, work, parties and even getting out the door for a function.

So many people never really prepare for anything;
I always laughed at the saying,
"We fly by the seat of our pants"

And I do get that saying;
Sometimes being spur of the moment can work out better and smoother
"Then a well oiled machine"

But the point I was aiming for is this;
Special Occasions

We have all gotten so relaxed and anything goes belief,
We can miss the preparation of making things

And I can say that this applies to even a quiet dinner at home!

I believe it is an art to create an atmosphere that says special.

I know we can all get so busy we completely forget about,
Making things appear to be special...
Even preparing to have tea or coffee can be made into a very
Special and noteworthy portion of one's day.

I think we need to put forth some effort into presentation!

Even a glass bowl of something sweet on a table.
A tablecloth that covers your table.
A napkin that is decorated for the season we are in.
Serving your beverage in a real glass.
Setting a flat dish with some dinner candles to light.

Using your best and giving your best;
Can be easier than you think...

Get busy and clean up the kitchen and your sitting area...
Invite someone over for a dinner.
Bake something delicious and put it in the freezer!
Buy some food items that are on sale this time of year!

Elegance can be very affordable...

Happy Planning

Getting Ready is part of the whole process!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Feelings Of Being Lonely After You Become An Empty Nester...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Feeling Lonely

When I was a very young woman and mother and wife;
I really can not remember feeling lonely;

I do remember wondering if I would even be able to find 5 minutes to myself.

After my children were grown and left home;
I dare say I went into a terrible funk...

I felt my whole purpose in life had flown out the window.
Raising children really is a full time job,
as it least was for me...

No one ever told me or even warned me of how sad I would feel when
That season would be over how I might just feel!

I remember telling my sister how sad and lonely I felt;
Well, she told me this
This my dear is your reward...
To do and be and to create and read and craft and crochet,
And to bake and clean the house and it stays clean.
Laundry that only requires 2-3 loads a week!

Now, what I am saying is this was a healthy perception of this
Very lonely dilemma.

I spent many years remaking my days and outlook on life!

The purpose of this post is to all you wonderful and blessed mommies
is that this season will pass!
And it is very wise to keep ideas and thoughts in your heart
Some things you would like to do when you become an EMPTY HOME.

But, I also want to say make the time and the relationship with your HUSBAND
In the top priority NOW...

Yes, I have said in the past, I do get lonely especially in the evenings.
But also this is when I do feel a bit emotional and spent from a long day.

It seems that I always thought I would have more friends,
And all my family around me.
But they now have their own lives and some have moved far away.
So, I trust the Lord and I keep moving forward...

I miss many things, but I am still learning to take pleasure in the
small and comforting things I can do for myself and my dear hubby.
Keep your heart free from living to much in the past.
Keep your eyes on the eternal price.
Keep asking the Lord, where and what He wants you to do!
Keep your heart at HOME even if everyone has moved on!

I do wonder if it is maybe even harder for women who have worked
outside the home, during the time the children were living at home?

Also, I have had many friends that have gone back to work
 after their children were grown or just older.

I do hope someone will find a bit of encouragement from this post!

I do know I still enjoy the fellowship and yet everything now days
Does seem to be what others call squeeze it in...

Remember the word does tell us to leave in cleave
Honor the Father and thy Mother
Do not forsake the assembling together.

Everything changes according to His will in all our lives!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Moist and Easy Corn Bread...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Corn Bread

2 Boxes of Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
4 Eggs
16 oz. Sour Cream
2 Sticks Butter, Melted
1 can Cream Style Corn

Preheat oven to 350 or 400
Spray a 9 x 13 pan
Bake for 55 min
 Or until golden brown

This is really really really good!
Your family and friends will love this!
The ultimate comfort food!

Greetings, How are all you ladies doing?

I am asking myself now where did that week go?

See I am just full of questions!

Here is an all time super easy Corn Bread Recipe;
Yes, you read it right, you start with 2 box's of Jiffy corn muffin mix
Enough butter to clog your arteries.

I will tell you that this is moist and delicious and warrants
A try out in your kitchen this Fall...

Learning and growing and keeping my heart tender!

I want to also tell you ladies, thank-you for loving me and being such 
An encouragement to me in all these's years!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Utmost For His Highest...

My Utmost For His Highest...

Most days just come to us wrapped in either sunshine or clouds.
~Each day has potential to live out His perfect will~

The contrast, seems to be light and dark...

We are pilgrims and we are on a journey to a far away land.
But, this journey usually takes place within a boundary that He
has placed you in!

I have learned most my lessons of biblical womanhood right within
my very home and church family.

We have been set in a certain place for a season and we also have been called out.
This seems to be the ebb and flow!
When we can adjust to these things we grow.

Truth is not always so easy to find...

We always think that the Bereans were special because they were
always seeming to be very religious;
They spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear
some new thing.
Acts 17:19-34

Stay in the Word
Study to show yourself approved
Stay and sit at the Lord's feet...

I have been cleaning out around here;
Books that are not approved;
Have been written with a tilt or an open false belief.

My first calling is to keep myself set apart
The narrow path is just that
Yet, we can find unity in many things;
We must do all things in love and allow others to grow
 and to change as the Spirit leads them!

We are asked in the scriptures to check ourselves to
"To see that we are in the faith"

Why, because as the hymn states
Lord, I know that I am prone to wander...

My home and marriage is the most important mission fields,
Yet, we can reach out to one another as the Lord leads.
Encourage a woman today, that she is doing a powerful work
Training, teaching and being a Godly example, in her very home.

I hope to start doing some ribbon embroidering soon.
I have to go and pick up a needle with a large eye to thread
The ribbon into it. I have never done this, but I hope to give it a whirl.

Have you started any new projects to keep you busy at home?
(Well, that sounded silly, like any one of us have a spare moment)

Blessings to all of you!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Using The Trusted Blue Book For Preserving....

Living From Glory To Glory To Glory Blog

I have used this book for years...
Ball: Blue Book Of Preserving

This is the time of the year when the harvest is drawing near.
 It is time to get all of the produce from your own garden and pull it in.
 This is where we gather it and we're able to put it up and 
Preserve it to use those long winter months that are coming. 
I think that when women take the time to learn to preserve, to put up, to put back, to water bath, to pressure can or to make jams or jelly's even dry fruit is such wisdom. 

This is the time of year you can get many things
 For a very reasonable price peaches and plums and apples are yet to come.
 I want to encourage each of you to have a book that teaches you how to preserve. 

You can even pick these up at your local library and borrow them and even copy and print off some of the pages. There's something so satisfying about a pantry that is full with canned goods and jams and jellies and tomatoes and things that you've either grown yourself or picked up at the local farmers market or even your local store ...
I have also have been buying different fruits and cutting them up and actually freezing them, so later on after the holidays, like such as Thanksgiving or Christmas I'm able to make another batch of jam. I do hope that you can take this time of harvest that is coming very quickly is even upon us and learn to freeze and do something, maybe you have never done in the past even if it's just a small amount of a special fruit or vegetable that your family enjoys.

 I do hope you all have a lovely rest of the Seasons of Harvest.

Blessings to each and everyone of you!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Diligent In My Home Making...

Living From Glory to Glory

Diligent Buisness

Making a bed, washing the dish's, sweeping a floor!

Being at home is required to do the large and small things that keeps
Home tidy and clean and organized!

When I go through my days I pray and talk to the Lord;
No time is spent that is not giving Him honor and thanksgiving!

I am a steward of all He has given me...

When you take or make the time to keep your Home cleaned
And lovely, it sends a big message to those we love and serve!

Why give your best to the outside world of jobs and such,
When they do not care if you are well loved and taken care of!

We made a covenant with one that has given us the privilege to
show how  much we care for them!
Men feel honored when we keep things clean
 (Especially the bedroom and kitchen)

A bedroom is where we spend so many hours sleeping;
And you might say what is the big deal??
Where it is this one place that you do not share with others
~The secret sanctuary~

The kitchen says to a man "Food"
Men are hungry...
Feed Him!

You care more about what kind of hair day you're having as important,
Instead of thinking what yummy meal can I prepare for my Hubby and children.

I feel sorry for the men that marry these women today;
They do not cook
They are always on Facebook
They do not wash and iron shirts for their own husbands
They have not learned how to run a household

Golly gee 'These girls say; I am not their Mother!

Well, maybe these guys are just out of luck any more.

Or feminism has finally worked, we are all equal!

So what's the prize?

Divorce after two kids and a cold, messy bedroom!
And no one to cook for...

Well, I hope it is all worth it to make your way!

We make the choice to either serve outside the home and give strangers
are best. Or give our best to our own loved ones.

Serving is a powerful ministry and it starts in your OWN HOME!

When doing laundry, do smaller loads as it dries faster and is not so overwhelming.

Cook up rice and noodles and some potatoes, each week!
(Makes for an easy side dish)

Vacuum quickly every few days

Keep a dishpan in the sink filled with soapy water
(Helps with keeping dish's from becoming impossible to clean)

Sweep kitchen floor...

Keep the crock pot on the counter and use it!
(Buy a cookbook for the crock pot)
(Buy those slow cooker liners from Reynolds for easier clean up)

Keep a Shopping List for needed essentials
Make up a dinner idea list...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog Butter and Sugar

Now, If you have to work outside the home, then you must
Try to say no other outside activities. So you can be home in the evenings.

Please, Feed your man and love him tenderly...
Show him respect and kiss him regularly

~Happy Home Making~

"Diligent in business, serving the Lord.”
 There is no period, dividing these.
 I long ago discovered that I could make a bed and sweep a room for His sake,
 As surely as I could speak a word for Him."
(A Quote From Somewhere)

I feel that keeping a home is a very important business,
And I take great pleasure in being a good steward of it.

What are a few things you have learned to keep things
Running smooth and efficient?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Why Baking Keeps You Happy And Cupcakes Are The Perfect Treat And How To Make Chocolate and Coconut, Pecan Frosting...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tiny And Yet Complete...

Now, you all know me well enough by now to know that this post;
"Will not just be about cupcakes"

A lesson learned is a powerful thing...
How do we learn?

By living our days in such a way that we are teachable and not stiff necked!

If you know everything, then just stop reading now;
As I do not want to waste your time (smile)

I have been graced to be in a learning curve my whole life;
I am not ashamed to ask for clarification in any given moment.
I do think one very valuable lesson is that we cannot read each others minds!

What grace and room abounds when we realize this and respond correctly.

That is why being a good student of the word and life is so valuable.

You have all heard this phrase;
How do we eat an elephant?
Well, one bite at a time...

This is how we can become wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove!

Learning comes in teeny tiny bite's

May I ask you this question?
What have you learned recently?

I find as I enjoy other sister's in the Lord, and glean from their wonderful tips and advice,
Then I am able to pick up and assimilate some really great things...
When a sister in Christ shares something that they do or they show me a technique,
that they use in their lives and in their homemaking, it always inspires me.

I have found that even changing one little thing can make something seem new
And also appealing to our senses and atmosphere!

I have enjoyed baking most my life;
But there are times that just making one big sheet cake is just too much.
So I have enjoyed making a smaller version of the cake into of course;

We all enjoy something sweet as a treat at times,
So I have been making these cupcakes!

You can make a healthy version from scratch, or a boxed cake mix.
The frosting can be the sweet touch, but the sprinkles make them pretty.

I have often seen children just want a certain doughnut in a display case,
Just because of the sprinkles.

I did make some german chocolate ones a few weeks back, 
Of course the frosting is what makes them so yummy!
I used coconut and pecans in it and it was delicious.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Chocolate And Coconut-Pecan Frosting

I egg, slightly beaten
2/3. Cup evaporated milk
2/3 Cup sugar
1 1/3 Cups shredded coconut 
1/4 Cup butter
1/2 Cup chopped pecans
1 Tablespoon cocoa powder

In medium saucepan slightly beat egg.
Stir in evaporated milk, sugar and butter and cocoa powder.
Cook and stir over medium heat for 6-8 minutes or until thick and bubbly.
Remove from heat- stir in 1 1/3 cup coconut flakes and 1/2 cup chopped pecans.
Cover and allow to cool, then frost your cupcakes!

(My Sweet Daughter in law shared this recipe with me)
I added the chocolate powder to make it look and taste like a rich chocolate flavor.

Gods, Grace Overflows is the name of her blog!

I hope all of you ladies are enjoying and moving into a new season;
Learning and growing in all things pertaining to Home...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

As A Woman Looks Well To The Keeping Of Her Home And Lovely Bee Balm...

The Bee Balm Flower, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

As A woman Of The House...

I find myself buzzing around looking well to the ways of my household.
Being like a bee flying around each room looking and doing each thing that is required.

Sometimes I just need to do just a small little pick-up to allow the room
To look tidy and organized.
I grab the broom and sweep the kitchen floor as having a clean floor;
Is usually a top priority!

As keeping the kitchen sink free from dishes never really ends
"Except in the evening just before bed"

Being able to stay home and truly keep my home is a privilege now a days!
I am so grateful for this...

What shall I prepare for dinner?
What area of my home needs some extra attention?
Do my bathrooms need a deep cleaning?

I will need to organize that Tupperware cupboard out very soon!

Why would a lady that stays home all day long never run out of things to do?
Because, we stay at home and actually use and live in each area of our homes!

I get outside while it is yet a bit cooler in the warm weather and pull weeds
And even clean up our outside area that we sit in the shade to visit or read a book.

Having a home is a gift from the Lord...

Even if you live in a tiny apartment or a rustic home;
We can make each room lovely and special and filled with love!

We are the Queen of our homes and we must fulfill each duty as it is
so important to keep things from getting out of order!

Being a housewife has been frowned upon;
Yet, this has never deterred me from my calling...
What does a woman who has never known the skill that is required to run
A HOME efficiently and properly have to say that what we do is boring or
Not really worth anything to society?

Well, I know one day the balance sheet will be read...
And I do hope that mine will not be found wanting.

I find that at every turn my calling is undermined;
But if you have done it long enough, you will surely see the benefits!

I have also seen a woman who takes great delight in being a Queen of their home!

Maybe we all just need to look at the ways of nature and see that God has a good plan!

Being at home is a powerful testimony that we trust God for our provisions.

Would you rather each room of your home be filled with stuff
With children and loved ones and your Husband resting and at peace?
A home that is governed and has a heart that can sense and feel the needs within!
Now, this is where we learn to become the body of Christ!

The ways of this world are not producing the peaceable and
productive people that God is wanting;
When we are all so unhappy of our living situations and always wanting more
And bigger and newer...
We are telling the world that we can do a better job...
Doing it our way

Just keep your heart at home and continue to ask for guidance!

What is the one thing you take the greatest pleasure in,
Doing your daily chores?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I think we bring great pleasure to the Father when we learn to do a job well,
Without grumbling and complaining...

I have always said that if you do not do what is required or asked of you
With the right heart, there will be no blessing in it!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunflowers Make Us Smile And Yellow Pops...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Sunshine Came Softly Through My Window Today...

~Sunflowers in all their glory~

There is just something about sunflowers that they just make us smile
 and they really do make you feel happy.
 Sunflowers are flowers that make you think of summer
 and being a bright yellow in color is very cheering! 

I found this picture of sunflowers  at an antique store last week.
 And so now it has found a home over my mantel.
I added some very pretty yellow  flowers in my white pitcher.
 I do love seeing the brightness  that it brings into my living room!
 I also found one single giant size sunflower for the metal vase that sits on the floor.

I believe God wants us to make our homes lovely and cheerful.
 It is so important to not be afraid of making small changes
 that can give a room a whole new look.
 Let the sun shine in!

I have never really liked a home that was dreary!
All the window shades and curtains always drawn tight!
I do love my privacy and close things up in the evenings.

But a home that is dark can be very depressing.
In the very hot weather we open it all in the early morning,
Then we close it up to stop the hot sun from coming in.
But the winter months when the days are very short;
All the sunshine and light is very welcoming!

I also enjoy fresh air and I almost always have a window cracked!

I know that having a home that is open and filled with natural
light and items of decor that bring color into a room is just becoming!

What is your color that you are using that a few years back
 you would not of even considered using in your home?

Remember to always keep your eyes on the SON...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy

Monday, July 13, 2015

How To Make The Kitchen Table The Center Of Your Home...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Kitchen Table Is Key...

I find great joy in simple pleasures;
The other day I cleaned off my kitchen table and then polished it till it shined!
 Then I put on a fresh table cloth and a lace topper over the tablecloth.
It feels really good to see it all cleaned off and ready for another week
of meals being served. Or a cup of coffee being enjoyed with a loved one.
Place a bowl of fruit or a snack to draw them to the table!
A plate of cookies;
Cheese and crackers
Serving a meal cooked with love at your own hearth...

When the children were little we did our school work on our kitchen table.
Now I even do a little bit of studying myself.
We might read the paper through the week there also.
We pray often at our kitchen table!
Memories are made in this very place!

Your Kitchen and Table should be the welcoming spot in your home!
Keep it clean and tidy and always pleasing to the eye.
Keep napkins in the center with some fresh spices for any dish.
Sea salt, pepper, cayenne powder and hot sauce.

There is something so comforting about a kitchen!
It Is The Heart Of The Home...

Making your home cozy and welcoming is an art!
If you can keep only one spot in your home orderly and clean;
The kitchen and kitchen table is what I would suggest to you.

You can take a very worn table and chairs and paint them and recover the chairs,
To give them a new fresh appeal!
You can find table coverings for very cheap and some great linen finds also.
Check out your thrift stores.
 Also, you can find wooden table centerpieces and spray paint them.
I did this a few years ago and it was so lovely.
Everything can be an added pretty!
You can find very inexpensive place mats in a thrift store.
 Or look at your store clearance sections for seasonal items.

 I would watch using a plastic cloth with those backings as they can stick to your wood table tops. But if it is a glass or Formica then it would be okay.

It is also very nice to change out the colors and decor for the holidays.

Sometimes when I am not even sure what I am making for dinner,
I will set the table to get myself inspired.

Please encourage yourself today and get inspired!
Look in your drawers and find what you might have to use!

Practice serving your meals and snacks at the table.
Get into the habit of keeping it clean and welcoming!

Use what God has given you!
Keep your heart alive with simple home, keeping routines!

Every meal can be a time to come together as a family
Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This was my table this last fall!
Chips and salsa served!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Why We Must Guide Our Homes And Being Mothers Who Fight The Good Fight...


Why My Mother's Love Inspired Me...

A force so strong, yet the world tells us it's just a glob;
Abort this ball and chain you will never be free to do as you please.

I can't afford this now...
Pain and sorry surrounds so many pregnancies.

My Mother was placed in an orphanage as a young child,
She was adopted and I am sure it was not easy for her!

But one thing I can be assured of she was going to keep
Every baby that she had...

When we lay down our lives and work and stay strong to keep
our children close and safe it what real love looks like!

Don't be fooled by the words of someone that might tell you
~ I Love You~

Love is a verb and requires action...
Staying the course when all run away or strays from the narrow path.

Being a protective shelter from the elements of this world is so needed!

Laying down your life for your marriage
Laying down your life for children
Laying down your life for truth

Don't lay down like a doormat and allow others to walk all over you;
Rather, take up your mat and walk through the door of your home;
And begin to put things that may be out of order in its rightful place.

We are building a kingdom that will resemble a holy city
~A Holy City Set On A Hill~

Those women that have it really tough;
No husbands, no working skills,
Only a deep down abiding faith that she is worth something
~Not believing the lie that she would never amount to a hill of beans~

Do we as parents do everything right?
(Well, you know the answer to that--- NO)
But if you are doing the best you can do, God will honor that...

Dear Ones, if you are working and struggling to just get by too,
Take care of your children, I applaud you!
From the bottom of my heart...

Don't ever give up...
All the work and sacrifice is worth it!
I know this to be true---

I am here because she kept me and all my siblings
She even mourned those who were never allowed to come to full term.

Here is for June Brides
June Birthdays
June Love
June Flowers
And lastly June Bugs...

We are all just trying to work out all the Bugs in this journey called life.

Thanks For being a good Mother!

~Your Inheritance~

Where we give praise, others are honored!
Mothers And Fathers and Sisters and Brothers...

Are you willing to lay down your life and agenda for those given to you?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why Post A sign That Says No Tresspassing...

Living From Glory To Glory


Now this is a really nice thing to see...
We all have signs that might be placed on our doors and welcome mats on the porch..

We have little ornaments in our gardens that all say welcome;
We see these as we might cross a state line that says Welcome...

Mostly we do welcome those that come into our homes or property lines;

But as women that are told in scripture to guide our homes,
We must heed these words;

So we sometimes simultaneously have to have another sign posted
Such as theses;

Can we just open our doors to all?

I think not...

I do not live in fear, but I will say that there seems to me to be an all time high;
Of low life mentality...

They seem a bit off, mental and spiritual understanding that is riddled with
Untruth and trusting them is just not wise!

~I feel like I am called to be a watchman on the wall~

Beware of the lions and tigers and bears, oh my...

But in these days we should beware of the

--------- and ------- and -------- oh my!

YOU fill in the blanks...

We do not live in Wonderland and this is not Disney or the Magical Kingdom.
All these places and open doors are not wise.
And NOT everything  is acceptable or should be permitted!

Trust Me...
Said the Big Bad Wolf
Little Red Riding Hood you sure are looking good!

Why does God give us discernment?
Can anybody answer that?

It is so we can discern between evil and good!
We cannot just go by looks and yet we can also go completely by looks...
That is why we need to discern as things can look one way,
And yet can be completely off...

We must look at the fruit and past history
History always proceeds the future;

I am not saying people cannot change, but I am also reminded where 
The Lord says can a leopard change his spots?

" History will always repeat itself"

Well, not on my watch...

You are Welcomed,
Jesus is always welcome...
 But just remember Beware
 (I am watching you)
As is the Lord...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How To Grow A Healthy Heart Attitude...


Do You Have A Healthy Heart...

Heart Attitude

The desire of my heart is to listen for God’s wisdom in every situation.

If you are like most women your calendar is full and your days are busy.
But we all have the ability and responsibility to map out each day!
Keeping a schedule and a calendar can help us not over schedule on a given day.
But we sometimes can make a week, so ever extended we became hurried and stressed.

Then we start to have an overburdened heart attitude…
A bit cranky, tired, can’t think very well.
Our hearts hold the key to most of our troubles and solutions!

Our hearts are called the wellspring!

A woman of God honors all of the aspects of her personality,
That can be formed as we learn and understand Godly character;

My heart is always beating…
There is always hope in every situation to stop and to take stock.

I think that is why we love that scripture that talks about a gentle quiet spirit!
We want to have a heart that is responding with a right attitude.

When I become grouchy or critical I do not even like myself;
I always will go to those I have been short with and apologize to them!

We always have many challenges in our lives, But we are not
the only ones that are being affected.
When we struggled with either pain or discomfort we can feel bodily stress.

So then it is time to make some changes;
Clear my calendar and reschedule a few things,
Talk with my Husband and family and tell them I am struggling!
(Communication; They can’t read your mind)
Start by choosing some healthier foods
Get more sleep,
Drink more water.
Dive into God’s Word…

All things in the natural have a part that is rooted in the spiritual;

Our hearts once filled with Godly character; will need to be refreshed often!
Using God’s perspective and His priorities will help!

A Heart with an attitude to be willing to adjust ones calendar is wise!
We have so many counting on us daily;
We must hear and respond with the right heart attitude!

I encouraged myself in the Lord today, as I read the scripture;

 "She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of ideleness."
Proverbs 31:27 

Thr reason this scriptured comforted me so much this morning is this...
I do not have to take care of the whole world!
God has called me to look well to my Household!

We all have had some set backs and trying times;
But we must keep our hearts focused on our own households first!
I do not have enough strength to take care of everyone!
Do not be charged one day of taking care of everyone else and be found
wanting in the area of your own household!

I write and share what I believe God is saying to me,
But I want to encourage and warn others to keep watch!
For we are commanded to look well to the ways of her household...

Can you check your hearts health today?
Would you pass the stress test?

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