Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Our Wounded Pride Hurts Our Feelings...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

His Grace Is Sufficient...

Dear Wounded Pride, Greetings from a wounded place
(My Heart)

My dear sisters in Christ;
May I come along side of you and speak this word?
Or maybe a reminder of his fellowship of his sufferings.

When I have experienced a word spoken to me that hurt my feelings,
 Or if I have spoken a word that hurt anothers feelings.
And this can even be a word of correction to us or we spoke to another.
This can become a feeling of being corrected or slighted, or totally ignored!

"A great crisis overshadows which test and tries my very soul."

Oh, My wounded PRIDE...

Then at once that sinking feeling hits the pit of my stomach.
I am being deflated by my wounded pride.


I am looking at myself and have taken my eyes off Jesus!

But wait there has got to be an easier way to die to self---


Keep Your Eyes On Jesus 
And give no room to the pride of this life...
Oh, and add no more fuel to the fire!

The tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
And the tongue is a fire,
A world of iniquity.
The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body,
And sets on fire the course of nature;
And it is set on fire by hell.
James 3:5-6

Learning to trust the Lord and humble my heart before God and others!
I would rather be kind to another, then right in my own opinion!
"You can have your own opinion, you just don't share it"
Kindness is greater and easier then humble pie served alone.
We need one another, and these blows can cause great destruction!

Also, ask yourself this question...
Can I forgive those who have wounded me?
Seventy times seven...

May the law of kindness be upon our tongue's!
Proverbs 31:26

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Screaming From My Bandwagon...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Here is my bandwagon of friends in my twenties;
We were all different and came in many shapes and sizes.
We all had a ton of energy and ideas to live out!
We were young...

This bandwagon was also the place where I knew everything;
And I needed no one to tell me anything!
We were taking our free ride.

Now, After getting a bit older and getting married;
My bandwagon got smaller;
These few friends on my wagon;
We're changing;
They we conservative, and voted and loved the Lord
We wanted our marriages to last!
We wanted our children to have a safe environment!
Not like the one where so many came and went;
And they believed many things...

Now, Here I am today!
I no longer need a bandwagon or a megaphone!
I just need a few people to give me wise counsel!
A few that stick with me through thick and thin!
A few that can be trusted!
Some that will take wise counsel from me!

I have said this once and I will say it again
If you can not take wise counsel
Or take constructive criticism
We will ride alone on a bandwagon...

So the moral of my story is this;
Better to have a few well trusted, honest friends on my flatbed;
Going places that matter and choosing my battles wisely!

Good Day!

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Remnant A Heavenly Quilt...

We as women are in need of covering...
Spiritual and Physical
As we see the damage done as even the children today reject covering.

The whole earth is filled with His Glory...

We need covering in our lives, such as those that pray for us!
Those that call sin, sin...

Too many of us are just too polite!

We can be so polite that we may miss a chance to speak truth!

I just assume to rather mind my own business;
So I really enjoy when God orchestrates His teaching moments.

We are inundated with information, and you get to pick what best suits you!
(This is a very dangerous practice)

I trust that if I ask for wisdom God will provide me with it;
As I read and study His word...
Why, where else could I go?

No one is really interested in what I might have to say;
It feels like a slow fade...

Yet, I am being renewed in learning to take joy in my position in this life.
We get to enjoy and savor the sweet moments and learn something new.

I will be content with my portion

A Quilt is so wonderful;
 They come in so many sizes and colors
They keep us covered from the chills that blow from outside sources.
We can even see them as a decoration in a room
A covering upon one's bed
A throw over a back of a chair or couch
A gift hand made to a newly married couple

I desire what matters most to my Lord;
To love my husband and to be his helpmate
To be a keeper of this home
To be a good friend
To teach women how to love their own husbands
To help them to know how to train their own children...

But, alas, this may be a dying breed of woman!

Maybe we just need to cover ourselves and those we love;
With the heavenly quilt of prayer...

I see the need to remind myself that the word speaks of
~ A  Remnant ~
That my dear is just what every quilt is made out of!
Those little unique and imperfect pieces of material
Every shape and size and color...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, October 1, 2015

More - More - More...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Home Life...

Some may think that there is an exciting world out there;
And there just may be that very thing;
But I always thought there was something wrong with me.
Because I never had that!

I never had great dreams of traveling or doing a ton of
 Adrenaline producing activities...

I have been thinking a lot about the scripture that says;
But we urge you brethren,
That you increase more and more;
That YOU also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business,
and to work with own hands, as we commanded you.
that you may walk properly toward those who are on the outside,
And that you may lack nothing.
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12

"Lead a quiet life and work with your hands"

The world seems to be screaming
-More- More- More-
God has a different more- more - more

Will we run with the world?

Everything will cost you something...
Time, Money, Energy

There is such a sweet fulfillment of looking at the work of thy hands!

Yes, they can be simple little things...
A loaf of bread
A sweet scone
A pot of soup

Humble your hearts and draw near to God;
Take pleasure in home and hearth...

~Do not try to be who you are, not dear ones~

More is not always better;
Many have sacrificed their children and marriages for more!

Arise, and take your stand in the very place God has called YOU

Do not allow the more to lure you into the clutches of more.

Many will be deceived, but we can avoid much sorrow
If we would only lead a quiet life and work with our hands

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Will You Make Your Boast In The Lord...

His Voice Is Like Many Rushing Waters, Living from glory to glory blog

His Voice Is Like Many Rushing Waters

May His Word Wash Over You

~I will make my boast in the Lord~

I have had this word just rolling around my head;
And pondering it in my heart...

What can I do
What do I have that is not from the Lord?

Absolutely nothing;
Let me say it again for those that are hard of hearing and seeing

When I feel a proud boast coming on about anything I can feel a check in my spirit!

The flesh always wants to be noticed and set on a pedestal.
If anyone tries to place you upon a pedestal, slide right off it quickly.

If I had been taught in my younger years to not be bragging about
Something I had done, it would have been easier to see the err in my way.

We are always giving children and adults so much affirmation about,
everything and all the time. We now have a very boastful society!

I grieve over conversations that may have even been borderline of
boasting and bragging...

I desire to look and see what the Lord has done.

I know as a Godly woman we want to be wise;
But I think that as we learn humility we do become wise!

I have always loved that scripture's that says;
He does exceedingly, and abundantly
We can do all things IN Christ Jesus

I watched a little video on how others were calling themselves Christians;
There was one big problem; 
They talked about everything they embraced...

We just may be mocking the Lord, dear ones
Can I do just anything that I want to do with my life?
I bow to know one my flesh screams...
We cannot embrace all that is coming down the river***

I need to warn all those that are playing in the waters
(Beware a TOXIC spill that has just been released)

We are being set apart and the Christian is now under fire;
And the safest place to be is in His Word...
~Read the scriptures in context~

God has given us everything;
Yet, we will one day make account of how we used it!
Did I boast in my own self and strength!
Did I do it my way and not His?

Please may we give God the Glory in all we do!
Boast about who He Is and what He has done for us
God loves it when we know He alone is in charge and is the giver of life...

This boasting is not always even in an audible voice;
But a giving thanks in our hearts to Him alone...

I heard a woman tell how she had put many of her valuables in a big trunk;
So if the fire was coming her way she would load this trunk first in her truck.
She gave God the thanks that she came away with her life and a few valuables.

There is always danger in our world;
But do not make a boast of oneself.
As we can see of just how quickly things can change.
And it can happen to any one of us!

Boasting will hurt you
Boasting will hurt others
Boasting in any thing or any one is wrong!

Just for the record if someone is speaking highly of you that is another thing.

I do hope all you are doing well.
Let me know if I can pray for any of you this week!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Circle Of Trust...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Circle Of Trust

Who likes to feel safe?

Why that is really a silly question;
But I will take the liberty to say a few things concerning this matter!

Trust is an invisible element in a way;
But trust is very real and comes in many different forms of action and response's.

We have all been wounded over this thing called trust.

Trust is something that once it is broken becomes very hard to repair.
We have heard and seen or experienced where it is never restored!

As I have gotten older and maybe a bit wiser my circle has gotten smaller.
I guess I would of thought that it would of gotten larger.

I am not a suspicious person by nature, but discerning would better describe what
I feel and see when it comes to my fellow persons of acquaintance.

Evil does seem to abound in our culture today,
But this trust is not what seems to be forsaken in that way.
But rather within the marriages and friendships.

These relationships are the very core of a healthy nucleus of society.

Who can we trust?

Well the best answer I can give is this,
 Only those that can past the test of time and seasons and longevity.

When we are hurt by words and actions from the very ones we believe,
Have our backs and our hearts.

I am not speaking from my own personal situation here,
But rather from so many I have watched in their home life and the church.
Many in their own families...

I would rather have just a few people in my circle of trust;
Then so many that could cause pain and sorrow.

The only real safe place is under the Lords protection...

But please be watchful and keep an eye open when in a new environment!
When meeting new people!

Well, I know there are still some wonderful God fearing people to meet!
So I look for the Lord to put them in my path or life.

But I do feel that so many have the means or the desire to live
a dual life...

The word warns us that we will know them by their fruit,
But at times I feel like how could we be so duped?

I believe in all that is good and kind;
But I have been told too many things that make me think;
I better keep my discernment on a high setting...

~May each of you find comfort and trust in those in your own lives~

~Pray for those to keep themselves honest and true~

~It is so important to practice self discipline~

Friday, August 21, 2015

Why It Is Never Too Late To Start Homeschooling Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It is never too late to start homeschooling your children...
It does not matter what their age is or grade level.

Homeschooling was the very best thing for our family!
We will always be so thankful for training our children with a curriculum that
was consistent with our value system.

We were able to give them a one on one approach!
Also to provide a tutor when needed for tougher subjects.
Also, we were able to enroll them in art classes!

They also had the chance to be involved with many field trips!

They were able to make friends that have lasted into adulthood.

We were blessed to see their growth and maturity levels blossom!
~Learning to learn is the greatest gift we were able to give our children~

When you have your children home, you are able to be quick in responding
To a need that they might have,
 And you will be better able to provide it quickly so they can move to the next level!

So many children just can fall between the cracks in the system.

Also, when a child has to be gone from their homes and family for such long hours,
They can become unattached and very withdrawn!

We have seen that children that our home schooled, have a stronger
Bond with their siblings and parents!

They also seem better rested and less stressed!

They also can interact with every age level;
Less peer pressure...
Less bullying...
Less homework...
(Because you do it during the day)

We have never regretted homeschooling our children!

We watched how God developed their ability to think and create and
Problem solved real life situations.
 They learned real life skills!

Also, we had more time each day to work and develop Godly character...
This was accomplished through prayer and Bible study!

We were able to see their hearts grow in compassion and wisdom!

Our children have a deep love for reading 
and have learned :

The great art of being able to teach themselves 
almost anything and everything they have wanted to do or explore.

Building, cooking, creating, running a business, being a Mother and Father!

Learning should never stop...

We have a whole generation that has never learned to think for themselves!

A mind is really a terrible thing to waste...

~ ~ ~

Just like coming home, homeschooling your children
has to be a calling and a conviction!

Ask the Lord if He just might be calling you to take your children Home!

I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

Pray for our children and grandchildren.

Train up a child in the way he should go!
And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Friday, July 17, 2015

How The Fine Art Of Being Quiet Will Allow You To Hear The Lord...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How Being Alone Can Be A Gift...

The loneliness is as thick as fog at times;
But alas, this is not loneliness but rather being alone.
We live in a culture and an era where there is hardly ever real quietness!
We have background music, even while in an elevator.
When we become so uncomfortable with quiet, we miss something...

With all the noise and activity that goes on around us, we truly do not
know what real quiet really sounds like.
Quiet can be in the wind, and in the rustling of the leaves.
I believe I even heard the stars twinkle once.

We want to hear something...

Only those that can handle a bit of quiet will be able to hear that still small voice!

When we will finally learn the fine art of quiet;
We then will have a place or space that is not filled with noise or just busy!

Giving heed to the small things that do come from the Lord;
I would call these promptings...

I feel bad when a woman who has a heart to stay at home and she
is belittled for not wanting more...
More WHAT!

I understand the great demands on us all!
Overwhelming at times...

But when and if you are offered the gift of staying home;
Maybe just for a day or to come home to raise your little ones!
Give it as much thought as possible!
Money comes and goes!
Homes grow and feel welcoming when someone is in residence.
Children grow and leave quicker than anything!
Age comes and settles no matter how you think you have the fountain of youth!

We all have a very small window to catch the whisper of God's voice.
Quiet your hearts for a moment every day;
I promise He will speak to you!

(Just a note to say I was not referring to meditation as in yoga)
But rather...
Meditating on the Word Of God

When and where is your most quiet time to hear the Lord?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Living A Colorful Life...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Yellow. Black Or White We Are Precious In His Sight...

God is the one who gave us color!
The spectrum is a color wheel or rainbow,
There are primary colors and secondary colors,
Are any of them less important or beautiful?

In every crayon box we all have a color we use more,
Mine was always the blue one to do the background sky blue.

I think we all can really relate to color and how it affects us!
But once again we can misuse colors and symbolisms.

Remember when so many teens were wearing all black?
They called it the gothic look;

We all have a wonderful memory of seeing a Rainbow in the sky!
I remember once seeing a triple rainbow,
It was perfect and three full rainbows filled the massive sky!

Sign, Sign, everywhere a sign...

We are told to careful of reading too much into a sign,
I have seen every view point imaginable that was trying to prove
Its validity by either a wrong view of scripture or just plain 
Taking It out of context.

There are so many books being written that just seem a bit odd;
Or really off!

Have you ever been duped??
I have...
And, after repenting and asking God to show what is false,
He has always revealed the truth to me!
Did I find it in another book?
No, I always found it right there in scripture!

We must be very careful...

If it sounds a bit off, check it out!
God honors those that study to show themselves approved!
Every dream is not something you should take as the gospel truth;
But, we can know that some things are just plain off.

I continue to ask the Lord to help be discerning of things!

I would also like to add a little warning here of reading too much
(Christian Romance)
Even in their simple sweetness can bring an empty feeling to you!
(Your Real Life)

We are seeing history in the making, Not something that we should
parade around town and blast your FB page with!
Making sport or tying to prove a point just becomes cheesy!
Marriage is God's idea...
We think we can change the definition of what marriage is;
But we cannot!
As God said in his word, only seed that falls on good soil will produce.

I think we will continue to see shocking things. But we can speak what 
We believe without being offensive. 
But, I know we have once again opened another door!

But, I am still called to be a keeper of my own home!
Doors and signs and books written to deceive!
May you quickly learn to not be shocked!

I feel at times all this stuff is but a smoke screen...

May the real use of the rainbow, not be forgotten in the Bible scriptures.
Do not take part in anything that will divide!
God will one day, straighten us all out...

Now is the time to shine!
Keep your eyes out for the real deal!
The Supreme Court is not God!
And even they will be held accountable!

The First Amendment still stands!
There still are a few men and women who have courage!
Seems like the left is trying to shame the right!

Did you know they have coloring books for grown ups now days!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Where Are You In The Rising And Setting Of The Sun...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Everyday starts with the sun rising in the eastern sky,
It can be counted on to do it day after day.

Sunrise and Sunset...
What happens between the rising of the sun to its setting in the west
This is where we get to shine...

As we learn and grow as children that belong to an awesome Father;
We are starting to have some of His traits;
 Remember the soap opera called the guiding light?
Well, I can surely tell you by watching that program you will not look
More like your heavenly Father;
Because it would be the wrong light to follow!

{There are many lights in this world beckoning to us all}

Just because there is something giving off light does not mean;
It is of God!
We are warned that if even an angel preached another gospel
Do Not to follow it!

There are so many shades of gray that are telling us it is okay to do this
Or do that!!  Really??

Ask God and He will show you where the shadows are.
We are not left alone! As we have a heavenly Father that,
Loves his kids...

Do not follow someone who is not following in the steps of the only Father that
can bring light into total darkness!

Do you awake with the SON shining in your hearts?
Is there a song upon your lips?

I know the sun is setting...
Work while it is yet day!

I had an older Pastor friend tell me the other night
That a day would come when we would only be able to
Take care of our own households...
I want to know where this scripture is and how it may be written.
{ I loved the thought of it}
Do any of you know where it is in the Word?
I have not done any research as of yet:
Please share with me in the comments if this is a scripture you
are familiar with!

May we give all our burdens to the Lord and lay down and go to sleep!

~As we know He alone holds the setting sun in His hand~

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How To Tell What Kind Of Man He Is...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to share with you a word of wisdom that was spoken to me;
Many years back, I had a wonderful Godly woman tell me this statement!

She told me this;
" There are only two kinds of men"

I asked her, what are they?

She told me this;

  Those that WORK
 Those that DON'T

So there you have it...

Some men will not provide for their families or homes!
Some will work and work and work to provide for them!

I am talking about being the one "MAN" to make and supply provisions for there

We have to help the younger ladies to know that some men will never
want to provide for them!
They are selfish and lazy and they want to stay home.
They may even require the women to go work outside the home;
Just so they can still eat and have a roof over their heads.

Always Sleeping and are Just Lazy

I understand that some men may not work because of a handicap or a real illness.
I am rather referring to a un-biblical demand that is being refused to take responsibility.

There is a scripture that says;
"If a man shall not work so he shall not eat"

Now this work is a work that looks different in so many ways;
Manuel Labor
Owning Their Own Business
Hitting the pavement actively looking for work...

We all have seen a family whose breadwinner lost his job through
Downsizing or a business closure.
I am not talking about that situation;

I am referring to a man who just always chooses to be lazy and not provide!
The word says he his worst then an infidel...

So my other point in this is that we as women have to be careful too
Not to complain when your husband has to work long hours!
We can find ourselves whining about the very thing
God commanded them to do...

As a matter of fact that is what they were created to do!

Work is what gives them self worth and strength!
It is what gives them grit and wisdom!

To provide for their families
A Roof over Their heads
Physical Safety 

"Beware Of the Men who have a love affair with the bottle"
Or with drugs of any kind.
The pull of strong drink has brought much pain and suffering to families!

Why do we think we can change a person,
Most women enable men to not provide by working themselves;
When both work it is a different situation.
Sometimes we enable by trying to help with the very thing that
They need to do to become healthy inside and out!

I believe it was a hard word to hear, but it may allow someone to see
A "Red Flag" before they marry...

If you have been blessed with a Man who does work hard for his family,
Tell him how much you appreciate all his hard work...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How To Really Be In The Winners Circle....

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Lets, play ball, Lets all get in the game, it's not all about just winning~

Two Choices

What would you do? You make the choice.

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities,
 The father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by
 All who attended
 After extolling the school and its Dedicated staff, he offered a question:

When not interfered with by outside influences,
 Everything in nature is done with perfection.

Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do
 He cannot understand things as other children do.

Where is the natural order of things in my son?'

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.

Then he told the following story:

Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play.
 The boy looked around for guidance and said,
 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning..'

Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt..
 I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart.
 The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.

At the top of the ninth inning, 
Shay put on a glove and played in the right field.
 Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.

Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the plate,

 The pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, He moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.

The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.

The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.

As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.

Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all team mates.

Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay, run to first!

Run to first!'

Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.

He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second,
 Gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.

By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball. The smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.

Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'

Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third!

Shay, run to third!'

As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'

Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team

'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.

Shay didn't make it to another summer.
 He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making me so happy,
 And coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!

We are all righting little stories that can bring an impact...
A long life is what we hope for, but a life filled with moments
Of real life situations that is what really changes us and the world we live in!

Do you care more about just winning?
Do you just care about always being right?

Sometimes, someone might just have that one day left;
Will we find ourselves helping them make it a good one?
You make the choice...

"Do You really want to hear
  Your Out?"
Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Roar Like A Lion And Live Like A Lamb...


Roar Like A Lion

I need to have a meek and gentle and quiet spirit...

But at times I can feel a roar coming on!

At times I want to just post sweet little topics and encourage.
Other times I feel that we are just too quiet on things that will
have an eternal impact!

Forgive me if I have offended some of you,
Hard words for hard days;
May Gods Word be your guide;
And His breath cover you!
Praise God for some of you that have been challenged,
Tend to your gardens and enjoy each day,
Do not give up making a difference in our world,

When I was a young woman I would of loved for someone to have
Taken the time and interest to teach me so many things that
Would of make a difference in my life.

Tell me this one thing;
Has there been one thing you have read on this blog made you wiser or stronger
To become a Godly woman;
If you can say yes, then it is all worth it....

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why Post A sign That Says No Tresspassing...

Living From Glory To Glory


Now this is a really nice thing to see...
We all have signs that might be placed on our doors and welcome mats on the porch..

We have little ornaments in our gardens that all say welcome;
We see these as we might cross a state line that says Welcome...

Mostly we do welcome those that come into our homes or property lines;

But as women that are told in scripture to guide our homes,
We must heed these words;

So we sometimes simultaneously have to have another sign posted
Such as theses;

Can we just open our doors to all?

I think not...

I do not live in fear, but I will say that there seems to me to be an all time high;
Of low life mentality...

They seem a bit off, mental and spiritual understanding that is riddled with
Untruth and trusting them is just not wise!

~I feel like I am called to be a watchman on the wall~

Beware of the lions and tigers and bears, oh my...

But in these days we should beware of the

--------- and ------- and -------- oh my!

YOU fill in the blanks...

We do not live in Wonderland and this is not Disney or the Magical Kingdom.
All these places and open doors are not wise.
And NOT everything  is acceptable or should be permitted!

Trust Me...
Said the Big Bad Wolf
Little Red Riding Hood you sure are looking good!

Why does God give us discernment?
Can anybody answer that?

It is so we can discern between evil and good!
We cannot just go by looks and yet we can also go completely by looks...
That is why we need to discern as things can look one way,
And yet can be completely off...

We must look at the fruit and past history
History always proceeds the future;

I am not saying people cannot change, but I am also reminded where 
The Lord says can a leopard change his spots?

" History will always repeat itself"

Well, not on my watch...

You are Welcomed,
Jesus is always welcome...
 But just remember Beware
 (I am watching you)
As is the Lord...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

How A Fence Really Gives Us Freedom...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Good Fences
Bad Fences
Old Fences

Fences are in place for many reasons!!
They are what I see as boundaries and are used to keep us safe...

If we did not have these fences we would have cows in the corn;
Horses in the alfalfa fields;
And rabbits in the gardens;
A fence can help to keep things in their own area!

A bad fence is where you build a fence around yourself to
Keep others separate and away from you!

Old fences are boundaries that were put in place to keep us
and our stuff from being abused or taken advantaged of!
The laws of the land to give us freedom;
Laws to keep us from being overrun from agendas to take our stuff
And poison our minds!
We are not suppose to be run by the government
But rather they are to be a service to us...
We had men long ago that wrote a constitution for the American people
"We The People"

We all want freedom!
But as we all well know it does come with a price...

Some countries have no freedoms and no fences;
To keep themselves safe or to keep the enemy out!

Do you go to bed at night and leave your doors unlocked?
Do you just trust someone because they say they are a Christian?
Will you get in a car with just anyone because they have a driver's license?
(These are all forms of fences we should have in our lives)

We all have God given rights...
But many in places of trust will cross over an established fence.

I do not enjoy hurting other peoples feeling;
But I do not like to feel cornered or coerced into things.

We must all make good choices everyday!
God tells us to lead a quiet life and work with our hands...

Just don't tread on me!

I serve one master and loyal to one king!

Keep your watch dear ones, manage your home!
Keep the fences in good sound repair!
Watch for anyone trying to climb over this fence and does not come through;
"The Door Or Gate"

Freedom is not really free...

Have any of you seen that movie called
"Little Boy"

I loved it!

Friday, May 15, 2015

How To Keep Our Loved Ones Away From This Death Culture...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Little Rose: Sugar And Cream And Butter Dish Set...

May I encourage you all to make for yourself and those you love
"A place of refuge and peace"

We all know how things can seem very brash and worn out in our world;
It is as if the whole world needs a refreshing coat of paint.
I remember as a child that after the parade was over, the streets were
Littered with trash and cups and it all looked so dirty.

When I come out of a store now days the parking lots look so dirty.
The streets and roads have potholes, and homeless standing on all the corners!
As a woman that enjoys clean and organized;
And I love beautiful things, like flowers and teacups,
So with this all said, I might not be able to clean up all the parking lots
And help all the homeless people! I do pray for them, for God to heal
their minds and that they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ;
And not just as Savior, but to make Him Lord of their lives...

But I can create a place in our humble abode that just overflows,
With beauty and comfort and joy, And where it feels clean and fresh!
It is not tarnished by worldly trash...

I feel at times that my senses are being assaulted from the liberalism,
Don't act shocked...

It seems like we are seeing such a death culture;
Skeletons on even children's clothing,
(How Cute)

Okay, maybe everything in this life is not all Roses,
But I know this for certain this skeleton and skull stuff is just plain wrong!

If we are going to overcome the negative in this world;
We better have a course of action;
Counteract it!

We are going to have to put a bit of effort in choosing things that
liven up a home!

Things of beauty and life, order and peace!
~God is the Master of order and life and beauty~

They call it art or self expression, but what it really produces is this,
Death of beauty
Death of life
Death of purity
Death of hope

So we must counter this culture with as many forms of purity of
wholeness of our thinking and homes filled with enough love
To help this next generation survive and overcome a death mentality!

Make it a priority to have a home filled with lovely and life giving
Conversations and prayer and a good belly laugh...
Because we must live life to the fullness!
Tell your children what the real truth is behind these things;
They just want to fit in with their peers, but do not give in to them!

This is where we trust in the Lord when He says this,
They shall arise and call you blessed
(Arise= older and mature)

They really just want you to not give in and give them what they are asking for!

I wish I had been told NO more times in my childhood years;
I bet many of you out there would say the same thing;
Sometimes we just have to say NO...

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