Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coffee Time And Fighting On The Homefront...

Girls it is time to sit down and pour yourself a cup of coffee...

We need to talk, 

Okay, are you starting to feel the shift?
Well, it's happened...

Even when we feel the weight and sorrow of an ungodly society,
and the choices that they make and how it brings a tension.
Well, really a distrust too!

Is it okay to be leery of strangers or large crowds?
Do we need to act like nothing is different?
Or continue to do business as usual?

I for one think we need to see that the world is a different place!

Now don't read more into this than I am making of it!

If you are a christian; prepare your hearts for persecution,
Trials, and suffering...

Oh, did you want me to read you a lullaby and tell you everything is just fine?

Well, it is not...
We have certain people who do not like us in America...

Well, if it is so terrible here, why is everyone trying to come to this
One Nation Under God?

Well, because there is a blessing in this sovereign country, that has been dedicated
To a sovereign God!

Well, we need to fight!!

And how I plan to do this is very simple...
I will keep my home fires burning
I will love and speak truth boldly
I will pray for protection for those I love
I will be loyal and honest
I will call an Ace and Ace...

This seems to be the hand of cards we have been dealt
So I will play out my hand till the bitter end.

This country has a moral obligation to truth and freedom.
Tyranny gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
I think at the rate things are going I may need another teaspoon of sugar
in my cup of coffee... Thank-you

Really nothing is free
Everything will cost you something!

I will fight right from my Homefront...
I will cook and bake and clean and pray till He comes again!

If you have ever stopped by this blog, take notice
I will be praying for YOU...

Good Day...


  1. Yes Roxy! Very true and appropriate blog for sure. In the natural it is all so frightening BUT God - my trust and my security is all based on Who He is! Thank you Roxy for being a blog blessing to many.

    Blessings from me in Arizona,

  2. I agree Roxy. One way to establish and preserve your culture is in the activity of the home!

  3. All true! The world is not in good hands at the moment. We must continue to pray for goodness. We must know that there is more to the story than we are being told by the media. Unfortunately, most people these days take their news from silliness like The View! Stay strong in our faith....it's not pretty these days. Thank you for the post Roxy!

  4. A good post, Roxy. You are so right- things have shifted and nothing is the same as it used to be. We have lost our innocence and sense of peace. It is scary earthly times...a good reason to look up and pray. xo Diana

  5. Awww...it is sweet knowing that you pray for the women (and men) who read here. Something has shifted is right. My first allegiance after The Lord is my family and countrymen who are hurting with the crush of paying for too many people who do not belong here. I don't believe a word the media tells me. Not a word.

  6. Times like this make me think of the saying "the darker the night, the brighter the light will shine". This is the hour for disciples of Christ to let His light shine through them, wherever they are, and whatever they are doing. Times are not good, but greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world! Blessings to you Roxy, may you continue to be a blessing, and be blessed! :)


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