Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways To Help You Be Content...


I have seen so many things that rile my emotions;
In this world we have three things that will lay- way you.
Lust of your eyes
Lust of of your flesh
And the pride of yourself

We have an insatiable hunger for things and stuff...

I am always leaning towards a simpler way of life;
When we can just enjoy a moment with a good book or a craft!

Just staying home more often and not running to and fro.
Many things we put upon our own plate and it is not beneficial to us!

We are now living in an information age...
So now you really can see daily just exactly what you're missing!

I must say that I now think every woman alive has her own blog;
You now have your own personal spot on the world wide web (W.W.W.)

We can record and download and ebook everything
So what is it that you desire?
As the genie in the bottle said
"Your wish is my command"

Well lets stop and really think...
Not feel your way through this precious life;

If you gained the whole world and lost your soul!
People are selling their minds and hearts and bodies for lies!

I guess you do not need me to tell you how easy it is to get off
the narrow path!
This world and with a touch of a click, your able to view and buy and sell!

What are you craving for?
Goods, more stuff, and bigger and better things!

As soon as you get the next thing you start the whole process over!
Never enough...

But if we keep close to the truth of what is going to last.
We can stop the running and seeking and rest in the very fact.
He will never leave you or forsake you!
He will add all that is needed by you!

Here is a great post written by Lydia from Home Living;

Home Living, The Christian Lady And Contentment

Ask the Lord to help you be content!
Learn to say NO to all the running around town!
Ask yourself if this is a need or a want?
Keep your hands busy doing things that are wholesome (knitting, crafting, cleaning, reading)
Do not compare yourself to others...
Take care of what God has given you!

~Contentment with Godliness is great gain~

What are some of the things you have learned to be content?

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. WOW! What a powerful and much-needed post, my friend! You hit the nail on the head and have given all of us much to think upon. I love how you said not to "feel" our way through life...oh how true! Our emotions can get the better of us and often we rule our lives with those emotions rather than looking to God for wisdom.

    It is truly heartbreaking to think of gaining the whole world, but losing our soul...may I be an instrument of God's light to this world. There is HOPE in Christ Jesus and an eternity waiting with Him.

    Thinking of you! Love and hugs!

  2. Beautiful message!!!! I think like Abe Lincoln said about happiness---we are as happy (content) as we make up our minds to be and it is not always easy in this world we live in. xo Diana

  3. Very true. People are always wanting something more. Yesterday our grandkids came over wanting and expecting something and I gave in. I saw that they were happy only temporarily and I know tomorrow they will want something else. While I enjoy buying for them, I am beginning to get the feeling I need to say no more often as they need to be content with what they have. I realize I am older and content with what I have, but we cannot indulge every whim.

  4. I appreciate Lady Lydia's Home Living blog. You are so right, we are discontent when we lust after things.

    Someone once asked me how to save money. My answer was, stay home!

  5. You hit the nail on the head with this one, Roxy! Excellent post and reminder. Thank you, sweet lady! I hope you're having a blessed week :)

  6. Contentment can be found in being thankful and closing our eyes.
    By that I mean don't go to the malls, don't shop for fun, don't watch the home shopping network, don't do any number of things that make you want what you cannot or do not have.

    I love blogs that encourage godliness and contentment like yours dear Roxy.


  7. i just found your blog and i have only read a few posts but i am enjoying it immensely! i was searching for wholesome blogs on homemaking, country living, etc. from an older womans perspective (as i am one!) --Karen


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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