Showing posts with label Gifts of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts of love. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How To Make A Very Easy Heart Banner...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~A Heart Banner~

This is a super easy way to make a very cute Heart Banner.
It would look very cute over the mantel.

All you need is a deck of cards
(You will need to punch holes in the cards
You will use all the heart cards in the deck!)
There will be thirteen of the heart ones.

Some different colors of ribbon
(Red and some white with some polka dots, stripes, hearts)

Also, you can use strips of fabric along side the ribbon!
The more the merrier...

You can purchase small amounts of a Valentine theme fabric!
You will have fun picking these out!

You can use any cord or rope or a heavy twine to string the cards on!
 Then add some ribbon and fabric strips placed between each of them!

You will also need a hole punch!

This is a rustic and heart and homey look!
You can also add some clothes pins to clip a cut out heart between the cards.
I like to use those pretty heart lace doilies!

Use your own imagination!
Have fun...

You can buy a few packs of playing cards at the Dollar Store!

You Will Need

Deck Of Cards
Twine or rope or ribbon
Hole punch
Fabric strips
Clothes Pins

I do hope you give this a try as it is very cute and cheap to make!

You can make one for yourself and one for a friend!

And really this is so easy your children or grandchildren
 Would love to make one!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why I Have Always Loved Having A Pretty Kitty...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog
Yes, That Is A Picture Of Me In My Much Younger Years

Pretty Kitty
When I was a little girl, I use to have a scrapbook  filled
with pictures of kitties I use to cut them out from magazines.
I really enjoyed looking for them, it became a game!
Some kids collected stamps, but I collected kitty pictures.
Some of the cutest ones were found on my birthday cards!

But what is really weird; 
I really was allergic to cats, but I still loved them.
About 15 years ago, my hubby got me a kitty for
~Valentines Day~

It took me awhile, but I did build up an immunity from her dander.
I still must wash my hands after petting her, or I can get itchy eyes or a  runny nose.

Every little kitty needs a friend to groom her,
and to play beauty parlor with them.
Or even dress her up and place her in a basket.
(But if you do not handle them a lot while they are little kitties,
They never get used to a lot of handling)

And you need to usually make the decision
As to whether your kitty will be an indoor or outdoor pet!
This little kitty is playing hide and seek..

I have always enjoyed seeing my kitty curled up in front of the wood stove
sleeping and reminding me that she is not worried about anything.
Purring is also very relaxing to hear in the background.

I know so many of you do not care for cats,
But I think they are just sweet to look at and to have around.
Yes, I have had to deal with cat hair,
And we did get her de-clawed when she was a kitten.
And you can always train your kitty to not jump on certain furniture items!
We used a spray bottle of water to really get tough on her!
She pretty much just sleeps and eats;
Now, that is the life...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

But I find it all worth it!
She has been a comfort to me.

Love, Roxy

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Pins And Little Tree And A Little Giving Goes A Very Long Way...

Just a Little...

I am always amazed at how much a little can mean to someone!

Just a little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down!

She was cooking and baking and wrapping all day;
She lives to make her house a home.
She answers the question at ten times a day,
Yes, Christmas is on its way!

She makes every effort to put a twinkle in each person's eye.
She smiles and wonders how she will make it through another day!

The joys of being the one who makes Christmas special...

Oh, how I pray for all those special women who have the bare
Minimum to make their Christmas cheer.

Life is not easy for many,
 they feel the stretch and the lack and some cupboards are bare.

I have prayed that someone out there will become aware 
and give a special gift to someone unaware of a little help coming
Their WAY

If you can be a little bit of help to someone near you,
It is not too late to give a gift and little help...

A little given in much love;
Is better than many with little love!

I am reminded of the widows mite;
She gave all she had!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Doing Life Together "I'll Be Home For Christmas If Only In My Dreams"...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Doing Life Together...

We all know that doing things with another is so much easier and enjoyable!

It can even be a very simple task or even the hard things;
Doing it with someone we love or care about is so much better.

When we have someone to talk and perform a job with just makes the
Burden lighter or easier!

We were not created to be alone!
But rather to do life with our families...

Just having another person in our homes can help drive the quiet away.
And believe me, I love my peace and quiet!

But when you have someone to eat with or to do some baking with;
It just makes life special!

When you are young and your children are young you never even think about
Being alone or by yourself for hours or even days at a time.
But trust me as you become an empty nester or just are in a new season.
Or the worst emptiness is the loss of a loved one!

We need our loved ones close or to live close!
We need holidays spent with our multi-generational families.
We need each and every generation;
They all bring a dynamic that is needed!

God told Adam, It is not good for man to be alone;
So God created him a helper...
Look, we all need to be a helper and to have a helper!
I am not just referring to husband and wife here...

I say this because this is the time of year that loss and loneliness is at its peak.
When we are alone during the most wonderful season of all;
That loneliness can be so heavy and profound!

I might not be experiencing this myself, but I can assure you all of this,
Someone close or far is experiencing this...
And if we are not receptive to this in others lives, we will become cold!

Just because your days and lives are busy and full, does not mean
Others are not feeling lonely or forgotten about!

I love that song that sings this chorus
" I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams"

Some people have lost their dreams and spunk for life...
We need to be aware of those that are in loneliness!

Also, learning the fine art of helping others!

It is as easy as a phone call...
A letter or a funny card...
Asking them to come over to bake...
Or taking a small token or gift to them...
Praying for them...

Ignoring them is not an option!
Being too busy is not an excuse!
Look, we do not have to do it all, but we all need to do our part!


I'll Be Home For Christmas Song
If Only In My Dreams

Home For The Holidays

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Gift Of Hospitality...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why Simple And Basic Allows Us To Enjoy

We live in a day where we have so many choices;
So when I think about cooking or baking I do try to prepare some
very simple meals. And I also will make extra special foods,
As time or celebrations present themselves.

Right now my refrigerator is stuffed and the counters have
So many goodies, that it immediately overwhelms ones senses.

But we are all in preparation for the greatest food holiday!
So we must take pleasure and enjoy all the goodies!
But we can use a bit of common sense and use a bit of moderation.
Don't Eat The Whole Pie

I think even the smells and aromas are healing in many ways.
Food can bring us together...
Breaking bread and fellowship as families and friends.

I do believe that many women have the gift of a hospitality,
That is really baking and sharing their lovely homemade goods!
Exercise your gift and give thanks and to share with others.

We always think we have to do a huge ministry;
But I think food made with love will nourish a weary soul!

Use the gift of food when you have a get together;
Or take something to your hubby's office or your own work place.
Make a pan of brownies or an appetizer sort of goodies.

I have always felt like a snack offered at a meeting had a way
Of diffusing some stress.

Hungry people can feel a bit cranky!
Did you know most men say that their favorite holiday is Thanksgiving?

I always envision and hope that my home is a happy place!
I am so thankful for the bounty!
So when you have extra time to bake up some hospitality;
Do some delicious goodies such as
Cookies and quick breads and put them in the freezer to grab and serve!

Tomorrow will be busy prepping and preparing
Do Not Stress, but rather take pleasure!


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Creating An Atmosphere That Says Special...

Getting Ready...

This little phrase can be packed with so much;
As we all have to get ready for so many different things
Getting Ready must apply to certain things we do daily;
Some things must be put in a special order for
School, work, parties and even getting out the door for a function.

So many people never really prepare for anything;
I always laughed at the saying,
"We fly by the seat of our pants"

And I do get that saying;
Sometimes being spur of the moment can work out better and smoother
"Then a well oiled machine"

But the point I was aiming for is this;
Special Occasions

We have all gotten so relaxed and anything goes belief,
We can miss the preparation of making things

And I can say that this applies to even a quiet dinner at home!

I believe it is an art to create an atmosphere that says special.

I know we can all get so busy we completely forget about,
Making things appear to be special...
Even preparing to have tea or coffee can be made into a very
Special and noteworthy portion of one's day.

I think we need to put forth some effort into presentation!

Even a glass bowl of something sweet on a table.
A tablecloth that covers your table.
A napkin that is decorated for the season we are in.
Serving your beverage in a real glass.
Setting a flat dish with some dinner candles to light.

Using your best and giving your best;
Can be easier than you think...

Get busy and clean up the kitchen and your sitting area...
Invite someone over for a dinner.
Bake something delicious and put it in the freezer!
Buy some food items that are on sale this time of year!

Elegance can be very affordable...

Happy Planning

Getting Ready is part of the whole process!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How To Really Be In The Winners Circle....

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Lets, play ball, Lets all get in the game, it's not all about just winning~

Two Choices

What would you do? You make the choice.

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities,
 The father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by
 All who attended
 After extolling the school and its Dedicated staff, he offered a question:

When not interfered with by outside influences,
 Everything in nature is done with perfection.

Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do
 He cannot understand things as other children do.

Where is the natural order of things in my son?'

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.

Then he told the following story:

Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play.
 The boy looked around for guidance and said,
 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning..'

Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt..
 I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart.
 The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.

At the top of the ninth inning, 
Shay put on a glove and played in the right field.
 Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.

Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the plate,

 The pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, He moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.

The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.

The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.

As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.

Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all team mates.

Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay, run to first!

Run to first!'

Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.

He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second,
 Gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.

By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball. The smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.

Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'

Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third!

Shay, run to third!'

As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'

Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team

'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.

Shay didn't make it to another summer.
 He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making me so happy,
 And coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!

We are all righting little stories that can bring an impact...
A long life is what we hope for, but a life filled with moments
Of real life situations that is what really changes us and the world we live in!

Do you care more about just winning?
Do you just care about always being right?

Sometimes, someone might just have that one day left;
Will we find ourselves helping them make it a good one?
You make the choice...

"Do You really want to hear
  Your Out?"
Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why A Vintage Camera And Old Photos Help Our Memories...

Memories From Photos, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why Taking Photos Can Help Your Memory!
A Photo can tell a story...

I had one of these cameras with a strap, she was a Brownie Junior

It is a very special treat to take out an old shoe box filled with photos and
Have your mind just overflowing with memories!
~This is a real good idea to do as a family or with your grandchildren~

We have all heard the saying every picture tells a story...

Our minds can be stimulated by just reminiscing of the past.
We can use old photos to help our memories...
There is real life and a legacy in those photos.

We have such a drawing to old photos;
The black and white ones just speak of times that said look at me!
 Without all the bells and whistles to cause a distraction of what we were really seeing.
The black and white photos just show us of an era long gone.

We can see our lives take shape from seeing our baby pictures;
How we have grown and who we were with;
Our parents and grandparents and our siblings!
Even seeing our family pets and furniture brings back a flood of memories!

Birthdays and Holidays
Events that were part of our timeline of days and years...

When we can see photos of our childhood or vacations;
Can stimulate our minds to think and process;
There may be even memories we need to overcome any pain or sorrow attached to it.
 We can take these to the Lord and ask for forgiveness for ourselves or
To forgive someone else...
Sometimes we can have some bad memories and that is all we might have;
But when we see old photos of those times that might give a glimpse that all was well,
I have looked at the faces and have said they were so young and they look so happy!

We now live in such a digital world;
We take a lot of pictures,
 But we fail to actually have them printed out anymore.

(But of course, if you are a scrapper)
You have books filled with photos from every event;
Past, present and future.

What are some of the feelings you have when looking at the old photos of yesteryear?
Are you getting those photos you're taking printed out?
Well, I encourage you to do that...

Smile your on Candid Camera!

Friday, March 6, 2015

How Comparison Is Wrong...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
The Source: The Tea Time Magazine


Now when you are out shopping, and you're in the fruit aisle,
And your comparing apples or oranges for their size and looks.
That is considered to be wise.
When we use our resources and manage things well.
Using coupons, finding the best deals, buying while on sale.

But to compare yourself to another person is very wrong!

Each person is on their own race and can be anywhere in the process.
Some are starting out, some are half-way.
Some have taken so many detours, they have lost their sense of direction.

We can use others to help us in making decisions, and even
Imitating someones cooking or decorating ideas.
This I believe is being encouraged by another and responding by
imataining their ideas.
Or, you may be a person that you do not want anyone to copy your ideas!
But I find it a great compliment when someone likes what I have done.

God tells us in His word to imitate Paul or copy James;
Trying to make good choices in any arena of life is a good thing.

I love it when one of you ladies Blogs inspire me!
You make me laugh and giggle,
Your crafts and recipes have helped me to create beautiful things!
I have felt challenged and invigorated to try something new.

I have read words of wisdom that required a change of direction.
Some Blogs have taught me to hold steady!

I have seen posts of an artist that I did not even know who existed.

I have read posts and some comments that encouraged me when I was weary!
A comment or an Email can fan a flame dear ones!
The Bible is filled with encouragement;
You say you never need to be encouraged...

I think that the gift of encouragement is one of the very best and most needed;
in our world and lives and families. And in our walk with Christ!

Do not compare yourself with people!
But line yourself up with God's word...

A wise woman once told me;
Try to stay humble in God's sight
Walk in Love
Stay true to myself
And be faithful to God!

I will tell you this one thing;
If you will encourage another, and help them stay the course;
It will go well with you...

I ask tough things of others, I speak truths that are uncomfortable;
I call you up to a higher calling...

Is your blog a beacon of light?
Do you leave comments to help and encourage another?
Do you stay the course?

I do not care if someone thinks I am a bit fruity (A Fruit Loop)
I just want to bear fruit...

Please make this a rime to encourage someone today;
Make this a year to bring the gift of promotion to others;
Lift them up in prayer
Encourage them with words
We are bloggers and using a social media for good!
Nothing wasted, nothing lost!

We are all the same; and we are all unique...
A special treasure

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How To Tea-Stain Or Dye Lace And Linens Naturally...

Tea Staining And Dye Fabrics, Living From Glory to Glory...

How To Make White Lace Or Fabric Look Vintage

When creating a project that needs a more antique or vintage look
The appearance will require something that looks like it was from
another era of beauty and style.

With just a very simple step that can make anything look very vintage!

This is called Tea Staining;

This can be done on white lace that needs to look vintage.
I have successfully done this on lace many times!

I have also done this with muslin material-
Tea Staining works very well on fabrics that are all natural 
Such as wool, cotton and linen.

~How a tea stain works to create a vintage or an old fashion appeal~

Sometimes a trim or a border for a project needs a vintage look
Any fabric that is light in color and needs a boost of vintage appeal, might just need
A bit of help from this (Tea Staining Process)

Heres How To Make This Simple Tea Stain

Boil your water
Add about 7 to 10 black tea bags to a large bowl or small basin tub
Add boiling water
Steep for 15-20 minutes
Place your lace or small linen into the bowl
Use a slotted spoon or tongs to move around your lace.

Living From Glory To Glry Blog

Watch and see how it will transform an item that looks brand new
to a vintage old fashion hue:
If you love an antique quality, you can take something new and create something
that is a one of a kind design. Isn't that what it is all about!

I have made Victorian looking rag dolls by tea staining my muslin material
Before I ripped the material into strips to make the dolls.

I have also used Tea Staining to rescue doilies that were ruined by a stain.

I have used Tea Stained lace for craft ideas and Valentine cards.

Every trim or lace will take on a different variation of color;
Just enjoy and create something that looks vintage and rich.

You can even use this on very large pieces of material that are all ready stained
You can bring new life to a table cloth that looks ruined from a stain that you have
not been able to remove!

Of course, this will require at least two large boxes of large tea bags to get this much stain,
To cover the tablecloth in a large basin or tub.

Glory to Glory Blog

"For a darker hue of stain on a piece of lace or fabric
Soak the fabric in water with a capful of fabric softener before submerging in the tea mixture
This also helps prevent the color from fading over time."

If it becomes too dark for your preference;
Just rinse under cool water!

Once you have your desired shade, squeeze out excess water and line dry!

Try this first on a smaller project to see how it works and how you like it.

Always wash these items that have been tea stained by hand!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Creating vintage lovelies...

~Got Tea~

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Dolly For Christmas...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

When I was a little girl we played house!
All the time we played house!
Being the Mommy and having a baby to care for!
We were able to dress them and hold them.
Feed them and rock them to sleep!
Putting them to bed and tucking the blankets around them.

And having a stroller to push them around in was the supreme!
And having a baby crib was the best...
Having a little diaper bag filled with bottles and blankets!

Do we still have little girls asking for a new baby doll for Christmas?

Do we see little girls playing house?

Are little girls desiring to still be Mommies?

I never even see commercials that promote the new
"Real live looking babies"
Or a high quality doll that laughs and cries anymore.

We were little girls in training...
To be Mommies and wives and caregivers of babies!

We see an attachment disorder with so many young girls!
They have no desire to be "JUST" a mommy!
Yes, Women can have so much more in these days and culture,
But being a Mommy is priceless!

What Doll did you get when you were a little girl?
Didn't you just think it was the best gift ever?

We need to help this culture to foster the caring and nurturing
Of babies and the desire to be Mommies!

Leave me a comment on the name of your most favorite,
Baby Doll you ever had!

I pray the little girls will still be Mommies in training!
No matter what this world tells them!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Being Cherished...


Today is the day the Lord has made...
I am honored to have the blessings that come with being
A woman, a wife and a Mother
But being a Mother-in-law has far exceeded my
wildest hopes or dreams for another daughter through;
Marriage commitment and Love.

Here is the post my dear Amy wrote in honor of my Birthday;

I have received honors today from those I love!
Thank You Amy...

This is what receiving your rewards in this life means to me!

I think investing in those God has given us is the best investment
one could ever hope to accomplish in this life.

I am reaping the benefits of staying the course;
My Children have arisen and called me blessed...

We are called to give honor to those God has put into our lives.
Sometimes we have very hard relationships in this world;
But where we can make a difference, then put forth the effort!

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful,
Cards, and words of love and encouragement!

Make the effort to show honor;
God says to us this powerful word;
Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed!

I laughed this morning because when I turned on my computer
even Google knew it was my Birthday!

Source; From Google (To Me)

I am counting my Blessings!

Have a wonderful Day!

I appreciate each and every one of you ladies who take the time,
To visit me and to encourage me!
May we count our blessings together!

Learning to cherish someone is what God has called each of us to do!
Cherish someone today...

Friday, November 14, 2014

How To Make A Tea Cozy...

How to make a tea cozie, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Making Tea Cozies

Making tea cozies are very easy and so much fun to make!
Getting so much enjoyment from them this next cooler season.
I think many vintage tea rituals have become a lost art.

I have always loved seeing a tea cozy being used.
After all, if we want a cup of tea, we want to drink it Hot!
So, if you get in the habit of brewing up a nice pot of tea,
This little tea cozy would be a wonderful addition.

I have quite a few tea cozies
 as I wanted one of each different fabric I made them in.
But I did give a few away;

Items Needed:
1/2 yard of material for outside: 
1/2 yard of material for the lining:
 You can use fleece for this also
1/2 yard of batting or fiber: 
(For insulating between layers)
This batting is what keeps the tea nice and hot!

You will be needed two of the outside materials, lining and batting;
So place your pattern on the fold of your material!

And a pattern 11x14 shaped like a half circle
(Use a paper sack or wrapping paper)

Lace (for the bottom edge)

Buttons for the top if you want one!

You can really embellish it with anything you like!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

This is a very easy and fun sewing idea!
Quick yet look very professional sewn.
They are pretty costly to purchase for one's self.

~See my sweet strawberry pin cushion~

Having a good sharp pair of scissors is wonderful to cut the
fabric out with.

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Here is a very easy tutorial we found after we figured it out
for ourselves! She has a British accent she explains it very well!
Just click on it:

Easy Tea Cozy for you to sew by Debbie Shore

Here is my friends blog post showing her Tea Cozy
I made her last year.

Tea Cozy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When we made these Tea Cozy's last year we had a day long
~Sewing Day~

In order to get so many made we worked side by side;
We had so many lovely fabrics to choose from;
My friend Pam had a closet filled with fabric,
She was so gracious in sharing with us ladies.
Thank You Pam!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog, Sewing Craft

The sweet red one was one my DIL made;
She did place some cute buttons on hers!

I also made another one for a dear friend that I wanted to share
Here is a link to one of my favorite bloggers
You may know her; Her name is Lydia,
She has been a source of encouragement to me for a very long time.
Visit her lovely blog here:
Home Living

I hope you will try your hand at this fun and lovely tea cozy!

Love, Roxy

Friday, November 7, 2014

How To Incorporate Date Night...

Living from glory to glory blog

Making time for those special times together.

We are always so busy and we all have very full schedules!
The hubbub never ends, we can go 24/7

We as women would be wise to see the importance of
Implementing a date night with our Husbands.

When the children were small we could only have evenings alone
 While watching a movie.
 Or maybe just going out for pie and coffee.

But it does not matter if you have been married a lot of years;
Date Night
Date Days

Must be done every so often!

We need this to keep things in touch with one another.

We can be together very often, but sometimes we do not let our
guard and busy brains just stop and enjoy!

Sitting across from one another and just really looking at each other!

We all need some alone time with our mates.
You can do these times together, even in the daytime;
If you even enjoy meeting with another couple for fellowship!

No hard, fast rules;
But being together and enjoying some laughter!
Meeting your Husband's needs is very important to keep
The Love Light glowing
(Or at least On)

So many are feeling the outside pressures of life, work and family
But we must remind ourselves
 as to how making this time is so important!

I had a lady tell me many years ago to always remember;
To put your Husband first!

Date Night or Date Day
You just need to be together...

Will you go out with me?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clayton's Reunion And The News Clip...

Colorado Greenhorn Rescue, Survival in the wilderness,

Family Bond

We have many bonds in our lives with many people.
The strongest bond is one of a parent and a child;
And a child with a grandparent.
This is family!

But let us take notice of another family bond;
The Body of Christ;
Where your children, become important to us all!

Children and the Body of Christ is the realization that we
All have a heavenly Father who cares and has a plan for each of us!

God asks us this very question;
Are you not you're brother's keeper?

Our entire family wants to Thank each and every person that lifted up a prayer
Was given in our grandsons behalf.

No one found our grandson;
It was only God who led him from the forest.
We were told that this part of the forest is referred to as hell,
Because of its dark and dense conditions.

The search party was not even looking in the right place on this mountain.
Only God knew where he truly was at every moment of every hour;
Of a 27 hour ordeal!

May we all stop nit picking on those we love; and realize that
most irritations are very small in the grand scheme of things!

Wisdom is not usually lofty and high.
But rather God's command to love one another;
As you love yourself!

Only a few brave ones will lay down their lives for others.
We do this in prayer for others!
We do this with actions by helping others!
Just giving a cup of cold water in His name will bring Him Glory!

Here is the TV news clip of his story!

Please click below;

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